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2.1  Path to Freedom hand_left.gif  -START YOUR QUEST FOR LIBERTY HERE!
2.2  Philosophy of Liberty-Flash presentation that very simply and powerfully describes the concept of liberty
2.3  Foundations of Freedom Course-provides an excellent and powerful starting point for your study of freedom from a legal perspective
2.4  Ten Commandments Bible Law Course-learn about the best system yet devised to create and maintain a free, just, and civil society based on equality of all that even children can understand and learn. Learn about natural rights and their only ultimate source, which is God.
2.5  Requirement for Consent-explains the basis for your sovereignty, which is the right to consent in all interactions.  The purpose of government is protect this right.  If you never consent to give up your rights to life, liberty, or property and do not surrender any of your rights to the government by your choice of citizenship and domicile, then you are sovereign and immune from the jurisdiction of all federal courts as a "stateless person" and a "foreign sovereign".
2.6  Theory of Government-our country is a Republic, not a democracy.  We are being deceived by our politicians in order to facilitate their plunder and enslavement of us
2.7  Legal Research and Writing Techniques Course-learn how to study any legal subject, write your own pleadings, and fully function in court as a sui juris litigant.
2.8  Citizenship and Sovereignty Course-training course which teaches you the fundamentals of citizenship, government, and law
2.9  Developing Evidence of Citizenship and Sovereignty Course-training course which teaches you how to develop evidence that supports your true status as a "foreign sovereign" with respect to all government jurisdiction
2.10  Presumption: Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Federal Jurisdiction-this short article describes the main method that judges and unscrupulous U.S. attorneys use to unlawfully expand federal jurisdiction and thereby violate the Constitution
2.11  Cooperative Federalism-short pamphlet that succinctly describes from a legal perspective the Separation of Powers between state and federal government
2.12  How Scoundrels Corrupted Our Republican Form of Government-short article that describes exactly how our Constitutional system of republican government has been corrupted and debased by greedy politicians for personal gain.
2.13  Sovereignty Forms and Instructions-resources from third parties that show you how to restore and defend your personal sovereignty
2.14  Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians-why the Bible is a contract that limits your delegated authority and does not permit you to contract with the government or any civil ruler.
2.15  Policy Document: Corruption Within Modern Christianity-contemporary Christianity teaches doctrine that is in conflict with God's law in such a way that it causes idolatry towards government and destroys any possibility that Christians will assert their sovereignty.  Read this document to learn how and why they do it
2.16  Sovereignty for Police Officers Course -introduction to sovereignty for law enforcement personnel and police officers. Dispels fraudulent propaganda by corrupt politicians.
2.17  Collectivism and How to Resist It Course-describes the main source of government evils on this site.
2.18  Unalienable Rights Course-what UNALIENABLE rights are and how you lose them.
2.19  Four Law Systems Course -law systems available in pursuing remedy for violation of PRIVATE rights.
2.20  Lawfully Avoiding Government Obligations-how to easily challenge most government civil enforcement actions as the CRIMES they actually are
2.21  Administrative State: Tactics and Defenses-How to deal successfully with the administrative state.


3.1  Federal and State Income Taxation of Individuals Course-how the federal and state income tax "schemes" work
3.2  Income Tax Withholding and Reporting Course-training course which describes laws and requirements relating to tax withholding and reporting for businesses and private employers
3.3  IMF Decoding Course-training course which explains how IMF decoding works, the basic tools and services available for accomplishing it
3.4  The "trade or business" scam-heart of the IRS fraud
3.5  The Fundamental Nature of the Federal Income Tax-short pamphlet that very succinctly describes the lawful authority of federal income taxation
3.6  Taxed-fascinating interview of three ex IRS agents about illegal attempts by the IRS to enforce the Internal Revenue Code
3.7  Why domicile and becoming a "taxpayer" require your consent-very important article that addresses fundamental issues every American should know about
3.8  "Taxpayer" v. "Nontaxpayer": Which one are you?-describes the existence of a thing called a "nontaxpayer" and shows what the implications of being one are
3.9  Reasonable Belief about Income Tax Liability-describes what sources of legal evidence can and should be relied upon in forming a good-faith belief about federal tax liability
3.10  Non-resident Non-Person Position-describes the foundation of the approach upon which Members of this ministry must approach all of their interactions with the state and federal taxing authorities
3.11  State Income Taxes-details of how state income taxes work and how they interface into the federal system
3.12  Nonresident Alien Position Course-Description of the only approach to taxation permitted for Members of this site


4.1  Government Franchises Course-basic introduction to franchises in simplified terms for the neophyte
4.2  Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises-shows how the government abuses franchises and "privileges" to destroy your rights.
4.3  Government Identity Theft-devious and illegal tactics abused by governments to connect you to franchises and privileges without your consent or using coercion or duress..
4.4  Separation Between Public and Private Course - how to stay private and challenge attempts to make you public.
4.5  Legal Notice of Change in Domicile/Citizenship and Divorce from the United States-how to become a Sovereign in respect to the federal government by politically, legally, commercially, and contractually disconnecting from it
4.6  Resignation of Compelled Social Security Trustee-a document intended to allow you to quit Social Security legally
4.7  Why it is Illegal for Me to Request or to Use a Taxpayer Identification Number-Use this form in the case of employers and financial institutions who are trying to compel you to procure or use a government issued identifying number.
4.8  Affidavit of Citizenship, Domicile, and Tax Status-attach this to a financial account application, a government form, or a job application to define your citizenship in such a way that you are not subject to government jurisdiction or taxation
4.9  USA Passport Application Attachment-attach this form to your USA passport application to prevent inadvertently becoming a domiciliary of the federal zone.  This is done by truthfully and accurately representing your citizenship, domicile, and tax status.
4.10  Voter Registration Attachment-attach this form to your state voter registration application to prevent inadvertently becoming a domiciliary of the federal zone.  This is done by truthfully and accurately representing your citizenship, domicile, and tax status.
4.11  Tax Form Attachment-attach this form to every STANDARD IRS form that you submit in order to avoid being compelled to engaged in the "trade or business" or "U.S. citizen" franchises.  Using this form is a MANDATORY requirement of our Member Agreement.
4.12  Correcting Erroneous Information Returns-this prevents you from being connected to the federal "trade or business" franchise and to the duties of a "public officer" within the franchise.  Most information returns filed are FALSE
4.13  Privacy Agreement-Attach this form to all financial, account, government, and medical forms to ensure your privacy is protected and that you do not become the unlawful subject of any financial transaction report.
4.14  Unlicensed Practice of Law-how to practice law without a license from the corrupted state, which acts essentially as a "gag order" from telling the truth in open court
4.15  Sovereign Christian Marriage-how to get married without a state-issued marriage license
4.16  Defending Your Right to Travel-how to drive without a state issued driver's license
4.17  Lawfully Avoiding the Military Draft-the military draft is a liability associated with domicile on federal territory.  It DOES NOT apply within states of the Union.  This article shows how to lawfully avoid but not unlawfully evade the military draft
4.18  Federal Pleading/Motion/Petition Attachment-attach this form to motion, petition, or pleading filed in federal court to preserve and protect your status and standing at every point in the proceeding and to prevent false presumptions by the judge.
4.19  UCC Security Agreement-make your "res" or straw man into a separate entity and lien him as a way to defend against bogus government liens
4.20  The Government "Benefits" Scam-use this memorandum to defend yourself against efforts by courts, judges, and government prosecutors to convict persons for "tax evasion" or willful failure to file. Proves that all government benefits are voluntary and that there is no legal liability to pay for them
4.21  Private Right or Public Right? Course-use this memorandum to defend yourself against efforts by courts, judges, and government prosecutors to convict persons for "tax evasion" or willful failure to file. Proves that all government benefits are voluntary and that there is no legal liability to pay for them


5.1  Activism Resources-excellent resources for political activism
5.2  What Pastors and Clergy Need to Know About Government and Taxation Course-materials you can use to educate a pastor of your church who is preaching a view of taxation that is completely inconsistent with the Bible, enacted law, and America's heritage
5.3  Equipping the Church To Vote-short pamphlet that shows how to honor God in the process of exercising your right to vote
5.4  Christian Citizenship Course-detailed one semester course on Christian Citizenship principles.
5.5  America: From Freedom to Fascism movie-revealing expose on the corruption of America's government, legal, and banking systems.
5.6  Bible Law Course-introduction to the Bible as a Law book and NOT a history book.


6.1  Situational References-education and references based on your situation
6.2  Avoiding Traps in Government Forms-how to prevent being connected to government civil jurisdiction or franchises.
6.3  Forms and publications library-forms you can attach to your response to state and federal tax collection notices, account applications, etc.
6.4  Who are "taxpayers" and who needs a "taxpayer identification number"?
6.5  "The Constitution, Income Tax, and You" Video-training course that teaches you effective techniques on how to approach the IRS at an audit
6.6  "Having Fun with the Tax Man" Video-gives you some very compelling defenses to use at any IRS audit
6.7  Federal and State Tax Withholding Options for private employers-pamphlet with very good coverage of all tax withholding options for private employers.  Includes sample forms
6.8  What to Do When the IRS Comes Knocking-short pamphlet that tells you how to prepare for and handle an IRS visit or raid.
6.9  Your Rights as a "Nontaxpayer"-new IRS pamphlet for "nontaxpayers" instead of "taxpayers"
6.10  "Demand for Verified Evidence of Lawful Federal Assessment" form-form you can attach to your response to state and federal tax collection notices.  Very effective.
6.11  "Demand for Verified Evidence of Lawful State Assessment" form-form you can attach to your response to state and federal tax collection notices.  Very effective.


7.1  Civil Courtroom Procedure - basic course on civil courtroom procedure
7.2  Litigation Tools Page-excellent research, pleadings, and tools you can use to fight the fraud in court
7.3  Legal Research Sources Index-all legal research sources on one easy page for quick reference
7.4  Legal Remedies that Protect Private Rights Course-important background on how members can litigate to protect their PRIVATE rights
7.5  Challenging Federal Jurisdiction - simplified procedures and information for challenging jurisdiction when litigating against federal government enforcement actions in court
7.6  Policy Document: Unlawful Ways of Protecting Your Rights that Should Be Avoided - important ways that freedom lovers get in legal trouble which you should avoid
7.7  Unlicensed Practice of Law Resources-tools to help you avoid being injured by the corruption of the legal profession and the courts
7.8  The Anti-Government Movement Guidebook-handbook for use by state judges in countering freedom advocate legal arguments
7.9  Memorandums Of Law-various Memorandums of Law on important legal subjects relating to freedom, sovereignty, and taxation.  Attach to court pleadings and use as evidence.
7.10  Jury Nullification Training-teaches you how to end the fraud by exercising your legitimate powers as a jurist
7.11 "The Last Barrier to Tyranny" Video-teaches people how to educate jurors and be good jurors in order to nullify bad laws and bad actions by judges.
7.12 Collectivism and How to Resist It-describes the main source of government evils on this site.


8.1  Government Deception and Propaganda Course-explains all of the major methods of both political and legal deception and propaganda used by the present corrupted de facto corrupt government
8.2  Who Were the Pharisees and Saducees?-this publication proves that modern lawyers have in every particular morphed into the Pharisees and Saducees, who were ridiculed by God Himself in the Bible
8.3  Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud-debunks a popular scam used by the IRS and government in hiding the nature of their illegal activities
8.4  Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid-this publication documents the more prevalent flawed and false arguments that freedom and sovereignty advocates advance in the area of taxation
8.5  Rebutted Version of IRS Pamphlet "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments"-rebutted version of most famous IRS propaganda that you can use in your correspondence with the IRS
8.6  Rebutted Version of "Tax Resister Frequently Asked Questions"-rebutted version of Dan Evan's popular attack on those who insist on an accountable, limited government that obeys the Internal Revenue Code
8.7  Rebutted Version of CRS Report 97-59A: "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax"
8.8  Policy Document: Rebutted False Arguments Against This Website
8.9  Policy Document: Rebutted False Arguments About Sovereignty
8.10  Policy Document: IRS Fraud and Deception About the Statutory Word "Person"- Rebuttal about the most common false argument of the IRS about their lack of jurisdiction.
8.11  An Introduction to Sophistry-How covetous public servants abuse logical fallacies to deceive and STEAL from people they are supposed to be protecting
8.12  Rebutted False Arguments About the Common Law-Common misconceptions about the term "common law"
8.13  Rebutted False Arguments About the Nonresident Alien Position When Used by American Nationals-Information you can use with financial institutions and in court to rebut the false presumption that all "nonresident aliens" are "aliens" or that you can't be a "nonresident alien" as an American National born in our country.


9.1  Policy Document: Corruption Within Modern Christianity-contemporary Christianity teaches doctrine that is in conflict with God's law in such a way that it causes idolatry towards government and destroys any possibility that Christians will assert their sovereignty.  Read this document to learn how and why they do it
9.2  Policy Document: UCC Redemption-official SEDM policy towards UCC redemption policy circulating in the freedom community
9.3  You Might be a Liberal If...
9.4  Why the Fourteenth Amendment is NOT a Threat to Your Freedom- examines and rebuts a very common false belief by the majority of freedom advocates
9.5  Policy Document: Problems with Atheistic Anarchism-examines and rebuts fallacies and cognitive dissonance with the most popular philosophy within the Libertarian community.
9.6  Policy Document: Pete Hendrickson's "Trade or Business" Approach-examines flaws in Pete Hendrickson's "trade or business" approach.
9.7  Rebutted False Arguments About the Common Law-Common misconceptions about the term "common law"
9.8  Frivolous Subjects-Subject matters that may not appear in any of our materials because they lack evidence to back them up. If you want to talk about these things, you MUST provide evidence that they are true. If you don’t, your post relating to these issues will be deleted.
9.9  Rebutted False Statements About Soverignty In The News- Rebutted false statements about sovereignty or our ministry in the news.


“Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it; no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias."
[ Learned Hand, Spirit of Liberty]

"But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty [God's law] and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed [by the Lord Himself] in what he does."
[James 1:25, Bible, NKJV]

"Now the Lord is the Spirit; and [ONLY] where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." 
[2 Cor. 3:17, Bible, NKJV]

"Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage [to the government, the legal profession, or the income tax]."
[Gal. 5:1, Bible, NKJV]

"If you abide in My [God's] word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
[Jesus in John 8:31-32, Bible, NKJV]

”This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart;  who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.”
[Eph. 4:17-19, Bible, NKJV]

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There is a very good reason why this page is entitled "Liberty University" instead of "Freedom University".  Liberty means freedom PLUS personal responsibility.  Those who want to avoid personal responsibility seek "freedom" instead of "liberty".  What most politicians deceptively call "freedom" is really nothing more than legislatively created "franchises" that are designed to enslave the people using their own sin and DESTROY your God-given rights, not protect or preserve them.

