Master File Decoder Revision History

Revision history: (see program form entitled "Database change history" for more information)

NOTE: Please DO NOT call us to ask if you can get a free upgrade.  We don't provide free upgrades.  If you obtained an earlier copy of this software and want to upgrade just the software and the manual to the latest version, please obtain the MF Decoder Standard Edition from our bookstore.  This is described in the following Frequently Asked Questions:
  1. FAQ #2.05
  2. FAQ #2.21


Date Version Change description
5/31/03 1.38

1. Modified "Source" field on "IMF decoding" form, transactions subform, so that the default value is "IMF and TXMOD" instead of "IMF and TAXMODA".
2. Added a note to the top of the "Users" form explaining what the form is for.
3. Added a button to the top of the "FOIA generator" form to update user data.
4. Modified "FOIA generator" form so that "CertMailNo" field doesn't HAVE to have any data in it.
5. Removed default values for "BegTaxYear" and "EndTaxYear" on "FOIA request generator" form.

6/02/03 1.39

1. Entered CCC field into the "Fields" form.
2. Entered several other fields into "Fields" form.
3. Added "SecCodeMeaning" field to the "Fields" form and populated that field for all records on the form.
4. Added to the "IMF decoding" form and report an interpretation of the "ERR" field.
5. Populated the "971-CD" field values using the Internal Revenue Manual.
6. Fixed bug in "971-CD" field decoding logic on "IMF decoding" form.
7. Added "ERR" field decoding to the "IMF decoding" form.
8. Spell-checked several fields on the "Fields" form.

6/2/03 1.40

1. Added hotlinks to "Field" field on "Fields" form on the "Field codes" tab so that when you click on a field code, it takes you to the respective field.
2. Corrected a spelling error on the "IMF decoding" form, transactions subform.
3. Reformatted the "Other Codes" tab on the "IMF decoding" form, transactions subform.
4. Fixed problems with TaxYear not importing properly in the IMF and AMDISA files from the "Import Old Data" button on the main page.

6/3/03 1.41

1. Changed "IMF decoding" subreport to identify the correct sort order.
2. Revised the design of the IMF decoding report so that it looks more like the "IMF decoding" form.

6/3/03 1.42

1. Updated the "IMF decoding" form to reduce the size of the transactions subform components because scrolling wasn't working properly.
2. Updated values under "MF Stat" code in the "Fields" form.
3. Added a warning to the IRS to the top of the Individual Master File report.
4. Eliminated from the FOIA request generator all OLE embedded word documents because a number of users were complaining that certain portions of the FOIA request were not printing properly.
5.  Corrected logic bugs in the print function of the FOIA request generator.

6/4/03 1.43

1. Added several important new definitions to the "Definitions" form.
2. Added a hotlink to more definitions at the top of the "Definitions" form.
3. Modified the link at the top of the "IRS history" form.
4. Modified FOIA templates form to correct grammar errors.
5. Added to "FOIA request generator" subform a new field called "EnclosuresDocument" and made it read only. This allows users to double-click on it and print the enclosures. Also modified the Print button to remove the need to go to the "FOIA templates" form after printing.
6. Rearranged the "FOIA request generator" subform to make the dates on top instead of the bottom.
7. Rearranged the "FOIA requests" subform to make the dates on top instead of the bottom.
8. Added an accelerator key to the "Print" button of the "FOIA request generator" subform.

6/5/03 1.44

1. Fixed problem on "AMDISA decoding" form with "RET-PSTN-YR" field double-click not finding the correct field.
2. Modified the "Import Data" dialog box that opens from the main screen so that it refers to section 2.6 of the MF Decoder User Manual instead of 2.4.

6/7/03 1.45

1. Added IRAF, EPMF options to the "Fields" form ", "Files this field appears in" tab.
2. Changed Field code lookup algorithm in the Visual Basic Code to accept the file type that you are looking for.
3. Corrected errors on the "Help" tab of both the "AMDISA decoding" and the "IMF decoding" forms.
and added logic to the form to automatically calculate these fields whenever the "Find Illegal Trans on Current Record" button is pressed.
4. Further updated the "Additional fields" tab of the "Transaction codes" form.
5. On the "IMF decoding" form, in the "Illegal status" tab, added the fields "MFStat" and "MFStatDate" and "Balance" fields to be used for illegal verification.
6. Added "When illegal" tab to "Transaction codes" form and populated it with data from the IRS 6209 Manual, section 8.7, p. 8-79.
7. Added more definitions

6/9/03 1.46

Fixed a bug in the printing of the IMF Codes report.

6/10/03 1.47

1. Fixed permission problems in the Transaction codes requirements table.
2. Fixed a formatting problem in the IMF Codes, MF Stat subreport.

6/11/03 1.48

1. Fixed problem with header URL in IMF codes report.
2. Added to the FOIA request generator form a new field called "CertifiedCopy?" which is used to request a certified copy of the FOIA document you are requesting. Added logic to the FOIA request generator report to take that field into account by adding the necessary verbiage to the FOIA request itself.

6/14/03 1.49

1. Modified import process to add the field "CertifiedCopy?" to the import for FOIA requests.
2. Fixed erroneous header in "AMDISA codes" report.
3. Modified "IMF decoding subform" form to add a new column entitled "Specific/Complete/Both".
4. Added auto-sizing to the "IRS forms and publications" form.
6. Added over three hundred more forms to the "IRS forms and publications" form using IRM Exhibit [1.15.2]22-3 (09-30-98).
7. Added several new fields to the "Fields" form.
8. Added several more fields to the "Additional fields" tab on the "Transaction codes" form.
9. Renamed the "MFR (IMF)" field to "MFR" and added a type underneath each record. Corrected logic on "IMF Specific decoding" form to account for field name change.
10. Modified the header on both the "IMF codes" report and the AMDISA codes" report so that the MF Decoder address appears at the top instead of cluttering the header of each page.

