Form #10.005

Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual

1,230 pages; 5 Chapters

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This book describes how to restore and defend the sovereignty that you were born with and which comes only from God as a divine right.  It:

  1. Describes the basics and theories underlying sovereignty.
  2. Describes how you gave up your sovereignty in filling out various usually government forms.
  3. Provides forms and instructions for undoing the damage that you did to your sovereignty over the years.
  4. Provides methods to explain your status to various government and financial institutions using the law.
  5. Provides useful websites and resources to accelerate your research into law and sovereignty.

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Below is a complete outline of the content of this very extensive work:


Table of Contents

Table of Authorities




Other Authorities


Revision History


1.1   Purpose

1.2   HELP! What can I do given my situation?

1.3   Useful Resources for further Study

1.4   Sovereignty=Self ownership

1.5   Natural Order

1.6   Rules for sovereignty

1.7   "Sovereign" = "Foreign"

1.8   Separation of powers doctrine

1.9   The essence of sovereignty: Consent

1.10   The true meaning of "voluntary"

1.11   Domicile: You aren't subject to civil law without your explicit voluntary consent

1.12 Comity

1.13 Federalism

1.14 Sovereign Immunity

1.14.1  Definitions
1.14.2  How sovereign immunity relates to federalism
1.14.3  Waivers of sovereign immunity
1.14.4  Why PEOPLE can invoke sovereign immunity against governments or government actors
1.14.5  How PEOPLE waive sovereign immunity in relation to governments
1.14.6  How corrupt governments illegally procure "implied consent" of People to Waive their sovereign immunity

1.15 Justice

1.16 Rights v. Privileges

1.16.1 Rights Defined and Explained

1.16.2 Fundamental Rights: Granted by God and Cannot be Regulated by the Government

1.16.3 What is the Difference Between a "Right" and a "Privilege"?

1.16.4 The two classes of rights: Civil and Political

1.16.5 Why we MUST know and assert our rights and can't depend on anyone to help us

1.16.6 Why you shouldn't cite federal statutes as authority for protecting your rights

1.17 Enumeration of inalienable rights

1.18 Law

1.18.1 Biblical Law: The Foundation of ALL Law

1.18.2 The Purpose of Law

1.18.3 Natural Law

1.18.4 Why all man-made law is religious in nature

1.18.5 "Public Law" or "Private Law"?

1.18.6 Positive Law

1.19 The three methods for exercising our Constitutional right to contract

1.20 Invisible consent: The weapon of tyrants

1.21 Understanding Administrative Law

1.22 Personal Responsibility

1.22.1 We The People are the American Government

1.22.2 The Unlimited Liability Universe

1.22.3 "Public" v. "Private" employment: You really work for Uncle Sam and not Your Private Emp0loyer If You Receive Federal Benefits

1.22.4 Last Will and Testament of Jesse Cornish

1.22.5 America?

1.23 Jurisdiction

1.23.1 "Words of Art": Lawyer Deception Using Definitions

1.23.2 The Three Definitions of "United States"

1.23.3 Two Political Jurisdictions: "National Government" vs. "Federal/general government"

1.23.4 The Federal Zone

1.23.5 Police Powers

1.24 "Resident", "Residence", and "Domicile"

1.24.1 "Resident" defined

1.24.2 "Resident" in the Internal Revenue Code

1.24.3 "Domicile" and "residence" compared

1.24.4 "resident"=employee or contractor

1.24.5 Christians cannot have an earthy "domicile" or "residence"

1.24.6 You're NOT a "resident" if you were born in America

1.24.7 Convertibility between "resident" and "citizen" status


2.1 Summary of how you lose your freedom

2.2 Summary of how to protect your freedom

2.3 Understanding the importance of separation between PUBLIC and PRIVATE

2.4 Avoiding traps with government forms and government ID

2.5 Responding to Offers or Demands

2.6 Merchant or Buyer?

2.7 He who writes the rules or the definitions always wins! DEFINE EVERYTHING on every government application

2.8 Three Useful Tools for Responding to Claims or Demands

2.9 Rules for Effective Activism

2.10 Get educated in the law and administrative process

2.11 Build an administrative record that will immunize yourself from persecution and litigation

2.12 Joining, forming, and/or running your own law and freedom study group in your area

2.13 Going on the offensive: Presenting and debating our research and evidence with legal and government profecttionals on the record

