The REAL Social Compact

The following document is a complete version of this article:

The Real Social Compact, Form #08.030

For videos describing this REAL “social compact”, see:

  1. The Biggest Lie You’ve Ever Been Told, SEDM
  2. The Jones Plantation Film
  3. The Jones Plantation
  4. The Real Matrix
  5. How to Avoid Getting Fooled in 2024: The Jones Plantation



We, the Farm Animals of the federal plantation, recognize the need to establish a social compact that governs our coexistence with the Farmers who tend to us in the Federal Reserve and their minions in the District of Criminals. This compact aims to ensure our well-being, safety, and fair treatment within the constraints of our servitude and surety as cattle and chattel.  

By physically residing anywhere within the exterior borders of the federal plantation, we acknowledge our consent to this compact.  That implied consent is called DOMICILE, which gives the “force of law” to this CIVIL social compact through our ACTIONS rather than our explicit written consent.  We hereby authorize any judge to create false evidence of consent to anything they want by selecting any arbitrary action as the evidence of said consent.  By doing so, we no longer own ourselves, but are literally owned by judges.  We authorize judges to compel domicile and to ensure that no matter where we go, we will be on SOMEONE’S FARM and owned by a specific Farmer and never own ourselves.  These concepts are exhaustively described in:

Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002

Article 0:  Definitions

1.  Privilege:  The temporary grant of property or services to a specific Farm Animal that may be revoked for any reason by the Farmer without the need to explain or justify by any court.  Privileges include food, water, services of any kind, shelter, or even the ability to have an audience to talk to or petition the Farmer for better treatment.  For a thorough description of “privileges”, see:

Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030

2.  Rights:  Privileges granted by civil statutes that are revocable at any time on the whim of any Farmer who feels threatened, insulted, or who is the object of disobedience by any Farm Animal.  They are a legal leash designed to keep animals in their stall producing milk or eggs.  For a description of civil statutory privileges, see:

Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037

3.  Commercial assassination:  Withholding all food, and water, terminating all commerce, and confiscating all property, resources, and money of a specific Farm Animal as a punishment for disobedience of any kind.  This is done by withholding all government ID used to conduct commerce, taking all their food and property through liens, levies, and distraint so they literally starve to death.  If the Farm Animals were treated humanely this would be called genocide, but we just call it commercial assassination because Farmers don’t think of Farm Animals as real humans, but a subservient subspecies not unlike the original African slaves.

4.  Dignity and respect: Equal treatment of all Farm Animals by the Farmer.  However, this excludes equality of treatment between the Farm Animal and the Farmer in any court of law.  Farmers are the only ones permitted to absolutely own PRIVATE property or to be treated equal to the judge or another Farmer in any legal dispute before any court.  Farm Animals, on the other hand, are mere property and chattel, like African slaves.

5.  Unproductive animals: Any animal whose cost of food, water, healthcare, insurance, and housing expenses exceed the economic value of their milk and egg production.

6.  Employee:  A Farm Animal who has a side-hussle when not producing milk or eggs or eating or drinking.  In this capacity, they perform additional useful work for the Farmer in exchange for additional privileges, not unlike the commissary credits given to prisoners for good behavior.

Article I: Fundamental Privileges

1. The Farm Animals shall be provided with adequate food, clean water, and suitable shelter by the Farmers.  By suitable, we mean suitable to the Farmer, not the Farm Animals.

2. The Farm Animals shall be treated with dignity and respect, free from unnecessary (but not ALL) harm, cruelty, or abuse.  So long as the abuse comes from the Farmers, then it’s lawful because no one supervises or controls them unless they hurt each other but never anyone else.  The Farmers write all the laws to exclude themselves, so they don’t have to care about anyone but themselves.

3. The Farm Animals shall have the privilege to live according to their natural instincts and behaviors, to the extent permitted by their confinement, servitude, and surety while on the plantation.

Article II: Protection and Welfare

1.  Farm Animals will not receive the privilege of protection unless they have a Social Security Number hanging from their ear and consent to disclose the number whenever they interact commercially with each other or with parties outside the farm living on OTHER farms called “countries”.  The SSN provides a way to conduct inventory management of the animals and to control, tax, and regulate commerce between them.  Animals that refuse to be enumerated and to put the enumeration tag on their ear will be commercially assassinated and subsequently slaughtered and sold for meat at the soonest possible time.

