Detailed research on various freedom, sovereignty, law, government, tax, and corruption subjects.  For additional references, see:
Recommended Reading and Viewing (OFFSITE LINK).

NOTE:  Hundreds of additional rare, out of print titles not listed here are available in our Member Subscription Library.  Sign up for our Member Subscriptions to gain access now!


  See Sovereignty and Freedom Page (OFFSITE LINK) for more information.

Form  # Source Format/
Title Circumstances where used Related Resources/Information Date of Last Rev.
11.101 Bookstore   No Sovereignty Research DVD The entire content of this website, minus bookstore items.   Details*
11.102 Bookstore   No Liberty Library CD Freedom materials off of Family Guardian Website   Details*
11.103 Bookstore   No Family Guardian Website DVD Entire Family Guardian website

Family Guardian Website (OFFSITE LINK)

11.104 Offsite link HTML No History of the Theory of Sovereignty Since Rousseau [book] Background on the concept of sovereignty   Details*
11.105 Offsite link PDF  PDF
424 Kbytes
No Gun Fact [book] Describes why outlawing guns is wrong from a scientific standpoint.  (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.106 Offsite link PDF  PDF
1.0 Mbytes
No Jury Nullification: Empowering the Jury as the Fourth Branch of Government How to exercise your right to nullify bad laws and bad government enforcement actions that violate God's laws.   Details*
11.107 Offsite link HTML No Invisible Contracts How most people voluntarily surrender their sovereignty.   Details*
11.108 Offsite link PDF  PDF"
1.6 Mbytes
No Defense of Marriage Your right to a heterosexual marriage from a biblical perspective.   Details*
11.109 Offsite link PDF PDF" No Testament of Sovereignty Basis for a sovereignty fellowship church you can start   Details*
11.110 Member
38 Mbyte
No Global Sovereign Handbook Background on sovereignty. (NOT written by us.  Author indicated that it is public domain on 9/27/2007)   Details*
11.111   PDF PDF" No Unalienable Rights Course     Details*
11.112   PDF PDF" No Enumeration of Inalienable Rights Use this form to litigate in court to defend your rights.  Gives you standing without the need to quote federal statutes that you are not subject to anyway as a statutory "non-resident non-person".   Details*
11.113 Offsite link   No Sovereignty and Freedom Topic Page Family Guardian sister site   Details*
11.114   PDF PDF" No Articles of Freedom We the People. Output of Continental Congress 2009   Details*
11.115   PDF PDF" No Sovereignty Rousas John Rushdoony   Details*
11.116   PDF PDF" No Into the Deep Fish for Truth, Live with Purpose, and Attain Spiritual Freedom   Details*
11.117   PDF PDF" No The Crossing Be larger than life, Manifest your destiny!   Details*
11.118   PDF PDF" No The Ledge How and Why We Should Boldly Confront the Struggles of Life   Details*
11.119   PDF PDF" No Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights Commission formed by the U.S. Department of State. Click here for their website   Details*
11.120   PDF PDF" No Boundaries of Order: Private Property as a Social System A thorough analysis of what an ideal society based ONLY on private property looks like. Written by a professor of economics.   Details*
11.121   PDF PDF" No The Legend of Sebastian Chiffon Tale of a courageous soul who never lived until he faced death.   Details*
11.122   PDF PDF" No Why Does the Sun Chase the Moon?     Details*

  See Law and Government Page (OFFSITE LINK) for more information.

Form  # Source Format/
Title Circumstances where used Related Resources/Information Date of Last Rev.
11.201 Bookstore


  No Legal Research DVD Extensive legal reference tools in searchable electronic form.   Details*
11.202 Bookstore


  No Highlights of American Legal and Political History Court admissible evidence proving that our government has become corrupted   Details*
11.203 Bookstore


