


This document provides a succinct roadmap and checklist for achieving sovereignty and freedom and becoming a contributing and Sovereign Member of this ministry.

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This animated Adobe Flash presentation very powerfully and simply and graphically illustrates the concept of liberty in such a way that even a child can fully understand how it works.   

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This training course provides an excellent and powerful starting point for your study of freedom from a legal perspective.

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The Bible, as a law book, is an excellent resource for learning about natural law, constitutional rights, and the equality and dignity of ALL. It is the only thing needed to create and maintain a just and yet simple society. This training course teaches about this law system.

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"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
[Dresden James]

This pamphlet explains the basis for your sovereignty, which is the requirement for consent in all human interactions.  The main reason organized government is established is to protect this right in all human interactions, and especially in the context of its interactions with all those present on its territory.  It is MUST reading for those who want to have a good legal foundation for defending their rights.

In addition, we HIGHLY recommend the following companion video: 

Flash The Sunset of the State (OFFSITE LINK, 9 minutes) -analysis of why the present model of government is fundamentally flawed.  By Stefan Molyneux.

We should point out that we don't entirely agree with the above video on the following points, which we also talk about in the Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003 linked above:

  1. The "non-aggression" principle the video talks about is synonymous with the requirement for consent thesis of the above memorandum of law.
  2. "non-aggression" is also the foundation of American jurisprudence, which recognizes that ALL JUST AUTHORITY OF GOVERNMENT derives from the CONSENT of the governed.  This is so stated in our Declaration of Independence.  Therefore, what he proposes is not a new idea by any means, but a restatement of a timeless idea that he has simply given a new name so he could take credit for originating it.
  3. Molyneux doesn't apply the principles of "non-aggression" to the legal field.  Doing so is an ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL requirement in order to arrive at a remedy for the problems he points out.
  4. If he had properly applied the non-aggression principle to the legal field, he would have recognized:
    4.1  The TWO great divisions of law:  civil and criminal. 
    4.2  The fundamental difference between these arises from the requirement for consent.  Civil laws only acquire the "force of law" against those who consent.  Criminal laws may be enforced WITHOUT our consent.
    4.3  That "non-aggression" is simply NOT practically possible in enforcing the criminal laws, but that the number of these laws should be as FEW as possible to maximize freedom for everyone.
    4.4  The frequent tendency of corrupt rulers to DISGUISE CIVIL franchises as CRIMINAL law so that they don't have to obtain your consent to enforce them against you.
  5. Molyneux fails to recognize or identify the MAIN method for implementing the coercive force, which is CIVIL FRANCHISES.  If he understood exactly how they operate, then he would be far more empowered to reform the system by pointing out and defending he and his followers from their chronic abuses.  For details, see:
    Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030
  6. Molyneux is an atheist and we are not.  The non-aggression principle CANNOT be and NEVER HAS HISTORICALLY BEEN successfully implemented in an atheist society.  Faith-based morality of some kind is the ONLY way to prevent the need for all of the force that he criticizes AFTER the coercion he criticizes is completely eliminated.  Left to their own devices, humankind are otherwise prone to self-indulgence and the anarchy and lawlessness that it produces.  Below is our presentation on the differences between us and him on the subject of atheism and anarchy which are then repeated as section 9.5 of this Liberty University:
    Policy Document: Problems with Atheistic Anarchism, Form #08.020

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These short videos powerfully illustrate the foundation of the Constitution and our form of government.  We are a Republic, not a Democracy.  Democracy is a transitional device used by corrupt politicians to transition us from freedom and individual rights to socialism, communism, and collectivism.  The present government is a de facto government in which a country is a farm, you are "livestock", and everyone works for Uncle as a public officer at gunpoint.

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This course provides the basics on how to do legal research and writing.  It provides an ESSENTIAL starting point to facilitate your legal education and development, and it will enable you to verify the authenticity of and critically evaluate:

  1. The validity of every legal authority we cite in defense of every position we take on this website and in our publications.
  2. Everything that you hear from a member of the legal profession or government that relates to your obligations under the law.
  3. Whether you are subject to the the statute cited as authority by government or the legal profession.  In other words, whether the statute is private law that only applies to those who expressly consent in some way, or whether it is public law that applies equally to EVERYONE.
  4. Whether government publications accurately and completely portray what the law actually says.  Government publications are UNTRUSTWORTHY, according to the courts and the IRS so it is YOUR job to validate them.  See PDF Reasonable Belief About Income Tax Liability, Form #05.007 for details.

We regard it as impossible to be God's sovereign ambassador without the ability to search, read, and understand enough of what the law says to do all of the above. 

“One who turns his ear from hearing the law [PDF God's law or man's law], even his prayer is an abomination.”
[Prov. 28:9, Bible, NKJV]

"My [God's] people are destroyed [and enslaved] for lack of knowledge [and the lack of education that produces it].”
[Hosea 4:6, Bible, NKJV]

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
[Joshua 1:8-9, Bible, NKJV,
IMPLICATION: If you aren't reading and trying to obey God's law daily, then you're not doing God's will and you will not prosper]

Jesus also commanded believers to investigate what He called "the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees". In modern terms the Pharisees and Sadducees (Form #05.047) are the priests of the Civil Religion of Socialism (Form #05.016) promoting and practicing "the commandments of men" for their own selfish personal gain, which today are called "franchises" (Form #05.030).

