If your question is not answered in this section, please visit the following area in our forums for additional questions and answers:
Questions about the effectiveness of our materials, membership, or the benefits of membership
Question 0.01: I am on the verge of becoming a member, but I would like to know the benefits of membership and if I can be helped?
Answer 0.01: Our Terms of Use and
Service, Form #01.016 (Section 4, item 8) and our
Articles of Mission, Form #01.004 (Section 3.8) make it abundantly clear that no one in the ministry is authorized
to promise anything or share subjective opinions about the "benefits" of
our strictly religious and educational materials and information.
God already told you what the "benefits" are in Deut. 28:1-14, within his "protection franchise" and law called the Bible. Aren't you reading your Bible?
The goal is not to be personally "helped" in an earthly or physical way,
but achieving salvation by honoring and obeying God and His laws, and man's
laws to the extent that they don't conflict with
God's laws.
If personal or financial benefit is more important to you than loving your
neighbor by learning and following
God's law and man's law, then you are on the wrong website because you are an idolator
who worships money or prosperity and not God. Jesus said that where
a man's treasure is, there his heart will be also. Matt. 6:19-21. Is God your treasure or is wealth your treasure?
If you are approaching membership with the attitude of "what's in it for
me", then you have the wrong motive and are discouraged from
becoming a Member (see Matt. 26:15). Our
Articles of Mission, Form #01.004 and our Member Agreement, Form
#01.001 also both make it abundantly clear that the purpose of this
website is exclusively to glorify and worship the one and only God through
obedience, truth, legal education and activism and not personal gain or economic benefit. Our goal is to love our neighbor
by learning and obeying God's laws and thereby DO JUSTICE as Micah 6:8 requires. It is only through our own weakness and persecution
in satisfying that great commission of our Lord that God can be glorified.
It is only by our denying self and placing God ABOVE self through our actions
and choices that this ministry and this website can even be thought of as
a religious ministry in any sense of the word. You probably know that,
but you just want to tempt us and test us like the Pharisees did to Jesus
to see if we also know it because you are probably from the government/Satan
and want to discredit and persecute us:
"And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the Revelation, a thorn in the flesh [the IRS and the Federal Reserve and a corrupt government] was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."
[2 Cor. 12:7-10, Bible, NKJV]My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting [of US or your own understanding of man's law illuminated by the Holy Spirit], for he who doubts [Gods' provision] is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."
[James 1:2-8, Bible, NKJV]
Your question reveals that you may be unwilling to allow yourself to be weak and vulnerable, and thereby exercise faith in God instead of trusting man/mammon/government. Do you not want to trust God or give God any room to operate in your life? Do you not want to carry the cross of Jesus as He requires of you in Matt. 10:34-39? It sounds to us like you may want insurance, not salvation or education. Click here (OFFSITE LINK) for an article on this subject. If that is the case, you need faith and trust in God, not help from us. Is Jesus your Savior and indemnification from the liability for Hell but NOT your Lord and the object of your supreme allegiance and worship/obedience? Jesus isn't your Sovereign Lord and He isn't above all the other idols you worship unless your are willing to risk persecution, pain, financial loss in obedience to Him and thereby forsake your other idols. In that case, you are worshipping a false religion and we don't want you in this ministry. How can God show His face if you give Him no room to work miracles in your life? Jesus said in Matt. 6:25-34 not to worry about tomorrow, and you seem worried. That kind of fear is of the devil, not the Lord.
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things [security, prosperity, and protection] shall be added to you."
[Matt. 6:33, Bible, NKJV]
If Jesus had only looked on His ministry based on the personal or financial benefit to Him and not others, do you think we would still be hearing about and reading about and following Him today? Instead, when the money changers took over the Ministry, he was furious.
"But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
[1 Tim. 6:9-10, Bible, NKJV]Then God said to him: “Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked long life for yourself, nor have asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to discern justice, behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you. And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings [Sovereigns] all your days. So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.”
[1 Kings 3:11-14, Bible, NKJV]
And when a sorcerer proposed to abuse the power of God to earn money, he was strongly rebuked, just as we rebuke all those who pursue this ministry for the sake of money.
And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying, “Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”
But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.”
Then Simon answered and said, “Pray to the Lord for me, that none of the things which you have spoken may come upon me.”
[Acts 8:18-24, Bible, NKJV]
SEDM is a Ministry, a religious Fellowship, and an activism group. People can't and don't join bona-fide, legitimate religious ministries for selfish or economic reasons, but exclusively for spiritual reasons. The only legitimate spiritual reason identified in the Bible and the one mentioned in the Ten Commandments is love and obedience to God. The Bible Book of Ecclesiastes says "this is man's all".
"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil."
[Eccl. 12:13-14, Bible, NKJV]
Your question erroneously and maliciously presupposes that we are a business or government 501(c)(3) corporation focused on "customer service" like all the other
corrupted churches out there that are selling their sheep to the government
for twenty pieces of silver by
lying to them about the
proper relationship of Christians and churches to government. We are
not a "business", nor do we sell anything. We don't do this for money.
We aren't man pleasers and we don't have any "customers" or do any advertising.
We are ONLY God pleasers. God is our only "customer".
“Now therefore, fear the LORD, serve [ONLY] Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods [and totalitarian socialist governments] which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. [as SLAVES and] Serve the LORD!
[Joshua 24:14, Bible, NKJV]
If you read the words of Jesus
in the New Testament, you will find that the only people that He ever criticized
or got angry at were the Pharisees and the lawyers, and He did so precisely because they were man pleasers instead of God pleasers
(see Luke 11:37-54). We don't ever want to be the object of that kind
of condemnation or ridicule from our Lord and ONLY King, Lawgiver, and Judge. The only "benefit" of
membership is eternal salvation through faith, love and trust in God, and
obedience of God's laws.