2.14 Protecting your credibility and that of the freedom community generally

2.15 How Does the Government Apply Duress and What is the Remedy for It?

2.16 Defeating the Anti-Injunction Act (26 U.S.C. §7421)

2.17 Defending Yourself Against Charges of Being "Frivolous"

2.18 Commercial Law and the U.C.C.

2.18.1 Under the Laws of Commerce, Truth is Sovereign

2.18.2 An Unrebutted Affidavit Stands as Truth

2.18.3 Requirements for a valid Affidavit

2.18.4 All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

2.18.5 The Notary Certificate of Default Method: VERY EFFECTIVE!

2.19 The Law of Presumption

2.20 Keeping yourself from being silenced in spreading the truth


3.1 main purpose of law is to LIMIT government power to ensure freedom and sovereignty of the people

3.2 How our system of government became corrupted: Downes v. Bidwell

3.3 The Meaning of "Justice"

3.4 The true meaning of "voluntary"

3.5 Domicile: You aren't subject to civil law without your explicit voluntary consent

3.6 Comity

3.7 Federalism

3.8 PUBLIC Privileges v. PRIVATE Rights

3.9 Enumeration of inalienable rights

3.10 Law

3.11 The three methods of exercising our Constitutional right to contract

3.12 Invisible consent: The weapon of tyrants

3.13 Understanding Administrative Law

3.14 Personal Responsibility

3.15 Jurisdiction

3.16 "Resident", "Residentce", and "Domicile"


4.1 The secret to remaining free, sovereign, and foreign in respect to a corrupted government

4.2 Tye Price of Liberty: How much are you willing to pay?

4.3 How Do We Kill This Beast?

4.4 Restoring Your Sovereignty

4.5 The Process ot Restore and Maintain Personal Sovereignty

4.5.1 Good Citizenship

4.5.2 Preparation

4.5.3 Making Yourself Judgment Proof

4.5.4 The Administrative Battle

4.5.5 The Legal Battle

4.6  Questions for All Occasions to Stop the IRS Dead in Their Tracks!

4.7  Comparison of Philosophies of Various Detaxing Experts and Organization

4.8  State Taxation Issues

4.9  What would it take for the IRS and the Congress to "come clean"?

4.10 What's the Best Way to Force Congress and the IRS to Come Clean?


5.1 Index of IRS Forms, Publications, Notices, and Letters

5.1.1 Forms

5.1.2 Publications

5.1.3 Notices

5.1.4 Letters

5.2 Tests for Tax Professionals

5.2.1 Test for Federal Tax Professionals

5.2.2 Notice of Default for Test for Federal Tax Professionals

5.2.3 Test for California State Tax Professionals

5.3 Opinion Letters

5.4 Political Action Materials

5.4.1 Pamphlet Handout

5.4.2 Public Letter

5.4.3 Fourth of July Newspaper Article

5.4.4 Letter to the Secretary of the Treasury

5.4.5 Notice of Fraud and Demand for Redress

5.5 Marriage

6.5.1 Notice of Intent to Marry

6.5.2 Marriage Contract

5.6  Emancipation from the Government

5.6.1  Social Security: Asseveration of Coercion

5.6.2  Actual and Constructive Notice to Commissioner of Social Security

5.6.3  General Reservation of Rights

5.6.4  Affidavit of Rescission

5.6.5  Revocation of Election by Nonresident Alien to Treat Income as "effectively Connected with a Trade or
        Business in the United States"

5.6.6  Voter Registration Affidavit Attachment

5.6.7  Affidavit of Clarification of Citizenship for Security Clearance

5.6.8  Legal Notice of Change in Domicile/Citizenship Records and Divorce from the United States

5.6.9  UCC Filing

5.6.10 Letter to County Assessor to Remove SSN from Your Real Property

5.6.11 Request for Certificate of non-Citizen National Status

5.6.12 Request for Certified Passport Records

5.6.13 Attachment to Government Form Which Asks for Social Security Number

5.6.14 Passport Amendment Request

5.7 Financial Institutions

5.7.1 Letter ot Remove SSN and Tax Withholding From Your Account

5.7.2 Service Contract With Financial Institution to Assure Security of Account from Unlawful Seizure, Lien, or

5.7.3 Constructive Notice for Denial of Account Without SSN

5.8 Employers

5.8.1 Letter to Employees Notifying of End of Income Tax Withholding

5.8.2 Letter to Employers About 1099's Provided to Independent Contractors

5.8.3 Letter to Employer Requesting Accurate W-2's

5.8.4 Letter ot Government Employer Stopping Income Tax Withholding

5.8.5 Letter to Commercial Employer Stopping Income Tax Withholding

5.8.6 Government Employer Affidavit Regarding Income Tax Withholding Policies

5.8.7 Private Employer Affidavit Regarding Income Tax Withholding Policies

5.8.8 Response to IRS Claim of Fraudulent or False W-4 Exempt

5.8.9 Payroll Withholding Form Attachment

5.9  Federal Income Tax Return Forms

5.9.1 Letter to attach to Your 1040NR Federal Income Tax Return

5.9.2 Responsive Letter to IRS Claim of "frivolous return" in Re. Request for Refund Letter

5.10 State Income Tax Return Forms

5.10.1 Letter to Attach to California 540NR State Return

5.10.2 Response to Frivolous Return Notice/Penalty

5.11 Tax Examination/Audit Forms

5.11.1   Certified Letter of 32 Questions to Send to IRS BEFORE the Audit Begins

5.11.2   Form 1099

5.11.3   Technical Advice

5.11.4   Sources of Income

5.11.5   26 U.S.C. Sec. 61

5.11.6   IRM Sec. Importance of Court Decisions

5.11.7   Self-Employment Tax

5.11.8   Exempt Income

5.11.9   Requirement to File a Tax Return

5.11.10 Form 1099 Not Proof of "Gross Income" Received

5.11.11 Demanding More Than Required By Law

5.11.12 What is Binding on the IRS

5.11.13 Information Subject to Inquiry

5.12 Delinquency and Collection Forms

5.12.1   Letter ot Employer/Financial Institution in Receipt of an IRS Form 668A/W Notice of Levy

5.12.2   Response Letter ot Unpaid Tax or Notice of Levy, IRS Form Ltr CP501/CP504 (nonresident alien)

5.12.3   Response Letter to Delinquent Return, IRS Form Ltr CP515/CP518 (nonresident alien)

5.12.4   Response for Final Backup Withholding Notice, Form Ltr 541

5.12.5   Response Letter for an IRS Meeting Request

5.12.6   Response letter to District Counsel on Summons Enforcement

5.12.7   Letter from IRS Responding to 16th Amendment Right of Taxation

5.12.8   Response Letter to IRS About 16th Amendment Right to Collect Taxes

5.12.9   Legal Notice Requesting 5th Amend Waiver Evidence

5.12.10 Affidavit of Default and of Estoppel

5.12.11 Legal Notice ot Restore Account

5.12.13 FOIA/Privacy Act Request Preceding Collection Due Process Hearing

5.13 Litigation Forms

5.13.1   Response to IRS Prosecution for "Willful Failure to File"

5.13.2   Administrative Appeal Ltr to IRS

5.13.3   Motion to Dismiss Due to Lac of Territorial Jurisdiction

5.13.4   Civil Action for Refund of Erroneously Withhold Private Earnings

5.13.5   Responsive Letter to IRS "Notice of Levy"

5.13.6   Objection to Request for More Time to IRS

5.13.7   Sample Request for Admissions so Serve on IRS

5.13.8   Association of Counsel

5.13.9   Assessment Officer

5.13.10 Original Lien

5.13.11 Letter to Federal District Judge

5.13.12 Citizen's Notice of Appeal of Judgment

5.13.13 Appeal to the Federal District Court

5.13.14 Motion to Become Sovereign

5.14 General Forms

5.14.1 Proof of Service by Mail

5.14.2 Proof of Personal Service

5.14.3 Public Servant Questionnaire

5.14.4 Verified Affidavit of Default

5.15 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act Forms

5.15.1 FOIA Request

5.15.2 Privacy Act Request for Correction and Expungement of Records

5.15.3 Privacy Act Request for Documents

5.15.4 Agent Questionnaire

5.15.5 Sample Privacy Act Request for Your IRS IMF File

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