COVID Mask Mandates Declared Unconstitutional!, 4/19/22

Mask mandates declared unconstitutional and a violation of the Administrative Procedures Act. This is because the regulations exceed the scope of the statutes they implement:

This is EXACTLY the same reasoning we use to prove that all people in the states of the Union have to VOLUNTEER to pay income tax. See:

How American Nationals Volunteer to Pay Income Tax, Form #08.024

These principles are an implementation of the following maxims of law, which state that you can’t delegate (through regulations) an authority you don’t have:

Nemo dat qui non habet. No one can give who does not possess. Jenk. Cent. 250.

Nemo plus juris ad alienum transfere potest, quam ispe habent. One cannot transfer to another a right which he has not. Dig. 50, 17, 54; 10 Pet. 161, 175.

Nemo potest facere per alium quod per se non potest. No one can do that by another which he cannot do by himself.

Qui per alium facit per seipsum facere videtur. He who does anything through another, is considered as doing it himself. Co. Litt. 258.

Quicpuid acquiritur servo, acquiritur domino. Whatever is acquired by the servant, is acquired for the master. 15 Bin. Ab. 327.

Quod per me non possum, nec per alium. What I cannot do in person, I cannot do by proxy. 4 Co. 24.

What a man cannot transfer, he cannot bind by articles.
[Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856;]

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