6/19/03 1.50

1. Added an interpretation of the field "TC-300-IND" to the "AMDISA decoding" form and "AMDISA Copdes" report.
2. Added "TC-300-INDInterp" field to the data import process.
3. Added a date to the top of the FOIA request generator report.
4. Added a "Help" menu and an "About" and "MFD Help" item on the new menu.
5. Modified "Exit" button on main screen so that it completely quits the application instead of just closing the window and leaving the application open.
6. Added a new situational FOIA template entitled "S10", which deals with TC424R transaction types.
7. Added to the "Transaction Codes" form a TC 424R.

6/23/03 1.51

1. Changed the title of the "FOIA contacts" page to the correct value.
2. Completely revised the content of the "FOIA contacts" page to put more current addresses in it based on feedback from users.

6/27/03 1.52

1. Fixed a spelling error on the "About" form.
2. Added one new entry to the "FOIA contacts" page and fixed the IRS Fresno address based on feedback from the IRS.
3. Changed the phrase "5 CFR 2941.103(d)" on the FOIA request report to "5 CFR 294.103(d)".
4. Added FOIA template "S11" to the FOIA templates form. This template allows you to request information about specific IRS agents.
5. Added to the FOIA request report the time limit for responding to the request, which is 20 days under 5 U.S.C. 552(a)(6)(A)(I).

7/4/03 1.53

1. Fixed one more typo on the FOIA request generator page.
2. Changed the certification request statement on the FOIA so that it states that the documents will be used in a court proceeding, because some IRS disclosure offices have been evading certifying the documents.
3. Added decoding for the "JUSTIFICATION" field found on the "IMF decoding" form. Also added importing of this field during data import.
4. Fixed error in logic in "IMF decoding" form that caused an error message when IMF's were decoded.

8/20/03 1.54

1. Replaced all occurrences of "" with "" on all hyperlinks on every database form.
2. Added new field "Explanation" do the IMF Decoding screen and report.

8/21/03 1.55

1. Fixed messed up title in the forms list on the main form.

9/5/05 1.56

1. Added another sentence after the list of items requested to the "FOIA request generator report".
2. Fixed errors in TC 162 and TC 272 titles.
3. Corrected errors in item 3 of Template I01 by adding the word "FILE" to the phrase "OFFICIAL INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE NON-MASTER TRANSCRIPT".
4. Added the IRS FOIA Appeals Office to the FOIA Contacts page.
5. Added a "Notes" field to the FOIA contacts page.
6. Added an "Explanation" field to the AMDISA form and report.

11/14/03 1.57

1. Added several more entries to the IRS History form.
2. Fixed formatting problems on the FOIA templates screen.
3. Replaced the FOIA template I03 exhibit. The original was wrong.
4. Changed the text on the About box.

11/23/03 1.58

1. Changed switchboard form to remove mention that program is free.
2. Added additional items to the Help screen.
3. Fixed a field length bug on the IMF decoding form, IMF transactions subform. The BlockSeriesIMFInterp field was too short.
4. Fixed old links on the Help tab of the IMF Decoding form and the AMDISA Decoding form.

1/27/04 1.59

1. Corrected an error 3496 that was occurring when transactions have an empty TransactionDate field and record is being parsed after it is committed to update account balance.
2. Added to the TransactionCode field in the Fields form under TC150 an indication that TC150 means a Virgin Islands Return based on the IMF Operations Manual, MT 3000-353, page 30-(55)0-8 (1-1-96).
3. Added to the Transaction Codes form, under TC150, in the description field the phrase (Virgin Islands return ONLY).
4. Added additional error handling for the case where Document Locator Number is null in a transaction record.
5. Corrected error in Find Illegal Transactions button logic for the case when the TransactionDate is Null.
6. Changed title of "Users" form from "Fields" to "Users".
7. Added "Add user(s)" form.
8. Added "User" item to menu to allow editing or creating new users from any screen.