The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees

Now when His disciples had come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. 6 Then Jesus said to them, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.”

And they reasoned among themselves, saying, “It is because we have taken no bread.”

But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, “O you of little faith, why do you reason among yourselves because you have brought no bread?   Do you not yet understand, or remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets you took up?  Nor the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many large baskets you took up?  How is it you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread?—but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
[Matt. 16:5-12, Bible, NKJV]

The “doctrine” Jesus is speaking of is the legal publications, rules, teachings, and beliefs of the lawyers at that time under a theocracy, who were abusing the law and legal process to:

  1. Expand the power and influence of those interpreting or enforcing the law to elevate their own importance, rights, or privileges to be ABOVE everyone else.  In other words, to destroy equality under the law.
  2. Expand the definition or meaning of a words in the law to ADD things not expressly included.  Today this is done by abusing the word “includes”.
  3. Undermine or circumvent the INTENT of the law and replace it with something more “beneficial” to the lawmaker.  Today this is done primarily by:
    3.1 “equivocation”, meaning confusing the multiple contexts of usually geographic words to expand those the area or group membership covered by the law.
    3.2 Abuse of judicial precedent to extend the reach of a law to an unmentioned group.  Also called “judicial activism” or “legislating from the bench”.

The effect of the above sinister legal treachery is to replace God’s law with man’s law, and to do what the Founding Fathers called “turn a society of law into a society of men”. We describe how this is done in:

PDF Who Were the Pharisees and Saducees?, Form #05.047

We remind our Members and Readers that they, as the consumer of our materials and information and of legal services in general, are required by our Member Agreement to accept full and complete and exclusive responsibility for all their actions and choices and that they have an obligation to exercise DUE DILIGENCE in investigating EVERYTHING they hear from everyone that relates to a legal obligation.  Without doing this, you will NEVER get any respect and people will walk all over you.  Caveat emptor!

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This training course covers fundamentals of:

It summarizes all of the information available in our book Know Your Rights and Citizenship Status, Form #10.009.

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This training course explains various techniques for developing evidence that proves you have the following sovereign status:

  1. What you ARE:
  2. What you are NOT: (click here for details)
    • Statutory "national and citizen of the United States** at birth" pursuant to 8 U.S.C. §1401.
    • Statutory "national but not citizen of the United States** at birth" per 8 U.S.C. §1408.
    • Statutory "U.S.** person" per 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30).
    • Statutory "citizen" per 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(c ), which is a public office in the U.S. government.
    • Statutory "person" (public officer) under every federal franchise, including Social Security, Medicare, driver licensing, etc.
    • Statutory "individual" (public officer) or "nonresident alien INDIVIDUAL".
    • Statutory "Exempt individual" per 26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(5) because not a statutory "individual" (public officer).
    • Any citizenship term OTHER than that indicated here.

It is based on Why You are a "national", "state national", and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Form #05.006, and supports section 3.13 of the Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004 on the Family Guardian website (OFFSITE LINK).

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The key to protect  our sovereignty is to make sure that the government "stays inside the ten mile square box" that the Constitution put it inside of.  The only way to keep it inside the box is to prevent false presumption of all kinds, both in the political arena and especially in the legal arena.  This memorandum of law explains the root of most of the corruption and evil we find in our present day government, which is false "presumption" and the exploitation of it in courtrooms by covetous and malicious judges and prosecutors in order to expand federal jurisdiction where none actually exists and to pad their pockets and retirement checks.

Understanding presumptions is important because when left unchallenged, they:

  1. Are very injurious to your rights and liberty.
  2. Violate the PDF separation of powers by allowing otherwise constitutional courts to unlawfully entertain "political questions".
  3. Cause a violation of due process of law because decisions are not based on legally admissible evidence.  Instead, presumptions unlawfully and prejudicially turn beliefs into evidence in violation of Federal Rule of Evidence 610 and the Hearsay Rule, Rule 802.
  4. Can be abused to replace PDF equal protection and constitutional rights with PDF franchises, privileges, hypocrisy, and lawful discrimination.
  5. Turn private law PDF franchises "codes" into a state-sponsored bible upon which "worship services" are based and convey the "force of law" upon them through your PDF implied consent.
  6. Turn judges into "priests" of a PDF civil religion.
  7. Turn legal pleadings into "prayers" to the priest.
  8. Turn legal process into an act of religion.
  9. Transform "attorneys" into deacons of a PDF state-sponsored religion.
  10. Turn the courtroom into a church building.
  11. Turn court proceedings into a "worship service" akin to that of a church.
  12. Turn "taxes" into tithes to a state-sponsored church, if the controversy before the court involves taxation.