“Liberty Means Responsibility.  That's why most men dread it.”
[George Bernard Shaw]

"For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish [presumptuous or irresponsible] men— as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of [RESPONSIBLE TO] God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood."
[1 Peter 2:15-17, Bible, NKJV]

There is a grave need in America for educational curricula and materials to teach ordinary people (the "joe six pack" types) about freedom, law, sovereignty, and taxes.  Instructional materials which are succinct and boil the issues down to their barest, common-sense essentials but which at the same time grab and captivate people's hearts and minds is very difficult to find indeed.  The government and the legal profession have also done their best to keep this kind of information out of the hands of the masses, because it threatens and undermines their power and influence.  Offerings available on the Family Guardian Website, while they are very complete and detailed, do not teach these concepts in a simple, or high-level manner that is appealing to large crowds of newly introduced people who are interested in learning more about the subject.  The focus of this page is therefore to offer educational materials that are devoted to such a purpose.  It is our intention to use your gracious donations to our ministry for the following purposes:

The above approach is the only way to take the United States of America and its corrupted government back from the thieves and Pharisees who have hijacked it for their own personal gain.  The U.S. government and the state governments were established as a "public trust", and the "trustees", who are our "public servants" have taken it over and made it into their "alter ego" for personal gain, because the "beneficiaries", We the People, fell asleep at the wheel.  We were put to sleep by a corrupted government public education system that doesn't teach children about law or the Constitution or the PDF Separation of Powers.  The PDF present de facto U.S. government and the state governments have now become what the courts commonly call a "sham trust", which ironically has become this way mainly because of these same corrupted courts.   

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares

Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy [our public dis-servants] came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop [We, the American People, are the "crop"], then the tares also appeared.  So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ He said to them, ‘An enemy [our corrupted public dis-servants] has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest [the final judgment], and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat [us believers and PDF followers of God's law] into my barn [God's house].”’
[Matt. 13:24-30, Bible, NKJV]

The problems and obstacles that we face as a people are mainly political, and not legal, in nature and require a remedy within the political sphere.  This page was inspired by the following article:

The educational materials below are sequenced in a progression of increasing complexity.  We suggest that you view or read or watch them in the order they are presented because they build on each other.  You may download and freely reuse any of the materials appearing here for personal use or group viewing.  However:

  1. They may NOT be sold and must be provided at cost to whomever you give them to.
  2. The use of our materials may not have a commercial motivation.
  3. The copyright notice and author information must remain intact.  If excerpts of our materials are used, the source should be acknowledged and a weblink must be provided to this website.
  4. SEDM "tax information or services" may only be used in strict compliance with our Member Agreement and Disclaimer.  This means that anyone who obtains our "tax information or services" using this website may read those materials, but they may not submit them to any third party in the legal profession or government in connection with disputing or establishing a tax or refund liability unless they have completed up to step 14 of our PDF Path to Freedom, Form #09.015 and are in full compliance with all the requirements of our Member Agreement.  For a definition of "tax information or services", see section 2 of our Member Agreement, Form #01.001.
  5. If the materials are presented to or distributed to a group, then they may NOT be presented or "used" in conjunction with or as part of any presentation or effort that:
    5.1  Is connected with UCC redemption.  We completely disapprove of UCC redemption for the reasons indicated in our form entitled
          PDF Policy Document:  UCC Redemption, Form #08.002.
    5.2  Includes any of the false or illegal arguments appearing in the free "PDF Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid" pamphlet. 
    5.3  Includes any of the false arguments contained in the PDF Policy Document: Rebutted False Arguments Against This Website, Form #08.011.
    5.4  Includes any of the false arguments contained in  PDF Why the Fourteenth Amendment is Not a Threat to Your Freedom, Form #08.015.

We insist on the above to ensure that we are not associated with or discredited by knowingly false or questionable approaches of well-intentioned but often ignorant and presumptuous neophytes within the freedom community.  This is the only way to ensure that we bring nothing but honor and glory to the Lord, which is the main goal of this website.

It's actually better if you download the materials below and view them offline so that you will conserve our precious bandwidth, because the files tend to be rather large. To download any one of the items and store it on your computer, simply RIGHT-CLICK on the link and select "Save Target As" and then tell your computer where to store the file.  It's that simple.  We would also like to recommend that you make an effort to try to contact and thank those people who courageously sacrificed their time and their work to produce the excellent free materials appearing below.

Years of research and effort have been devoted to making sure that all of the materials on our website are entirely consistent with each other and consistent with both PDF God's law and man's law (OFFSITE LINK). 

It is, of course, true that statutory construction [or interpretation] “is a holistic endeavor” and that the meaning of a provision is “clarified by the remainder of the statutory scheme ... [when] only one of the permissible meanings produces a substantive effect that is compatible with the rest of the law.” United Sav. Assn. of Tex. v. Timbers of Inwood Forest Associates, Ltd., 484 U.S. 365, 371, 108 S.Ct. 626, 98 L.Ed.2d 740 (1988).
[U.S. v. Cleveland Indians Baseball Co., 532 U.S. 200, 121 S.Ct. 1433 (2001)]

Please therefore give yourself plenty of time to read and study the materials on this page before you run off half-cocked and demand answers to questions or conflicts that arise in your mind as you are reading something.  If there are conflicts in your mind, chances are it is because you haven't given yourself enough time to digest these materials or because you are making PDF presumptions that simply cannot be supported with facts and evidence.  An important goal of this website is to challenge all such presumptions and eliminate them, which is sure to cause confusion in your mind until you look at the evidence for yourself using materials on this page.  We have found that the best approach for resolving conflicts in your mind as they arise is to:

  1. Identify the topic which they relate to within one of the list of memorandums of law found later in section 7.8 of this page and to read the memorandum, which usually clears up the confusion by providing all the facts and law that are relevant to the subject of the memorandum.  That is why we mention and quote these memorandums so frequently throughout our publications.
  2. Search the SEDM Subject Index Page for the topic you have a question about and read all the references listed on the subject.

If questions arise in your mind about the issues discussed here that you can't resolve by further study of our extensive educational materials, you may wish to visit the following resources, where you can meet and interact with like-minded freedom fighters such as yourself.  We are simply not equipped with the resources necessary to answer your many questions individually, so please consult the following resources instead:

If you would like to provide feedback or suggest corrections to these materials or anything else on our website, please submit your suggestions to our Forums page, in the "Errata reports" forum within the "SEDM Website" section.  You will need to become a Member in order to join our Forums.

Those readers who would like to learn more detail about any of the subjects covered here may wish to visit the following OFFSITE resources:

This page is not associated with Jerry Falwell's educational institution of the same name, which is also called "Liberty University".

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  1. Our Disclaimer covers all the materials appearing below, in addition to the rest of the materials on this website.  Our Disclaimer  prohibits readers from relying on anything BUT enacted law itself in reaching a belief, so they aren't allowed to believe anything we say personally about anything.
  2. This site is NOT a repository for patriot mythology or patriot religion.  Instead, we focus only on PDF Reasonable Belief that can be supported by facts and evidence.  Anything you submit to us for posting or review or rebuttal to the information contained herein should therefore be completely consistent with our PDF Reasonable Belief memorandum of law or should explain why this memorandum is incorrect.  Everything posted on this website conforms with this memorandum, and we should expect no less of you than we demand of ourselves in the context of educating members of the public.
  3. Some of the links provided herein go to third party websites.  These links are identified as "OFFSITE LINKS".  We assume no responsibility for any information provided by third parties.
  4. Anyone may read or learn our materials and by doing so the license protecting the materials mandatorily makes them members.  However, those wishing to "use", meaning send any of the materials and information available through this website to any government, court, or member of the legal profession in the context of their own tax liability MUST:  1.  Be Members in full compliance with the PDF Member Agreement;  2.  Complete up to step 14 of section 2 of our PDF Path to Freedom, Form #09.015.  We do NOT condone, suggest, authorize, or recommend the application or use of these materials to anyone in disputing a tax liability who does not comply with these requirements. We assume no responsibility for those who misuse or misapply these materials.  We do this to ensure that we do not knowingly interfere with any lawful function of the government or needlessly clog the government or the courts with irrelevant correspondence.  We want everyone, including you, to comply with laws they are DEMONSTRABLY subject to, to avoid hurting anyone, and to respect the equal rights of all.  Anyone who demands respect for their rights from a government without diligently doing everything they can to render it and earn it is a hypocrite and possibly also a psychopath.

    “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,  that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.  For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?  And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?  Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect."
    [Matt. 5:43-48, Bible, NKJV.  Written by a tax collector and a disciple of Jesus]

  5. We do not maintain ANY commercial relationships with any of the third party persons or organizations who might have produced or contributed to any of the materials appearing here.  These materials are offered strictly as a free public service and not as a means of revenue generation.
  6. We are not aware of anything inaccurate or incorrect in any of these materials other than that which is pointed out on this page.  No one has ever contacted us to point out flaws in any of these materials.  However, we encourage your feedback if you find anything inaccurate in the materials presented so that we may improve them and warn our members about any flaws. Furthermore, it is a DUTY imposed upon all members by our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 and upon every reader or user by the license agreement protecting our materials that they promptly bring to our attention anything inaccurate they find in our materials. Those who shirk this duty automatically provide court admissible evidence that they agree with everything here under penalty of perjury.  Please provide court admissible evidence supporting your conclusions if you decide to point out errors. 



This document provides a succinct roadmap and checklist for achieving sovereignty and freedom and becoming a contributing and Sovereign Member of this ministry.

Resources for further study:

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This animated Adobe Flash presentation very powerfully and simply and graphically illustrates the concept of liberty in such a way that even a child can fully understand how it works.   

Resources for further study:

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This training course provides an excellent and powerful starting point for your study of freedom from a legal perspective.

Resources for further study:

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The Bible, as a law book, is an excellent resource for learning about natural law, constitutional rights, and the equality and dignity of ALL. It is the only thing needed to create and maintain a just and yet simple society. This training course teaches about this law system.

Resources for further study:

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"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves."
[Dresden James]

This pamphlet explains the basis for your sovereignty, which is the requirement for consent in all human interactions.  The main reason organized government is established is to protect this right in all human interactions, and especially in the context of its interactions with all those present on its territory.  It is MUST reading for those who want to have a good legal foundation for defending their rights.

In addition, we HIGHLY recommend the following companion video: 

Flash The Sunset of the State (OFFSITE LINK, 9 minutes) -analysis of why the present model of government is fundamentally flawed.  By Stefan Molyneux.

We should point out that we don't entirely agree with the above video on the following points, which we also talk about in the Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003 linked above:

  1. The "non-aggression" principle the video talks about is synonymous with the requirement for consent thesis of the above memorandum of law.
  2. "non-aggression" is also the foundation of American jurisprudence, which recognizes that ALL JUST AUTHORITY OF GOVERNMENT derives from the CONSENT of the governed.  This is so stated in our Declaration of Independence.  Therefore, what he proposes is not a new idea by any means, but a restatement of a timeless idea that he has simply given a new name so he could take credit for originating it.
  3. Molyneux doesn't apply the principles of "non-aggression" to the legal field.  Doing so is an ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL requirement in order to arrive at a remedy for the problems he points out.
  4. If he had properly applied the non-aggression principle to the legal field, he would have recognized:
    4.1  The TWO great divisions of law:  civil and criminal. 
    4.2  The fundamental difference between these arises from the requirement for consent.  Civil laws only acquire the "force of law" against those who consent.  Criminal laws may be enforced WITHOUT our consent.
    4.3  That "non-aggression" is simply NOT practically possible in enforcing the criminal laws, but that the number of these laws should be as FEW as possible to maximize freedom for everyone.
    4.4  The frequent tendency of corrupt rulers to DISGUISE CIVIL franchises as CRIMINAL law so that they don't have to obtain your consent to enforce them against you.
  5. Molyneux fails to recognize or identify the MAIN method for implementing the coercive force, which is CIVIL FRANCHISES.  If he understood exactly how they operate, then he would be far more empowered to reform the system by pointing out and defending he and his followers from their chronic abuses.  For details, see:
    Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030
  6. Molyneux is an atheist and we are not.  The non-aggression principle CANNOT be and NEVER HAS HISTORICALLY BEEN successfully implemented in an atheist society.  Faith-based morality of some kind is the ONLY way to prevent the need for all of the force that he criticizes AFTER the coercion he criticizes is completely eliminated.  Left to their own devices, humankind are otherwise prone to self-indulgence and the anarchy and lawlessness that it produces. Below is our presentation on the differences between us and him on the subject of atheism and anarchy which are then repeated as section 9.5 of this Liberty University:
    Policy Document: Problems with Atheistic Anarchism, Form #08.020

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These short videos powerfully illustrate the foundation of the Constitution and our form of government.  We are a Republic, not a Democracy.  Democracy is a transitional device used by corrupt politicians to transition us from freedom and individual rights to socialism, communism, and collectivism.  The present government is a de facto government in which a country is a farm, you are "livestock", and everyone works for Uncle as a public officer at gunpoint.

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This course provides the basics on how to do legal research and writing.  It provides an ESSENTIAL starting point to facilitate your legal education and development, and it will enable you to verify the authenticity of and critically evaluate:

  1. The validity of every legal authority we cite in defense of every position we take on this website and in our publications.
  2. Everything that you hear from a member of the legal profession or government that relates to your obligations under the law.
  3. Whether you are subject to the the statute cited as authority by government or the legal profession.  In other words, whether the statute is private law that only applies to those who expressly consent in some way, or whether it is public law that applies equally to EVERYONE.
  4. Whether government publications accurately and completely portray what the law actually says.  Government publications are UNTRUSTWORTHY, according to the courts and the IRS so it is YOUR job to validate them.  See PDF Reasonable Belief About Income Tax Liability, Form #05.007 for details.

We regard it as impossible to be God's sovereign ambassador without the ability to search, read, and understand enough of what the law says to do all of the above. 

“One who turns his ear from hearing the law [PDF God's law or man's law], even his prayer is an abomination.”
[Prov. 28:9, Bible, NKJV]

"My [God's] people are destroyed [and enslaved] for lack of knowledge [and the lack of education that produces it].”
[Hosea 4:6, Bible, NKJV]

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
[Joshua 1:8-9, Bible, NKJV,
IMPLICATION: If you aren't reading and trying to obey God's law daily, then you're not doing God's will and you will not prosper]

Jesus also commanded believers to investigate what He called "the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees". In modern terms the Pharisees and Sadducees (Form #05.047) are the priests of the Civil Religion of Socialism (Form #05.016) promoting and practicing "the commandments of men" for their own selfish personal gain, which today are called "franchises" (Form #05.030).

The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees

Now when His disciples had come to the other side, they had forgotten to take bread. 6 Then Jesus said to them, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.”

And they reasoned among themselves, saying, “It is because we have taken no bread.”

