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3.1 SEDM
Spirituality, Sermons, and Inspiration Youtube Playlist
3.2 Family Guardian
Spirituality Topic Page
3.3 Brook Stockton
3.4 Sheldon Emry
3.5 John Weaver
3.6 Embassy of Heaven
3.7 Ligonier Ministries
3.8 The Gospel Coalition
3.9 Brother Nathanael
"Put on the whole armor of God [God's Word and Law], that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places."
[Ephesians 6:11-13, Bible, NKJV]
Some or our readers have commented that it
is difficult to find churches that preach God's
Law and Word to Christians in a biblically sound way that allows
them to practically integrate their faith into their families and the
secular aspects of their daily life. This is no accident, but one of
the many casualties of creating 501(c )(3) tax exempt status for churches under
the I.R.C. starting in 1954 with President Lyndon Johnson. In their
greed and insecurity and idolatry towards government, churches that have
taken advantage of this status and had it recognized by the IRS have
basically substituted the headship of Christ over their church for the
headship of government. This is analyzed in sermon
6.3 below entitled "Trading God for a Man".
Pastors and their flocks in present
American Christianity are taught the lie that "government is good", when
in fact, our political history proves the opposite. The Bible, on the
other hand, refers to government as "the Beast" in Rev. 19:19. Churches who have bowed down to
worship Caesar in violation of the Bible have basically become
incorporated businesses in partnership with the government as franchise
contractors. Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code is the franchise
contract, and it obligates no one to do anything unless they
consent to become "taxpayers" by engaging in excise taxable activities.
This church/government business partnership is called a "
or business" in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(26), and the reason that
churches falsely believed they needed 501(c )(3) status to begin with is because of
lies and a deficient legal and public education system that has
dumbed down the average American in the subject of law and government.
The result is that most Americans and the churches they attend have
become what the Soviets call "Useful Idiots" to tyrants and dictators.
Churches have simply become MUCH too cozy with the government Beast, and
fail to realize that in fact, Church and State have historically been
competitors for the affections, worship, and obedience of the people
until only very recently. This little known fact is analyzed at great
length in Great IRS Hoax, Form #11.302, section 4.3.5
entitled "How government and God compete to provide 'protection'".
Congressman Ron Paul also explains this dichotomy in the article below:
In some early European countries, for example, Churches were used as a means to extend control of the state over the people and became just another branch of government, essentially. An example of this was the early Anglican Church, which was established by the English King. The King of England basically must have concluded: "If you can't beat them, then join them or buy them out with favors!" The Romans turned their political dominion during Christ's time into its equivalent later on in a slightly altered form of government called the Catholic Church.
Because of this Church idolatry towards government, most churches don't dare challenge the Golden calf that has replaced Christ called Government. Consequently, they have ceased preaching doctrine relating to any of the subjects discussed in the sermons on this page for fear of being confrontational or political. Apparently, many pastors are more concerned about scaring the sheep away or lowering tithes than they are with truth, justice, or social responsibility, which by the way are also aspects of Christ's and believers ministry. We discuss this and many other aspects of the corruption of American Christianity in the following resources on this website:
As Pastor Trewhella insightfully and passionately explains in his "Social Gospel" sermon below and as revealed by the statistical studies of George Barna, corrupted churches and pastors would seem to want the congregation to leave God at church while they live the remaining six days of the week in a hypocritical spiritual vacuum just like every one of their heathen hell-bound neighbors. Below are the taboo subjects that you simply won't hear fearful, government-terrorized pastors talk about:
This profound corruption of American Christianity over about the last 100 years has left a vacuum both of information and of fellowship for those devoted Christians who know the truth of this matter and want to learn more. Our own search for useful materials on the above subjects, for instance, have confirmed the truth these conclusions. We have therefore devoted extensive research to locate these materials and consolidate and organize them here in order to accelerate your learning. By doing so, we hope to help to properly train and equip you for the spiritual battle with government and your deceived fellow Christians as a warriors in God's righteous (but NOT self-righteous) army.
