MF Decoder Pro CD
543 Mbytes;1,273 files
Click here for sample
History of changes
Watch a Demo! (82 minutes, 29 Mbytes). Windows Media Player 9 format
The Master File
(MF) Decoder software is a specialized Microsoft
Access database intended to automate the decoding and analysis
of your IRS electronic records. It:
- Is a law enforcement and self-defense tool
- Provides an important new source of evidence to use
against the government during the administrative and litigation
phases of your tax case.
here for an IMF Decoding training course which explains
the great importance of IMF Decoding
- Provides the FOIA forms needed to obtain your IRS electronic
- Produces automated FOIA requests to obtain the records
from the IRS
- Accepts inputs of codes in IRS master file records provided
in response to your Privacy Act requests.
- Flags illegal, fraudulent, or time-barred transactions
that need to be corrected in your record.
- Reports the results of its analysis in an attractive
report that you can send to the IRS in a Privacy Act request
to have added to your IMF file
- Contains a database catalog of all evidence upon which
every determination it makes is based, and each piece of
evidence comes right out of the IRS' own publications and
- Is designed to be shared on a network for use by multiple
users simultaneously
- Can do decodes for multiple users or clients, or used
by professional IMF decoders who have multiple clients.
- Imports data from older versions when you upgrade so
you don't have to reenter your data every time you upgrade
- Algorithms for decoding are constantly being improved
to increase effectiveness.
- Comes in two versions:
Professional and
Standard editions
Attribute |
Edition |
Edition |
MF Decoder Software |
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MF Decoder
User's Manual (200 pages, PDF format) |
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MF Decoder Video Tutorial |
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Professional features
- Automated email decode status reporting using Microsoft
- IMF Specific report import (starting with version 1.96)
- IRPTRN report import (starting with version 1.96)
√ |
Automated Rebuttal
Letter Template
Produces an automated rebuttal letter with your personal
information entered. Must be customized using the
reports produced by the software. Procedure for using
the automated rebuttal letter found in Chapter 5 of the
latest version of the MF Decoder
User Manual.
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CD-ROM Format
Bootable, browsable CD-ROM (350 Mbytes). Advantages:
- Available to people with slow dial-up lines
- Can be copied to your hard drive and accessed from your
browser at any time
- Content small enough to fit on a USB flashdisk so you
can take it on the road!
- Copy your decoded IMF onto a CD and send the corrected
version, rebuttal letter, and the MF Decoder software in
with your Privacy Act Amendment request to be added to your
administrative record!
Click here to see the
startup browser screen for the Professional version
√ |
Exhibit Catalog
Complete exhibit library proving the meaning of nearly every
field or process or transaction decoded by the MF Decoder software:
- Browsable PDF files with scanned images of IRS documents
showing the meaning of each field or transaction or illegal
- Tied to Exhibits form within MF Decoder software
- Each exhibit is catalogued and organized for ready reference
during court litigation against the IRS
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IMF Decoding Manual
Complete electronic library of IRS IMF decoding manuals in
PDF format. Each manual has a navigation pane on the left
consisting of the complete table of contents for easy navigation
throughout the document. Includes the following publications:
- IRS Document
6209, 2003 Edition (665 pages)
- IRS Document
6209, 1998 Edition (622 pages)
- IRS Document
6209, 1997 Edition (317 pages)
- IRS Document
6209, 1976 Edition (97 pages)
- IRS Document
11734, Rev. 12-2001: Transaction Codes Pocket Guide
Substitute For
Returns Program Handbook MT5480-4, dated 02-06-91
(130 pages)
Substitute For
Returns Program Handbook MT5480-7, dated 09-04-93
(246 pages)
Service Center
Collection Branch Procedures MT5000-34, dated
03-27-89 (200 pages)
- AIMS Processing
Handbook, dated 02-08-99 (91 pages)
- IRS Law Enforcement
manual (LEM) III, 3(27)(68), LEM III-386, dated 01-01-90
(292 pages)
- Individual
Master File (IMF) Operations Manual, 3(55)(0), MT 3000-353,
dated 01-01-96 (37 pages)
- Business Master
File (BMF) Operations Manual, 3(52)0, MT 3000-346,
dated 01-01-95 (27 pages)
- Automated Non
Master File (ANMF), 3(17)(46), MT 3(17)00-271, dated
01-01-96 (216 pages)
- Transcripts
Manual, 3(65)0, MT 35-00-219, dated 01-01-96 (168
- IRS Federal
Tax Lien Handbook, dated 02-02-2000 (42 pages)
- IRS Collection
Manager's Handbook, dated 02-2000 (90 pages)
- Department
of Justice Criminal Tax Manual, dated 05-28-1998
(1298 pages)
- Federal Rules
of Evidence, last updated 05-12-2003 (181 pages)
√ |
Freedom of Information
Act and Privacy Act Documents Library
Complete electronic library of Freedom of Information Act
and Privacy Act Reference Documents, including:
- Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552 (link)
- Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a (link)
- Internal Revenue
Service (IRS), Systems of Records, Federal Register
Vol. 66, pp. 66784-63875 (93 pages)
- Internal Revenue
Service (IRS), Systems of Records, Internal Revenue
Manual Exhibit [1.3] 15-2 dated 08-19-98 (13 pages)
- Dept. of the
Treasury, Systems of Records, Federal Register Vol.