According to Jesus Christ, obedience to God's laws is the essence of how
we love and honor ONLY Him. See John 14:21, 1 John 4:16, 1 John 2:3-6. If love for the Father and humble obedience
His Holy laws as
His steward and fiduciary isn't a worthy and satisfactory SOLE reason to
join this ministry, then you are a lukewarm Christian and we vomit you out
of our mouth and our Ministry and cast you into outer darkness as Jesus
did in Rev. 3:16, and as the host did at the parable of the marriage supper
to all who were invited but either refused to come or came dressed improperly
(see Matt. 22:1-14):
"So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."
[Rev. 3:16, Bible, NKJV]
It's hyocritical to expect your public servants to obey and honor you as their Master and Sovereign if you won't do the same thing and honor God as your King, Lawgiver, and Judge. Please don't try to commercialize and denigrate us by connecting us with filthy lucre or bringing your own private agenda, commerce, and money changing inside our Ministry doors.
"Feed the flock of God which is among you [as ministers to them and with God's pure and holy knowledge and wisdom], taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint [or compulsion], but willingly; not for filthy lucre [money], but of a ready mind;
Neither as being lords [tyrants] over God's heritage [or His flock or people], but being [good] examples to the flock.
And when the chief Shepherd [God] shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away."
[1 Peter 5:2-4, Bible, KVJ]
If you were of the Father and the Father was in you, you wouldn't even be asking the above question. The Bible says in John 10:7-21 that the sheep in the flock that is this ministry will recognize their Father's voice if they are His. Do you recognize the voice of the Father in the doctrine and teachings of this ministry and more importantly, are you willing to obey the Father's call to do justice and love mercy and walk humbly before Him (Micah 6:8) as the main goal of your life? If not, then please go back to your comfortable government cage, and waste away the rest of what we believe God will end up judging (Rev. 20:11-15) as an irresponsible and hedonistic life in government employment rearranging deck chairs on the sinking Titanic. In the meantime, we'll sit here patiently building Noah's Spiritual Ark and filling it with God's treasures of wisdom, discretion, and knowledge while we are ridiculed by nonbelievers and lukewarm Christians around us, all of whom will eventually be drowned by their own selfishness, ignorance, and indifference (OFFSITE LINK) to the evil that is eventually going to engulf and destroy all that makes life worth living and all the liberties and freedoms we hold so dear. Our prayers are with you in your own quest for truth, justice, and a small, accountable, lawful, and responsible limited government.
Question 0.02: Do you have any information about successes of your users in using the educational materials offered on the SEDM website?
I don't mean to be rude, I'm just asking if there is
a body of evidence that exists to demonstrate that your methods work. For
example, Peter Eric Hendrickson maintains a list of refund checks from the
U.S. Treasury and state treasuries on his website at http://www.losthorizons.com as well as a running total of all of these checks (currently $9.92 million).
The names and addresses on each check are blurred out in order to protect
the identity of each person, but the amount and the unique check # and Treasury
Dept. seal are on them to prove that they aren't phonies.
I throw in with a group of people, I like to know--so far as possible--that
they aren't simply theory-crafting and that they have accomplished real
world victories for the rule of law. I do not feel that it should come across
as rude or uppity to request such information, just sane and rational. Let
me be clear once again: I am NOT asking for any personal identifying information,
just evidence that would demonstrate that some of the methods described
herein have actually worked. My experience has been that many times in the
Truth Movement, people have wonderful ideas based on the law, and in theory
they work, but in de facto practice, the IRS or whatever agency just ignores
you, the judge is corrupt, and you get slapped with a huge fine. Then, when
you turn to the people who offered the advice they say "Hey, you use our
information at your own risk." Seems rather unsporting to lead lambs to
the slaughter.
Answer 0.02: We have a question for you: How do you define "success"? If your criteria includes anything commercial, then you are on the wrong website and you are violating our Member Agreement. One of the main goals of this website is to learn, obey, and enforce God's law and man's law. How is it that the "success" of such a goal can be measured? We haven't figured that out yet and maybe you can help us to define what it is that we are measuring.
Since we can't and won't use a commercial criteria for success, then the above are the metrics we have come up with and they all establish that our materials are truthful, accurate, and consistent with prevailing law, which is the way we define "success" and the ONLY way that we can define success without violating our Member Agreement. If you have a better way to define success that is not commercial, then please help us. We also emphasize that a thing can be ACCURATE and CONSTISTENT with prevailing law WITHOUT ALSO being FACTUAL, ACTIONABLE, or ADMISSIBLE as evidence in a court of law. Everything on this site fits that category and ONLY becomes FACTUAL and ADMISSIBLE by your OWN signature and signed in the form of an affidavit or perjury statement. WITHOUT such a signature, everything on this website is NONFACTUAL and NONACTIONABLE religious beliefs and opinions that can NEVER LAWFULLY become the subject of controversy in any court of law because they are NOT "legal evidence" UNTIl they become FACTUAL and ACTIONABLE.
Now let me ask you another thing: Was Jesus "successful"? He did nothing but endlessly suffer for pursuing truth and justice, and was never identified in the Bible as prosperous. He is our role model as Christians and He had no commercial motive but just wanted people to learn and obey God's Laws. On that subject, He said:
"He who has [understands and learns] My commandments [laws in the Bible (OFFSITE LINK)] and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him."
