The Truth About David Straight and Bob Lawrence


♬ original sound – Breaking_Barlow

This video contains fallacies of its own:

  1. Sovereignty does not affect criminal matters. Yet this man claims sovereignty didn’t work to get David Straight’s wife Bonnie out of jail on a CRIMINAL firearms violation.
  2. He claims that the birth certificate makes us “chattel property”. We have seen no proof of this. Instead, invoking CIVIL statutory law makes us chattel property because the privileges that attach to it come with unavoidable obligations. See:
    Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037
  3. Bob Lawrence has also been a fan of Family Guardian many years ago. Don’t know if he still is, but clearly he isn’t following our teachings.

He says no one has evidence of a cestuis que trust that is a source of funds, and we agree with him. Its mythology, just like the birth certificate making people into chattel or being used as a financial security. We don’t support EITHER of these nonsensical ideas. See:
Policy Document: UCC Redemption, Form #08.002, Section 4.4.1

He says that the history part of what David Straight teaches is credible. We think it isn’t, and that the reason anyone believes anything such gurus teach is because they lack the ability to do legal research or fact check the claims of such people. This makes them very gullible. We solve this problem by teaching people how to do legal research and fact checking so they don’t have to trust anyone’s word about history or law. See:

  1. Legal Research and Writing Techniques Course, Form #12.013
  2. Fact Checking Tools, Family Guardian

We simply teach people the law and how to litigate on their own. We are not a solution provider and we guarantee nothing. That way, we can NEVER become a guru to anyone.

Materials on this site were developed by us for use by ourselves and have been tested by us. They wouldn’t be posted if they hadn’t been tested. They provide merely a starting point for any situation, not a guaranteed solution.

He is correct that there is much dissension in the ranks and that people are “cannibalizing each other”, meaning stealing and reselling each other’s stuff. We have personally experienced people stealing and reselling our own stuff, which is all original.

In our book, seminars do very little good and are mainly used to raise revenue and promote a guru mentality. It’s much more meaningful to offer most of our materials free, show people the evidence proving everything we believe, and turn that evidence into something useful in court as a tool to converge on a remedy.

We don’t put our name on anything, don’t want to be a guru or leader at all, and simply ask people to read and learn and enforce the law.

Lastly, he claims that a trust is the way to return to the private. This is HALF true. What is MOST important is:

  1. Be a “nonresident alien” for tax purposes. See:
    Nonresident Alien Position Course, Form #12.045
  2. Have a trust. See:
    Hot Issues: Creating and Running a Business, Trust, or Estate** (Member Subscriptions)
  3. Not have a domicile anywhere. See:
    Why domicile, and becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002
  4. Exit Social Security. See:
    Resignation of Compelled Social Security Trustee, Form #06.002

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Copyright/License: Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)