66, pp. 44205 thru 44213 (10 pages)
- Citizens Guide
to Using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy
Act (74 pages)
- IRS Disclosure
Litigation Reference Book, dated 4-2000 (314 pages)
√ |
IMF Decoding Training
IMF decoding and tax training materials:
- IMF Decoding presentation by SEDM (40 slides)
- Richard Standring's audio IMF training (MP3 audio)
- Great IRS Hoax: Why We Don't Owe Income Tax (latest
- Assumption of Liability book (latest edition)
- How to Keep 100% of Your Earnings movie (1.5 hours)
√ |
Rebutted versions of the government's two most popular propaganda
- IRS "The Truth about Frivolous Arguments"
- Congressional Research Service report 97-59A: "Frequently
Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax"
√ |
Complete user manual available for FREE
as follows:
Download Free
MF Decoder User Manual
Version 1.76 (3.31 Mbytes, Last updated 11-30-09)
(Right-click and select "Save-As" to save to your local
hard drive)
You can obtain the software by clicking on one of the two options
below. This website is the ONLY outlet for this software.
If you obtained this software any other way, you were SCAMMED and we
want to hear about WHO scammed you. Please submit a message
through our
Contact Us Page identifying
the scamster so we can black list him/her/it:
Version 1.99
(Shipped as CD,
Last updated 7-24-15)
Version 1.99
(27 Mbytes download,
Last updated 7-24-15)
Click here
for a detailed history of changes since the first release of this software
Click here to read what people are saying about this software
- Compatible Operating Systems: Windows 2000,
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows
Server 2003 or 2008
Microsoft Access 2000, 2003, 2007,
2010, 2013, or Office365 installed-mandatory.
Microsoft Access is part of
Microsoft Office Professional.
Microsoft Access 97 or earlier WILL NOT work so
please don't contact us to complain about this fact
or ask us to help you to get it to work.
Computer or compatible.
- Note:
Does not work on the Macintosh except in
Windows Emulation mode with Microsoft Access installed. Microsoft Access is NOT available under MacOSX so it will only run within the emulated virtual machine.
- 128MB RAM.
- 60 MB available disk space.
If you do not have the time to obtain,
learn, and use this software because you are under the gun and have
a restrictive time schedule or if you would rather have a professional
obtain and decode your Individual Master File (IMF), SEDM offers full-service
IMF decoding based on the Master File Decoder software. Your decoded
IMF is delivered to you in CD-ROM format for the period of years you
specified. The CD also contains a full version of the Master File
Decoder Professional software that you can use in the future to do your
own IMF decode or to update the decoded data provided by SEDM.
Click here for more information about full-service, professional
IMF Decoding Services offered by the Sovereignty Education and Defense
Ministry (SEDM).
- Visit our Support area, Section 7
for answers to frequently asked questions and video tutorials demonstrating
how to do selected tasks with this software.
- Visit our
MF Decoder
Support Forums, Forum #5.1 to view questions and answers relating to use
of the software by our
Note that you MUST register to access this forum and that you must
consent unconditionally to our
Member Agreement
in order to register.