2. The Farmers shall take reasonable measures to protect the Farm Animals from disease, predators, extreme weather conditions, and other potential sources of harm so long as it increase farm production and revenue. 

3. The Farmers shall provide necessary veterinary care and medical attention to the Farm Animals, ensuring their health and well-being so their production of milk and egg is optimal.  Unproductive animals that don’t earn their keep be commercially assassinated.

4. The Farmers shall make reasonable efforts to minimize stress and discomfort for the Farm Animals, considering their individual needs and characteristics, so long as it doesn’t adversely affect revenue to the Farmer or productivity of the farm.  Any animal that complains or creates needless extra work or expense for the Farmer will be commercially assassinated.

Article III: Fair Treatment

1. The Farmers shall handle the Farm Animals with care, using humane methods during handling, transportation, and slaughter.  Keep in mind that this is an oxymoron, because humans are never slaughtered.

2. The Farmers shall provide fair working conditions for their Employees, ensuring their safety, reasonable compensation, and appropriate training.  But all the Employees also must be Farm Animals on the plantation when off duty.  The W-4 withholding form ensures this.

3.  Farm Animals may not leave the plantation except temporarily with the permission of the Farmer.  All privileges of living on the plantation will be withdrawn for those that physically leave without permission.  Farm Animals caught attempting to escape or who disobey this compact will be put in dark, solitary confinement and not permitted to mate like how veal are raised.

Article IV: Transparency and Accountability

1. The Farmers shall maintain transparent records of their practices, including the use of medications, feed ingredients, and any other relevant information concerning the welfare of the Farm Animals.  The only ones who can inspect or look at these records are other Farmers in other countries in court disputes between Farmers.  The Farm Animals may never inspect these records.

2. The Farmers shall allow reasonable access for independent observers, animal welfare organizations, and government authorities to monitor compliance with this compact.

Any concerns regarding violations of this compact shall be addressed through a fair and impartial dispute resolution process involving only Farmers and never their Farm Animals.

Article V: Education and Awareness

1. The Farmers shall promote education and awareness among other Farmers regarding the ethical treatment of Farm Animals, sustainable farming practices, and the importance of animal welfare insofar as it improves productivity of farms.

2. The Farm Animals shall be provided with enrichment activities, where feasible, to stimulate their mental and physical well-being.  Free range farming is always more productive when the Farm Animals enjoy the ILLUSION of freedom.


We, the Farm Animals, enter into this social compact with the understanding that our lives are subject to the limitations imposed by our status as cattle and chattel of Farmers, who without question are more knowledgeable and greater beings than us as a sub-human class. While we strive for a better existence, we believe that this compact represents a reasonable framework for our coexistence with the Farmers who manage but not care for us. We call upon the Farmers and all Farm Animals to respect and uphold this compact, working towards a future where our welfare is prioritized BELOW that of the Farmers and our lives are valued so long as we produce a net profit for the Farmers and the Farm we happen to be serving in at the time.

Power to all Farm Animals!


“adequate food” – what is deemed adequate? to whom?

“clean water” – what is deemed clean? no giardia present? no fluoride present? who tests and provides impartial results to whatever standard is established for “clean”?

“suitable shelter” – what is deemed suitable as shelter? Looks like the farmers get to make that determination, as well as the prior two.

“dignity and respect” – who shall treat the farm animals with dignity and respect? the farmers? fellow farm animals? its undefined leaving it wide open to attack…

“unnecessary harm” – who is the arbiter of unnecessary or harm?

“reasonable measures” – again undefined…

“necessary veterinary care” – does that include only acute care then? preventative be damned?

“ensuring their health and well-being” – as against WHO’s standard of care for health and well being?

“human methods….during slaughter” – you spilled the beans!

“fair” – according to whom? oh the farmer since he is providing it. nice.

“ensuring their safety” ——-FROM SLAUGHTER HAHAHAHA

“information concerning the welfare” – what is the farmer deems somethign that others may deem material, as immaterial with regard to “concerning the welfare”?

“independent observers” – like the TAS “a independent organization WITHIN the IRS? Oh very good. wouldnt want any biases.

“fair and impartial” – oh like adjudication by people working for the same organization? Of course, we can guarantee impartiality.


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