Category: Blog Posts
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
[Prov. 1:7, Bible, NKJV]
For a more complete blog on theological subjects written by an experienced pastor that is completely consistent with the content of this site, please visit the following affiliate member’s website. He is a degreed pastor with a PhD in Theology and over 40 years of ministry behind his belt and he agrees with everything on this site and is often a reviewer and editor of our materials:
Nike Insights, Pastor Brook Stockton
We try very hard on this site to stick to facts and evidence that is admissible in court and stay away from opinions that are inadmissible as evidence under the rules of evidence. By “facts”, we mean things the GOVERNMENT says are facts, and not anything we say or believe. Hence, most of our blog articles avoid political rantings and opinions. Our favorite saying on this subject is: “Opinions are like assholes: Everyone has one and they all stink, INCLUDING ours!“. There is already WAY too much political diarrhea found elsewhere and we want to be different from all the others in that respect. If you want opinions or even “advice”, you are in the wrong place.
Whatever approach or policy we have towards any contemporary subject always derives directly from the laws of God (Form #13.001) and the positive laws of man and from no other source. We want our approach to every subject to be guided ONLY by the laws of God (Form #13.001) and man’s law and leave NO ROOM for Pharisee hijacking (Form #05.047) of any subject for personal gain. This approach is not commonplace and requires continual study rather than mere presumption (Form #05.017) that usually damages people. That disciplined approach to education and study towards every subject is how we get to know who God is, because the Bible says God is law (John 1:1). The most instructive book on the subject of how to apply God’s laws to everyday society is found in The Institutes of Biblical Law by Rousas John Rushdoony and it is our favorite book. We can’t properly act as agents and fiduciaries of God under His law WITHOUT taking this approach as documented in Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians, Form #13.007.
Slavery Tools
SOURCE: There is a reason they call it “Business”: “BUSY NESS” But for WHAT PURPOSE? “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin…
Paul Harvey on Income Taxes with Rebuttal
“The power to tax is, therefore, the strongest, the most pervading of all powers of government, reaching directly or indirectly to all classes of the…
President Biden: The Lawless Corrupt Anarchist
EDITORIAL: This instance of pardoning is a supreme example of how LAWLESS President Biden and the Democrat party truly is. It is the most extreme…
I Died & What Jesus Revealed About the Mark of The Beast Will Shock You – Shocking NDE
For a much more detailed biblical analysis of the subject of this video, being the Mark of the Beast, see:
Elon Musk to Jordan Peterson: “Life had no Meaning”
In this interview, Peterson discusses meaning in life with Elon Musk. Elon admits that the principles taught by Jesus are good and righteous, although he…
Criminal Punishment for the Democrat Pro-Illegal Immigration Policy
The above is the MANDATORY legal punishment for any President or Vice President that promotes illegal immigration, whether by COMMISSION or OMISSION. This include Kamala…