This page is used to search the entire SEDM website using the Google search engine rather than the search tools built-into our WordPress software.  WordPress tools only search posts, pages, members, and Bookstore but not PDF or HTM content on this site.  This search is therefore  much more complete than using other search tools found on this site.  HOWEVER, the search only searches publicly available content and excludes Member Subscription or Basic Member protected content. 

To help you in your search for specific content, below is a summary of how to find content on this site. The left column is the thing you are searching for and the six columns on the right are the source for searching:

Search Source
Type of contentMagnifying Glass in Top MenuSearch WordPress Pages, Posts, and Products Only in the Upper Right CornerSites Search in Upper Right CornerMembers* PageMember Groups* PageActivism Map*
WordPress Pages (screens on this site)XXX
WordPress Posts (blogs, hot issues, physical books, proof of facts, rebutted false arguments, state pages, video playlists, youtube videos)XXX
SEDM Member Forums (Participate->Member Forums menu)X
SEDM Bookstore Items (Bookstore->Shop menu)XX
SEDM Members (Participate->Members* menu)XXX
SEDM Groups (Participate->Member Groups* menu)XXX
SEDM Activity Feed (Participate->Site Activity* menu)X
Static HTML pagesX
PDF Documents (Forms/Pubs page or Litigation Tools Page)X
Member Content (logged in members)X
Member Subscription ContentX

Below are additional indexes of various types of content on the site, which also lists Member Subscription and Basic Member content.

pdf SEDM  Resource Index (Form #01.008.  Index of ALL  forms, publications, exhibits, litigation tools, bookstore items, and  response letters available through this website.)
SEDM Website Subject Index (Form #01.007)
Situational  References (Form  #07.001)
pdf  Legal Research  and Writing Techniques Course (Form #12.013.  Techniques for locating legal information on any subject through this website.)
 Legal Research Sources  (offsite link)
State Legal Resources   (offsite link)
SEDM Jurisdictions  Database  -search for legal  authorities in all jurisdictions pdf  PDF version, Form #09.003 ONLINE  version**, Form #09.004   Video Tutorial: Using the SEDM Jurisdictions Database (Youtube) UsingSearchPage Video Tutorial: Using the SEDM Jurisdictions Database (local  copy)
Family Guardian Research Tools Page (OFFSITE LINK)
Family Guardian Subject Index  (OFFSITE LINK)

CLICK HERE if you are having trouble accessing the site on some but not all of your internet devices

Copyright/License: Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)