The theology on this page comes primarily from those in the Reformed Theology arena. Reformed theology is sometimes called Calvinism. Several pastors have expressed interest in the materials on this site and they are all from Reformed Theology. You can find out more about Reformed Theology at:
Examples of reformed denominations and associations include the following:
The books that most closely summarize our approach to theology are the following:
The information appearing on this page comes usually from small, rural, isolated churches that have not yet become incorporated or privileged. The pastors are all very seasoned and we hope you will enjoy their very insightful and academic analysis, which is rare coming from the pulpits in this universally deluded day and age. Please take the time to call up and thank these wise and brave men of God who preached these wonderful sermons. They are the last bastion of hope and a candle in the almost complete darkness of our age. If you wish to review some of the additional resources we have located on this subject which are not revealed here, may we recommend the following sources on the Internet:
The link below contains audio archives of every part of the Bible.
Resources for further study:
The link below contains online and multimedia training of all the laws in the Holy Bible. This page is found on our Education->The Laws of God menu item.
Resources for further study:
The link below contains an Adobe Acrobat analysis and summary of all the laws in the Holy Bible. It is organized for ready reference and use by those using it in ecclesiastical and secular litigation.
Resources for further study:
The link below contains online video training of all the laws in the Holy Bible. This page is found on our Education->The Laws of God menu item.
The above link can also be viewed from: our God's Law Youtube Playlist.
Resources for further study:
This sermon describes the concept of the case law found in the Holy Bible. Examples are given how to apply the information to specific passages. Given by Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Modern Christian churches, pastors, and parishoners are communicating and teaching false or erroneous doctrine about important and fundamental biblical concepts that clearly conflicts with the revealed word of God in the Holy Bible. These false beliefs and the deception they produce:
Undermine the authority of the Bible as a source of law or morality.
It is very important that Christians be informed about this deception and have to tools to fight it and fix it. You can use this document to educate yourself, your loved ones, and members of your church about the deception. Below is the link to the article from our Forms page.
Resources for further study:
SEDM has created a large collection of sermons relevant to the topics covered on this site. They appear as a Playlist within the SEDM Youtube Channel. Click on the link below to visit the SEDM Sermons, Spirituality, and Inspiration Youtube Playlist:
SEDM Sermons, Spirituality, and Inspiration Youtube Playlist
The Family Guardian Website sister site contains many sermons and sprituality resources for those who wish to study deep into their faith. Their Spirtuality Topic Page contains sermons, apologetic materials, and resources to identify and correct the corruption of their own church.
Family Guardian Fellowship: Spirituality Page (OFFSITE LINK)
Brook Stockton is SEDM's own affiliated Pastor. He has a PhD in Theology, has taught at the graduate level, and has served in Christian ministry for over 30 years. He has written several books and articles appearing on this site and is a prolific author. He wrote many of the books in section 1.17 of the SEDM Forms/Pubs page. His writings are completely consistent with the content of this site and he is a student of this site. He is originally from the Southen Baptist faith. He maintains his own blog, which you can visit by clicking on the link below. His blog is also accessible from the Education->Pastor's Corner and About->Our Friends menu items.
Nike Insights (OFFSITE LINK)
Below are links to the main individual areas within the site (OFFSITE LINKS):
Resources for further study:
Sheldon Emry was a popular pastor from the 1980's who maintained a large radio ministry out of Phoenix, Arizona. He served about 16 years in the ministry and died in 1985. He was a prolific author and wrote over 20 books. His writings are short and simple. He was also a prolific speaker heard on 40 radio stations shortly before his death from a heart attack. His website contains over 879 sermons! His ministry was continued after his death by:
Sheldon talked mostly about the following subjects:
He didn't cover legal corruption or how to approach corruption in court, but he did partner with others, such as George Gordon. Most of his writings and sermons are unique, original, and uncommon, but essential to the maturation of your Christian faith. The original Sheldon Emry Memorial Library Website was established in 2007, nearly 22 years after his death. All of Sheldon's works are collected at the website below as a subdomain of the Family Guardian Website. Many thanks to Martha Emry Barley, Sheldon's daughter, for providing remastered audios of the sermons of much better quality than what originally appeared on the site. The main site is found at:
Sheldon Emry Memorial Library (OFFSITE LINK)
Below are links to the main areas within the Sheldon Emry Memorial Library Website (OFFSITE LINKS):
Resources for further study:
John Weaver is the quintessential southern preacher who teaches a purely biblical message. He has been in ministry since 1964. He has his own Sermon Audio channel, runs a small local ecclesia in Georgia where he lives, and is a frequent guest speaker throughout the country. His ministry is called Freedom Ministries. He is our favorite preacher and has done many of the sermons on this page. He has written three books available through this site.