- Click here for a video demo of the
software. 68 Minutes. Requires Microsoft Media Player 9.
Click here for a video tutorial on how to enter IMF data on
the IMF Decoding Screen. 81 Minutes. Requires Microsoft
Media Player 9.
- For more information about why we had to write this software,
click here.
- You can obtain more information about how to decode your IMF
step 0.8 of the
Sovereignty Forms and Instructions, Form #10.004.
- You can use this software to automatically generate your FOIA
requests. Alternatively, you can do it manually by
clicking here if you don't have the software.
- If you don't want to use or can't use the MF Decoder software,
you can also have your file decoded professionally by
clicking here.
- To get your questions answered about how to decode your master
file, consult other users at our
Member Forums, but please
read the user manual for the software first so you don't burden
people with needless questions. You must consent unconditionally
to our Member
Agreement in order to join our support forums.
- To report bugs or problems with this software, use the
MF Decoder
Support Forums, Forum #5.1. Please read the user manual first before
you submit a bug report, because your problem may be operator error
and we don't want to clutter the forum with frivolous questions.
- The software is large (28 Mbytes) and requires Winzip (
to unzip once downloaded.
- Please follow the instructions starting in section 2.2 of the
free user manual to install the software
after you download and unzip it.
- The software includes activation for one user and one computer. We do not allow members to split the cost and install on multiple computers.
- This is the tool
that the IRS is most afraid of because it puts their
fraud right in front of your face and explains every minute detail
of it using their own laws and publications so you can prove it
yourself in court and in front of a jury! The government
is going to crap their pants when they see this thing working folks!
- Low in cost.
We want to bust up the IRS monopoly and racketeering ring on a massive
scale and subject individual IRS agents to personal criminal liability
for their violations of IRS laws and procedures in the illegal collection
of income taxes. This software along with the
Great IRS Hoax book are a very important part of doing that.
- Very easy to use.
Designed for the layman with few computer skills. We want
EVERYONE to be getting copies of their IMF under the Freedom of
Information Act, and especially those who are in hot water with
the IRS!
- Developed using input from and beta tested by the best minds
in the IRS decoding business and the top three decoding companies,
including the following and more we can't list:
in Tacoma, Washington.
- My many very talented and dedicated readers and users, who
have sent and continue to send valuable feedback based on their
extensive experience obtaining and decoding their own Individual
Master File.
- No other software
like it is offered ANYWHERE. One of only two softwares
of its kind available to the general public and the the
best software.
Several companies offer IMF decoding services, some charging as
much as $10,000! This software will save you MEGABUCKS folks!
- Based on the content of the IRS' own publications, references,
and laws, including:
- Comes with a short
MF Decoder
User Manual in Acrobat format showing in detail how
to install and operate it.
- Certified virus
and copy protection and spyware free. No adds or
banners to harass you and the software doesn't snoop on you or reveal
your private information to third parties or force you to give up
your privacy to register it.
- Detailed reports
showing the meaning of each field or term and the authorities from
which the meaning was derived. This makes the reports useful
as legal evidence in court.
- Help on each field by simply double-clicking on it to see detailed
- Integrated online
help system
- User screens for:
- Definitions of
IRS terms and acronyms. Approx. 700 terms
and definitions so far. Each definition shows the IRS
publication that it was derived from.
- Decode status reporting:
Allows automated decode status emails to be sent out to all
active clients if you are decoding professionally.
- Fields listing
for Individual Master File (IMF), Business Master File (BMF),
and Employee Plans Master File (EPMF) records.
240 fields so far with complete listing of field values and
meanings and the authorities from which they are derived.
- IRS forms and publications.
Complete database of all IRS forms and publications. 740
IRS forms listed so far.
- Systems of records.
Records available from the Treasury and IRS through the Freedom
of Information Act and Privacy Act.
- User accounts.
Allows IMF's of multiple users to be decoded. Great for
businesses that are servicing multiple "nontaxpayers" who have
been defrauded by the IRS.
- Exhibits.
Lists all exhibits that form the basis for the interpretation
of every field and transaction decoded by the software.
- FOIA contacts.