God refers to the judge's bench of all those judges who employ or tolerate the above violations of due process of law as "the throne of iniquity", as though it were in fact a sacred religious place.  Obviously, by "have fellowship with you?" they mean you can't consent to become a "citizen or resident" of such a corrupt de facto government and must remain at least a statutory "non-resident non-person":

 “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, have fellowship with You?  They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood.  But the Lord has been my defense, and my God the rock of my refuge.  He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; the Lord our God shall cut them off.” 
[Psalm 94:20-23, Bible, NKJV]

For further details on all the above mechanisms, see:

  1. PDF Socialism:  The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016
  2. PDF Government Establishment Of Religion, Form #05.038

Below is the link to the article from our Forms page.

If you want some humorous but true examples of why presumption is evil because it causes us to judge things too quickly and to believe things which often aren't true, see the following.

All of the people in the above videos are "dissimulated", meaning that they have been made to appear like something they are not.  This is the same thing that most human beings are victim of:  They are wrongfully made to appear as "PDF public officers" and "taxpayers" because of the PDF false and fraudulent information returns filed against them that the DOJ, because of malicious and self-serving "selective enforcement", refuses to prosecute even though they are a GRAVE and WIDESPREAD PDF violation of law.

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This short but very well-written pamphlet succinctly and passionately describes the separation of powers between the state and federal governments.  It is MUST reading for those who want to have a good legal foundation for defending their rights.

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This brief article provides a chronological history that definitively proves how our republican form of government mandated by Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution has been corrupted over the years and thereby transformed into a PDF socialist democracy.  It applies the concepts about sovereignty learned earlier in this section to show how the arrangement of sovereign functions of government have invisibly but relentlessly been rearranged to prejudice and undermine the rights and sovereignty of the people by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.

Below is the link to the article.    This is an OFFSITE link and we are not responsible for the content.

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This free online reference and book contains detailed forms and instructions that will help you restore and defend your personal sovereignty as all of the following in relation to the national government:

  1. "nontaxpayer".
  2. "nonresident".
  3. Statutory "non-resident non-person".
  4. Constitutional but not statutory "citizen".
  5. Not consensually or lawfully engaged in a public office in the national or state government or in a statutory "trade or business".
  6. Not consensually or lawfully engaged in any franchise of the national government.

It is fully consistent with the other materials appearing on this page.  It is provided in two forms.  Click on the link you prefer below to go to the format you prefer.

  1. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004 (OFFSITE LINK)
  2. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual, Form #10.005-electronic book version of the above

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This book proves that the Holy Bible is a trust indenture, God is the beneficiary, and Christians are trustees and fiduciaries of Him and ONLY Him.  It proves that the Bible forbids us to engage in any of the following with or towards any ruler or government:

  1. PDF Idolatry.  Idolatry towards a king or ruler or government would violate the first four commandments of the ten commandments.
  2. Commerce.  Black's Law Dictionary defines  "commerce" as  "intercourse", which is what the Bible book of Revelation also describes as "fornication" of Babylon the Great Harlot.
  3. PDF Franchises.
  4. Having any king, ruler or judge above us or between us and God.  That would mean divided allegiance which God does not tolerate.
  5. Contracts

As a trust indenture, the Bible is a contract, and the First Amendment and Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution forbids any state or federal government from interfering with this contract.  This position gives us great standing in court to defend ourselves from attempts by the government or others to compel us to participate in PDF government franchises, which are contracts, or to commit idolatry by making government into a "parens patriae" in relation to us by virtue of participation in said franchises.  These franchises include Social Security, Medicare, the income tax, driver's licenses, marriage licenses, etc.

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Modern Christian churches, pastors, and parishoners are teaching doctrine that clearly conflicts with the revealed word of God in the Holy Bible.  This deception causes idolatry towards government and destroys any possibility that Christians will assert their sovereignty in the political or legal realm.  It is very important that Christians be informed about this deception and have the tools to fight it and fix it.  You can use this document to educate yourself, your loved ones, and members of your church about the deception.  Below is the link to the article from our Forms page.

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Corrupt and covetous politicians direct false propaganda against personal sovereignty among law enforcement personnel such as police officers as a way to protect their criminal and illegal activities.   This presentation is designed to rebut such propaganda and to give police officers a clear understanding of sovereignty as a just, lawful, and peaceful pursuit. Below is the link to the article from our Forms page.

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The pursuit of collectivism by progressives, communists, and socialists underlies every corruption of the government and every attack on your sovereignty and PRIVATE rights. It invades every area of government and law, such as how laws are enacted, how you interact with administrative agencies in the government, the courtroom, etc. This short course introduces collectivism as the origin of all the government evils, unconstitutional acts, violations of rights, and unlawful activity. It describes ways to resist it.

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The subject of unalienable rights is a VERY important topic to learn in protecting and defending your rights.This short course introduces the subject and points to more detailed resources for those who want to learn more.

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This short course describes and compares the four law systems under which you may pursue remedy for violation of PRIVATE rights.

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This short course describes the simplest possible tactic to challenge most government civil enforcement actions as the CRIMES that they actually are. Some members have used this approach in traffic court and won every ticket enforcement 100% of the time!

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How the administrative state works and how to fight it successfully. Traffic court, family court, tax, court, the IRS, and state revenue agencies are all part of the administrative state.

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