Frivolous Subject: All caps names are “Dog latin”

A popular presumption in the freedom community is that all caps names are “dog Latin”. An example of this phenomenon is the following article:

Justinian Deception

The definition of “dog Latin” in Black’s Law Dictionary is as follows:

“DOG-LATIN. The Latin of illiterate persons; Latin words put together on the English gram
matical system.”
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, p. 569]

The reason this doesn’t make sense is:

  1. The English language does use latin word ROOTS.
  2. Latin word ROOTS are not latin WORDS.
  3. All caps name use is common in the legal profession and the government, but you can’t be illiterate and be a successful lawyer.

The main problems with using the all caps name and “words of art” to deceive and enslave are:

  1. Not defining precisely what context is being used before using it.
  2. Using words that have multiple meanings or contexts.
  3. Deceiving the hearer into thinking that all contexts are the same using equivocation.
  4. Using words that sound the same but have a different written representation. Hence, Idem sonans.

None of these things fits into the definition of “dog latin”. We have never seen any court admissible proof that this inference is untrue. Therefore, users may not use this argument on this site or in connection with our materials or services. We avoid anything on this site involving presumption or belief, because neither one are admissible as evidence per Federal Rule of Evidence 601.

A better term to describe abuse of the all caps strawman name is the following:

IDEM SONANS. Sounding the same or alike; having the same sound. A term applied to names which are substantially the same, though slightly varied in the spelling, as “Lawrence” and “Lawrance,” and the like. 1 Cromp. & M. 806; 3 Chit. Gen. Pr. 171; Golson v. State, 15 Ala.App. 420, 73 So. 753.

Two names are said to be “idem sonantes” if the attentive ear finds difficulty in distinguishing them when pronounced, or if common and long-continued usage has by corruption or abbreviation made them identical in pronunciation. State v. Griffie, 118 Mo. 188, 23 S.W. 878. The rule of “idem sonans” is that absolute accuracy in spelling names is not required in a legal document or proceedings either civil or criminal: that if the name, as spelled in the document, though different from the correct spelling thereof, conveys to the ear, when pronounced according to the commonly accepted methods, a sound practically identical with the correct name as commonly pronounced, the name thus given is a sufficient identification of the individual referred to, and no advantage ran be taken of the clerical error. State v. Hattaway, 180 La. 12, 156 So. 159. But the doctrine of “idem sonans” has been much enlarged by modern decisions, to conform to the growing rule that a variance, to be material, must be such as has misled the
opposite party to his prejudice.

[Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, p. 880]

It instead appears to us that the all caps name was invented to make computer searching and matching easier in the computer age. Upper and lowercase versions of the same character in ASCII have a different ASCII code and will not match. Consistently using all caps simply makes computer matching easier in large databases of names.

The REAL “straw man” are the civil statuses in civil statutes. Invoking THESE in a legal context ALWAYS causes a loss of rights, deception, and slavery in most cases. This method of loss of rights is documented in:

  1. Civil Status (Important!) -in the Litigation->Civil Status menu item.
  2. How You Lose Constitutional or Natural Rights, Form #10.015
  3. Hot Issues: Invisible Consent

The subject of the all caps name and “straw man” is exhaustively explained in:

  1. Memorandum of Law on the Name-fascinating article about our all caps “strawman”
  2. Proof that There Is a “Straw Man”, Form #05.042
  3. Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014

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