You can listen to or view his work at the following locations:
Embassy of Heaven is a Christian ministry in Oregon, USA. Their leader has the nick name of "Paul Revere", who is located in Oregon. They publish several religious tracts on their website, including a large number of pamphlets. Below is the link to their Pamphlets page.
Embassy of Heaven: Pamphlets Page
Ligioneer Ministries is a Reformed Theology ministry founded by R.C. Sproul, who for many years has maintained a radio presence as the Bible Answer Man. They have an educational institution that teaches reformed theology and R.C. Sproul's son, R.C. Sproul Jr. is the Rector. Every year they have a conference and the video is posted on their site. The main topic of the conference is how to apply their faith to the secular affairs of the world and live IN the world but not be OF the world. The favorite topic of study for their ministry is applying philosophy to Christianity and apologetics. R.C. Sproul died in 2018, but Ligonier Ministries lives on. Below is a link to their site:
The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is a leadership group of ministers in the Reformed Theology area that was started in 2007. They train and equip pastors and religious leaders how to start and run a Reformed Theology ministry. They have a youtube Channel with many excellent videos. They have 22 regional chapters throughout the country. Tim Keller is the vice President and one of our favorite speakers. You will find some of his sermons on the Official SEDM Blog. Below are links to their websites and youtube channels.
Brother Nathanael Kapner is a Jew who was raised in Judaism and converted to Christianity. He has done much research into how the modern Israel has become corrupted and seeking to destroy Christianity in America.
Brother Nathanael talks about the corruption of Judaism and how Christianity is in effect the "New Israel". Those wishing to investigate this matter further are encouraged to read the extensive information on the "New Israel" or "New Jerusalem" in the following fascinating website:
Sheldon Emry Memorial Library (OFFSITE LINK)
Resources for further study:
Practical application of biblical law to daily life. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Practical application of biblical law to daily life. Pastor Mike Quinn, Newbreak Church.
Resources for further study:
This sermon addresses how and why God destroys nations. This subject is relevant because America is currently turning its back on the Lord. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Jeremiah 18. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Hosea Chapt. 1. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat during a seromon on "Where was God in the Holocaust?" describes the real reason Hitler disliked the Jews:
Resources for further study:
Genesis 10. This sermon addresses the "statism" that has infected our society. "Statism" is a synonym for government idolatry. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Genesis 23:1-20. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Matt. 17:24. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
2 Kings 17:1-23. Exodus Chapt. 20. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Alan Keys spoke on Nov. 5, 2006 at Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. Extremely powerful speech. You can also listen to it on a mirror website by clicking here.
Resources for further study:
Most pastors quote Romans 13 as a biblical justification for their belief that Christians are required by God to submit to governments that violate God's Laws. The following videos completely contradict this FALSE belief.
Resources for further study:
This series of sermons talks about the legal history of church incorporation and biblical prohibitions against is. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Discusses the meaning of the words "fornication", "harlot", and "whoredom" in the Bible, which means worshipping or obeying false gods such as governments. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Excellent explanation of the meaning of Babylon from the Book of Revelation. The speaker is the President of Westminster Seminary, California, Robert Godfrey.
Resources for further study:
This sermon by pastor David Jeremiah of San Diego, California very clearly explains the hazards of destruction of the separation between church v. state. He says that we are living in a period of time in which there is no separation between believers and the world or the government and that Christians have lost their sense of “who we are”.
Resources for further study:
Biblical doctrine of war. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
1 Kings 21:17. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Acts 9, 1 Tim. 1. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Mainstreatm Christianity in America believes that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are all one and are all equally Gods. This is called Trinitiarianism. Reformed Theology as a faith also believes in Trinitarianism. This belief is a source of great conflict within the Christian community. We don't take a position on this subject and don't have any requirement to take a side on this dispute in order to become a member. This article explains the other side of this dispute with evidence.