[John 14:21, Bible, NKJV]
The Bible also says that "love" is the essence of who God is (1 John 4:8, 16). If the essence of God is Love and the essence of love is obedience to God's Law, then the essence of being a Christian is learning and obeying God's laws regardless of the commercial cost, which is the main goal of this religious website. How do you measure the "success" of THAT? In that sense, we have only one "customer", who is God. We aren't here to be man pleasers and you are a man. All efforts to collect commercial success statistics just corrupt our religious ministry, connect us to filthy lucre, and force us to fornicate with a BEAST government. You are going to have to choose WHOM you will serve, God or Mammon, because Jesus said you CANNOT serve BOTH. If you serve Mammon, meaning MONEY and COMMERCE, then you don't belong here and should NOT be "using" our materials or services:
"No servant [or religious ministry or biological person] can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [government]."
[Luke 16:13, Bible, NKJV]
We want to love you by setting you free with the Truth and by proving its the truth by ensuring that it is uncontroverted as we have done, but you cannot have a commercial motive for obtaining it and what you DO with it is entirely your choice and responsibility. Everyone who will argue against the Truth will always do so for a commercial reason to benefit themselves. When you pursue the Truth, Jesus PROMISED that you are sure to be persecuted and injured. THAT is how He defines success and in that sense, everything we do is "successful". He was, in fact, crucified some say because he was a tax protester. See Luke 23:2. Click here for more details on this.
We wish we had more feedback from our Members so that we could offer you scientific statistics on the consequences of using our materials. Before we could offer such information, we would need a good definition of "success" that no one seems to be able to define quantitatively. Consequently, there is no information we can provide to you about the probability of "success" in using our educational materials until you tell us what it means beyond what we have tried to define here.
If you have a story or anecdote you'd like to share about the use of our materials, please either submit it through our Contact Us page or post it in our Member Forums! We encourage you to get an account on Westlaw or Versuslaw and do the "due diligence" case research yourself to verify that what we are telling you is truthful rather than relying on anything that we say. Our Member Agreement says you can't rely on anything we say anyway, so why would you even ask us? The ONLY thing that you can rely on is what the law actually says, so why would you ask for an opinion that you aren't allowed to rely on anyway? This is covered in our Member Agreement and the following:
Reasonable Belief About Income Tax Liability, Form #05.007
If you find anything wrong with what we have to offer, just point it out in section 9.4 (Errata Reports) of our forums. We don't censor our forums and we put them there so that the quality of the information and services that we offer can be continually improved based on informed readers like yourself. If you aren't willing to help improve it with your feedback, you have no one to blame but yourself for the result because we don't listen to whiners, but those with the constructive purpose of improving what we offer. You are the only one who is responsible for your own choices and actions, and we will do nothing to help offload that responsibility to us. That would simply undermine your sovereignty, which we simply won't do. It sounds like you really aren't interested in FACTS, but INSURANCE, and we don't offer insurance.
Lastly, please be advised that our About Us page says that no one at SEDM is allowed to share subjective opinions about the effectiveness of our materials and are ONLY allowed to provide scientific statistics if available. Since we don't have any such statistics, then there is absolutely nothing further we can do to answer your question without violating our member agreement.
Question 0.03: Do you have any statistics on the "performance" or "effectiveness" of your response letters? I'd like to know more about what I'm getting.
Answer 0.03: Unfortunately, we are not presently equipped with the technology resources or staff to keep detailed statistics but would like to be eventually so we have a method to continually improve our offerings. "Success" is a very subjective and ambiguous term unless it is defined and you didn't define it. To know about the effectiveness of our response letters, we would need disciplined feedback from our readers. In practice, we find that most readers do not want to be burdened with providing feedback and don't want to have to digest or make sense out of the numerical statistics that would be generated from such feedback either.
We do know that if you do not respond to Federal letters then you lose on your "dishonor" under the rules of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Dishonor occurs in two methods: 1) Silence, and 2) Arguing. For more details on the rules for commercial law, click here.
We prefer to educate you about how to remain in Honor. You accomplish this by a conditional acceptance made by the response letter which in effect states that you conditionally accept the government offer to get you to admit liability and payment for such liability upon proof of claim that you are a party made liable via an Implementing Regulation published in the Federal Register and that you have your legal residence and/or principle place of business within an internal revenue district.
The government has no proof of any Implementing Regulation published in the Federal Register. The government agents have taken an Oath of Office to well and faithfully discharge the duties of their office and to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States to which American Nationals are secured parties to that very Constitution. Not a bad bargain.
Question 0.04: Are Bivens Actions effective and worth the trouble? Why is IMF Decoding important and does your MF Decoder decode EPMF or IRAF files? If so, is it necessary that these be decoded?
Answer 0.04: Some answers:
There is nothing we
can add to the description there or the free manual that is available
on the MF Decoder page, which are very thorough. You will have to make your own
determination about whether the service might help you, because we can't
give legal advice and we don't want to either advertise or promote anything.
We are simply here to help those who can make their own informed decisions
as "nontaxpayers" about what they need, and those decisions must be
based entirely upon our Reasonable Belief
About Income Tax Liability, Form #05.007 memorandum of law and nothing
else, and ESPECIALLY not anything we might say.