But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, “O you of little faith, why do you reason among yourselves because you have brought no bread?   Do you not yet understand, or remember the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets you took up?  Nor the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many large baskets you took up?  How is it you do not understand that I did not speak to you concerning bread?—but to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that He did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
[Matt. 16:5-12, Bible, NKJV]

The “doctrine” Jesus is speaking of is the legal publications, rules, teachings, and beliefs of the lawyers at that time under a theocracy, who were abusing the law and legal process to:

  1. Expand the power and influence of those interpreting or enforcing the law to elevate their own importance, rights, or privileges to be ABOVE everyone else.  In other words, to destroy equality under the law.
  2. Expand the definition or meaning of a words in the law to ADD things not expressly included.  Today this is done by abusing the word “includes”.
  3. Undermine or circumvent the INTENT of the law and replace it with something more “beneficial” to the lawmaker.  Today this is done primarily by:
    3.1 “equivocation”, meaning confusing the multiple contexts of usually geographic words to expand those the area or group membership covered by the law.
    3.2 Abuse of judicial precedent to extend the reach of a law to an unmentioned group.  Also called “judicial activism” or “legislating from the bench”.

The effect of the above sinister legal treachery is to replace God’s law with man’s law, and to do what the Founding Fathers called “turn a society of law into a society of men”. We describe how this is done in:

PDF Who Were the Pharisees and Saducees?, Form #05.047

We remind our Members and Readers that they, as the consumer of our materials and information and of legal services in general, are required by our Member Agreement to accept full and complete and exclusive responsibility for all their actions and choices and that they have an obligation to exercise DUE DILIGENCE in investigating EVERYTHING they hear from everyone that relates to a legal obligation.  Without doing this, you will NEVER get any respect and people will walk all over you.  Caveat emptor!

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This training course covers fundamentals of:

It summarizes all of the information available in our book Know Your Rights and Citizenship Status, Form #10.009.

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This training course explains various techniques for developing evidence that proves you have the following sovereign status:

  1. What you ARE:
  2. What you are NOT: (click here for details)
    • Statutory "national and citizen of the United States** at birth" pursuant to 8 U.S.C. §1401.
    • Statutory "national but not citizen of the United States** at birth" per 8 U.S.C. §1408.
    • Statutory "U.S.** person" per 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30).
    • Statutory "citizen" per 26 C.F.R. §1.1-1(c ), which is a public office in the U.S. government.
    • Statutory "person" (public officer) under every federal franchise, including Social Security, Medicare, driver licensing, etc.
    • Statutory "individual" (public officer) or "nonresident alien INDIVIDUAL".
    • Statutory "Exempt individual" per 26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(5) because not a statutory "individual" (public officer).
    • Any citizenship term OTHER than that indicated here.

It is based on Why You are a "national", "state national", and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Form #05.006, and supports section 3.13 of the Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004 on the Family Guardian website (OFFSITE LINK).

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The key to protect  our sovereignty is to make sure that the government "stays inside the ten mile square box" that the Constitution put it inside of.  The only way to keep it inside the box is to prevent false presumption of all kinds, both in the political arena and especially in the legal arena.  This memorandum of law explains the root of most of the corruption and evil we find in our present day government, which is false "presumption" and the exploitation of it in courtrooms by covetous and malicious judges and prosecutors in order to expand federal jurisdiction where none actually exists and to pad their pockets and retirement checks.

Understanding presumptions is important because when left unchallenged, they:

  1. Are very injurious to your rights and liberty.
  2. Violate the PDF separation of powers by allowing otherwise constitutional courts to unlawfully entertain "political questions".
  3. Cause a violation of due process of law because decisions are not based on legally admissible evidence.  Instead, presumptions unlawfully and prejudicially turn beliefs into evidence in violation of Federal Rule of Evidence 610 and the Hearsay Rule, Rule 802.
  4. Can be abused to replace PDF equal protection and constitutional rights with PDF franchises, privileges, hypocrisy, and lawful discrimination.
  5. Turn private law PDF franchises "codes" into a state-sponsored bible upon which "worship services" are based and convey the "force of law" upon them through your PDF implied consent.
  6. Turn judges into "priests" of a civil religion.
  7. Turn legal pleadings into "prayers" to the priest.
  8. Turn legal process into an act of religion.
  9. Transform "attorneys" into deacons of a state-sponsored religion.
  10. Turn the courtroom into a church building.
  11. Turn court proceedings into a "worship service" akin to that of a church.
  12. Turn "taxes" into tithes to a state-sponsored church, if the controversy before the court involves taxation.

God refers to the judge's bench of all those judges who employ or tolerate the above violations of due process of law as "the throne of iniquity", as though it were in fact a sacred religious place.  Obviously, by "have fellowship with you?" they mean you can't consent to become a "citizen or resident" of such a corrupt de facto government and must remain at least a statutory "non-resident non-person":

 “Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, have fellowship with You?  They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood.  But the Lord has been my defense, and my God the rock of my refuge.  He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; the Lord our God shall cut them off.” 
[Psalm 94:20-23, Bible, NKJV]

For further details on all the above mechanisms, see:

  1. PDF Socialism:  The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016
  2. PDF Government Establishment Of Religion, Form #05.038

Below is the link to the article from our Forms page.

If you want some humorous but true examples of why presumption is evil because it causes us to judge things too quickly and to believe things which often aren't true, see the following.

All of the people in the above videos are "dissimulated", meaning that they have been made to appear like something they are not.  This is the same thing that most human beings are victim of:  They are wrongfully made to appear as "PDF public officers" and "taxpayers" because of the PDF false and fraudulent information returns filed against them that the DOJ, because of "selective enforcement", refuses to prosecute..

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This short but very well-written pamphlet succinctly and passionately describes the separation of powers between the state and federal governments.  It is MUST reading for those who want to have a good legal foundation for defending their rights.

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This brief article provides a chronological history that definitively proves how our republican form of government mandated by Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution has been corrupted over the years and thereby transformed into a PDF socialist democracy.  It applies the concepts about sovereignty learned earlier in this section to show how the arrangement of sovereign functions of government have invisibly but relentlessly been rearranged to prejudice and undermine the rights and sovereignty of the people by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.

Below is the link to the article.    This is an OFFSITE link and we are not responsible for the content.

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This free online reference and book contains detailed forms and instructions that will help you restore and defend your personal sovereignty as all of the following in relation to the national government:

  1. "nontaxpayer".
  2. "nonresident".
  3. Statutory "non-resident non-person".
  4. Constitutional but not statutory "citizen".
  5. Not consensually or lawfully engaged in a public office in the national or state government or in a statutory "trade or business".
  6. Not consensually or lawfully engaged in any franchise of the national government.

It is fully consistent with the other materials appearing on this page.  It is provided in two forms.  Click on the link you prefer below to go to the format you prefer.

  1. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004 (OFFSITE LINK)
  2. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual, Form #10.005-electronic book version of the above

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This book proves that the Holy Bible is a trust indenture, God is the beneficiary, and Christians are trustees and fiduciaries of Him and ONLY Him.  It proves that the Bible forbids us to engage in any of the following with or towards any ruler or government:

  1. PDF Idolatry.  Idolatry towards a king or ruler or government would violate the first four commandments of the ten commandments.
  2. Commerce.  Black's Law Dictionary defines  "commerce" as  "intercourse", which is what the Bible book of Revelation also describes as "fornication" of Babylon the Great Harlot.
  3. PDF Franchises.
  4. Having any king, ruler or judge above us or between us and God.  That would mean divided allegiance which God does not tolerate.
  5. Contracts

As a trust indenture, the Bible is a contract, and the First Amendment and Article 1, Section 10 of the United States Constitution forbids any state or federal government from interfering with this contract.  This position gives us great standing in court to defend ourselves from attempts by the government or others to compel us to participate in PDF government franchises, which are contracts, or to commit idolatry by making government into a "parens patriae" in relation to us by virtue of participation in said franchises.  These franchises include Social Security, Medicare, the income tax, driver's licenses, marriage licenses, etc.

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Modern Christian churches, pastors, and parishoners are teaching doctrine that clearly conflicts with the revealed word of God in the Holy Bible.  This deception causes idolatry towards government and destroys any possibility that Christians will assert their sovereignty in the political or legal realm.  It is very important that Christians be informed about this deception and have the tools to fight it and fix it.  You can use this document to educate yourself, your loved ones, and members of your church about the deception.  Below is the link to the article from our Forms page.

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Corrupt and covetous politicians direct false propaganda against personal sovereignty among law enforcement personnel such as police officers as a way to protect their criminal and illegal activities.   This presentation is designed to rebut such propaganda and to give police officers a clear understanding of sovereignty as a just, lawful, and peaceful pursuit. Below is the link to the article from our Forms page.

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The pursuit of collectivism by progressives, communists, and socialists underlies every corruption of the government and every attack on your sovereignty and PRIVATE rights. It invades every area of government and law, such as how laws are enacted, how you interact with administrative agencies in the government, the courtroom, etc. This short course introduces collectivism as the origin of all the government evils, unconstitutional acts, violations of rights, and unlawful activity. It describes ways to resist it.

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The subject of unalienable rights is a VERY important topic to learn in protecting and defending your rights.This short course introduces the subject and points to more detailed resources for those who want to learn more.

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This short court describes and compares the four law systems under which you may pursue remedy for violation of PRIVATE rights.

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This short course describes the simplest possible tactic to challenge most government civil enforcement actions as the CRIMES that they actually are. Some members have used this approach in traffic court and won every ticket enforcement 100% of the time!

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How the administrative state works and how to fight it successfully. Traffic court, family court, tax, court, the IRS, and state revenue agencies are all part of the administrative state.

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Covers basics of federal and state income taxation. Covers law, regulations, "taxpayer", "taxable income", "taxable sources", etc.

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This training course provides a summary of the legal requirements relating to tax withholding.  It is a considerably condensed version of the much more detailed pamphlet in item 3.1 above entitled Federal and State Tax Withholding Options for Private Employers.  It is meant for busy people who do not have time to read that entire document.  It also includes requirements pertaining to ministers of the gospel.

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The IMF Decoding training course explains in simple terms:

PDF Click here to view the training course.    SEDM Form #12.005.

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This short but very important piece by Family Guardian highlights the foundation of:

Once you know exactly what activity is "taxable", you can avoid liability for tax entirely by avoiding involving yourself in the activity.   This is an OFFSITE link and we are not responsible for the content.  Below is the link:

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This short pamphlet describes in very simple terms the true nature of the federal government's taxing powers.

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This video by Michael Symonds contains a one hour video of three ex IRS agents: John Turner, Sherry Jackson, and Joe Bannister.  The agents admit that our tax "codes" (not "laws", but "codes") are deceptive and that the IRS illegally enforces them.  They reveal some of their own research into the illegal enforcement of the tax code by the IRS and describe the affects of revealing that research to their supervisors and coworkers at the IRS.  Very interesting and enlightening!  The email address for Michael on the video does not work and we don't have an alternate address for you to use, so please don't ask us for one.

Click on one of the two links below.  Requires free Microsoft Media Player 9 or later to view.

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This article is VERY enlightening and explains some extremely important information about the origin of ALL of the government's civil jurisdiction over us, which is your voluntary choice of legal domicile.  It proves that the only people the government can "govern" and who are therefore "persons" under federal civil law are those who WANT to be governed, consistent with what the Declaration of Independence says:

"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their JUST powers from the PDF CONSENT of the governed.. ."
[Declaration of Independence]

It shows how the process of volunteering into the government's jurisdiction and becoming a "subject citizen" occurs, so that you will know how to UNVOLUNTEER and restore your sovereign status as a person governed by PDF God's Laws rather than the PDF pagan civil religion that self-serving lawyers and politicians have created as a vain and idolatrous substitute.

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This article proves the existence of a thing called a "nontaxpayer".  It shows that both the courts and the IRS recognize its existence and demonstrates some of the important implications of being one.

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In order to competently defend our sovereignty, we must be well-informed about exactly what evidence of enacted law is legally admissible in court as a basis for a good-faith, reasonable belief about one's tax liability.  We have not been able to locate even one source in any law library, government website, or government publication that comprehensively addresses exactly what a person can rely upon in forming such a reasonable belief, and which takes into account all available sources of belief.  Our research reveals that the answer to this question is dependent on your exact legal circumstances, such as your domicile and also the nature of any contracts or employment you may have in relation to the federal government.  Therefore, we have crafted a pamphlet that answers this question succinctly and authoritatively using readily available and verifiable sources.    The document is also useful in developing what is called a "reliance defense" against criminal prosecution for any violation of the criminal provisions of the I.R.C.  EVERYONE should have this absolutely essential document in their evidence arsenal and attached to their IRS correspondence, people!

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This memorandum of law describes the foundation of the approach taken towards both federal and state income taxation which Members of this website must comply fully with in order to remain in good standing.

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Describes the relationship between federal and state income taxation.  Both tax systems must presume that you have a domicile in the same geographical or political place, which is the federal zone.  State income taxes derive all their authority from the Buck Act of 1940, codified in 4 U.S.C. §105-115.  Builds upon and is completely consistent with all of the other documents in this section.

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Description of the only approach to taxation permitted for Members of this site.

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This section deals with how to avoid government "franchises".  A "franchise" is an arrangement usually between you and the government, the voluntary acceptance of which puts you into a "privileged" state and causes a surrender of rights of one kind or another. The courts call "franchises" by various pseudonames to disguise the nature of the inferior relation to the government of "franchisees", such as "public right" or "privilege".   Franchises include:

  1. A public office:
    “Is it a franchise?  A franchise is said to be a right reserved to the people by the constitution, as the elective franchise. Again, it is said to be a privilege conferred by grant from government, and vested in one or more individuals, as a public office. Corporations, or bodies politic are the most usual franchises known to our laws."
    [People v. Ridgley, 21 Ill. 65, 1859 WL 6687, 11 Peck 65 (Ill., 1859)]
  2. All federal and state income taxes. PDF Click here for details.
  3. Domicile in the forum state, which causes one to end up being one of the following:

    3.1  Statutory "U.S. citizen" pursuant to 8 U.S.C. §1401 if a domestic national.

    3.2  Statutory "Permanent resident" pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(1)(A) if a foreign national.

  4. Becoming a notary public.  This makes the applicant into a "public official" commissioned by the state government.

    Chapter 1
    §1.1 Generally

    A notary public (sometimes called a notary) is a public official appointed under authority of law with power, among other things, to administer oaths, certify affidavits, take acknowledgments, take depositions, perpetuate testimony, and protect negotiable instruments.  Notaries are not appointed under federal law; they are appointed under the authority of the various states, districts, territories, as in the case of the Virgin Islands, and the commonwealth, in the case of Puerto Rico.  The statutes, which define the powers and duties of a notary public, frequently grant the notary the authority to do all acts justified by commercial usage and the "law merchant".

    [Anderson's Manual for Notaries Public, Ninth Edition, 2001, ISBN 1-58360-357-3]

  5. Becoming a registered "voter" rather than an "elector".
  6. Serving as a jurist.  18 U.S.C. §201(a)(1) says that all persons serving as federal jurists are "public officials".
  7. I.R.C. 501(c )(3) status for churches.  Churches that register under this program become government "trustees" and "public officials" that are part of the government.  Is THIS what you call "separation of church and state"?  Click here (OFFSITE LINK) for details.
  8. Most but not all licensed activities, such as:
    8.1  Attorney licenses.  All attorneys are "officers of the court" and the courts in turn are part of the government.  Click here for details.
    8.2  Marriage licenses.  Click here for details.
    8.3  Driver's licenses.    Click here for details.
    8.4  Professional licenses.
    8.5  Fishing licenses.
  9. All government "benefits", including, but not limited to:
    9.1  Social Security benefits.  PDF Click here for details.
    9.1  Medicare.
    9.2  Medicaid.
  10. FDIC insurance of banks.    anks.    31 C.F.R. §202.2 says all FDIC insured banks are "agents" of the federal government and therefore "public officers".
  11. Participation of banks in the federal Reserve System.  12 U.S.C. §90 makes all "national banks" that are part of the Federal Reserve System into "agents of the government".
  12. Patents.
  13. Copyrights.

The U.S. Supreme Court acknowledged that private conduct is beyond the reach of the government and that certain harmful, and therefore regulated activities may cause the actors to become “public officers” when it held the following.

“One great object of the Constitution is to permit citizens to structure their private relations as they choose subject only to the constraints of statutory or decisional law. [500 U.S. 614, 620]  

To implement these principles, courts must consider from time to time where the governmental sphere [e.g. “public purpose” and “public office”] ends and the private sphere begins. Although the conduct of private parties lies beyond the Constitution's scope in most instances, governmental authority may dominate an activity to such an extent that its participants must be deemed to act with the authority of the government and, as a result, be subject to constitutional constraints. This is the jurisprudence of state action, which explores the "essential dichotomy" between the private sphere and the public sphere, with all its attendant constitutional obligations. Moose Lodge, supra, at 172.“

[. . .]

Given that the statutory authorization for the challenges exercised in this case is clear, the remainder of our state action analysis centers around the second part of the Lugar test, whether a private litigant, in all fairness, must be deemed a government actor in the use of peremptory challenges. Although we have recognized that this aspect of the analysis is often a fact-bound inquiry, see Lugar, supra, 457 U.S. at 939, our cases disclose certain principles of general application. Our precedents establish that, in determining whether a particular action or course of conduct is governmental in character, it is relevant to examine the following:

[1] the extent to which the actor relies on governmental assistance and benefits, see Tulsa Professional Collection Services, Inc. v. Pope, 485 U.S. 478 (1988); Burton v. Wilmington Parking Authority, 365 U.S. 715 (1961);

[2] whether the the actor is performing a traditional governmental function, see Terry v. Adams, 345 U.S. 461 (1953); Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946); cf. San Francisco Arts & Athletics, Inc. v. United States Olympic [500 U.S. 614, 622] Committee, 483 U.S. 522, 544 -545 (1987);

[3] and whether the injury caused is aggravated in a unique way by the incidents of governmental authority, see Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1 (1948).

Based on our application of these three principles to the circumstances here, we hold that the exercise of peremptory challenges by the defendant in the District Court was pursuant to a course of state action.
[Edmonson v. Leesville Concrete Company, 500 U.S. 614 (1991)]

Note that the "statutory or decisional law" they are referring to above are ONLY.

  1. Criminal law.
  2. Civil franchises that you consensually engage in using your right to contract.
  3. The common law. This protects exclusively private rights beyond the control of government.

For an explanation of why this is, see: PDF Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037.

Nearly every type of government-issued benefit, license, or "privilege" you could possibly procure makes you into a "public officer", "public official", "fiduciary", "alien", "resident", 'transferee", or "trustee" of the government of one kind or another with a "residence" on federal territory

“All the powers of the government [PDF including ALL of its civil enforcement powers (FORM #05.032) against the public] must be carried into operation by individual agency, either through the medium of public officers, or contracts made with [private] individuals.
[Osborn v. Bank of U.S., 22 U.S. 738 (1824)]

The application or license to procure the "PDF benefits (FORM #05.040)" of the franchise constitutes the contract mentioned above that creates the public office and the "RES" which is "IDENT-ified" within the government's legislative jurisdiction on federal territory.  Hence "RES-IDENT"/"resident".

"Res.  Lat.  The subject matter of a trust [the Social Security Trust or the "public trust"/"public office", in most cases] or will [or legislation].  In the civil law, a thing; an object.  As a term of the law, this word has a very wide and extensive signification, including not only things which are objects of property, but also such as are not capable of individual ownership.  And in old English law it is said to have a general import, comprehending both corporeal and incorporeal things of whatever kind, nature, or species.  By "res," according to the modern civilians, is meant everything that may form an object of rights, in opposition to "persona," which is regarded as a subject of rights.  "Res," therefore, in its general meaning, comprises actions [or CONSEQUENCES of choices and CONTRACTS/AGREEMENTS you make by procuring BENEFITS]  of all kinds; while in its restricted sense it comprehends every object of right, except actions.  This has reference to the fundamental division of the Institutes that all law relates either to persons, to things, or to actions.

Res is everything that may form an object of rights and includes an object, subject-matter or status.  In re Riggle's Will, 11 A.D.2d 51 205 N.Y.S.2d 19, 21, 22.  The term is particularly applied to an object, subject-matter, or status, considered as the defendant [hence, the ALL CAPS NAME] in an action, or as an object against which, directly, proceedings are taken.  Thus, in a prize case, the captured vessel is "the res"; and proceedings of this character are said to be in rem.  (See In personam; In Rem.)  "Res" may also denote the action or proceeding, as when a cause, which is not between adversary parties, is entitled "In re ______".
[Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, pp. 1304-1306]

The "subject matter or status" they are talking about includes all privileged statuses such as "taxpayer", "benefit recipient", or statutory "U.S. citizen" (8 U.S.C. §1401), or statutory "U.S. resident (alien)" (26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(1)(A)).  Even domicile is a type of franchise--a "protection franchise", to be precise.  This "res-ident" is what most people in the freedom community would refer to as your "straw man".  If a state-issued license or benefit is at issue, the territory that the privilege or franchise attaches to is federal territory that is usually in a federal area within the exterior limits of the state.  The reason all licenses must presume domicile of the "person" on federal territory is that they are implemented using civil law and they regulate the exercise of rights protected by the Constitution, which in turn is a violation of rights.  The Constitution and the Bill of Rights portion of the Constitution does not apply on federal territory, and therefore there is no conflict with the Constitution in regulating the exercise of rights there.

“Indeed, the practical interpretation put by Congress upon the Constitution has been long continued and uniform to the effect [182 U.S. 244, 279] that the Constitution is applicable to territories acquired by purchase or conquest, only when and so far as Congress shall so direct. Notwithstanding its duty to 'guarantee to every state in this Union a republican form of government' (art. 4, 4), by which we understand, according to the definition of Webster, 'a government in which the supreme power resides in the whole body of the people, and is exercised by representatives elected by them,' Congress did not hesitate, in the original organization of the territories of Louisiana, Florida, the Northwest Territory, and its subdivisions of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin and still more recently in the case of Alaska, to establish a form of government bearing a much greater analogy to a British Crown colony than a republican state of America, and to vest the legislative power either in a governor and council, or a governor and judges, to be appointed by the President. It was not until they had attained a certain population that power was given them to organize a legislature by vote of the people. In all these cases, as well as in territories subsequently organized west of the Mississippi, Congress thought it necessary either to extend to Constitution and laws of the United States over them, or to declare that the inhabitants should be entitled to enjoy the right of trial by jury, of bail, and of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, as well as other privileges of the bill of rights.”
[Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901)]

Consent to the franchise contract or agreement is therefore what creates the statutory “person” and “individual”, or “res-ident” who is the only proper subject of the franchise in the otherwise foreign jurisdiction.  That is why the definition of “foreign” and “domestic” in the Internal Revenue Code hinges on whether the “person” is in fact a corporation:

26 U.S. Code § 7701 – Definitions

(a) When used in this title, where not otherwise distinctly expressed or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof—

(4) Domestic
The term “domestic” when applied to a corporation or partnership means created or organized in the United States or under the law of the United States or of any State unless, in the case of a partnership, the Secretary provides otherwise by regulations.

(5) Foreign
The term “foreign” when applied to a corporation or partnership means a corporation or partnership which is not domestic.
[26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(4)-(5)]
Note that based on the above definitions, those who are NOT corporate statutory “persons” would be “foreign” rather than “domestic”, and a STATUTORY “non-resident non-person”.  This STATUTORY “non-resident non-person” is described in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(31) as not engaged in a public office and whose property is a “foreign estate”.  The “partnership” they are talking about in the above definition is the same partnership invoked in the definition of “person” at 26 U.S.C. §§6671(b) and 7343, which is a partnership between the United States Federal Corporation and an otherwise PRIVATE human or entity.  That partnership gives rise to agency on behalf of said corporation, and the agency itself is the only proper subject of tax.   Remember: Contracts create agency:
“All the powers of the government [including ALL of its civil enforcement powers against the public] must be carried into operation by individual agency, either through the medium of public officers, or contracts made with [private] individuals.
[Osborn v. Bank of U.S., 22 U.S. 738 (1824)]
Notice that the tax extends wherever the GOVERNMENT extends, meaning the PUBLIC OFFICES of the government, because Congress can only tax what it creates, and it didn’t create HUMANS.  The only thing it can create are bogus franchise offices and fool legally ignorant humans into volunteering for them using deceptive government forms which are deliberately not trustworthy and contain LIES:
“Loughborough v. Blake, 5 Wheat. 317, 5 L.Ed. 98, was an action of trespass or, as appears by the original record, replevin, brought in the circuit court for the District of Columbia to try the right of Congress to impose a direct tax for general purposes on that District. 3 Stat. at L. 216, chap. 60. It was insisted that Congress could act in a double capacity: in one as legislating [182 U.S. 244, 260] for the states; in the other as a local legislature for the District of Columbia. In the latter character, it was admitted that the power of levying direct taxes might be exercised, but for District purposes only, as a state legislature might tax for state purposes; but that it could not legislate for the District under art. 1, 8, giving to Congress the power 'to lay and collect taxes, imposts, and excises,' which 'shall be uniform throughout the United States,' inasmuch as the District was no part of the United States [described in the Constitution]. It was held that the grant of this power was a general one without limitation as to place, and consequently extended to all places over which the government extends; and that it extended to the District of Columbia as a constituent part of the United States. The fact that art. 1 , 2, declares that 'representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states . . . according to their respective numbers' furnished a standard by which taxes were apportioned, but not to exempt any part of the country from their operation. 'The words used do not mean that direct taxes shall be imposed on states only which are represented, or shall be apportioned to representatives; but that direct taxation, in its application to states, shall be apportioned to numbers.' That art. 1, 9, 4, declaring that direct taxes shall be laid in proportion to the census, was applicable to the District of Columbia, 'and will enable Congress to apportion on it its just and equal share of the burden, with the same accuracy as on the respective states. If the tax be laid in this proportion, it is within the very words of the restriction. It is a tax in proportion to the census or enumeration referred to.' It was further held that the words of the 9th section did not 'in terms require that the system of direct taxation, when resorted to, shall be extended to the territories, as the words of the 2d section require that it shall be extended to all the states. They therefore may, without violence, be understood to give a rule when the territories shall be taxed, without imposing the necessity of taxing them.'”
[Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901)]

In fact, we refer to all statutory “residents” simply as “government contractors”. Below is an example of how this identity theft and kidnapping occurs in fraudulently creating this “res-ident”.  The word of art “trade or business” is defined as “the functions of a public office” in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(26).  When one indicates that they are engaged in the privileged “trade or business”/public office activity, they at that point are treated as and are presumed to be “resident aliens” within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code:

26 C.F.R. §301.7701-5 Domestic, foreign, resident, and nonresident persons.(4-1-04)

A domestic corporation is one organized or created in the United States, including only the States (and during the periods when not States, the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii), and the District of Columbia, or under the law of the United States or of any State or Territory. A foreign corporation is one which is not domestic. A domestic corporation is a resident corporation even though it does no business and owns no property in the United States. A foreign corporation engaged in trade or business within the United States is referred to in the regulations in this chapter as a resident foreign corporation, and a foreign corporation not engaged in trade or business within the United States, as a nonresident foreign corporation. A partnership engaged in trade or business within the United States is referred to in the regulations in this chapter as a resident partnership, and a partnership not engaged in trade or business within the United States, as a nonresident partnership. Whether a partnership is to be regarded as resident or nonresident is not determined by the nationality or residence of its members or by the place in which it was created or organized.
[Amended by T.D. 8813, Federal Register: February 2, 1999 (Volume 64, Number 21), Page 4967-4975]


Consensus facit legem.
Consent makes the law.  A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.
[Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856;

Applying for any kind of "privilege" or franchise from the government or engaging in the activity that constitutes the privilege amounts to your constructive consent to be treated as a "resident alien" who is PDF domiciled on federal territory and who has no constitutional rights.  The following articles and forms describe this straw man and provide tools to notify the government that you have disconnected yourself from this "straw man" who is the "public officer" that is the only proper or lawful subject of most federal legislation:

  1. PDF Proof that There Is a "Straw Man", Form #05.042
  2. State Created Office of "Person" (OFFSITE LINK)
  3. IRS Form 56: Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship, Form #04.204
  4. PDF Affidavit of Corporate Denial, Form #02.004

Participating in federal franchises has the following effects upon the legal status of various types of "persons" listed below.  The right column describes the status of the "public officer" you represent while you are acting in that capacity.  The right column is a judicial creation not found directly in the statutes and which results from the application of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, 28 U.S.C. §1605.  It does not describe your own private status.  This "public officer" in the right column is the "straw man" that is the subject of nearly all federal legislation that could or does regulate your conduct.  Without the existence of the straw man, the Thirteenth Amendment would make it illegal to enforce federal civil law against human beings because of the prohibition against involuntary servitude.  For details on how the change in "choice of law" is effected by you voluntarily consenting to assume the duties of the "public officer" straw man, read sections 13 through 13.6 of our pamphlet below:

Entity type Sovereign status
within federal civil statutory law
WITHOUT franchises
Status in federal
AFTER accepting
Human being
born within and
domiciled within a state of the Union
Non-resident non-person (Form #05.020) "Resident alien" (26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(1)(A))
"Alien individual" (26 C.F.R. §1.1441-1(c)(3))
"Alien" (See Form #10.011, Section 12.1)
Private man or woman "Public officer"
Trustee of the "public trust"
Constitutional but not statutory "citizen"
Non-citizen national
(See PDF Why You Are a "national", "state national", and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen)

Statutory "U.S. citizen" pursuant to 8 U.S.C. §1401 or 8 U.S.C. &1101(a)(22)(A) because representing a federal corporation under 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A) which is a "citizen" pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 17(b)

NOT a constitutional "citizen of the United States" pursuant to Fourteenth Amendment

"Stateless person"
"Transient foreigner"

Domestic person

"U.S. person" (26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30))


State of the Union "state"
"foreign state"

Statutory "State" as defined in 4 U.S.C. §110(d)
(see Federal Trade Zone Act, 1934, 19 U.S.C. 81a-81u)



Foreign estate
(26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(31))

Nonstatutory trust

Domestic person

"U.S. person" (26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30))

Statutory trust

State corporation


Foreign estate
(26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(31))

Domestic person

"U.S. person" (26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30))

Federal corporation

Domestic person

"U.S. person"

"Person" (already privileged)

Domestic person

"U.S. person" (26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(30))

"Person" (already privileged)


WARNINGParticipating in ANY government franchise can leave you entirely without standing or remedy in any federal court!  Essentially, by eating out of the government's hand, you are SCREWED, BLACK AND BLUED, and TATTOOED!  The language below comes from the Constitutional Avoidance Doctrine (Litigation Tool #10.020) of the U.S. Supreme Court:

"These general rules are well settled:

(1) That the United States, when it creates rights in individuals against itself [a "public right", which is a euphemism for a "franchise" to help the court disguise the nature of the transaction], is under no obligation to provide a remedy through the courts. United States ex rel. Dunlap v. Black, 128 U. S. 40, 9 Sup. Ct. 12, 32 L. Ed. 354;  Ex parte Atocha, 17 Wall. 439, 21 L. Ed. 696;   Gordon v. United States, 7 Wall. 188, 195, 19 L. Ed. 35;  De Groot v. United States, 5 Wall. 419, 431, 433, 18 L. Ed. 700;  Comegys v. Vasse, 1 Pet. 193, 212, 7 L. Ed. 108. 

