Bob Schulz Right to Petition Lawsuit Reaches the U.S. Supreme Court
EDITORIAL: Bob Schulz is the man responsible for the following websites:
You are on one or more of my many e-mail lists because, in one way or another, you have participated in our 22-year effort to restore the Right of the People to hold the government accountable to the Constitution via the Petition Clause of the First Amendment.
This is to let you know the matter is finally coming to a head.
As you know, no court has ever declared the rights of the People and obligations of the Government under the Petition Clause. That may soon change. On May 21, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court docketed Robert L. Schulz v. United States. Case number 20-1626.
To read the Petition click on this link:
To follow the progress of the case go to the home page for the U.S. Supreme Court and enter the case number in “Docket Search.”
Thank you for your participation, friendship and support.
Best to you and yours,
Bob Schulz
We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.
(518) 361-8153