PDF  PDF No Jurisdiction Over Federal areas within the States Senate report   Details*
11.204 Offsite link   No Federalist Papers [book] Complete annotated reference of the Federalist Papers with links to U.S. Constitution.   Details*
11.205 Offsite link PDF  PDF
7.8 Mbytes
No United States Constitution Annotated [book] Complete annotated reference of the U.S. Constitution. Over 2,700 pages.  Free! (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.206 Offsite link HTML No Thomas Jefferson on Politics and Government How our republican government is SUPPOSED to work but doesn't. Excellent! (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.207 Offsite link PDF  PDF
34 Mbytes
No Treatise on Government [book] Exhaustive Analysis of the Constitutional Constraints Upon Our Government. (OFFSITE LINK)

Law and Government Page, Family Guardian (OFFSITE LINK)

11.208 Offsite link HTML No Treatise on the Law of Domicil [book] Excellent coverage of domicile, which is the basis of all taxation. (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.209 Offsite link HTML No Treatise on American Citizenship [book] Excellent coverage of citizenship.  (OFFSITE LINK) Details*
11.210 Offsite link HTML No Treatise on the Law of Quasi-Contracts [book] U.S. Supreme Court says income taxes are "quasi-contractual".  Milwaukee v. White, 296 U.S. 268 (1935)   Details*
11.211 Offsite link HTML No Principles of Administrative Law of the United States [book] Excellent coverage of administrative law.  (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.212 Offsite link HTML No Due Process of Law Under the Federal Constitution [book] Lucius McGehee, 1906.   (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.213 Offsite link HTML No Military Government and Martial Law [book] How our government functions in an emergency mode. (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.214 Offsite link PDF  PDF No The Privileges and Immunities of State Citizenship [book] Exhaustive research on state statutory citizenship. (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.215   HTML No Geographical Definitions and Conventions Describes definitions of key geographical "words of art" based on their context.   Details*
11.216 Offsite link PDF  PDF No Congressional Research Service Report Library The ENTIRE library of Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports, released by Wikileaks ` Details*
11.217   PDF  PDF No American Organic Law Summary of the teachings found at http://organiclaws.org   Details*
11.218 Member
  No Law DVD Codes, regulations, constitutions, and statutes   Details*
11.219 Offsite link   No Law and Government Topic Extensive authorities on law and government   Details*
  1.11.3  TAXES

  See Taxation Page (OFFSITE LINK) for more information.

Form  # Source Format/
Title Circumstances where used Related Resources/Information Date of Last Rev.
11.301 Bookstore


  No Tax Deposition CD Questions and evidence you can use at an IRS audit or in legal discovery.   Details*
11.302 Offsite link
HTML No Great IRS Hoax [book] Exhaustive treatment of the federal tax enforcement fraud.  (OFFSITE LINK).   Details*
11.303 Offsite link PDF  PDF
9.3 Mbytes
No Galileo Paradigm [book] Simplified treatment of the federal tax enforcement fraud.  (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.304 Offsite link HTML No Treatise on the Law of Taxation [book] Excellent coverage of taxation.  (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.305   PDF  PDF
No IRS Publication 4639: Disclosure and Privacy Law Reference Guide Useful for discovery with the IRS   Details*
11.306   PDF  PDF No Jesus of Nazareth: Illegal Tax Protester If Jesus was a tax protester and Christians are commanded to follow him, where does that leave YOU?   Details*
11.307 Member
  No Tax DVD Browsable tax research materials   Details*
11.308 Offsite link   No Taxation Topic Extensive authorities on taxation   Details*
  1.11.4  CORRUPTION

  See Corruption, Scams and Frauds Page (OFFSITE LINK) for more information.

Form  # Source Format/
Title Circumstances where used Related Resources/Information Date of Last Rev.
11.401   HTML No Government Corruption Summary of the government corruption this ministry was founded to combat.   Details*
11.402 Offsite link PDF  PDF"
354 Kbytes
No Woe to You Lawyers! [book] An analysis of what's wrong with America's Legal System.  By a Professor of Yale Law School. (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.403 Offsite link HTML No The Law [book] A classic which describes how Socialism works and how to eliminate it.

Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016

11.404 Offsite link PDF  PDF"
1.0 Mbytes
No Police State Road Map [book] Prediction of how our government will turn us into a police state. Coming true! (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.405 Offsite link HTML No The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire [book] A classic analysis of how Rome self destructed from within.  (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.406 Offsite link HTML No Anti Government Guidebook [book] Prepared by the National Center for State Courts (NCSC).  (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.407 Offsite link HTML No Social Security: Mark of the Beast  [book] Describes why Christians Cannot participate in Social Security without violating the Bible.  (OFFSITE LINK)

Resignation of Compelled Social Security Trustee, Form #06.002

11.408 Offsite link PDF  PDF"
25 Mbytes
No The ABC's of Government Theft How the government stealthily steals from those it is supposed to be protecting.   Details*
11.409 Offsite link HTML No Undermining the Constitution: A History of Lawless Government How our republic has been corrupted   Details*
11.410 Offsite link PDF  PDF"
1.1 Mbytes
No Federal Usurpation  [book] How the U.S. government has violated the Constitution over the years.  (OFFSITE LINK)   Details*
11.411 Offsite link   No Corruption, Scams and Frauds Topic Index of resources about government corruption and scams.   Details*
11.412 Offsite link PDF  PDF" No Government Corruption: Causes and Remedies Causes and remedies of government corruption.   Details*
11.413 Offsite link PDF  PDF" No Lawfully Yours The People's Empowerment Guide to our corporate -commercial legal system.   Details*
11.414 Offsite link PDF  PDF" No The Two Republics: Rome and the United States of America USA is Roman Empire #2   Details*
11.415   PDF  PDF" No Splintered to Federal Folly The Secret behind Obamacare, Federal Jurisdiction, and the Death of Liberty   Details*
11.416   PDF  PDF" No The End of Justice Why America is the most incarcerated country in the world   Details*
11.417 Offsite link PDF  PDF" No How You Were Illegally Deceived or Compelled to Transition from Being a POLITICAL Citizen to a Civil Citizen: By Confusing the Two Contexts Heart of the Income Tax FRAUD.   Details*
  1.11.5  MONEY

  See Money, Banking, and Credit Page (OFFSITE LINK) for more information.

Form  # Source Format/
Title Circumstances where used Related Resources/Information Date of Last Rev.
11.501 Offsite link PDF  PDF No Patman Primer on Money U.S. Government Printing Office   Details*
11.502 Offsite link HTML No 169 Questions and Answers on Money U.S. Government Printing Office   Details*
11.503 Offsite link HTML No The Theory on Money and Credit Ludwig Von Mises   Details*
11.504 Offsite link PDF  PDF No A Short History On Money William Gouge, 1833   Details*
11.505 Offsite link HTML No The Great Cookie Jar Book by Dr. Edward Popp   Details*
11.506 Offsite link HTML No Money, Bona Fide or Non-Bona Fide Book by Dr. Edward Popp   Details*
11.507 Offsite link PDF  PDF No Electronic Money Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago   Details*
11.508 Offsite link HTML No The Creature from Jekyll Island G. Edward Griffin   Details*
11.509 Offsite link HTML No Modern Money Mechanics Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago   Details*
11.510 Offsite link HTML No Secrets of the Federal Reserve Eustace Mullins   Details*
11.511 Offsite link HTML No Money Masters Video Documentary Bill Still   Details*
11.512 Offsite link HTML No Pieces of Eight Edwin Viera   Details*
11.513   PDF  PDF No The Money Scam Proves that we don't have any lawful money and that we can't pay "taxes" on the notes we have because they are not "money" as legally defined. Money, Banking, and Credit Topic (OFFSITE LINK) Details*
11.514 Offsite link HTML No In This Age of Plenty Shows how to setup your own private money system based on social credits.  Not a socialist but capitalist system.    Details*
11.515 Offsite link Video  Movie No The Secret of Oz Excellent movie by Bill Still on how to refor the fiat money system   Details*
11.516 Offsite link PDF  PDF No Merchants of the Earth The Nature & Overview of Usury Banking   Details*
11.517 Offsite link PDF  PDF No Bible Law on Money     Details*
11.518 Offsite link PDF  PDF No Billions for the Bankers By Sheldon Emry   Details*
11.519 Offsite link   No Money, Banking, and Credit Extensive authorities on many   Details*
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