1/28/04 1.60 1. On the IMF Decoding subform, changed the following fields so they indicated "Specific" instead of "Both":
2. Added the field "Report Type" to the Transaction code fields table and subform.
3. Populated several values in the "Additional fields" subform of the Transaction Codes form for several transaction types.
4. Updated the field help for the "FZ>" field.
5. Improved the logic for decoding the "FZ>" field so it is 100% accurate for both the First and Second FZ> fields on the IMF Complete and IMF Specific reports.
1/29/04 1.61 1. Changed logic for decoding of FZ> field to prevent problems.
2. Removed scrollbars from "Users add" form.
3. Changed menus to remove "Users" from all but the "AMDISA decoding" and "IMF decoding" forms. Not needed.
4. Added an "IMF decoding field discrepancies" subform to the "IMF decoding" form. Added logic to populate the subform when the "Find Illegal Trans on Current Record" button is pushed.
5. Added "Illegal practice fields" subform to "Illegal practices" form and populated the new subform.
6. Fixed status bar help on field "FZ> (second)" within IMF decoding form.
7. Expanded the "Help" screen to add several new weblinks.
8. Expanded the "Help" tab on the "IMF decoding" form to add several new weblinks.
9. Expanded the "Help" tab on the "AMDISA decoding" form to add several new weblinks.
10. Changed the quote on the switchboard form to add "President of the United States".
11. Changed the weblink at the top of the "Systems of Records" form to point to the federal register.
12. Added "ExhibitFile" field to the "Transcation codes" form. This field points to the proper file on the MF Decoder disk that provides evidence backing up the proper interpretation of a field or transaction.
13. Added "ExhibitFile" field to the "Fields" form. This field points to the proper file on the MF Decoder disk that provides evidence backing up the proper interpretation of a field or transaction.
14. Renamed the link "Download the latest version of this program" on the switchboard form to "Get the latest version of this program".
15. Renamed "Add user(s)" form to "Add user".
16. Added the field "ExhibitFile" to the list of fields at the end of the IMF decoding report.
17. Added "Field discrepancies" subform to the end of the IMF decoding report.
2/2/04 1.62 1. On the IMF decoding form renamed the "Find Illegal Trans on Current Record" to "Find Illegals on Current IMF".
2. Added a subform to "IMF decoding" called "All transactions (read only)".
3. Added to "IMF decoding" form, transactions subform, "DLN Meaning" tab an interpretation of the "Serial Number" field.
4. Added to "Illegal practices" form a new entry for illegal Substitute For Returns (SFRs) and added logic to the "Find illegals" botton on the IMF decoding form to detect all of the various illegal Substitute For Returns.
5. Added to "Find illegals" button on "IMF decoding" form logic that recomputes all transaction field interpretations on the currently displayed IMF record.
6. Added "SOURCE-CD" field to the IMF transactions on the "IMF decoding" form. Updated importation logic to reflect this new field.
7. Added to "Illegal practices" form a new entry for TC140 illegal Substitute for Return (SFR) and added logic to the "Find illegals" button on the IMF decoding form to detect this technique.
8. Improved the status bar help for the "Credit" and "Debit" fields on the IMF decoding transactions subform. This helps users know where to properly enter amounts, because a lot of questions have occurred over this.
2/4/04 1.63

1. Modified logic for "Find Illegals" button on "IMF decoding" form to change wording of illegal entry for TC140 transactions.
2. Added an "Exhibits" form and populated it fully.
3. Modified "Transactions" and "Fields" forms to change "ExhibitFile" field to "ExhibitNumber" and pointed this field to the Exhibits form.
4. Added to the "IRS forms and publications" form an additional option under the "Type" field called "Document" and then populated several records with this option.
5. Removed IRS 6209 Manual and Tax Protester Manual from being embedded in the "IRS forms and publications" form, thus cutting database size down by 11 MB!
6. On the "Definitions" form, updated the "Authority" field to add the revision date for each authority cited.
7. On the "Fields" form, updated the "Authority" field content to show the revision date for each authority cited.
8. Added several new items to the "IRS forms and publications" screen from the IRS Internal Revenue Manual, including Doc 5995A, Form 5012, Doc. 7130, etc.
9. Added the field "Publication Date" to the "IRS forms and publications" form. Also added additional options to the "Type" field including "Regulation", "Statute", and "IRM".
10. On "IMF decoding subform", changed label "Entity Portion" to "Entity Module Portion". Also changed "Module Portion" to "Tax Module Portion".
11. Replaced "ExhibitFile" with "ExhibitNum" on the end of the IMF Decoding report.
12. Added "ExhibitNum" field to the "Illegal practices" form. This way, exhibits can be referenced demonstrating how an illegal technique operates.