Once again, our Articles of Mission, Form #01.004 say very explicitly we can't give legal advice or make any kind of promises
or assurances about anything offered on this website. False promises
are the basis for how the government slanders and shuts down those it targets
for illegal persecution, because allegations of false promises are used
to accuse individuals of "false
commercial speech" that hurts people. We can therefore have no
part in answering such a question. The most we can say is that we
have done our best to ensure that everything we offer is completely consistent
with the latest versions of the Internal Revenue Code, the Treasury Regulations, the Internal Revenue
Manual, and other IRS publications. It is for you as an informed consumer to decide
whether we have been effective at that mission, and it would be a conflict
of interest for us to influence you in one direction or another. Our
tools and offerings are only as accurate as the government's propaganda...Oops,
I mean code (not "law", but "code") and publications
Caveat emptor.
"If a nation [or a people] expects to be ignorant [or dependent on anyone] and free... it expects what never was and never will be.”
[Thomas Jefferson]
If our materials are inconsistent with reality or prevailing law, it is only because the government:
http://famguardian.org/Subjects/Taxes/Articles/IRSNotResponsible.htm (OFFSITE LINK)
You are the sovereign and you and only you can determine
what is right for you based on your own reading of the extensive information
available in the legal resources referenced on both this website and the Family Guardian website.
You must base your decision about what is best on what the government says
constitutes a Reasonable Belief About Income
Tax Liability, Form #05.007 and consistent with our Member Agreement, Form #01.001.
If these sources of information and belief aren't enough, then the problem
isn't a deficiency of information, but rather a crisis of confidence in
yourself and your ability to govern your own life and make your own decisions. No amount of
marketing on our part can compensate for a crisis of confidence on your
part. The government likes and actually helps "manufacture" people
who feel inadequate to make their own decisions, because they make good
sheep and targets for exploitation and extortion. They do this in
the public fool, I mean "school", system. Spread your wings and learn
to fly or forever be chained to the federal plantation (Babylon
the Great Harlot). America will be the land of the free when it
is the land of the brave, and bravery has to start with you. Please
read this page and our "About Us"
pages if you have any doubts about these issues. Good luck and God
bless in your own sovereign quest for Truth and justice.
"The hand of the diligent [and responsible and studious] will rule,
But the lazy [or irresponsible] man will be put to forced labor [government slavery!]."
[Prov. 12:24, Bible, NKJV]
Question 0.05: I belong to The Church of The Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith and we don't believe in fellowshipping, with any other religious organization. Our belief is based on the Bible. I've noticed the only way one can obtain information from the Ministry, is by becoming a Member. I ask is there any other way I can obtain your information? I have been reading various forms of information from the Family Guardian website. My ultimate goal is to become sovereign.
Answer 0.05: Thank you for that insightful and important question. We don't seek to force anyone to do anything. This is a voluntary religious association of people who do nothing but share beliefs and opinions, not facts. All you have to be in order to become a Member is believe in a SINGLE God, put Him first, and obey the other technical requirements of the Member Agreement, Form #01.001. This is also covered in section 9 of our About Us Page. We can't and won't force you to fellowship or speak or associate with other Members if you don't want to. You are free to redefine the spiritual aspects of the Member Agreement, Form #01.001, to replace the word "fellowship" or "Member" with whatever else you want and to describe your religious beliefs however you choose, as long as you otherwise meet all other aspects of the agreement and indeed believe in God. We can't and won't waive any of the other terms of the agreement, however, because it is very carefully designed to avoid anything that would bring reproach upon the Lord or cause anyone to engage in any unlawful or injurious behaviors. Send us your modified version of the agreement signed and highlight what you changed, and we will examine it and notify you whether we can accept it. Please send both the signed acrobat version and also it in editable Microsoft Word format. Before you make the changes, make sure you turn the Microsoft Word "Track Changes" mode on so that we can see what you changed or modified.
Question 0.06: I don't meet all of the requirements for membership identified in the Member Agreement, Form #01.001. Can you make an exception for me in allowing me to use your materials?
Answer 0.06: We can't and won't willingly make exceptions for ANYONE. Period. You must meet ALL of the requirements for membership identified in the Member Agreement, Form #01.001 BEFORE you "use" our materials or services, meaning send them into to any member of the legal profession or the government. This requirement is also true even if you promise to meet the requirements in the Member Agreement, Form #01.001 but in fact haven't yet. To do otherwise would be to needlessly clog up the IRS and interfere with the lawful and constitutional administration of the Internal Revenue Code, which we don't ever want to be accused of doing. Anyone can be a member of our ministry, but the only people we can allow to "use" our materials are those who:
We are not a customer-driven organization or a business, but a spiritual, religious, and educational ministry. We exist ONLY to love and serve God and teach people how to honor Him by studying and obeying His law and by loving and not hurting their neighbor in fulfillment of the two Great Commandments found in Matt. 22:36-40 in the Bible. Please don't try to bring reproach upon this ministry or the Lord we exist to serve, obey, and glorify by connecting us with commerical motives or harmful or illegal activities.
We also emphasize the content of this section on the opening page of our website by providing a link at the bottom of the page entitled "Important Note".
Question 0.07: Your Member Agreement, Form #01.001 is only signed by the Member and not the Ministry. Doesn't this mean it is not enforceable in court?
Answer 0.07: Thanks for that very insightful question. The answer is a resounding NO. There are many legally enforceable obligations that are only signed by one party. Let's list a few examples:
If the government wants to attack this as a defect
in our Member Agreement, Form
#01.001, then they are also going to have to destroy the very mechanism
that allows them to assess and collect revenues under Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code. Our memorandum of law
entitled Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003 proves that Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code behaves as "private law" or
"special law" that only applies to parties who make themselves individually
subject by individual consent. In effect, it behaves as a quasi-contractual
obligation incident to federal public office and requires a signature of
some kind on the part of a person in order to make them into a "taxpayer".
