Real Reason for Ukraine Invasion: Oil

The real reason for the invasion of Ukraine is oil. Russia is a petrostate with little industrial capacity for manufacturing like China. So, their prime revenue generator is to find new sources of the oil that is their life blood and which is close to Western Europe, who is its biggest oil customer. Wester Europe buys $835Million dollars of oil and gas every day from Russia.

The following interactive map on the internet describes where all the oil and oil exploration is throughout the world:

World Oil Map

Ukraine has a HUGE oil deposit running right through the middle of it and starting in the East where the Donbas region is. Several of the Russian oil and gas pipelines feeding Europe also run through Ukraine, and Russia doesn’t want to be at the mercy of having these pipelines shut down unilaterally by Ukraine.

The story is the same with Crimea, which in 2014 was also invaded by Russia. Ditto for Georgia. The areas where it occupies in Georgia militarily have large oil deposits as well.

If you go to Google maps, you can even see the oil rigs in all the areas that Russia has invaded in Crimea, Georgia, and Ukraine:

A comprehensive source of information on the geopolitical situation of Russia that confirms these conclusions can be found at:

Why Russia is Invading Ukraine, RealLifeLore

Below is a much more detailed analysis of the political situation in Ukraine:

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Copyright/License: Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)