Resources for further study:
Luke 4:16-30. Shows how God is the ultimate source of all sovereignty, and how His sovereignty relates to civil government. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Deut. 20. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Joshua 4. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
2 Kings 17. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
1 Peter 2, Rev. 1. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Deut. 28. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Daniel 3. Inspiring sermon about why we must take a stand for God and against government idolatry and why God will come to our defense when or if we do. Based on the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednigo found in in Daniel Chapter 3. In the symbolism of the scriptures he quotes, the three men are you, the believer. The false god of solid gold is the U.S. government because of its unlimited ability to STEAL from everyone and counterfeit money by printing more. King Nehemiah is the federal judiciary that has monarchical and totalitarian powers over Americans . Pastor Mike Macintosh, 10-30-05, Horizon Christian Fellowship.
1 Thess. 4-5; 1 Peter 2. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Proves that luxury and materialism are the diseases that undermine our Christian faith. Shows that government use luxury as a means to pacify churches and undermine their relevance and influence in modern society. Pastor Matt Trewhella, Mercy Seat Christian Church.
Resources for further study:
Eccl. 3:1-8. Provides a unique view of the doctrine of hatred in the Bible. Shows that not all hatred is evil, and that there are certain justified, righteous forms of hate. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
1 Sam. 15. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
John 1. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Prov. 8:32-36. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
The foundation of biblical morality is what is called "The Golden Rule", which requires that we must do to others what we want them to do to us. Matt. 7:12. We emphasize the Golden Rule, for instance, to members who seek help but who refuse to reciprocate by helping or donating to us. That is why we ask them, before we help them, what they have done to DESERVE or EARN the right to be helped:
"You can only DESERVE or have a RIGHT to that which you are willing to GIVE and to EARN. That's a corollary to The Golden Rule in Matt. 7:12: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It is also a restatement of the requirement for equal protection and equal treatment that is the foundation of American jurisprudence."
[. . .]
You can only deserve what you are willing to give and earn. If you SOW indifference, irresponsibility, and lack of commitment on your part, you can and most assuredly will REAP it and deserve it from us. That is the Golden Rule spoken of by Jesus: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Anything worth having is worth earning, and we will make sure you earn it if you expect our help. This is NOT "unchristian" or satanic, but simply God's own stated approach to freedom in the Bible. This concept also happens to be the foundation of the concept of equal protection and equal treatment under the law.
[Guide to Asking Questions, Form #09.017]
This sermon was given by Joyce Meyers on January 1-2, 2013 and very powerfully illustrates WHY this rule is crucial and the radical effect it can have on your life if you follow it.
Resources for further study:
Exodus 32:1-10. Shows how tyranny has its roots in disobedience and irresponsibility. Describes the Biblical origins of civil authority and shows that all civil authority comes from God. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
1 Sam. 8. Describes how America has traded God as their King and Lawgiver for a humanist totalitarian state. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study:
Describes the history behind the corruption of America's churches and its political system starting in the early 1900's. Scripture is used to prove that this was done in violation of the Bible. Pastor Matt Trewhella, Mercy Seat Christian Church.
Resources for further study:
Sermon about 1 Sam. 7-8, in which Pastor Macintosh reveals that we cannot have a king or a government above us, but can only be ruled by God and his laws. Describes the consequences of not doing this. Pastor Mike Macintosh, 3-19-2006, Horizon Christian Fellowship.
This audio is a recoding of the Joyce Meyer Ministries television show on 7/3/2009 entitled "Christian Activism from a Biblical Perspective". It describes how Christians must relate to the secular world and secular government from a biblical perspective.
Resources for further study:
The Government "Benefits" Scam, Form #05.040 (OFFSITE LINK) -how government "benefits" are used to destroy and enslave Americans as described in the program
This audio sermon is an excellent explanation of why believers MUST follow God's law and Christ and what happens when they don't. Given by Newbreak Christian Fellowship, October 17, 2009. EXCELLENT.
Resources for further study:
This video sermon is an excellent explanation of why believers are called to be "IN the world but not OF the world", to be sanctified, and to be holy and set apart from the rest of the world by our obedience to God's laws. The result is that we must be aliens, foreigners, and nonresidents in relation to the people and the governments of the world. Given by Newbreak Christian Fellowship, July 16, 2013 as part of a Sermon Series entitled "Symptomatic", subheading "Ignorance". EXCELLENT.
Resources for further study:
This video describes most of the methods by which people think and act like government slaves. Pastor John Weaver, John Weaver Library.
Resources for further study: