
Citizenship And Sovereignty Course, Form #12.001

Citizenship and Domicile as Verified by President Obama, Exhibit #01.017

Exhibit #01.013: President Obama Recognizes separate POLITICAL and LEGAL components of citizenship

Shayana Kadidal on DemocracyNow on threat to US Citizenship

False Doctrine: "Unlimited" Submission to Government 1/2 | 10-11-15

False Doctrine: "Unlimited" Submission to Government 2/2 | 10-18-15

Johnny Liberty - Reclaiming Your Sovereign Citizenship

Citizens & Citizenship: Ed Erler on the American Mind

The Problem with Birthright Citizenship: Ed Erler on The American Mind

Does the Fourteenth Amendment Require Birthright Citizenship?

JayWalking Citizenship Test

Peter Schiff on Americans Renouncing US Citizenship - Peter Schiff’s Gold Videocast

Renounce U.S. Citizenship in under 90 Seconds.

TEDxToronto - David Miller - Redefining Citizenship

How did the citizens lose the Rights in the Bill of Rights