A Nation Under God

This fantastic sermon describes the only biblical and proper relationship between God and government. It establishes that government is not God, and when it refuses to acknowledge or obey God’s law (Litigation Tool #09.001), it brings upon itself and everyone in the nation A CURSE.
He also says that this curse is not limited to the Old Testament or to the covenant with Israel, but also applies here and now to all nations.
Pastor MacArthur is a “Johnny Come Lately” on preaching about God and country. This may be his first sermon that touches the politics of our time. Like most dispensationalists he picks and chooses from the OT verses that fit his agenda.
We are agreed, however, with John that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12) and cursed is the government that rejects God’s authority; that nations need to “kiss the Son” lest he be angry (a curse) (Psalm 2); and that the church is not under the blessings and cursings of ancient Israel because of the wonderful accomplishment of Christ at Calvary; and, that California and Washington D.C. are under the curse because our nation’s leaders have rejected the authority of Jesus Christ.