(2)  That where a statute creates a right and provides a special remedy, that remedy is exclusive. Wilder Manufacturing Co. v. Corn Products Co., 236 U. S. 165, 174, 175, 35 Sup. Ct. 398, 59 L. Ed. 520, Ann. Cas. 1916A, 118;  Arnson v. Murphy, 109 U. S. 238, 3 Sup. Ct. 184, 27 L. Ed. 920;   Barnet v. National Bank, 98 U. S. 555, 558, 25 L. Ed. 212; Farmers' & Mechanics' National Bank v. Dearing, 91 U. S. 29, 35, 23 L. Ed. 196. Still the fact that the right and the remedy are thus intertwined might not, if the provision stood alone, require us to hold that the remedy expressly given excludes a right of review by the Court of Claims, where the decision of the special tribunal involved no disputed question of fact and the denial of compensation was rested wholly upon the construction of the act. See Medbury v. United States, 173 U. S. 492, 198, 19 Sup. Ct. 503, 43 L. Ed. 779;   Parish v. MacVeagh, 214 U. S. 124, 29 Sup. Ct. 556, 53 L. Ed. 936;  McLean v. United States, 226 U. S. 374, 33 Sup. Ct. 122, 57 L. Ed. 260;   United States v. Laughlin (No. 200), 249 U. S. 440, 39 Sup. Ct. 340, 63 L. Ed. 696,  decided April 14, 1919."
[U.S. v. Babcock, 250 U.S. 328, 39 S.Ct. 464 (1919)]

For a detailed exposition of why the above is true, see also PDF Allen v. Graham, 8 Ariz.App. 336, 446 P.2d 240 (Ariz.App. 1968).  Signing up for government entitlements hands them essentially a blank check, because they, and not you, determine the cost for the service and how much you will pay for it beyond that point.  This makes the public servant into your Master and beyond that point, you must lick the hands that feed you.  Watch Out!  NEVER, EVER take a hand-out from the government of ANY kind, or you'll end up being their CHEAP WHORE.  The Bible calls this WHORE "Babylon the Great Harlot".  Remember:  Black's Law Dictionary defines "commerce", e.g. commerce with the GOVERNMENT, as "intercourse".  Bend over!

Commerce.  …Intercourse by way of trade and traffic between different peoples or states and the citizens or inhabitants thereof, including not only the purchase, sale, and exchange of commodities, but also the instrumentalities [governments] and agencies by which it is promoted and the means and appliances by which it is carried on…” 
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, p. 269]

Government franchises and licenses are the main method for destroying the sovereignty of the people pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1603(b)(3) and 28 U.S.C. §1605(a)(2).  They are also the MAIN method that our public servants abuse to escape the straight jacket chains of the constitution.  Below is an admission by the U.S. Supreme Court of this fact in relation to Social Security:

“We must conclude that a person covered by the Act has not such a right in benefit payments… This is not to say, however, that Congress may exercise its power to modify the statutory scheme free of all constitutional restraint.” 
[Flemming v. Nestor, 363 U.S. 603 (1960)]

For further details on how franchises destroy rights and undermine the constitutional requirement for equal protection, read the Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual, Form #10.005, Sections 1.4 though 1.11.

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This Powerpoint presentation presents the basic concepts of franchises simply and to an audience not schooled in the law.  You can use this presentation as a good starting point to learn about franchises.  Then you can follow up with the next section, which provides evidence to back up everything stated in this presentation.

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This memorandum of law describes in detail exactly how franchises and public benefits work, gives examples of franchises, and describes all the consequences upon your legal standing and rights that result from participation.  It is VERY important for freedom minded individuals to read and understand this document so that they know all the rights they are surrendering when they apply for public benefits, as well as how to end participation in the franchises to restore your rights.

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This memorandum of law will discusses and describe how government criminal identity theft occurs, how it is concealed and protected, how to prove it exists in a court of law, and remedies to fight it.

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An extremely important subject to learn is the legal separation between PUBLIC and PRIVATE rights. An understanding of this separation is crucial to successfully prosecuting all violation of PRIVATE rights by government actors. This course covers the basics of this subject in a concise way to make this subject especially clear.

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This document corrects false or misleading government records about your citizenship and domicile status and politically and legally divorces the federal/national government in order to restore your sovereignty. It makes you into a "stateless person" (OFFSITE LINK) and a "foreign sovereign" in respect to the federal/national government without expatriating or abandoning your nationality.  The document below should help with that very popular goal.  Sending this document in according to the instructions included is also a MANDATORY requirement of our Member Agreement.

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Many people have asked if we have any information that may be helpful to those who wish to legally terminate participation in Social Security.  The document below should help with that very popular goal.  Sending this document in according to the instructions included is also a MANDATORY requirement of our Member Agreement.

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There are many occasions in which Christians are called to either request, to use, or to disclose government issued identifying numbers such as Social Security Numbers or Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TINs).  The Bible calls such numbers the “mark of the beast” and calls all governments who issue them “the beast”.

"And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army."
[Rev. 19:19, Bible, NKJV]

The focus of this form is to provide a compact, convenient form that can be presented by persons doing business with private employers and financial institutions that will prove that they may not lawfully have or use government issued identifying numbers and would be violating the criminal laws to do so.  This places the recipient of the form in the awkward position of either willfully engaging in a conspiracy to commit a crime or removing their demand for such a number.

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The IRS has no form that PDF non-resident non-persons domiciled in states of the Union who are not engaged in a "trade or business" and not "individuals" (meaning "public officers" in the government) can use to describe their lawful citizenship and tax status to the government, businesses, and financial institutions.  Those who are "individuals" are described in 26 C.F.R. §1.871-1(b)(1)(i), but there is no equivalent regulation for those who are not "individuals" and no form available to use to document their immunity or sovereignty.

  1. PDF IRS Form 8233 is inadequate because it is for "personal services" rendered within the "United States" (e.g. federal zone).  The I.R.C. and regs PDF presume that "personal services" means services connected with a "trade or business".

  2. There is no form available to exempt from withholding a person not in receipt of taxable "privileges" because not engaged in "personal services" ("trade or business" services), not working within the federal zone ("United States"), not engaged in a "trade or business", not a "beneficial owner",  PDF not participating in Socialist INSecurity, and not in receipt of treaty benefits.  In effect, they are refusing to acknowledge that a person can be a nontaxpayer without accepting a "privilege" because they want to compel everyone into a privileged state to destroy their rights and sovereignty.

  3. The closest we have been able to come in searching for such a needed form is the AMENDED IRS form W-8BEN (Compliant Members Only form), but it still leaves much to be desired because it doesn't specifically indicate that withholding is unlawful in the case of such a person, even though PDF IRS Pub 519, the I.R.C., and the Treasury regulations authorize such an exemption from withholding and tax liability.  See 26 C.F.R. §1.872-2(f), 26 C.F.R. §31.3401(a)(6)-1(b), 26 U.S.C. §861(a)(3)(C)(i), 26 U.S.C. §3401(a)(6), 26 U.S.C. §1402(b), and 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(31).

  4. The PDF original IRS form W-8, discontinued in 2002, served the required purpose.  The IRS modified the form by replacing it with the W-8BEN so that people with the correct status above would have no remedy to defend their  status using what the law allows.  They did this to dupe even more people unwittingly into becoming "taxpayers". 

People have been asking us for a substitute form that does the job to make it easier to defend and explain their sovereignty on certain key occasions, and now they have authoritative tools to use to defend their status!  This item solves these problems and provides a very potent and compact form can be used for several important occasions in order to explain, defend, and justify your status as a constitutional citizen, not a statutory "U.S. citizen" as defined 8 U.S.C. §1401, a "national", a "PDF non-resident non-person", and a "nontaxpayer".  It is specifically designed to attach to any one of the following important applications to clarify your citizenship, domicile, and tax status:

  1. Financial account applications along with an AMENDED IRS form W-8BEN (Compliant Members Only form) in order to open an account without an SLAVE SURVEILLANCE NUMBER or any kind of 1099 reporting or tax withholding.  NOTE:  DO NOT use the standard IRS form W-8BEN, because it makes you into a "beneficial owner" and therefore a "taxpayer".

  2. Job application

  3. Voter registration

  4. Jury summons response

  5. Government application or form

Below is a link to this very important form. The form is electronically fillable, so that you can fill in the fields from Adobe Acrobat and save your copy locally for reuse in the future to save you LOTS of time responding to tax collection notices.

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The terms used on the USA Passport Application, Dept. of State Form DS-11, relating to citizenship are deliberately vague and ambiguous and do not provide an option for THREE types of American citizenship that a person can have.  This is exhaustively explained in the following memorandum of law:

The DS-11 Passport Application form only gives one choice, and that choice creates a PDF presumption that one is a statutory rather than constitutional "U.S. citizen" as defined in 8 U.S.C. §1401. This presumption is FALSE in the case of all persons who are PDF domiciled in a state of the Union.  The only way to prevent this PDF false resumption is to either modify the form before you submit it or to attach this form.  Using this form is EXTREMELY important.

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The terms used on state voter registration forms relating to citizenship are deliberately vague and ambiguous and do not provide an option for THREE types of American citizenship that a person can have.  This is exhaustively explained in the following memorandum of law:

Most state voter registration forms only give one choice, and that choice creates a PDF presumption that one is a statutory rather than constitutional "U.S. citizen" as defined in 8 U.S.C. §1401. This presumption is FALSE in the case of all persons who are PDF domiciled in a state of the Union.  The only way to prevent this PDF false resumption is to either modify the form before you submit it or to attach this form.  Using this form is EXTREMELY important.

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STANDARD IRS forms are famous for creating the following PDF false presumptions:

  1. That you are a "taxpayer".  The only persons the IRS Mission Statement found in IRM authorizes the IRS to help or publish forms for are "taxpayers".  See PDF our Form #05.013 for for details.

  2. That because you provided a federal identifying number, you are a "franchisee" engaged in a "trade or business" and a "public office" within the U.S. government.  See our Form #07.004 for details.

  3. That you maintain a domicile in the "United States", which is defined in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(9) and (a)(10) as the federal zone and nowhere expressly includes any state of the Union.  The IRS Form 1040, for instance, is only for use by those who maintain a "domicile" or "residence" within the federal zone, which people domiciled in states of the Union do not.

  4. That you are an "individual", which is defined in 26 C.F.R. §1.1441-1(c )(3) as a  "nonresident alien individual" as defined in 26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(1)(B) or "alien individual" pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(1)(A) domiciled in the "United States" who works for the U.S. government in a "public office" as the "employee" defined in 5 U.S.C. §2105.

    4.1  The term "individual" is deliberately not defined in the I.R.C. because this would spill the beans that you can't be
          an "individual" subject to federal jurisdiction who is not an "employee", officer, or instrumentality of the U.S.

    4.2  These same "individuals" are also defined as "federal personnel" in 5 U.S.C. §552a(a)(2) and they are all federal
            trusts created under the authority of the Social Security Act.

    4.3  The income tax is a tax on these trusts, and this is confirmed by the definition of "income" found in 26 U.S.C.
            §643(b).  The Social Security Trust associated with the SSN/TIN is, in fact, the ONLY real or lawful "taxpayer".
           This trust is  a wholly owned subsidiary of "PDF U.S. Inc.", which is a federal corporation and therefore the trust
           also is a federal corporation.  This is also clarified in:
           PDF  Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037

All four of the above PDF false presumptions have the desired consequences of causing you to surrender your sovereign immunity pursuant to 28 U.S.C.§1603(b)(3) and 28 U.S.C. §1605(a)(2) and making you into an indentured servant of the federal government who is surety for public debts and every pork barrel spending bill your public DIS-servants dream up.  There are three methods for preventing or overcoming these deliberately PDF false presumptions:

  1. Use AMENDED IRS forms that remove the presumptions.  Click here (OFFSITE LINK) for a source of AMENDED IRS forms.

  2. Use STANDARD IRS forms and then modify them to correctly reflect your status.  The modifications required are listed in Section 1 of this link.  Sometimes, the IRS tries to penalize people who "alter" their forms.

  3. Use STANDARD IRS forms that you don't modify but above your signature write "Not valid, false, and perjurious without signed Tax Form Attachment attached" and then attach this form.  This approach avoids any penalties the IRS might attempt to impose for "altering" their forms, and yet avoids you having to commit perjury under penalty of perjury on a government form.

This form provides a standardized and very effective way to accomplish the last option above.  The last option above implemented with this form is the most convenient of the above three options and provides a very consistent and bullet-proof way to correctly describe your status as a Member using any government form.  Using this form with EVERY STANDARD IRS form you submit is a mandatory requirement of our Member Agreement.   

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False information returns filed against people are the main method by which "nontaxpayers" are compelled unlawfully to become "taxpayers".  Filing of these false returns is a quite common criminal violation of 26 U.S.C. §7206 and 7207 and a civil violation of 26 U.S.C. §7434 for those who file them. Our Member Agreement requires Members to prevent these false returns from being filed in the first place and also calls for correcting all those that are filed so that they don't erroneously become connected to the "trade or business" (OFFSITE LINK) franchise that is codified within Internal Revenue Code Subtitles A and C.

Resources for further study:

NOTE:  The above document consolidates the first five links below into a single, convenient, terse PDF file that you can take on the road, which is also indexed and has tables of authorities so you can hand it to payroll clerks and company legal counsel.