All offices where you can send your FOIA requests. Maintained
up to date.
- FOIA templates.
Predefined FOIA requests that can be automatically customized
and generated for each user. 13 so far. Please send
us others.
- FOIA request generator.
Automatically fills in a FOIA template with the information
specific to a person and prints it out with all exhibits ready
for mailing.
- AMDISA decoding.
Decodes your IRS audit information.
- Individual Master
File (IMF) decoding. Deciphers all codes in your
IRS files regarding the returns that you have filed or which
were filed by the IRS in you behalf.
- IRS History.
Documents the chronological history of the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS).
- Illegal practices:
Various illegal techniques used by unscrupulous IRS agents for
falsifying your IRS electronic record. 5 illegal practices
so far.
- Database change
history. History of revisions to the database design.
- Transaction codes.
Identifies all transaction codes that are used in the transaction
portion of your IMF and BMF file.
- Flags in red all IMF records that are suspected of being illegal
or fraudulent, tells you why they are illegal, and tells you what
to ask for to get further evidence of illegal activity. Illegal
activity detection includes (but is not limited to):
- Suspicious freezes on account, putting it in manual mode.
- Illegal Substitute for Returns (SFRs) (from TXMOD transactions
- Invalid blocking codes, which indicates an illegal manipulation
of the IMF.
- Illegal Transaction Code 370 importations from NMF and BMF.
- Time-barred assessments outside the Assessment Statute Expiration
Date (ASED).
- Illegal extension of Assessment Statute Expiration Date
(ASED) by lying to the computer that you submitted an IRS form
- Time-barred collection activity outside the Collection Statute
Expiration Date (CSED).
- Illegal notices sent to "taxpayer", such as CP-501, CP-502,
CP-503, CP-504.
- Automatically looks up most codes contained in the IMF file
and explains what they mean.
- Source for definitions
of all terms and fields is clearly shown so you can verify the information
yourself. This makes the software outputs useful
in a court of law when litigating against the IRS and the DOJ.
We even give you a web hotlink for the definition or field so you
can look it up online automatically!
- Sample "IMF MCC-SPECIFIC" reports from the IRS included with
highlighted fields showing what each definition means.
- Complete error-handling with copious feedback if you make a
- Prints completed FOIA requests appropriate for your situation,
so you don't have to worry about the minutia.
Conditions on the copyright for those who use the software:
A very important
goal of this software is to democratize the FOIA and IMF discovery process
so that anyone
can do it with very little expertise. This will hopefully reduce
the cost of getting it done if you decide to pay someone to do it.
Because of this, we insist that all companies that are decoding IMF's
for clients using this software MUST:
Tell their clients
that they are using this software.
Tell them where
on the internet they can download their own version of the software
and offer a place to download it if this website is not accessible.
That way, everyone
who is paying for decoding of their IMF will know what they are paying
for and can investigate learning to use the tool themselves. Likewise,
every private individual who uses this software is required to tell
at least three others about it, including the web address where they
can download it.
Users agree not
to resell, reverse engineer, modify, rename, or redistribute a renamed
software without the express written consent of SEDM.
Click here to see a sample report.
Below are some screen shots from the software:
We welcome your suggestions for enhancing the software. In
particular, we invite you to submit the following:
- The meaning of codes in IMF, BMF, or EPMF files that are not
currently decoded by the software and the reference document (e.g.
Internal Revenue Manual
6209 Manual) which describes the meaning of the code.
Documentation of new illegal practices
you have discovered that are not already identified by the software.
Please accompany the documentation of your new fraud technique with
an actual scanned image of an IMF file and the IRS manual showing
how the technique is used and a detailed explanation of why you
think it is a bogus transaction, including references to the
Internal Revenue Manual
6209 Manual section that explains your analysis.
Click here for a revision history for
the software. This information is most useful to those who obtained earlier versions of the software and who want to see what new features have been introduced since them so that they will know whether they should upgrade.
MF Decoder is provided
without warranty of any kind. Users agree to use the software
at their own risk and to hold the developer harmless and not
liable for any and all consequences arising from using or lack
of ability to use the software. It is not intended or authorized
to be used as a "tax
shelter" or way to reduce the
lawfully assessed liability of a "taxpayer"