Rebutted Common Flawed Patriot Arguments
This site is different from most other sites in that we do now subscribe to many common arguments found in the patriot or freedom communities. This page summarizes resources on the site that are useful in discrediting such arguments.
For additional rebutted arguments, see the following. If you perceive a contradiction with what you view as truth, please exhaustively scour the below to resolve it yourself before using our Contact Us page to start an argument over it. Chances are, it has already been addressed and we DISDAIN having to repeat ourselves because people are too lazy to do their homework:
- Liberty University, Section 8: Resources to Rebut Government, Legal, and Tax Profession Deception and False Propaganda,_LEGAL,_AND_TAX_PROFESSION_LIES_AND_FALSE_PROPAGANDA - Liberty University, Section 9: Resources to Rebut Private Sector Deception and False Propaganda - Forms/Pubs Page, Section 1.8: Policy Documents - Rebutted False Arguments Category
4.1. Frivolous Subjects, Form #08.026
4.2. Rebutted False Statements About Sovereignty in The News, Form #08.027
1. Frivolous Subject: Revocation of Election SCAM
SEDM STRONGLY discourages members from pursuing anything called a “revocation of election”. The ONLY method endorsed by this website to correct your civil status is our Path to Freedom, Form #09.015, section 2 process. That process requires filing the CORRECT tax return, the 1040NR, as a way to change your civil status from “U.S. person” (Form #05.053) to “nonresident alien” (Form #12.045). This is rebutted at:
2. Straw man cannot be hijacked for personal gain or to get free stuff
Throughout our edits to the Redemption Manual Series offered by, we state that using the straw man for personal gain is stealing from the government and that it is false to perceive the birth certificate as a financial security you can use to get free stuff with.
1. Our comments on that subject relate ONLY to the PUBLIC straw man found in civil statutes and not to a PRIVATE straw man you create.
2. The straw man is public property created and owned by its creator, the government.
Proof That There Is A “Straw Man”, Form #05.042
3. To enjoy the benefits or obligations of the straw man, one must volunteer to become an agent or officer of the straw man office.
4. The ssn/tin is the LICENSE to represent the straw man office. It is also the method of DONATING formerly private property TO said office so it can be taxed and regulated. That license is called a “franchise mark” by the Federal Trade Commission.
About SSNs and TINs on Government Forms and Correspondence, Form #05.012, Section 3
5. AFTER volunteering as said agent or officer and donating property to the offices by connecting with with the franchise mark, all services rendered are rendered by the OFFICE and not the human VOLUNTARILY filling said office or position or legal status. See:
Property View of Income Taxation Course, Form #12.046
6. The only way to own the fruit of your labor is to RESIGN from said office and not connect your property to said office. It is illegal to participate anyway. See:
6.1. Change of Address and Power of Attorney, Form #07.110
6.2. Resignation of Compelled Social Security Trustee, Form #06.002
7. There is nothing wrong with:
7.1 Using a PRIVATE straw man for one’s benefit or as a protection against government THEFT. Creating a trust, in fact, is an example of doing that. It just can’t be a PUBLIC straw man created or owned by the government or someone ELSE. If you use the PUBLIC straw man to benefit anyone but the government as its owner, you are stealing or abusing someone ELSE’S property instead of your OWN property. The CREATOR of the office is always the owner and the statutes do the creating.
7.2. Copyrighting or trademarking the all caps straw man so that your PRIVATE identity cannot be connected to the PUBLIC straw man without your express written consent. We even have a form for doing that:
Owning the Straw Man’s Name, Form #06.049** (Member Subscriptions)
8. If you want to punish and prevent PUBLIC uses of your PRIVATE identity for government gain, then you have to create your OWN PRIVATE straw man and use it against THEM. See:
8.1. About SSNs and TINs on Government Forms and Correspondence, Form #05.012, Section 19:
8.2. Using the Laws of Property to Respond to a Federal or State Tax Collection Notice, Form #14.015
8.3. Path to Freedom, Form #09.015, Sections 5.3-5.7
9. We call the collection of all the above “U.C.C. redemption”. Below is a description of our position on this:
Policy Document: U.C.C. Redemption, Form #08.002
3. Fourteenth Amendment Made Us All Slaves
The Fourteenth Amendment made us all slaves: This is rebutted at:
Why the Fourteenth Amendment is Not a Threat to Your Freedom, Form #08.015
4. The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 made the de jure government of the United States into a corporation
We do agree that the national government and the states are acting as corporations in equity, but the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is not the reason. This is rebutted at:
Corporatization and Privatization of the Government, Form #05.024, Section 14.4