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The most important thing you can do to defend your sovereignty is to defend your privacy.  The only thing the government can lawfully keep records on are its own agents, employees, officers, benefit recipients, and contractors without violating your Fourth Amendment right of privacy.  In order to restore your privacy, you must systematically disconnect yourself from all of these franchises and continually emphasize nonparticipation whenever you provide information to third parties about yourself.  This form protects your privacy from abuses and violations of law by government, private industry, and regulators by:

  1. Preventing the illegal enforcement of PDF government franchises against non-parties and restoring your character as a private person instead of a "public officer".

  2. Preventing compelled or illegal use or disclosure of public property such as Social Security Cards and Social Security Numbers.  PDF Click here for details.

  3. Preventing disclosure of personal information to government or regulatory agencies by disconnecting you from public benefits and franchises, thereby causing you to withdraw consent to maintain or disclose records or information about you pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §552a(b).

  4. Creating an anti-franchise franchise of your own whereby information about you is YOUR property and not that of the recipient and makes recipients of your personal information personally liable for any and all disclosures to third parties that are not expressly authorized IN WRITING.

  5. Preventing the filing of Currency Transaction Reports (CTR) and Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) against persons not engaged in the "trade or business" franchise.

  6. Educating regulators and compliance people in the government and private industry about the limitations upon their authority to disclose or share with third parties records about a person who does not participate in franchises.  Public servants who regulate and supervise financial institutions, public entities, and federal franchises typically misrepresent the requirements of the law and illegally enforce these franchises against nonparticipants by compelling disclosure to them of information that is NOT public and does not relate to activities of "public officers" or agents of the government.

Attach this form to all financial, account, government, and medical forms to ensure your privacy is protected and that you do not become the unlawful subject of any financial transaction report.  If you don't use this form, you could become the target of unlawful government enforcement and/or be prosecuted for "structuring" (31 U.S.C. §5324) or money laundering (18 U.S.C. §1956) if someone in the government wants to make trouble for those who refuse to participate in federal franchises.

Resources for further study:

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This memorandum of law describes why licenses to practice law are a fraud and are not necessary in most cases.  This memorandum comes from our Forms page, and is Form #05.029.

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This book is important for those who don't want the government or its pagan lawyers and laws running their family or their life.

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This book describes in detail how the driver's license franchise works and how to drive lawfully without a license.

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Legal domicile (OFFSITE LINK) is a voluntary franchise by which We The People procure "protection" from a specific government.  The military draft is a liability associated with "domicile" on federal territory.  It DOES NOT apply within states of the Union.  This free memorandum of law provides legal authorities that describe how to lawfully avoid but not unlawfully "evade" the military draft in the United States.

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Federal district and circuit courts are legislative franchise courts established pursuant to Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2 of the United States Constitution, not pursuant to Article III.  They are "property courts" and not "justice courts" that mainly administer, protect, and expand PDF federal franchises and other property.  If you aren't very careful, any attempt to petition such a court can cause the court or your government opponent to abuse PDF presumption to make you into government property or a custodian over government property by connecting you to PDF franchises and offices in the government against your will and thereby enslaving you.  Attach this form to every motion, petition, or pleading you file in federal court so that you can prevent all the following important games and obstruction of justice by the U.S. Attorney and the de facto judge:

  1. The default false presumption that you have a domicile on federal territory and therefore participate in their protection franchise and have a duty to pay for said protection.

  2. The default false presumption that you are a PDF statutory "U.S. citizen" pursuant to 8 U.S.C. §1401 subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Congress.

  3. Prejudicial PDF presumptions about the meaning of specific "words of art".

  4. Prejudicial PDF presumptions that you are a "taxpayer" subject to the I.R.C.

  5. Prejudicial PDF presumptions about the use of Taxpayer Identification Numbers by the U.S. attorney.

  6. The de facto magistrate assuming you consent to their jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §636, which is mandatory if heard by a magistrate.  This form establishes that you have NO DELEGATED AUTHORITY to consent to their jurisdiction.

  7. The judge or U.S. Attorney from gaining an advantage by ignoring or omitting to address any objection or factual statement you make by invoking F.R.Civ.P. 8(b)(6).

Below is the form:

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This document is intended to be used to protect you from unlawful government enforcement actions relating to various franchises and any court judgments resulting from the enforcement of these franchises against persons who are not participating.  Use this form to make the "public officer" straw man into a separate entity and then place a lien on the  straw man so that you have first priority ahead of the government in the context of court judgments, tax collections, family court judgments, and traffic court judgments.

WARNING!:  PLEASE DO NOT call us to obtain help filling out or using this form or the UCC1 form included in the ZIP file.  We won't return your call or answer your questions.  This FREE form is provided as a courtesy, not a service or a revenue generation device.  Our Member Agreement prohibits us from getting into asset protection or commerce and prohibits members from asking us about either, and this form might be misconstrued as having both flavors.  If you have questions about how to fill it out, please do your own homework by reading the resources listed below.  Sovereignty begins with taking complete, exclusive, and personal responsibility for your choices and for educating and empowering yourself by reading and applying the law yourself.

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Those who refuse to accept PDF government franchises and services and lawfully refuse to pay for these services are sometimes illegally prosecuted by zealous but criminal government attorneys for "willful failure to file" under 26 U.S.C. §7203 and "tax evasion" under 26 U.S.C. §7201.  The government's offense in these cases is like a broken record:

"Mr./Ms. __________ accepts the 'benefits' of living in this country but refuses to pay his/her 'fair share'.  He/she is a LEECH and you ought to hang him!"

For an example of the above such rhetoric from an actual criminal tax case, Click Here (OFFSITE LINK).

Well, this memorandum proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that all such rhetoric is not only FALSE, FRAUDULENT, and RIDICULOUS, but constitutes a criminal conspiracy against your constitutionally guaranteed rights.  You have a constitutionally protected right to NOT contract with or do business with the government protected by Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution.  The government is just like any other corporation or business and the only service it provides is "protection".  Those who are "customers" of this protection and PDF social insurance service must voluntarily choose a PDF domicile within the jurisdiction of the government and are then called  "U.S. citizens", "U.S. residents", or "U.S. persons".  When the "protection service" provided by government is ineffective, wasteful, inefficient, and/or actually harmful to us or our family, we always have the right to "fire the bastards" and cease to be "customers".  The Declaration of Independence, in fact, makes it our DUTY to pursue "better safeguards for our future security".  Those who do this are called "nonresidents", "nonresident aliens", and "transient foreigners".  Use this pamphlet as a powerful defense in court against such bogus charges.

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In order to avoid franchises, you must be able to legally distinguish between public and private and produce evidence in court of which category a right is being exercised in all scenarios. Without this ability, you will be unable to restore your PRIVATE status and PRIVATE rights and avoid PUBLIC rights. This course gives you an objective criteria to accomplish this task.

Resources for further study:study:

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The term "political" as used in this section and throughout our website:

  1. Excludes the endorsement of specific candidates for political office.
  2. Excludes any motivation that might result in a revocation of 26 U.S.C. §501(c )(4) status.
  3. Excludes activities of public officers or agents of the government.
  4. Excludes those who are "persons", "individuals", "taxpayers" under any revenue law.
  5. Excludes those with a domicile or residence "in this State", meaning the government.
  6. Includes efforts to educate the public about the law and the legal limits upon the jurisdiction of those in the government.
  7. Includes ONLY EXCLUSIVELY PRIVATE people beyond the civil legislative control of the specific government affected by the policy.
  8. Involves the protection of purely private property and private rights exclusively owned by human beings and not businesses or artificial entities of any description.
  9. Includes activities undertaken ONLY in the fulfillment of purely religious goals as a full time fiduciary of God under the Bible trust indenture.


The following page contains extensive and indispensable resources for becoming politically active at every level.

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The Bible says that the judgment of God BEGINS in God's house, which is the church.  Before we as believers can go out and proclaim Truth to the rest of the world, we need to have unity about Truth within our own churches and families.

"For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?"
[1 Peter 4:17, Bible, NKJV]

This training course identifies most of the major fallacies and untruths being taught mainly in government "privileged" (e.g. 501(c )(3) "Exempt") churches across America relating to the biblical view of both government and taxation.  You can use these materials to educate and admonish pastors, clergy, and members of your congregation who are misleading and thereby hurting brothers and sisters at your church. 

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God [including pastors] may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
[2 Tim. 3:16-17, Bible, NKJV]

"My brethren, let not many of you become teachers [or pastors], knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment."
[James 3:11, Bible, NKJV]

Please be diplomatic and helpful if you decide to give this to your pastor.  Most pastors are overwhelmed and overworked, and may see you as part of the problem instead of the solution if you dump this on them in a critical rather than constructive manner.  You might even want to schedule a private meeting with your pastor to present this during the middle of the week, which is slow, instead of forcing him to read it.  Many Pastors enjoy interaction and "the people touch" more than impersonal studying of materials emailed to them.  Meet them where they are at, just like Jesus did.  As you expose these materials to them, please try not to embarrass clergy in front of either their coworkers or parishioners, but admonish them privately the first time.  The goal is to win and disciple and not alienate or persecute clergy.   Nevertheless, the Truth must be told in love and repeated politely and forcefully.  You may even want to volunteer to educate the whole church staff on the subject after you meet with the Pastor.

If you are a church employee or a minister and you view the above presentation and conclude that you want to stop withholding, the two resources below may be helpful:

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This pamphlet shows believers how to honor their God in the process of exercising their sovereign power to vote.  It shows you how to tell whether a candidate had godly moral principles and how to decide whose principles are most consistent with God's holy laws.

Resources for further study:

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This detailed one semester course provides detailed instructor curricula plus student handouts.  Deals with major issues confronting modern day Christianity.  Materials are electronically searchable using Adobe Acrobat. Requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7.0 or later.

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This frightening but factual movie reveals how the American government, legal, and banking systems became corrupted and now are a threat to our freedoms and liberties.  It was produced by Aaron Russo.  We encourage you to visit either of the two offsite links and to share the links with your friends:

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This course consists of 16 lessons and is intended as an introduction to the Bible as a law book.  Pagan Christianity treats the Bible as nothing more than an ancient history book that has no relevancy to modern times, but this course proves that view is severely flawed and proves the "legislative intent" of God expressed in His divine law. 

PDF Click here for the entire course  (3.1 Mbytes, 341 pages). SEDM Form #12.015.

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The link below contains and index of references and educational resources that may be helpful to you based on your specific situation.

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This training course shows you how to prevent being connected to government civil jurisdiction or franchises.

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This collection of forms is used in various circumstances in order to explain, protect, and defend your status as a "non-resident non-person", and "national" and a person who is not a "citizen" or a "U.S. person" under the Internal Revenue Code.  The forms are short and concise and keep the focus on important issues without getting into too much detail.  Most of our forms are electronically fillable, so that you can fill in the fields from Adobe Acrobat and save your copy locally for reuse in the future to save you LOTS of time responding to tax collection notices.  Below is a link to the form library

Resources for further study.

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This short pamphlet describes very simply and succinctly exactly who are "taxpayers" under the Internal Revenue Code.  Use it to attach to government withholding forms for employers and financial institutions.  When "taxpayers" read this, they will see red and totally engage in the freedom cause because they will realize that they have been lied to their whole life!

After viewing the above, below is a Microsoft Word formatted Privacy Act Information and Amendment Request that you can send in to the IRS to change the status of the Slave Surveillance Number associated with you so that can no longer be used as a TIN, which effectively makes one a "nontaxpayer".


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This compelling and excellent video will teach you the basics of how to deal with the IRS administratively at an audit.  Techniques are explained so that people who have no legal training can easily understand the information presented.  MUST viewing for the freedom fighter who wants to defend his rights!

Click on one of the two links below.  Requires free Microsoft Media Player 9 or later to view.

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This video was produced by Eddie Kahn as part of his Update #10.  It covers many of the basic elements of the IRS fraud.  Very interesting and entertaining.  It comes with an Adobe Acrobat file full of powerful evidence.  We have provided both the  PDF file and the video.  We recommend downloading the PDF file first before you start watching the video so you can follow along with what he is saying.  Also be advised that Eddie Kahn left the country in 2004 and his ministry, American Rights Litigators, is now defunct.  Therefore, please do not contact us to find out how to get ahold of him because we do not have that information.

Click on one of the two links below.  Requires free Microsoft Media Player 9 or later to view.

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This FREE booklet was prepared by Family Guardian to help both private employers and workers who are "nontaxpayers" (only) to stop withholding of federal and state "donations".  Please do not contact us to ask for help in preparing withholding forms because we didn't write this booklet, and the author says in the booklet that he can't help you prepare withholding forms either.  Below is a link to the free pamphlet.  This is an OFFSITE link and we are not responsible for the content. 

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This short FREE booklet was prepared by Family Guardian to help you prepare for and handle an IRS visit to your house or CID agents who want to meet with you.  Detailed, interesting, and authoritative.  We are not responsible for the content.

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This document was sent to us by one of our readers.  Our readers, who are all "nontaxpayers" have been complaining because the IRS has all these publications for "taxpayers", but nothing for "nontaxpayers".  We have been looking for such a publication for quite some time to no avail, and every time we ask the IRS for it, they don't know what to tell us.  Well, your wait is over, folks and the truth is finally on paper.  Now there are two publications: one for "taxpayers" and one for "nontaxpayers".  Take your pick based on your status.  You can find the original IRS Publication 1: Your Rights as a Taxpayer at the address below if you would like to compare:

Readers are forewarned:  The version of the pamphlet appearing below is NOT published by the U.S. government.  This is a "different" IRS.  It instead is a parody, a joke, and nothing more.  As long as we candidly identify it as such, there is no harm done.  However, there is far more truth here in this well-crafted pamphlet than you will derive from years of searching the IRS website.  Read it for a few laughs.  Also be advised that we DID NOT write this and we don't know who did.  For those of you who are politically active, you may consider printing a few of these out and leaving them at your local post office or library at tax time.  Set them right next to the 1040 booklets.  The IRS will have LOTS of explaining to do on the phone support line.

Below is a link to the pamphlet.

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This form was designed to simplify the process of responding to federal tax collection notices you get in the mail.  It demands the agency who sent you the notice to provide court-admissible evidence of a lawfully-executed assessment that is completely consistent with the Internal Revenue Code and the Treasury Regulations.  It is based on the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act, and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.  The recipient CANNOT lawfully say no to the request, because of the way it is worded. EXCELLENT!

Below is a link to this very important form.   The form is electronically fillable, so that you can fill in the fields from Adobe Acrobat and save your copy locally for reuse in the future to save you LOTS of time responding to tax collection notices.

Resources for further study:

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This form was designed to simplify the process of responding to state tax collection notices you get in the mail.  It demands the agency who sent you the notice to provide court-admissible evidence of a lawfully-executed assessment that is completely consistent with the Internal Revenue Code and the Treasury Regulations.  It is based on the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act, and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.  The recipient CANNOT lawfully say no to the request, because of the way it is worded. EXCELLENT!

Below is a link to this important form.   The form is electronically fillable, so that you can fill in the fields from Adobe Acrobat and save your copy locally for reuse in the future to save you LOTS of time responding to tax collection notices.

Resources for further study:

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This short course shows you the basics of civil courtroom procedure.  Below is the link to this page.

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SEDM features an excellent page for those who wish to litigate to defend their liberties in court.  Below is the link to this page.  This page is also accessible from the main menu at the top of most screens, and is labeled "Litigation Tools".

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"My people are destroyed for lack of [legal] knowledge.
Because you have rejected [legal] knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me [and my disciple];
Because you have forgotten the law of your God [and refuse to learn and obey man's law],
I also will forget your children.
[Hosea 4:6, Bible, NKJV]

This very powerful list of resources incorporates all state and federal legal references onto a few compact, attractive, easy-to-use pages.  Don't take our word for anything.  A sovereign CAN'T.  Instead, use the resources below to verify the truth contained in all of our educational materials and to write your own briefs, memorandums, and correspondence.  If you find any errors in our research, you are encouraged to contact us and point them out.  These are OFFSITE LINKs and we are not responsible for the content:

  1. PDF SEDM Jurisdictions Database, Litigation Tool #09.003- detailed legal information on all jurisdictions in the USA
  2. Important Government Contacts (OFFSITE LINK)-Family Guardian
  3. Precedence of Laws and Regulations (OFFSITE LINK) -shows the precedence of various types of law for use as evidence in court
  4. Federal Legal Research Sources (OFFSITE LINK) -exhaustive index of federal legal subjects
  5. State Legal Resources (OFFSITE LINK)-index of law information for all 50 states
  6. State Income Tax Information (OFFSITE LINK)-index of tax information for all 50 states
  7. Subject Index (OFFSITE LINK)-huge index of sovereignty, liberty, legal, and tax subjects
  8. Legal Abbreviations (OFFSITE LINK)
  9. Bouvier's Law Dictionary  (OFFSITE LINK)-1856 legal dictionary
  10. Bouvier's Maxims of Law  (OFFSITE LINK)-1856
  11. Summary of U.S. Laws and Corresponding U.S. Codes (OFFSITE LINK) -shows various acts and their location within the U.S. Code
  12. Historical Federal Income Tax Acts  (OFFSITE LINK)
  13. Legal Research DVD  -over 200,000 pages of legal research information carefully organized
  14. Law and Government Page (OFFSITE LINK) -Family Guardian
  15. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004 (OFFSITE LINK)-  legal references, authorities, and cites by topic.  Very helpful in finding what you need
  16. Tax DVD (OFFSITE LINK)-large DVD packed full of evidence, law, example documents, and more

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This training course provides members with an overview of how to employ the courts to protect their PRIVATE rights.  PRIVATE rights are the only thing that members can have, because they are not allowed to use our materials to interact with third parties unless they are NO

T participating in any government franchise or benefit.

Resources for further study:

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This important training course provides simplified procedures and information for challenging jurisdiction when litigating against federal government enforcement actions in court.

Resources for further study:

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There are many ways that legally ignorant but well intentioned freedom lovers can get in legal trouble in the process of protecting their rights from lawless public servants.  This pamphlet describes the most common ways and suggests ways to avoid each situation.  Below is a link to the pamphlet.

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The legal profession and the government are NOT there to protect or defend your rights and your sovereignty.  They are there manufacture enough ignorance in you in the public fool system to facilitate tricking you into surrendering your sovereignty to them. Consequently, you can't rely on a licensed attorney to do the job you hired him to do in court and you must take on this task yourself if you expect to be free and sovereign.  Thomas Jefferson said:

"When the people fear the government, you have tyranny.  When the government fears the people, you have liberty".

Learning the law and litigating in court yourself is the best way to keep the government in fear and to preserve your own liberty.  This section lists resources for those who want to practice law without a license from what has rapidly become a corrupted government.  The license is what muzzles attorneys in the courtroom from speaking and litigating the truth in open court. 

"The privilege against self-incrimination [Fifth Amendment] is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor the person who is ignorant of their rights, nor to one who is indifferent thereto.  It is a fighting clause.  Its benefits can be retained only by sustained combat It cannot be claimed by an attorney or solicitor.  It is only valid when insisted upon by a belligerent claimant in person."  
[U.S. v Johnson, 76 F. Supp. 538 (1947), Emphasis added]

Click here (OFFSITE LINK) for an article like the above.  This silencing of dissent by the government through "PDF privilege induced slavery" is what perpetuates the many frauds documented on this website.  Below are some valuable resources for those who wish to litigate without the aid of a whore licensed by the government Beast (Rev. 19:19) to destroy your rights.

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This ministry or website is not anti-government but PDF pro SELF-government. Our enemy is not any one specific person or group of people, but instead is ignorance, PDF presumption, unlawful behavior, unequal protection, and PDF government deception and verbicide designed to destroy the separation of powers and STEAL PRIVATE property or PRIVATE rights.  People have the right to decide how or if they want to be governed, and they have an inherent right to DESTROY all their rights by delegating ALL of them to a government if they can be DUPED into doing this using "private law" disguised to "look" like "public law" by covetous public servants.  However, those of us who want to retain ALL of our inalienable rights and delegate NONE and thereby be sovereign and entirely self-governing ought to have that right respected by the government.  This publication of the National Center for State Courts describes tactics used by state judges in countering those litigating in a state court in defense of their sovereignty.  The group of self-serving judges, if they had been honest, should have called this book the "OFFICIAL ANTI SELF-GOVERNMENT GUIDEBOOK FOR THE IMPERIAL JUDICIARY".  Before you do such thing as file a Petition for Declaratory Judgment relating to your citizenship, for instance, you should read this document.  This is an OFFSITE LINK and we are not responsible for the content:

The arguments suggested on this website and our associates do not suffer from the defects described in this document.  However, we have not taken the time to rebut the entire document point by point to show the flaws in it.  This is an eventual goal of ours, however.  Most of the techniques described in the document against freedom advocates are already rebutted in the following publications:

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We have prepared several authoritative Memorandums of Law on a few key legal subjects.  A Memorandum of Law is an academic treatise on a legal subject which can be attached to legal pleadings, correspondence, and used during litigation in order to prove a point.  Memorandums of Law are very commonly called for as attachments in federal courts under the local rules of most federal courts.  You can find the complete listing of Memorandums of Law on our Forms page.  Below is a table listing them individually.  Click on the form number to view.  Each of the memorandums are in Adobe Acrobat 5.0 format.  You will need the latest free reader to view which you can download by clicking here.

Form # Source Format(s) Title Circumstances where useful
05.001   PDF  PDF" The Trade or Business Scam Attach to your letters and correspondence to explain why you have no reportable income
05.002   PDF  PDF" Why Domicile and Becoming a "Taxpayer" Require Your Consent Attach to your letters and correspondence to explain why you have no reportable income
05.003   PDF  PDF" Requirement for Consent Attach to your letters and correspondence to explain why you aren't obligated to follow the I.R.C. because it isn't "law" for you
05.004   PDF  PDF" Political Jurisdiction Attach to legal pleadings in order to ensure that the court does not challenge or undermine your choice of citizenship or domicile.  Establishes that any court which attempts to do this is involving itself in "political questions", which is a violation of the separation of powers doctrine.
05.005   PDF  PDF" Origins and Authority of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Proves that the IRS has no legal authority to exist and that it is NOT part of the U.S. government.
05.006   PDF  PDF" Why you are a "national", "state national", and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen For use in obtaining a passport, for job applications, and to attach to court pleadings in which you are declaring yourself to be a "national" and a "non-resident non-person".
05.007   PDF  PDF" Reasonable Belief About Tax Liability

For use by those:

1.  Wishing to establishing a reasonable belief about liability.

2.  Corresponding with the IRS.

3.   Being criminally prosecuted for failure to file or tax evasion.

05.008   PDF  PDF" Why Your Government is Either A Thief or You are a "Public Officer" for Income Tax Purposes Use this as an attachment to prove why Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code, in context of employment withholding and earnings on a 1040, are connected mainly with federal employment.
05.009 Member


PDF  PDF" Legal Requirement to File Federal Income Tax Returns Use this as an attachment in response to a CP-518 IRS letter, or as part of a brief in response to criminal prosecution for "Willful Failure to File" under 26 U.S.C. §7203.
05.010 Member
PDF  PDF" Why Penalties are Illegal for Anything But Federal Employee, Contractors, and Agents Use this as an attachment in response to an IRS penalty collection notice to prove that you aren't responsible to pay the assessed penalty.  Make sure you also follow the guidelines relating to SSNs in our article entitled About SSNs/TINs on Tax Correspondence
05.011 Member
PDF  PDF" Why the Government Can't Lawfully Assess Human Beings with an Income Tax Liability Without Their Consent Use this as an attachment in response to an IRS or state "Notice of Proposed Assessment" or 90-day letter to show that the proposed assessment is illegal.  Make sure you also attach IRS form 4852's and corrected 1099's to zero out illegal reports of taxable income using the links provided at the beginning of the memorandum.
05.012   PDF  PDF" About SSNs and TINs on Government Forms and Correspondence

Use this form whenever you are filling out paperwork that asks for an SSN and the recipient won't accept the paperwork because you said "None" on the SSN block.  The questions at the end will stop all such frivolous challenges by recipients of the forms you submit, if they have even half a brain.

05.013   PDF  PDF" Who are "taxpayers" and who Needs a "Taxpayer Identification Number"? Attach this to financial account applications, job applications, etc.  Shows why you don't need SSNs or TINs on government correspondence.
05.014   PDF  PDF" Legal Deception, Propanda, and Fraud Rebuttal to the most popular IRS lie and deception.  Attach to response letters or legal pleading.
05.015 Member


PDF  PDF" Commercial Speech Helpful to those facing injunctions.
05.016   PDF  PDF" Socialism: The New American Civil Religion Proves that government has become a false god and an idol in modern society in violation of the First Amendment.
05.017   PDF  PDF" Presumption:  Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Federal Jurisdiction Explains how federal agencies, courts, and the law profession unlawfully use "presumption" as a means to enlarge federal or government jurisdiction.
05.018   PDF  PDF" Federal Jurisdiction Explains choice of law in deciding federal jurisdiction in the context of federal income tax trials.
05.019 Member


PDF  PDF" Court Sanctions, Defaults, and Contempts Describes circumstances under which court sanctions and contempt of court may lawfully be imposed in federal court.
05.020   PDF  PDF" Non-Resident Non-Person Position Describes and defends the Non-Resident Non-Person Position that is the foundation of this website.
05.021 Member


PDF  PDF" Silence as a Weapon and a Defense in Legal Discovery Describes how to use your constitutional rights to prevent incriminating yourself or prejudicing your Constitutional rights.  Also describes how to respond to such tactic.
05.022   PDF  PDF" Requirement for Reasonable Notice Describes the requirement for reasonable notice and how you can find out what laws you are required to obey based on how they are noticed by the government.
05.023   PDF  PDF" Government Conspiracy to Destroy the Separation of Powers Describes historical efforts by the government to break down the separation of powers and destroy our God-given rights.
05.024   PDF  PDF" Corporatization and Privatization of the Government Shows how our de jure constitutional republic has been replaced by a private, for-profit corporate monopoly.
05.025   PDF  PDF" Government Burden of Proof Describes the burden of proof imposed upon the government whenever enforcement actions are employed.
05.026   PDF  PDF" How the Government Defrauds You Out of Legitimate Deductions for the Market Value of Your Labor Describes how to lawfully and legally deduct the entire market value of your labor from your earnings on a federal or state tax return.
05.027 Member


PDF  PDF" Responding to "frivolous" Penalties or Accusations Describes the meaning of the word "frivolous", how it is abused by the government and legal profession, and how to prevent such abuses
05.028 Member


PDF  PDF" Income Taxation of Real Estate Sales Use this form to lawfully avoid FIRPTA withholding or reporting for real estate sales.
05.029 Member


PDF  PDF" Unlicensed Practice of Law Those wishing to lawfully help or assist others in the practice of law, including in arguing before courts of law, may attach this to Litigation Tool 3.003 in order to prove that they have authority to do so.
05.030   PDF  PDF" Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises Documents the primary mechanism abused by the government to destroy the constitutional rights and sovereignty of the people.
05.031   PDF  PDF" State Income Taxes Proves that state income taxes may only be enforced and only apply to domiciliaries and activities of the federal zone.
05.032 Member


PDF  PDF" Federal Enforcement Authority Within States of the Union Proves that most federal law may only be enforced against government employees, instrumentalities, agents, officers, and benefit recipients.
05.033   PDF  PDF" Requirement for Equal Protection and Equal Treatment Documents constraints upon the government in providing equal protection and equal treatment that you can use as evidence in legal proceedings.
05.034   PDF  PDF" Cooperative Federalism Explains the relationship between states and the federal government under the Constitution.  We are not responsible for writing this pamphlet.
05.035   PDF  PDF" Fundamental Nature of the Federal Income Tax Describes in simple, concise terms how the federal and state income taxes work.
05.036   PDF  PDF" Legal Basis of the Term "Nonresident Alien" Describes the legal foundations for the approach to taxation used on this website.
05.037   PDF  PDF" Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons Describes why nearly all federal law is intended only for government officers, and employees and how to prove it.
05.038   PDF  PDF" Government Establishment of Religion Demonstrates with evidence how our government has is nothing more than an religion in violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution
05.039 Member


PDF  PDF" The Tax Court Scam Shows how "nontaxpayers" are tricked into declaring themselves "taxpayers" by petitioning Tax Court.
05.040 Member


PDF  PDF" The Government "Benefits" Scam Useful evidence for those criminally prosecuted for tax evasion or willful failure to file.
05.041   PDF  PDF" The Money Scam Proves that we don't have any lawful money and that we can't pay "taxes" on the notes we have because they are not "money" as legally defined.
05.042   PDF  PDF" Proof That There is a "Straw Man" Proves that the "straw man" referred to by freedom advocates exists, how it is created, how you become surety for it, and how to disconnect from it.
05.043   PDF  PDF" De Facto Government Scam Proves that we don't have a real, de jure government, and explains all the ways this de facto government illegally expands and protects its own criminal extortion enterprise and protection racket.
05.044   PDF  PDF" The Money Laundering Enforcement Scam Proves that Money Laundering statutes are being abused by corrupted government as a means to compel financial institutions to become the equivalent of federal employment recruiters against their business associates.
05.045 Member
PDF  PDF" Requirement for Due Process of Law Describes the Constitutional requirement for due process of law, and especially as it pertains to tax enforcement and collection.
05.046   PDF  PDF" Government Identity Theft This memorandum of law discusses and describes how government criminal identity theft occurs, how it is concealed and protected, how to prove it exists in a court of law, and remedies to fight it.
05.047   PDF  PDF"
Who Were the Pharisees and Saducees? Proves that corruption has made the modern day legal profession into the Pharisees of old.
05.048   PDF  PDF"
What is "law"? Common deception used by lawyers to make you falsely believe that all acts of Congress create an obligation on your part.
05.049   PDF  PDF"
The Right to Petition How to properly exercise your right to petition
05.050   PDF  PDF"
What is "Justice"? Everyone wants "justice" but no one can agree on its definition. This memorandum ends ALL argument about the subject.
05.051 Member
Why the Government is the Only Real Beneficiary of All Government Franchises Debunks the main argument used in most criminal tax prosecutions, which is that the defendant is in receipt of "benefits" and refuses to pay their "fair share".
05.052   PDF  PDF"
Challenge to Income Tax Enforcement Authority Within Constitutional States of the Union A succinct memorandum and series of questions that completely destroys plausible deniability of those falsely claiming authority to enforce income taxes within states of the Union.
05.053   PDF  PDF"
"U.S. Person" Position Describes statutory exemptions from income tax withholding and reporting for those domiciled on federal territory or representing offices that are domiciled there.
05.054   PDF  PDF"
Your Irresponsible, Lawless, and Anarchist Beast Government Proves both spiritually and with legal evidence useful in court that modern western governments are the biblical Beast spoken of in the Bible.
05.055 Member
Proof that Involuntary Income Taxes on Your Labor are Slavery Evidence useful in court to prove that income taxes on your labor iare slavery and may not be included in either your "income" or your "gross income".

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This video by Red Beckman very effectively and powerfully demonstrates how to use your legitimate powers as a jurist to end the frauds documented on this website.

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This video by the Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA) shows you how to effectively use your power as a jurist to nullify bad laws of all types, including tax codes.  Larry Dodge is the speaker.  Builds on Red Beckman's video above this item.

Click on one of the two links below.  Requires free Microsoft Media Player 9 or later to view.

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This short course introduces collectivism as the origin of all the government evils, unconstitutional acts, violations of rights, and unlawful activity .

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Be diligent to [investigate and expose the truth for yourself and thereby] present yourself [and the public servants who are your fiduciaries and stewards under the Constitution] approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word [and the deeds] of truth.  But shun profane babblings [government propaganda, tyranny, and usurpation] for they will increase to more ungodliness.  And their message [and their harmful affects] will spread like cancer [to destroy our society and great Republic].” 
[2 Tim. 2:15-17, Bible, NKJV]

The following subsections contain rebuttals to common government, legal, and tax professions deception and false propaganda about taxation and jurisdiction.  We have carefully reviewed every such piece of propaganda we can find and have not been able to find anything that successfully rebuts any of our rebuttals with evidence.  If you locate anything that might contradict or discredit our rebuttals, please feel encouraged to click here and post your errata in forum 9.4 after signing up to become a member, which is FREE.

Readers are reminded that per the Copyright/Software/License Agreement protecting this site, those who download or use our materials automatically become members, and that one of the obligations of membership is to locate and correct anything and everything that is provably inaccurate on this website when or if they encounter it.  Per the Member Agreement, a failure to rebut any and every error they find within 30 days WITH LEGALLY ADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE and NOT OPINION publicly in our Forums constitutes an admission of the truthfulness and accuracy of everything on this website.


This video explains all of the major methods of both political and legal deception and propaganda used by the present corrupted de facto corrupt government. It is very useful in both an administrative and a legal setting to prevent being victimized by malicious and criminal tactics by public servants.

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Jesus famously ridiculed the Pharisees and the Saducees in the Bible. What even most Christians don't know is EXACTLY why He (God) got angry at them. This memorandum of law proves that the exact reason WHY He got angry at them was their tendency to add "leaven" to the law, meaning to change the meaning or interpretation of law so as to benefit themselves personally. Thus, they turned a "society of law" (God's law) into a what the Founding Fathers called "a society of men" in Marbury v. Madison. We also prove that modern lawyers have morphed INTO this role and that it is their primary function. By doing so, they have turned the ministry of God to promote justice into a WHOREHOUSE. The existence of that WHOREHOUSE is why Jesus flipped the tables over in the temple: the money changers were "profiteering" from the misintermpretation and mis-enforcement of God's laws.

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The illegal and unconstitutional activities of the de facto government are perpetuated and expanded by abusing language as a means to deceive people who are not subject to specific statutes into volunteering to obey them. The result is an institutionalized form of identity theft described in the following:

PDF Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046

To accomplish the identity theft, there are only a few basic techniques. These techniques are not easily recognized to the average American because they very deliberately receive no legal training in any of their K-12 public education. This allows the cows to be easily herded into their milking stall on the government farm. This publication exposes the major techniques of deception and fraud and gives you tools for proving they exist and fighting them both administratively and in court.

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There are many different false and flawed arguments you will read about on the Internet relating to freedom and sovereignty.  The number of ways to be simply WRONG is endless, in fact.  This pamphlet describes most of the major arguments you will see and explains why they are false and should be avoided, and especially within a litigation context.  This is designed to keep you out of trouble with the law, the IRS, and the government.  If you are a provider of information about taxation and sovereignty, this information might also help prevent you from being shut down with an injunction for being involved in "false commercial speech".

Below is a link to this very important form.    The information in this pamphlet supersedes and is controlling over every page, file or document available on this website as well as any communications with, to, or about the persons associated with this website.  This document is provided by a third party and we are not responsible for the content:

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8.5.  REBUTTED VERSION OF THE IRS PAMPHLET "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments"

This document is a rebuttal to an IRS propaganda publication entitled "The Truth About Frivolous Tax Arguments".  You can view the original IRS pamphlet on the IRS website at:

The unrebutted IRS version of the pamphlet is frequently cited in both IRS and state tax notices and letters, and is often also cited even by Congressmen.  Most of the claims in the pamphlet are incorrect and deliberately deceptive.  This and other government propaganda are rebutted throughout section 8 of this page and also in in Chapter 4 of the Tax Fraud Prevention Manual, Form #06.008.  We encourage you to send a copy of the rebutted pamphlet to your Congressman and demand a rebuttal of our rebuttal.  You may also wish to send this document with your response to an IRS notice, letter, or summons.  The questions at the end of the pamphlet will have any IRS agent at a collection due process hearing or audit squirming, and eventually fighting to exit stage left and quickly as possible.  GO GET'EM!

Below is a link to the rebutted pamphlet. This document is provided by a third party and we are not responsible for its content.

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8.6.  REBUTTED VERSION OF "Tax Resister Frequently Asked Questions"

This document is a rebuttal to Dan Evans' internet publication entitled "Tax Protester Frequently Asked Questions" prepared by Family Guardian.  It was renamed to conform to the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, which outlaws the term "Tax Protester".  We did not prepare this document and are not responsible for its content.  Note also that it does not rebut, but rather agrees, with most of what he says.

Below is a link to the rebutted document.

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8.7.  REBUTTED VERSION OF CRS Report 97-59A: "Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax"

This document is a rebuttal to Congressional Research Service Report 97-59A entitled Frequently Asked Questions Concerning the Federal Income Tax" prepared by Family Guardian.  We did not prepare this document and are not responsible for its content.  Note also that it does not rebut, but rather agrees, with most of what he says.

Below is a link to the rebutted document.

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Corrupt governments and corrupt and covetous public dis-servants love to deceive the general public about the nature or mission of this ministry and to falsely portray us as a group of criminals or law breakers.  They do this as a diversion to keep attention off of and to protect their own criminal and injurious activities. 

 “The truth about the income tax and illegal government activities in general is so precious to the United States government that it must be surrounded by a body guard of LIES, propaganda, dis-information, cognitive dissonance, words of art, and false accusations.”

This document itemizes and rebuts each false, fraudulent, or deceptive argument we have encountered from third party sources.  It provides all the legal evidence you need in order to prove that the person making these false statements is either an IDIOT or a LIAR or both.

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This document rebuts common government, legal profession, and liberal media false propaganda intended to discredit sovereignty advocates. It itemizes and rebuts each false, fraudulent, or deceptive argument we have encountered from third party sources.  It provides all the legal evidence you need in order to prove that the person making these false statements is either an IDIOT or a LIAR or both.

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Rebuttal about the most common false argument of the IRS about their lack of jurisdiction.

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Sophistry is the abuse of words or contexts to deceive or abuse people. This course teaches how sopshistry works from a philosophical perspective:

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Common misconceptions about the term "common law"

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Information you can use with financial institutions and in court to rebut the false presumption that all "nonresident aliens" are "aliens" or that you can't be a "nonresident alien" as an American National born in our country:

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Be diligent to [investigate and expose the truth for yourself and thereby] present yourself [and the public servants who are your fiduciaries and stewards under the Constitution] approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word [and the deeds] of truth.  But shun profane babblings [government propaganda, tyranny, and usurpation] for they will increase to more ungodliness.  And their message [and their harmful affects] will spread like cancer [to destroy our society and great Republic].” 
[2 Tim. 2:15-17, Bible, NKJV]

The following subsections contain rebuttals to common private sector deception and false propaganda about taxation and jurisdiction.  We have carefully reviewed every such piece of propaganda we can find and have not been able to find anything that successfully rebuts any of our rebuttals with evidence.  If you locate anything that might contradict or discredit our rebuttals, please feel encouraged to click here and post your errata in forum 9.4 after signing up to become a member, which is FREE.

Readers are reminded that per the Copyright/Software/License Agreement protecting this site, those who download or use our materials automatically become members, and that one of the obligations of membership is to locate and correct anything and everything that is provably inaccurate on this website when or if they encounter it.  Per the Member Agreement, a failure to rebut any and every error they find within 30 days WITH LEGALLY ADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE and NOT OPINION publicly in our Forums constitutes an admission of the truthfulness and accuracy of everything on this website.


Modern Christian churches, pastors, and parishoners are teaching doctrine that clearly conflicts with the revealed word of God in the Holy Bible.  This deception causes idolatry towards government and destroys any possibility that Christians will assert their sovereignty in the political or legal realm.  It is very important that Christians be informed about this deception and have the tools to fight it and fix it.  You can use this document to educate yourself, your loved ones, and members of your church about the deception.  Below is the link to the article from our Forms page.

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This document summarizes the SEDM approach to many flawed UCC Redemption arguments circulating in the freedom community. 

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Liberal beliefs contradict themselves and therefore, cannot be truthful.  This video demonstrates exactly why the cognitive dissonance and irrationality of liberals will lead to their own destruction and why you shouldn't believe anything they say.

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The most prevalent misunderstandings and confusion in the freedom community center on the subject of citizenship.  Most freedom researchers falsely believe that:

  1. The Fourteenth Amendment is a threat to their freedom.
  2. The Fourteenth Amendment is the source of the national government's legislative jurisdiction over them.
  3. They either are not or do not want to be Fourteenth Amendment "citizens of the United States".

This document examines and rebuts the above FALSE beliefs in detail and points you at all the resources needed to research the subject further on this website.

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A popular approach to freedom, and especially among Libertarians, is to advocate atheistic anarchism. Their rhetoric SOUNDS a lot like ours but has fundamental logical fallacies that make it completely impractical as a system of governance. This document examines and rebuts some of the cognitive dissonance and logical fallacies found in their philosophy and tries to redirect their efforts in a more positive and constructive direction that can effect meaningful, lasting, unified consensus and change.

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We caution our readers of the following differences of opinion that we have with Pete Hendrickson's approach:

  1. Pete Hendrickson's approach to getting refunds of earnings unlawfully withheld against his wishes and without a VOLUNTARY W-4 is to submit IRS form 1040.  We disagree with this approach, and instead use the 1040NR for such a case IF YOU ARE A PUBLIC OFFICER and a substitute or modified form if you are not. We do this so that we are not mistaken by the courts and the IRS as a statutory "person", "U.S. citizen", or "resident" who has a PDF domicile on federal territory or is representing a public office that has such civil domicile.
  2. Several have contacted Pete about this almost singular defect in his approach.  Some have pointed to the PDF IRS Document 7130, which says that IRS form 1040 is only for "U.S. citizens and residents".  They have also pointed out to him the definition of "individual" which appears at the top of IRS form 1040 found in 26 CFR §1.1441-1(c )(3), which is defined as an "alien" or "nonresident alien".  Pete agrees that those domiciled in states of the Union are all "PDF  non-resident non-persons".  However, he isn't willing to translate this understanding of the I.R.C. into practice by filing the correct type or return form when he asks for a refund, and we believe this is a grave mistake. 
  3. Anyone who starts out as a "nonresident alien" and who files an IRS form 1040 is making an "election" to be treated as a "U.S. person" and a "resident alien" pursuant to 26 U.S.C. §6013(g) and (h) and 26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(4)(B).  This is a very dangerous way to jeopardize your sovereignty and waive sovereign immunity pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1603(b)(3). PDF Click here and read sections 11 and 15.1 through 15.6 for details on how this "election" works.
  4. Pete suggests attaching IRS form 4852 to correct false W-2 forms.  However, those filing IRS Form 1040NR cannot use this form.  The top of the Form 4852 says “Attach to form 1040, 1040A, 1040-EZ, or 1040X.”   Form 1040NR is not included in the list, so obviously, this is a “resident alien” form available only to those with a domicile on federal territory and therefore whom the government has jurisdiction over to penalize.  We therefore suggest either using form W-2C or making your own substitute form in the following article on our website:
    Correcting Erroneous IRS Form W-2’s, Form #04.006
  5. We therefore strongly discourage our Members or readers from filing IRS form 1040's as Pete suggests.  The ONLY form they can file to get a refund and still remain members is either an PDF Amended IRS Form 1040NR, or our PDF Federal Nonresident Nonstatutory Claim for Return of Funds Unlawfully Paid to the Government, Form #15.001.  The reasoning behind this is exhaustively described in the following memorandum of law:
      Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020

For details on the above, and for an official policy statement about our perspective towards Mr. Hendrickson's approach read the following:

PDF Policy Document: Pete Hendrickson's "Trade or Business" Approach, Form #08.003

On a more positive note, we admire Pete Hendrickson's research for the most part, with the singular exception above, as well as his brave efforts to inform the American public on his Lost Horizons website of the deliberate misapplication of the Internal Revenue Code by private employers and the government.  Of all the freedom researchers we know of, he has come closer to the truth about the income tax than anyone else to date, except possibly us, of course.  We wouldn't have posted a link to his work here if he didn't have important or valuable information to offer our Members.

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There is much misunderstanding about the purpose and use of common law jurisdiction in civil court. Below is a document intended to eliminate that confusion:

PDF Rebutted False Arguments About the Common Laws, Form #08.025

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Subject matters that may not appear in any of our materials because they lack evidence to back them up. If you want to talk about these things, you MUST provide evidence that they are true. If you don’t, your post relating to these issues will be deleted.

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Rebutted false statements about sovereignty or our ministry in the news.

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