That signature must appear on any one of several different types of private
contracts, including the SS-5, W-4, or 1040 federal return. If a party
has never signed any of these "contracts", then they cannot be a "taxpayer"
under Subtitle A of the I.R.C. Therefore, they are "nontaxpayers" not
Some contracts also behave as "adhesion contracts", where involving oneself in a particular activity makes them subject to an agreement of some kind, even though written consent was never provided. These kinds of contracts trigger based on an activity, rather than explicit informed consent. For instance, criminal or penal laws act this way: If you commit a crime, you become subject to a certain provision of the criminal code. If you never committed the crime, you can't be subject. Another example is engaging in foreign commerce under Subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code. In the case of this Ministry, viewing, using, or downloading our copyrighted and licensed materials or communicating with us in any form causes the User to become automatically subject to the terms of the SEDM Member Agreement, Form #01.001, even if they have not explicitly signed it. You will note that the term "User" has a different meaning in the Disclaimer statement than other words on this website, and it is explicitly defined to mean anyone who views, reads, downloads, or uses any of the materials or services available on this website or communicates with any of the users.
Based on the foregoing analysis, if the government or any Member invalidates the enforceability of our Member Agreement, Form #01.001, then it would also have to declare that:
Question 0.08: I am having trouble faxing you the Membership Application. May I email it to you instead?
Answer 0.08: Yes you may. Acrobat PDF format is preferred because these files are usually smaller. If you scan and send as image files, the attachments may be too large to go through the email. Generally, attachments bigger than about two megabytes will bounce.
Question 0.09: Why do people have to consent to such a long Member Agreement, Form #01.001 in order to "USE" your materials or services to dispute a tax liability? This seems kind of restrictive?
Answer 0.09: ANYONE may obtain and read our materials or services and by doing so they unconditionally consent to our Member Agreement. This requirement excludes our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 in order to allow people to consider and ask questions about our Member Agreement BEFORE becoming a Member. However, if they wish to "USE" our tax information or services, meaning USE them to interact with any third party in the legal or tax profession or the government in disputing a tax liability, they must ALSO be in full compliance with our Member Agreement. We do this for several reasons. Below are a few:
5.1 Schemers with a pyramid sales deal disguised as network market.
5.2 People who are a fry shy of a happy meal ("nut cases").
5.3 Have an ego bigger than Bush, Clinton, Rumsfeld combined.
5.4 Have attitude issues….some just mean.
Those who would rather be lazy and presumptuous than do their
own homework.
5.6 Have “Hi…I’m a target painted on their face.” [aka do really stupid things]
5.7 Want others to do ALL the work for them, including holding the government accountable to the requirements of law.
5.8 Will absolutely chastise government in speech…yet still believe government wizards in courtrooms when the chips are down.
5.9 Confuse winning or loosing with merit of an argument.
5.10 Cannot understand ORGANIC, independent thought….the answer they feel is always ANYWHERE but within themselves. These people are sheep and don't even realize it.
5.11 Want someone to LEAD them and feel naked without a leader.
Consequently, the Member Agreement, Form #01.001 prevents and deters any of the unlawful or undesirable consequences above from happening. The agreement may look way longer or way more complicated than it needs to be, but practical experience and extensive legal research has taught us that there are many modes the government and legal profession uses to attack and persecute people like us for exercising our First Amendment right to inform others about their fraud and violations of law, and we want to be ready for them. As long as you simply read our materials, take full responsibility for your own choices and actions and don't try to blame us for them, do not ask us for advice, and don't become a mole, witness, or snitch or "kype" against us, there is nothing to fear from consenting to the Member Agreement, Form #01.001. We're only trying to protect our First Amendment rights because this is a non-profit law enforcement and educational ministry, not a business. We're not like the government: We don't seek to control people or coerce them to do anything.
Question 0.10: How would one be able to benefit as a Non- Resident Alien? Am I denying that I was born in the U.S.?
Answer 0.10: By claiming yourself as a "non-resident
non-person", you are recognizing the separation of powers (OFFSITE LINK) put there by the founding fathers
for the protection of your PRIVATE liberties and rights. That separation of powers (OFFSITE LINK) makes federal
legislative jurisdiction "foreign" for nearly all subject matters and implies differences in meaning
of the term "United
States" between the Constitution and the federal statutes that implement
it. The word "alien" in the statutory term "nonresident alien" in the context of humans refers to a foreign NATIONALITY. The "U.S."
as defined in federal statutes is not the GEOGRAPHICAL "U.S."
(OFFSITE LINK) that includes states of the Union indicated in the Constitution.
You need to read the following to appreciate these differences in meaning
and the implications upon your citizenship and domicile:
Why you are a "national" or a "state national" and not a statutory "U.S. citizen", Form #05.006
As far as the consequences of being a "non-resident non-person", read our free materials below:
Please study the above references and rebut the questions
at the end of the pamphlets. If you want to study citizenship further,
read Great IRS Hoax, Form #11.302 (OFFSITE LINK) sections 4.11 and following
for detailed analysis. We can't do the home work for you. Only you
can do it and reach your own conclusions. You must be persuaded by
law, facts and evidence, and not anything we tell you or write. Our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 says that the only basis for reasonable belief about income tax liability
is documented in the pamphlet Reasonable Belief About Income
Tax Liability, Form #05.007. Read and study it for yourself.
Sovereignty begins with education, and you need to get educated before you
attempt to step forward and take on a corrupted and unlawfully administered
system. That education will take faith, effort, and discipline.
Your questions reveal that you need more education, which is available for
free in our Liberty University.