2/5/04 1.64 1. Updated the "MF STAT" field value in the "Fields" form to fix a truncated sentence.
2. Updated the "AAC" field value in the "Fields" form to populate the "Field codes" tab.
3. Fixed permissions on new database objects.
4. Normalized all the entries on the Exhibits form so the formatting and content is similar for each.
5. Modified the About form so that it mentions the circumstance where professional decoders will provide the product to their clients.
6. Fixed bad blue links on the IMF decoding subform, DLN meaning area.
7. Fixed an error in the logic of the FOIA Request Generator screen whereby periods >10 years would give an error that the size of the range was >20 years.
2/18/04 1.65 1. Added several more values to the "MFR" field definition on the Fields form.
2. Expanded the narrative under transaction code TC148 on the "Transaction codes" form.
3. Revised logic for "Field Discrepancies Tab" on the "IMF decoding" form for the case when the SCS field is "1".
2/25/04 1.66 1. Added to FOIA I01 a request for the "ICS History Transcript".
2. Added several more acronyms to the "Definitions" form.
3. Added several more forms to the "IRS forms and publications" form.
4. Fixed a bad link on the Help page.
5. Fixed a couple formatting errors on the IMF decoding report. Also changed the web address on the header.
2/28/04 1.67 1. Fixed misspelling in Austin Disclosure Office address on the "FOIA contacts" form and in one other record on that form.
2. Removed superfluous text field label in the footer of the FOIA Request Generator report.
3. Removed the quote from James Madison on the opening page. It has been reported by Wallbuilders ( that the quote could not be verified as originating from Mr. Madison.
3/2/04 1.68 1. Updated the I01 FOIA template to change the description of Item 02.
2. Updated the FOIA generator report so that both lines of the User address appear at the top of the letter.
3. Modified the language of the certification request in the FOIA request generator report making it stronger to oppose recent games by the IRS.
3/25/04 1.69 1. Added several more forms to the "IRS Forms and Publications" form.
2. Fixed a wording problem with Deliverable 01 of FOIA template I01.
3. Modified the layout of the "IRS Forms and Publications" form to put the "Description" field on a tab of the subform at the bottom.
4. Added an "Output forms" tab to the "Transaction codes" form, table, and queries. This subform is used to keep track of forms that are prepared as an output of a given transaction type.
5. Added several more acronyms from IRM section
6. Added "TAS" and "ALC" fields to the "Fields" form.
7. Changed the text in the FOIA request for the case where Certification is requested. Mentioned the new Memorandum of Law that accompanies the request.
8. Modified the header on the "Exhibits" form so that it refers to the Professional version of the program.
9. Added IMFOLT report as Deliverable 03 on Initial FOIA 2.
10. Strengthened the language for the certification request on the "FOIA request generator report"
11. Added several more definitions to the "Definitions" form.
4/12/04 1.70 1. Added one more disclosure office (Ogden) to the "FOIA contacts" form.
2. Added several hundred more forms to the "IRS Forms and Publications" form.
3. Replaced all occurrences of "IRS 6209 Manual (3-3-2003)" with "IRS 6209 Manual (1998 Edition)" in the Fields form and the Definitions form.
4. Added BOD codes from new IRS 6209 2003 edition to "Fields" form.
6/3/04 1.71 1. Added definitions for the File Location Code from the IRS 6209 Manual, 2003 Edition, p. 4-3.
2. Added defintition for the ordinal value of "4" for the SCS field.
3. Added more IRS Letters to the IRS Forms and Publications form.
4. Added "TFRP" field to Fields form.
5. Added the "BODC" and "BODCLC" codes to the IMF decoding form.
6. Changed "SFR" field on IMF Decoding form from text to a Checkbox.
7. Deleted "RUF" field from IMF Decoding screen. No longer appears on all IMFs we have seen.
6/11/04 1.72 1. Added to BODC and BODCLC fields attributes to that their explanation prints on the IMF Decoding report.
2. Made the BODC fields on the IMF Decoding report so that they grow when they are large.
3. Added to the Illegal Practices the BODC field and the description of its illegal values.
4. Fixed formatting problems on the IMF Decoding subform.
5. Added "CyclePostDate" and "TransactionAmt" fields to the MF Stat tab on the IMF Decoder screen and the IMF decoding report. Also added these fields to the Import process.
6. On the IMF Decoding subform, renamed the tab that says "Other Codes" to "Sub Fields".
7. Renamed the "Additional fields" tab on the "Transactions" form to "Sub fields".
8. Added a "SortNum" field to the Transactions form, "Sub fields" tab.
9. Added the "Amount" field to the "Fields" form. This is used on TC150 transactions.
10. Populated several new values in the "Sub Fields" tab of the "Transactions" form using sample IMF data.
11. Added logic to Import dialog that imports IMF decoding transaction field data.
6/12/04 1.73 1. Updated MF Stat codes listing on IMF Decoding screen to correct problems with the tab order.
2. Changed the default value of the TransactionAmt field on the MF Stat subform to blank instead of zero.
3. Added logic to "Import" dialog box that imports all legacy codes and RC150 transaction data.
4. Deleted "Legacy Codes" tab on IMF Decoding form.
5. Deleted all TC150 fields from IMF Decoding subform. These now appear underneath the TC150 transactions.
6. Shrunk the size of the IMF Decoding report because all TC150 fields were removed from the main report and placed underneath the TC150 transaction.
6/14/04 1.74 1. Fixed problems with the FOIA Request Generator screen. When you click the Print button, a runtime error occurs.
2. Changed the title and footer of the FOIA request generator report to make it say "Privacy Act Request" instead of "Freedom of Information Act Request".
6/14/04 1.75 1. Updated width of fields on IMF Decoding subform.
2. Removed the following fields from error checking on the IMF Decoding subform because was causing runtime error:
ERR field
After DLN
6/15/04 1.76 1. Added a "Decode?" checkbox field to the "Fields" form and underlying queries.
2. Corrected bad logic in IMF Decoding subform which produced an "Invalid Use of Null" error.
3. Fixed errors in IMF Decoding transaction subform logic which nuked old transaction field data.
6/21/04 1.77 1. Updated logic for decoding fields so that the results are more specific and don't say "Undefined" in all cases.
2. Added several new Sub Fields on the Transaction Codes form and filled in the SortNum in a few of the existing Sub Fields.
3. Changed the TransactionAmt field on the MF Stat tab of the IMF Decoding form so that it doesn't round off numbers to the nearest integer.
4. Completed the SortNum field in the Transaction Codes form, for Transaction codes 294 through 309. This field was previously blank for all these transaction types.
5. Added "YearLastFiled" and "Notes" fields to the Users screen.
6. Added tab control to Users screen. Put three tabs on it. Then added three new fields to the screen: "Married?", "MarriageLicense?", and "FilingStatus". Also added a "Journal" tab to the form. Modified import logic to accommodate all the new fields.
7. Deleted the "UserIDOld" field from the "User FOIA requests table".
6/23/04 1.78 1. Added "Action-EmplNum" and "Action-EmplName" to the IMF Decoding transactions screen, the IMF Decoding report, and the import logic for IMF decoding.
2. Went to the Fields form and turned on decoding for the SFR field and specified the ordinal values for the field.
3. Added illegal detection logic for SFRs on the IMF Decoding screen for the case where the SFR subfield of a transaction is set to "Yes".
4. Corrected logic error in IMF Decoding Transactions subform that was causing a Visual Basic error.
5. Added subfields for Transaction 710.
6/25/04 1.79 1. Added "Status Indicator" and "Status Indicator Interpretation" fields to the MF Stat subform of the IMF Decoding form and report. Added these fields to the import logic as well.
7/23/04 1.80 1. Updated IMF Decoding subform, transactions and balance sheet subforms, to remove dollar signs from all financial amounts shown. This is so because the IRS reports don't show dollar amounts either and the representation needs to be consistent.
2. Updated the Main form so that it maximizes properly. That way, windows stay the size they were to begin with.
3. Changed the help tab on the IMF Decoding screen so that it doesn't take up so much space and conveniently fits on an 800x600 screen.
4. Updated the verbiage on the FOIA request to indicate that $1 had been enclosed for each document requested in cases where certification is requested.
5. Expanded FOIA request S02 to add all Substitute for Returns and referenced the appropriate authorities.
8/28/04 1.81 1. Added exhibit P.0002 to the Exhibits form. This exhibit comes from IRM section, which shows the only legitimate forms the IRS can prepare Substitute for Returns (SFRs) on. Notice that forms 1040, 1040NR, 1040A, 1040EZ, and 1040NR-EZ do not appear in the list of forms approved for SFRs.
2. Updated the Illegal Practices form to add TC to the illegal fields and specify "150" for the field value. Added IRM section references showing valid forms to do SFRs on.
3. Entered several new values in the "Reversed by" field of the "Transaction Codes" form.
4. Added a new illegal technique" to the "Illegal Techniques" form showing that penalties are illegal against natural persons.
5. Added a new choice of "Penalty" to the "Type" field on on the "Transaction Codes" form and assigned all penalty transaction codes this value.
6. Expanded logic on IMF Decoding form to add detection for illegal penalties imposed on natural persons in violation of 26 USC 6671(b), 26 CFR 301.6671-1(b), and Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution.
7. Changed the header on the IMF Decoding report so that it is more specific and mentions specific Treasury/IRS Systems of Records.
8. Added a new report entitled "IMF DECODING ILLEGALS SUMMARY REPORT", which can now be printed from the "IMF Decoding" screen.
9. Changed the "Print Report" button on the "IMF decoding" screen so that there is a list box to the right of the button that allows you to select the report type that you want to print.
10/4/04 1.82 1. Added a "Field Discrepancies" subreport to the "IMF decode illegals summary report".
2. Added to the "Exhibits" form exhibit F.0187 showing the definition of the "BODC" form.
3. Added to the "Fields" form under "BODC" field a pointer to exhibit F.0187.
4. Added "BODC" code field definition to the end of the "IMF decoding" report.
5. Added Exhibit F.0099 to the "Exhibits" form.
6. Added "CSED" subfield to transaction code 240 for "IMF Complete" based on observation in a real IMF.
7. Added subfields for transaction code 972 to Transactions form..
8. Added subfields for transaction code 530 to Transactions form..
9. Added subfields for transaction code 537 to Transactions form.
10. Sequenced subfields under TC598 on Transactions form.
11. Swapped positions of Memo and CyclePostDate fields on MF Stat subform of IMF Decoding form.
12. Updated subfields for Transaction code 594 on Transactions form.
13. Added the IRS Jacksonville Disclosure Office to the list of FOIA contacts.
14. Added MF CAF CODE to subfields for transaction code 961 on Transactions form.
15. Added definition for FED EMPL field to IMF Decoding form, IMF Decoding report.
16. Redesigned the opening page to put most of the links into a box so that they look more attractive.
17. Added a new illegal technique to the Illegal Techniques form, which catches illegal extensions of the filing date as indicated by a TC460. Added logic to IMF Decoding form catch the error in the IMF.
18. Updated sequencing of subfields for TC826.
19. Added subfields for transaction code 176 and sequenced them.
20. Updated subfields for TC977 on Transactions form.
21. Added subfields to TC291 on Transactions form..
22. Added subfields to TC776 on Transactions form.
23. Resequenced subfields under TC706 on Transactions form.
10/18/04 1.83 1. Added forms 13496, 12616, 886-A, 4700, 5564, and 5600 to the IRS Forms and Publications form.
2. Added forms 13496, 12616, 886-A, 4700, 5564, and 5600 to the "Output forms" tab of transaction 420 on the Transactions form.
3. Turned on decoding for the MF CAF CODE in the Fields form. Populated it with the values from the existing CAF field.
4. Added to the Help form a link to the IRS website search.
5. Added to the IMF Decoding, Help tab a link to the IRS website search.
6. Added complete authorities on "SET" field within the Fields form.
7. Modified the Import Old Data dialog box to replace mention of section 2.6 of the IMF Decoder User Manual with section 2.2.4.
8. Added relationships to several of the items listed on the "Field Codes" tab of the "Fields" form.
9. Modified the IMF Decoding subform to change the "Specific/Complete/Both" column for the VAL, SCS,and JUSTIFICATION fields from "Both" to "Specific" based on observing an actual IMF.
10. Fixed a typo on the IMF Decoding Illegals Report by replacing "6010" with "6020".
11. Fixed a duplicate word on the illegals detection logic whereby the word "usually" appeared twice in a row.
12. Changed Transaction 150 from the Type of "Closing" to "Assessment" on the Transactions form.
13. On the "IMF Decoding Illegals" report, added the number "4" before the title of the last subsection of the report.
14. Fixed problem with IMF decoding report, Subfields subreport. Not all fields were showing up on all transactions.
12/7/04 1.84 1. Added additional deliverables to S02 Situational FOIA based on previous FOIA responses for SFR documents.
2. Added forms 5606 and 6469 to the IRS Forms and Publications form.
3. Added three new subfields underneath the TC424 and TC420 transactions: PBC, SBC, and EGC.
4. Added a new option called "TXMOD" to the "Report Type" field on the Transactions form, Subfields subform.
5. Added the "PUSH-CD" to the subfields for TC424.
6. Added "PRT-CD" to the "Fields" form based on observing it on a TXMOD report.
7. Added "STAUP" and "TPRQ" to the Definitions form.
8. Added "SC-STS" field to the "Fields" form.
9. Added "SPCL-PROJ" field to the "Fields" form.
10. Added "SPCL-PROJ" field to the subfields for the TC424 on the Transactions form.
11. Added "DISP-CD" underneath TC300 on the Transactions form.
12. Added "PBA-CD" field to the "Fields" form.
13. Added "SOI-CD" field to the "Fields" form and filled in all the legitimate values from IRM
14. Added document 6501 to the "IRS Forms and Publications" form.
12/10/04 1.85 1. Updated description of "971-CD" on "Fields" form.
2. Updated annotations for the TC660 transaction on the "Transactions" form to indicate that it only appears on the TXMOD report and not on the IMF report.
3. Updated annotation for TC424 on the "Transactions" form to indicate that it usually only appears on the TXMODA report. All reversed transactions are removed from the IMF and only appear on the TXMODA.
4. Populated all the field values for the PBC field found on the "Fields" form using the IRM.
5. Added "Master File BOD Code" and "AIMS BOD Code" to the Fields form and populated all legitimate values.
6. Added all the definitions for the SBC field to the "Fields" form.
7. Populated "Field Codes" tab of "AIMS Assignee Code" field on "Fields" form.
8. Entered all the valid values for the OFP field from Document 6209, pp. 14-29 through 14-32.
9. Modified the decode logic to automatically select the lookup type based on the field name: "Text" or "Numeric". This fixed lookup errors on the IMF Decoding, "Sub fields" tab.
10. Added "TFRP" field and interpretation to the IMF Decoding form.
11. Filled in details on "TFRP" field on "Fields" form and added "TFRP" and the interpretion field to the IMF Decoding report.
12. On the "IMF Decoding" form, renamed "ActionEmplName" to "ActionEmplInterp". Then wrote logic to decode the employee information. Also changed this on the IMF Decoding report.
13. Expanded IMF Illegals Summary report to add "Action-EmplNum" and "Action-Employee Details" columns to two of the subreports.
14. Fixed some formatting problems in the IMF Decoding report.
15. Went over every entry in the "Fields" form and corrected errors in the "Type" and "NumChars" fields.
16. Added document 6036 to the "IRS Forms and Publications" form.
17. Added IRS form 4149 to the "IRS Forms and Publications" form.
18. Updated the definition of "DIF" in the "Definitions" form.
19. Improved formatting on the "Help" tab of the "IMF Decoding" form.
20. Updated the query logic for the "IMF Decoding Illegals Summary Report" so that when it shows the TC150, it only includes TC 150's that have the SFR subfield set to "Yes".
21. Changed the annotation above the subection named "Illegal Assessments" on the "IMF Decoding Illegals Summery Report" to indicate that all TC150's are Substitute for Returns.
22. Added "Control base" subform to the "IMF Decoding" form. Also added all the tables and fields on this subform to the data import logic.
23. Added logic to the "Find Illegals" button on the IMF Decoding form to automatically fill in the "Action-EmplNum" for each transaction based on data from the "Control base" tab on the form, if there is data there. This will allow the employee who executed each transaction to be precisely identified. This was very tough because had to add decoding for all "Control base" fields before I understood exacly who the "Action-EmplNum" truly was.
24. Added "ACTIVITY", "STATUS", and "CAT" fields to the "Fields" form. These codes appear on the TXMOD report. Added interpetations of these codes to the "Control Base" subform on the "IMF Decode" form. Activated the interpretation so that it hotlinks to the field definitions on the "Fields" form.
25. Added "FTD-ALRT" decode information to the "Fields" form and activated decoding on this field.
12/12/04 1.86 1. Fixed typo and improved formatting in the "IMF Decoding Illegals Summary Report"
2. Fixed problem in import logic that caused the database to beep unnecessarily.
3. Completely revised the interpretation of the "TYP" field on the "Fields" form.
4. Added "MFT" code to the right hand side of "IMF decoding" form. Also added the form to the import logic. Made logic for "TYP" field update this field value. Also added this field to the "IMF decoding" report.
5. Added logic to the "IMF decoding" form, Transactions subform tab so that the "FormFiled" is automatically computed based on data in the "IRS forms and publications" form. This is based on IRS Doc. 6209 (2003 edition), section 2.1, p. 2-1.
6. Added "ACCOUNT NOInterp" to right side of "IMF Decoding" form. Added the field to the Import logic so it will be retrieved from older versions. Also added the field to the "IMF decoding" report.
12/16/04 1.87 1. Updated logic for "Find Illegals" button on IMF Decoding form to eliminate random error.
2. Added "Area Office" to the "Fields" form and filled in the values.
3. Updated definition of "DO" field in the "Fields" form. Deleted old values appearing there and replaced them with the Campus codes listed in the later, 2003 edition, of the IRS Doc. 6209.
4. Added an interpretation of the "LOC" field to the "IMF Decoding" form. Added the field to the import logic and IMF Decoding report as well.
5. Fixed bugs in the decoding of Employee Assignment Numbers. Tested satisfactory.
6. Deleted all TC150 fields from the default import logic. Wasting CPU cycles.
7. Changed subfields under "Employee Assignment Number" based on IRS 6209 (2003), p. 4-27, section 4.16.
8. Modified logic on "IMF Decoding transactions" subform so that MFT 30 is assumed for all form lookups.
9. Deleted duplicate TC430 from the Transactions form. Improved description of the TC430 and TC660.
10. Changed TC430 to an "Assessment" type.
11. Replaced "DocCode" and "DocCodeInterp" columns on IMF Decoding, All Transactions tab with "FormsFiled", which is much more meaningful than DocCode.
12. Updated the "Field codes" tab for the "LOC" field on the "Fields" form. Also updated the "Files this field appears in" tab for this field.
13. Fixed bug in EmplNum interpretation logic that was causing the OFP to be wrong.
1/17/05 1.88 1. Added Points of Contact subform to the FOIA contacts form.
2. Populated the Points of Contact subform on the "FOIA contacts" form using historical data.
3. Added "DateRespEntered" field to the "FOIA Request Generator" subform.
4. Added "Decode Status Reporting" form. Created logic to make it work.
5. Changed data type of "EmailAddress" field on Users form from "hyperlink" to "text".
6. Added the "Client data" tab to the "IMF decoding" and "AMDISA decoding" forms.
7. Fixed errors in the field lookup logic that was causing a few codes to be misinterpreted.
8. Changed the text display on the IMF Decoding form, "All transactions" subform so that smaller text is used to display the transaction data.
9. Updated the criteria for determining invalid notices sent on Illegals Summary Report available on "IMF decoding" form.
10. Changed the IMF Decoding Illegalls Summary Report to add two new columns under the "Illegal Notices" section.
11. Added a "FoundInReports" field to the "Transaction Codes" form. This field describes which reports you can find this transaction code in.
3/22/05 1.89 1. Fixed the status info for the "Filename" field on the "Import Data" screen.
2. Improved the appearance of the opening screen.
3. Fixed logic errors in the code to compute the Julian Date Interpretation for each transaction on the "IMF Decoding transactions" subform.
4. Added logic to IMF Decoding form to detect ten new types of illegal transactions involving additional tax assessments.
5. Added new illegal technique to "Illegal techniques" form, which is entitled "Illegal assessments against natural person".
6. Changed the "Users" screen to modify options for "Domicile" field.
7. Added "NextStepAndDate" field to the "Users" form. Added the content of this field to automated decode status reporting. Also added this field to the import logic on the Import form.
8. Fixed hotlink on "TC Meaning" field of "IMF Decoding" screen so that it takes you to the "Transactions" form instead of the "Fields" form.
9. Corrected spelling errors in one of the illegal technique explanations.
10. Made all fields on the "Client data" tab of the "IMF decoding" form read only.
11. Updated the tab order on the "FOIA requests subform"
12. Populated the "Transaction dates inconsistent", ID=7 on the "Affected fields" tab of the "Illegal techniques" form.
13. On "IRS forms and publications" form, fixed Doc codes under "1040C" return from "9,10" to "61".
8/18/05 1.90 1. Changed code for the "Decode Status Reporting" screen so as to replace "SSN" with "Client Number".
2. Corrected tab order in the IMF Decoding subform.
3. Added subfields to TC481 on the Transaction Codes form.
4. Added "JURISDICTION" field to Fields form.
5. Added "JURISDICTION" subfield to TC480 transaction.
6. Added another Disclosure office in Jacksonville to the FOIA Contacts form.
7. Added additional lanuage to FOIA requests I01 through I03 to mention IRM This is to overcome games by disclosure officers. Text was also added to section 3.10 of the user manual to mention this problem.
8. Corrected bad links on AMDISA Decoding and IMF Decoding screens.
9. Corrected enclosures 2 and 3 descriptions for S02 FOIA template.
5/8/06 1.91 1. Fixed logic on FOIA Request Generator Screen so that the dialog box for S05 and S06 only appears when they are selected.
2. Corrected links on Help screen.
11/13/07 1.92 1. Changed link to support forum on the database opening screen.
2. Changed the link at the top of the AMDISA decode report.
3. Changed the link at the top of the IMF Decoding report.
4. Changed the link at the top of the IMF Decoding Illegals Summary Report.
5. Chanced IMF Decoding report to replace "Interpretation" Column with "Factual Meaning".
6. Took web addresses off the top of the IMF Decoding report.
7. Went through all database fields, forms, and reports and replaced "Interp" with "FactDef".
8. Updated TC150 Factual Definition.
9. Updated MF Stat 06 on Fields form.
10. Updated TC 595 and 150 on Transaction Codes form.
11. Added DLN and DLNFactDef to IMF Decoding subform.
12. Broke IMF Decoding report into two sections: Tax Module Portion and Entity Portion
12/18/07 1.93 1. Added ULC, AO, CLC, and SBAO fields to the IMF decoding table and forms.
2. Added ULCFactDef and AOFactDef to IMF decoding table and forms.
2. Added additional codes for MIN SE.
3. Added Exhibits F.0188 and F 0189.
4. Added ULC to Fields form and all codes associated.
5. Added CAU to Fields form.
6. Added USVI to Fields form.
7. Added values for "MF-P" field on the Fields form.
8. Added decode for "PMF" field on the IMF Decoding form.
9. Added a decode for "ACCRETION" on the IMF Decoding form.
10. Added decode for "IRS EMPL" field to IMF Decoding form.
11. Added decode for "RPTR" field on IMF Decoding form.
12. Added all the new fields and decodes to the IMF Decode report.
13. Renamed "TCFactDef" field on IMF Decoding form to "TCFactualDef".
10/27/08 1.94 1. Corrected error in Illegal DLN report with Find Illegals button.
2. Added subfields to Transaction Code 666.
3. Added the following fields to the Fields screen:
4. Added subfields to transaction code 340.
5. Added subfields under Transaction Code 295.
6. Added more subfields to Transaction Code 304.
7. Added subfields under Transaction Code 350.
8. Added "TC550 DEFINER" field to Fields form.
9. Added more fields under Transaction Code 550.
10. Added fields under Transaction Code 736.
11. Added fields under Transaction Code 474.
12. Added fields under Transaction Code 337.
13. Added fields under Transaction Code 583.
6/10/09 1.95 1. Modified IMF Decoding Balance Sheet subform to remove load problems.
2. Updated IMF Decoding form to remove autocalculation of transaction fields and added a button to auto-populate the transaction subfields based on the current transaction. The button was added to the IMF Decoding transaction fields subform.
3. Corrected typo errors in the the Database Import dialog box appearing at the end of the database import process.
4. Added subfields to transaction code 167.
5. Added "ABSTRACT" field underneath transaction 290.
6. Modified IMF decoding control base subform VB logic to prevent errors when fields are blank.
7. Changed the logic for the "Find Illegals" button on the IMF Decoding Screen so that when a particular transaction is missing the DLN, the error message says "Missing Document Locator Number. Please fix." instead of "Invalid Document Locator Number. Please fix if need be."
8. Modified IMF Decoding Illegals Summary Report to add to the Assessments Section all TC150 assessments that have a blocking series between 540 and 549 or 640 and 649. IRS 6209 Manual 2003, p. 4-18 says these are SFRs.
9. Modified the "Find Illegals" logic on the IMF Decoding screen to substitute "human being" for the phrase "natural person" to avoid confusion.
10. Added subfields to Transaction Code 342.
11. Added Transaction Code 841 to Transaction Code form.
12. Added following fields: RSN, IND, F/DT.
13. Added subfields under Transaction Code 604.
14. Added Transaction Code 353 to the Transaction Codes form.
15. Added "CYCLES" subfield to transaction 470 on the Transaction Codes form.
16. Added "PRC" subfield under transaction 351 on the Transaction Codes form.
17. Added "PRC" subfield under transaction 270 on the Transaction Codes form.
18. Added "PRC" subfield under transaction 361 on the Transaction Codes form.
19. Added copy protection and registration to the database.
6/24/09 1.96 1. Added following fields to field files table, field files query, and Fields form:
"SectionName"; "SeqNum";"FieldName", "DashAfter".
2. Populated "SectionName", "SeqNum", "FieldName", and "DashAfter" fields on the "Fields form", "Files this field appears in" subform for all fields appearing on a typical IMF specific report.
3. Replaced all occurrences of "IMF" in "FileName" field of "Field files" table with "IMF SPECIFIC".
4. Added "DashAfter" field to "Transaction fields" table and "Transactions form" and populated the field for all transaction code numbers.
5. Added IMF Report Import form.
6. Changed Transaction Codes form, Subfields Tab to put the ReportType in the very left column and group all items by ReportType. This makes the form easier to view.
7. Added "StoreInDB?" and "CharAfter" fields to the Transaction Codes form, Subfields Tab subform.
8. Changed the Fields form, "Files this field appears in" to add "SeqNum", "StoreInDB?" and "CharAfter" fields. These new fields are used by the new Import IMF Report Import screen.
9. Completedly revised data on the Transaction Codes form, Subfields tab to make it consistent with current IMFs. This facilitates the new IMF Report Import form function.
10. Completely revised data in Fields form, "Files this field appears in" to make it consistent with current IMFs. This facilitates the new IMF Report Import form function.
11. Modified DR/CR field data on Transaction Codes form to make the options more understandable and consistent with the IMF Decoding form.
12. Updated NumCharacters field on the Fields form to make it consistent with all known IMFs. This facilitates the new IMF Report Import form function.
13. Modified the Fields table, NumCharacters field to make an entry mandatory and the default value of zero. Updated all values formerly Null to 0.
14. Added MF report specifications form and populated it with data.
15. Added import filter to new MF Report Specifications form for IRPTRN report.
16. Added new subform to IMF Decoding form entitled "IMF decoding informations returns subform".
17. Added logic to the "Import Old Data" button on the opening page to handle two new tables: Information returns and MF report import errors.
18. Updated the user manual to describe all the new features added. New version is version 1.75.
19. Modified the hyperlink at the top of the Systems of Records page to point to SEDM Exhibit 10.001, instead of an offsite link.
11/30/09 1.97 Updated program registration logic.  Some people were having program registration or startup problems.
07/18/11 1.98 1. Updated FOIA request generator report to replace UCC 1.207 with UCC 1-308 and remove mention of including a driver's license.
2. Fixed problems with numbering in the Import Status Messages tab of the MF Report Import screen.
3. Changed RegCode data type from Long Integer to Double in Registration Table.
4. Added "RSP UNIT" field and placed under transaction code 810.
5. Added ID THEFT 50X CD and ID THEFT 52X CD to the Fields form.
6. Added ID THEFT 50X CD and ID THEFT 52X CD to the 971 transaction as subfields.
7. Added ID THEFT 50X CD and ID THEFT 52X CD to the 972 transaction as subfields.
8. Added MISC field to the Fields form.
9. Added MISC field to the 971 and 972 transaction subfields.
10. Added CRED RLEASE field to Fields form.
11. Added CRED RLEASE and RSP UNIT subfields to the Transaction Code 811.
12. Added EFT TRACE NUM field to the Fields form.
13. Added EFT TRACE NUM as a subfield under TC670.
14. Added TC173 to the Transaction Codes form along with its subfields.
15. Added error handling to the MF Report Import screen to deal with cases where the import stalls because it cannot find the next page of the report. This is caused by OCR software mistranslation of the "NEXT PAGE" phrase.
7/24/15 1.99 1. Updated IMF Decoding Screen, Import Errors tab to filter it to the specific displayed user.
2. Tested software with the latest version of Microsoft Access 2013. Works fine.
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