The Morality Crisis-Stefan Molyneux and Dennis Prager
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Stefan Molyeux and Dennis Prager discuss the collapse of morality in western Civilization. They say:
- The bigger the government, the smaller the God.
- There is no absolute right and wrong without God.
- When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing, but ANYTHING.
- Feminism is a substitute religion.
- Environmentalism is a substitute religion.
- FORCE is the only way that statism gets done.
- Totalitarianism is the kernal of leftism.
- Right means small government, left means big government. The further left you go is totalitarianism.
- At the heart of every leftist, there is a totalitarian desire.
- The minute you start asking about the effects of a leftist choice, you leave the left.
- Prager is not optimistic. Western experiment is being shattered by the left.
- Prager’s favorite bible verse: Those who love God, hate evil. Psalm 97:10.