Question 0.11: I'm confused about contradictions with your approach to obtaining or using your materials. I am glad that I have found your ministry on the web and I have even made a donation and downloaded Sovereign Christian Marriage, Form #06.009 and SSN Policy Manual, Form #06.013. Though I have read the first and enjoyed it, there is something I do not understand and need clarification from you. At the beginning of Sovereign Christian Marriage, Form #06.009, there is an Important Notes page. The first warning on this page goes along the line "only the intended audience may use this material" the content goes on to say that if you received this [bookstore only item] from basically anyone, you are a thief and a criminal unless you agree to the SEDM Member Agreement, Form #01.001. So I clicked on the link and read the agreement. It says that in order for you to be a member you have to be sovereign, reject all earthly government and only adhere to the heavenly Father's government before all others. Then in section 1.3 it says a member needs to share their new light. So how can some one share their light of the SEDM ministry with some one who does not know that the Gods government comes before man? Or with people who don't know about sovereignty? Your book is very articulate, much more than I have yet to be. So when I try to explain this concept to people who have never understood it, let's just say I have a hard time and would like to lend them the book so that your understanding goes directly to them and won't get garbled through me. It seems to me that if Jesus took the same approach that you are taking, He would only be preaching to the angels. So please help me understand:
Thank you for receiving my email, please answer my email as I'm only looking for understanding of your ministry.
Answer 0.11: Thank you for your insightful question and this opportunity to clarify our intentions. Some answers:
“Away with you , Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him ONLY [NOT the government!] you shall serve.’”
[Jesus in Matt. 4:10, Bible, NKJV]
2.1 Attach to correspondence sent to any third party, and especially the government or the legal profession or a business.
2.2 Attach to legal pleadings sent to any government, court, or the legal profession.
2.3 Attach or incorporate within any tax return or tax collection correspondence sent to the federal or state taxing authorities.
2.4 Incorporate our materials by reference or provide a hyperlink to our website in correspondence or legal pleadings sent to any government, legal profession, or business .
2.5 Mention anything or anyone connected with our ministry website or any member of our ministry as an authority or a basis for your beliefs about your responsibilities under the law.
3.1 We sustain our operations through the Ministry Bookstore and Member Subscriptions items and
you will DESTROY and DISCREDIT our ministry if you give them away for
free or in violation of the Member Agreement, Form #01.001 or you allow them to get in the hands of uninformed or dis-informed
or presumptuous people who
intend to abuse our materials to discredit or injure themselves, Christianity,
the Lord, and/or us.
3.2 If you want to share Ministry Bookstore and Member Subscription items with others, make a suggested donation to obtain another copy on behalf of that person and then give it to them as a gift. When you obtain our materials through the bookstore on behalf of those who are not members, you must therefore ensure that they are warned that they cannot USE these materials to interact with the government or legal profession unless and until they become Members and that they are only for reading and entertainment UNLESS and UNTIL they meet all the requirements for being a Member.
The bookstore checkout process enforces the mandatory requirement to consent to the Member Agreement, Form #01.001 and therefore it is impossible to obtain our bookstore items without consenting to become a Member. If after obtaining and reading materials from our bookstore you decide you don't agree with the requirements of membership, you will become a Member in Bad Standing. Members in Bad Standing cannot use any of our materials in correspondence with the government, legal profession, courts, or anyone else, but may only read the materials. You must be a Member in Good Standing in order to USE our materials for any tax years in which you use them.
Jesus said He did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners, to repentance. Matt. 9:13; Mark 2:17. We don't just preach to the righteous or angels or to the saved or to Members, but to EVERYONE who will hear.
"He who has ears to her, let him hear!"
[Matt. 11:15, Matt. 13:9, Bible, NKJV]
However, for those who become ministers to others and who are using our materials to help others, teaching it, or using it to directly interact with the government or the legal profession, these people raise to the level of teachers and disciples not of us, but of the Truth. Teachers, ministers, and disciples are called to a much higher Biblical standard of knowledge and accountability and must then become Members. Unto he who much is given, much is expected. Luke 12:48. The Bible reiterates this same requirement of those who would become preachers and teachers and ministers, even to themselves, when it said:
"My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment."
[James 3:1, Bible, NKJV]"Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful."
[1 Cor. 4:1-2, Bible, NKJV]"We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed. But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings; by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
[2 Cor. 6:3-10, Bible, NKJV]
Our message is not contradictory. We want everyone to read and learn with all of our free materials.
However, if they get past the reading and learning phase and decide to actually
start using our materials, most of which come from
the bookstore, to interact administratively and legally with the government,
legal profession, banks, and employers, we INSIST that they must first become members and comply scrupulously with the Member Agreement, Form #01.001 so that they do not injure or dishonor anyone, including themselves, the
Lord, or this ministry. In that respect, they are fulfilling the two
great commandments to love God and love their neighbor by not injuring or
bringing reproach upon their neighbor or God. Matt. 22:36-40 The legal profession imposes a similar criteria
for " licensing" of attorneys
who "practice law", where all attorneys must be of "good moral character".
This requirement is for the protection of everyone, including foreign governments
such as the "United States" corporation. We can't demonstrate mature
Christian love and be a good example if we condone things that we know will
hurt others or violate the law, or if we permit others to blame us for the
consequences of their own decisions and actions. The Member Agreement,
Form #01.001 requires that those who use our materials [to
interact with the government or the legal profession] may not use them to
violate any law and agree to accept exclusive responsibility for all their
actions and choices. You may not be knowledgeable enough at this point
to appreciate how all the constraints imposed by the Member Agreement, Form #01.001 will accomplish the protection sought, but if you are diligent and study
to make yourself approved of God (2
Tim. 2:15) by continually growing your spirituality and knowledge level,
you will eventually appreciate everything that is in that agreement for
your protection.
Question 0.12: Is there someone in my area who I could talk to or ask questions about a specific document or process on your website?
Answer 0.12: Our members value their privacy highly. We and our members are forbidden by our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 from giving out personal information of our members or sharing subjective opinions or promises about the effectiveness any of our materials. If you want to get in contact with members, the best place to do it is in our Member Forums, forum #3.6: Members Seeking Members. In order to post to these forums or read the content, you must join the forums and thereby consent to our Member Agreement, but membership is and always has been absolutely free.
Our forums have a facility to search for members within a specific geographic area. Click on the "Members" tab at the top, and then click in the upper right corner on the "More Search Options" button. Then fill in the profile fields for the geographic area you are interested in. Here is the direct link, but it will not work until you join the forums and login:
If you need educational assistance from us rather than other members, you should consider joining our Member Subscriptions offering, which entitles you to get personal help. Before seeking help from us or getting questions answered, please exercise your mandatory due diligence as required by Guide to Asking Questions, Form #09.017, Section 2.
Lastly, the main goal of this website is to read, learn, and obey God's and Man's law and to preserve as much freedom and sovereignty in the process as we can. We do not have statistics on the success of our methods nor do we offer a social network to help you to implement what is on this website other than our Member Forums, which would seem to be the motivation behind this sort of question.
Question 0.13: I need winning court cases as authorities that prove your materials will work. Can you provide this?
Answer 0.13: One of the goals of this website is to PREVENT the need to litigate by filling your administrative record with such damning evidence, that no one in their right mind would criminally prosecute a Member for a tax crime or take you on civilly. You won't find cases for such a circumstance. But we do publish an extensive collection of caselaw documenting the accuracy of everything we teach on this website. See:
Sovereignty and Freedom Points and Authorities, Litigation Tool #10.018
Furthermore, we remind you that we aren't a business, we don't "market" our materials, and we are prohibited by our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 from making promises about the effectiveness of our materials. We don't have statistics to offer you and even if we did, some malicious and malingering public dis-servant would argue that they are wrong, that they relied on them, and then shut us down for false advertising. It is a hazard to our wellbeing to offer the information you seek and all you are proving by your question is that you care more about personal benefit and commerce than you care about making sure that the truth continues to be available to the masses. It is precisely this kind of greed, envy, and selfishness that created all the corruption in our tax, government, and legal systems that is so extensively documented on this website in the first place and we certainly don't need more of the same.
"Buy the truth, and sell it not; [also] wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.."
[Proverbs 23:23, Bible, NKJV]
The goal of this ministry isn't to "win" or personally benefit, but to learn and follow the law and thereby fulfill the second of the two great commandments to love and protect our neighbor found in Gal. 5:14, Romans 13:9, and Mark 12:31. All you prove by your question is that you have a purely commercial or personal motive and we discourage those with such sefish motives from becoming members. Our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 prohibits use of our materials for commercial purposes or anything other than legal, moral, or spiritual reasons. The goal is to love our neighbor by learning and following the law. Often, this approach is more inconvenient and costly than simply doing what "everyone else does" or what simply "feels good". If Jesus simply did "what everyone else does", or "what feels good", we wouldn't be reading and eagerly learning about Him still today.
We avoid these sort of questions because we don't do this for money and we aren't here to "promote" or "promise" or "market" anything commercial. We are GOD pleasers, not MAN pleasers. You are a man/woman. That singular attitude and motive is behind every legitimate, real religious enterprise, including ours. If you find cases in which parties have litigated using our materials, we would be happy to repost them here as they are found. The only cases we know of right now are the cases described in the following links. By providing these links, we don't mean to indicate that it is a "win", but simply an example. Whether they are a "win" or "successful" is very subjective. Even if you gave us your criteria for what "winning" means, we couldn't apply it because our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 prohibits us from making legal determinations. In these cases, the arguments used on this website were never directly rebutted, but the "taxpayer" judge who had a conflict of interest in criminal violation of 18 U.S.C. §208 did what he wanted anyway because he loved YOUR MONEY more than he loved truth or justice (Form #05.050):
1.1 Federal District Court Rules on Hansen Injunction (OFFSITE LINK)
1.2 Case History of C. Hansen (OFFSITE LINK)
For additional litigation anecdotes, see the following forums. Very few of the cases mentioned in those forums directly deal with materials on this website, but the forum is useful nevertheless:
Family Guardian Forums-> Events -> Courts, Litigation, and Prosecutions (OFFSITE LINK)
Lastly, we also wish to emphasize that in the many years our Members have spent researching the many subjects covered on our website and the thousands of cases and statutes we have read verifying our information, we have NEVER:
The reason for the above is that you can't argue with the truth without making an IDIOT and a FOOL out of yourself. There will be many people who will not LIKE the truth and will criticize the messenger who brings the truth just as they persecuted Jesus, but NO ONE can argue with the truth without removing all doubt that they are a FOOL.
"It is better to remain quiet and to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
The great thing about the truth is that it is the ONLY thing that is completely consistent with itself and completely consistent with every aspect of reality. The minute ignorant people with an agenda step forward to argue with the truths on our website is the minute they start contradicting themselves and thereby tacitly admit that they are LYING or JUST PLAIN IGNORANT. This is because some aspect of what they say will always be inconsistent with either the facts or something else they say and it is usually easy to spot these things after studying the truth for so long.
Question 0.14: I have a job with the state or federal government. Can I still be a member or do I need to quit? I read through the membership agreement and can agree to everything required. However, I have a dilemma: I was recently hired by ____________________________, where I am employed as an ___________ . Should I resign from __________ in order to become a member? If I resign from _________ I would be unemployed and prospects for employment in the private sector are not good in this economy.
I read the definitions of "employee" and I am not an elected official or officer. After reading through the definitions and statutes several times I think I can reasonably conclude that I could be employed by the government but not be a statutory "employee" of the government.
I think more study might be required. I am confused and am writing to ask you if you can point me in the right direction so I may better understand how to resolve this dilemma?
Answer 0.14: All "taxpayers" are public officers within the Internal Revenue Code. See:
The "employee" who is the subject of Subtitle C of the I.R.C. MUST therefore be engaged in a public office in the government or he/she cannot lawfully have information returns filed against them. Anyone who files information returns against those not already lawfully occupying a public office is impersonating a public officer in criminal violation of 18 U.S.C. §912. This is because the only authority for filing information returns at 26 U.S.C. §6041(a) requires that only those engaged in a "trade or business", which is then defined as "the functions of a public office" in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(26), can be a proper or lawful subject of information returns such as forms 1042-S, 1098, 1099, W-2, etc. We can't see any way that a "person" (who by the way is also a public officer) could lawfully exercise "the functions of a public office" WITHOUT also being in fact and in deed a "public officer" of the U.S. government. To conclude otherwise would be to sanction the crime of impersonating a public officer found in 18 U.S.C. §912.
This same "employee" is also defined in 5 U.S.C. §2105(a) to EXCLUDE common workers or those OTHER than public officers. Therefore, pursuant to Title 5 of the U.S. code and the definition of "employee" found at 26 U.S.C. §3401(c ) and 26 C.F.R. §31.3401(c )-1, ordinary workers cannot be "taxpayers" and it would be a crime in violation of 18 U.S.C. §912 to "elect" oneself into a public office using IRS form W-4 or any other tax form for that matter. We have not yet found any provision of the I.R.C. that authorizes any tax form to be used to CREATE a new public office. The only thing the I.R.C. can therefore lawfully do is regulate the conduct of those ALREADY lawfully occupying said offices in the only place they are authorized to be exercised, which is the District of Columbia pursuant to 4 U.S.C. §72. This is also covered in the following article:
Secretary's Authority in the Several States Pursuant to 4 U.S.C. 72 (OFFSITE LINK)
To make a long story short, we therefore conclude the following:
2.1 The term "United States" is defined to include the District of Columbia in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(9) and (a)(10).
2.2 The I.R.C moves all "citizens" and "residents" to the District
of Columbia if they are not situated on federal territory. See
26 U.S.C. §7408(d) and 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(39).
2.3 The "citizen" or "resident" referred to as the "taxpayer"
in the I.R.C. relates to the public office and not the human being
filling the office. The public office is domiciled in the District of
Columbia pursuant to Fed.R.Civ.P.
17(b) but not necessarily
the human being filling the office. See Section 9 of the following:
“Thus, Congress having power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes, may, without doubt, provide for granting coasting licenses, licenses to pilots, licenses to trade with the Indians, and any other licenses necessary or proper for the exercise of that great and extensive power; and the same observation is applicable to every other power of Congress, to the exercise of which the granting of licenses may be incident. All such licenses confer authority, and give rights to the licensee.
But very different considerations apply to the internal commerce or domestic trade of the States. Over this commerce and trade Congress has no power of regulation nor any direct control. This power belongs exclusively to the States. No interference by Congress with the business of citizens transacted within a State is warranted by the Constitution, except such as is strictly incidental to the exercise of powers clearly granted to the legislature. The power to authorize a business within a State is plainly repugnant to the exclusive power of the State over the same subject. It is true that the power of Congress to tax is a very extensive power. It is given in the Constitution, with only one exception and only two qualifications. Congress cannot tax exports, and it must impose direct taxes by the rule of apportionment, and indirect taxes by the rule of uniformity. Thus limited, and thus only, it reaches every subject, and may be exercised at discretion. But, it reaches only existing subjects. Congress cannot authorize [e.g. "license", either directly or indirectly] a
trade or business within a State in order to tax it.”
[License Tax Cases, 72 U.S. 462, 18 L.Ed. 497, 5 Wall. 462, 2 A.F.T.R. 2224 (1866)]
Consequently, we can find no reason to believe that a HUMAN BEING may be a "taxpayer" who does not occupy a public office in the government as either an elected or appointed official or as an officer of a federal corporation that itself is an "office" within the government. Note that we are not referring here to any artificial "person" because we don't deal with such "persons" in this ministry. If you find evidence to the contrary, we would love to see it and please send it to us as soon as you find it. You can find a detailed analysis of the above conclusions in the following:
Note that we aren't making a legal determination in your specific case, nor does our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 allow us to. Therefore, please don't come back to us and ask us to do so by applying the above to your specific situation, because then we are rendering legal advice. We speak here only in general terms and do so as a matter of opinion and belief, and not FACT. Our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 in fact requires that you may not interpret anything on this website as factual or actionable, so you have to make your own decisions based on reading the law for yourself and applying it to your specific circumstances.
If you want to determine for yourself whether your job satisfies all the legal requirements for being a "public office" that we are aware of, then we recommend examining the following. You'll have to make the determination yourself as the "sovereign", because we can't and won't do it for you:
With all the above said, we are not adverse to having federal workers not engaged in a government public office to participate as Members so long as they satisfy all the following precautionary requirements: