Derelict Human Beings In Scripture
In scripture
- When a derelict human in a female body is referenced it is as a Harlot
- When a derelict human in a male body is referenced it is as a Tax Collector.
The New Testament BEGAN in the tax office of Matthew. A tax collector was the first human being that Jesus called to repentance. See::
Jesus of Nazareth: Illegal Tax Protester, Form #11.306
For a description of the meaning of “harlot” in the bible, see:
Are You “Playing the Harlot” with the Government?, SEDM
Below is what the SEDM Member Agreement, Form #01.001, Section 1.2 says on this subject of derelict humans in a male body working in the U.S. government and engaged in any way with income tax collection:
SEDM Member Agreement, Form #01.001
Section 1.2: Purpose of Joining
The only place rights can be converted into “privileges” is on federal territory not protected by the Constitution, which is also where PRIVATE rights don’t exist and everything is a PUBLIC PRIVILEGE through franchise with the de facto government. The Declaration of Independence says my Constitutionally protected rights are “inalienable”, which means they are incapable of being sold, exchanged, transferred, or bargained away in relation to a REAL de jure government by ANY means, including through any government franchise. A lawful de jure government established SOLELY to protect PRIVATE property and PRIVATE rights cannot at the same time do any of the following:
- Make a profitable business or franchise out of DESTROYING, taxing, regulating, or compromising PRIVATE rights or enticing people to surrender those same inalienable rights. See:
Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030, - Refuse to protect or even recognize the existence of private rights. This includes:
2.1. Prejudicially presuming that there are no private rights because everyone is the subject of statutory civil law. All statutory civil law regulates GOVERNMENT conduct, not private conduct. See:
Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037,
2.2 Compelling people to engage in public franchises by forcing them to use Social Security Numbers or refusing to prosecute those who compel their use in violation of 42 U.S.C. §408(a)(8). See:
Resignation of Compelled Social Security Trustee, Form #06.002,
2.3 Presuming that all those interacting with the government are officers and employees of the government called “persons”, “U.S. citizens” or “U.S. residents”, “individuals”, “taxpayers” (under the income tax franchise), “motorists” (under the drivers license franchise), “spouses” (under the marriage license franchise), etc. The First Amendment protects our right NOT to contract or associate with such statuses and to choose any status that we want, and it PROTECTS that choice from the adverse and injurious presumptions of others. See:
Your Exclusive Right to Declare or Establish Your Civil Status, Form #13.008,
2.4. Refusing the DUTY to prosecute employers who compel completing form W-4, which is the WRONG form for most Americans.
2.5. Refusing to prosecute those who submit false information returns against people NOT engaged in public offices within the government in the District of Columbia. See:
Correcting Erroneous Information Returns, Form #04.001, - Refuse to recognize anyone’s right and choice not to engage in franchises such as a “trade or business” or to quit any franchise they may have unknowingly signed up for.
3.1 Refusing to provide or hiding forms that allow you to quit franchises and/or telling people they can’t quit. For instance, Social Security Administration hides the form for quitting Social Security and tells people they aren’t allowed to quit. This is SLAVERY in violation of the Thirteenth Amendment.
3.2 Offering “exempt” status on tax forms but refusing to provide or even recognize an “excluded’, “not subject”, or “nontaxpayer” option. “Exempt” v. “excluded” are completely different and mutually exclusive. See:
Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid, Form #08.004, Section 8.13,
Excluded Earnings and People, Form #14.019;
3.3 Refusing to file corrected information returns that zero out false reports of third parties, interfering with their filing, or not providing a form that the VICTIM, rather than the filer can use, to correct them.
3.4 Refusing to provide a definition of “trade or business” in their publication that would warn most Americans that they not only aren’t involved in it, but are committing a CRIME to get involved in it in violation of 18 U.S.C. §912. - Deprive people of a remedy for the protection of private rights by turning all courts into administrative franchise/property courts in the Executive Branch instead of the Judicial Branch, such as Traffic Court, Family Court, Tax Court, and all federal District and Circuit Courts. See: What Happened to Justice?, Form #06.012; This forces people to fraudulently declare themselves a privileged franchisee such as a “taxpayer” before they can get a remedy. See Tax Court Rule 13(a), which says that only “taxpayers” can petition Tax Court. See also Corp. of Presiding Bishop of Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints v. Hodel, 830 F.2d 374, 385 (D.C. Cir. 1987), in which STATUTORY citizens are not entitled to Article III CONSTITUTIONAL “district courts of the United States” and can ONLY go to Executive Branch FRANCHISE courts.
- Make a profitable business out of penalizing or taxing crime. Note that we don’t object to REPARATIONS that go to the VICTIM, but PENALTIES that go to the government. Any government that profits from crime is always going to try to foster and promote more of it and the more profitable it is, the more motivated they become to undertake this kind of abuse. This kind of CRIMINAL conflict of interest will always corrupt any governmental system and undermine the security of private rights that is the reason governments are created to begin with. See the following:
Why the Government Needs Crime;
It is precisely the above abuses by political and/or religious leaders that were the ONLY thing that Jesus ever got angry about during his short time on Earth. See Matt. 21:12-17 and Matt. 23. These passages were written by a former tax collector who quit his job in disgust when Jesus showed him the evil inherent in the above abuses. As a believer, these types of abuses make me just as angry and upset as Jesus was because of the inequality, injustice, and hypocrisy they promote and protect. Like Jesus, I call to repentance any and all in churches and or governments who engage in such despicable behavior. The behavior is so prevalent in Jesus’ time that every time Jesus used the phrase “sinners”, He also preceded it with “tax collectors and”, as if to imply that they are synonymous. That’s why the New Testament BEGAN in the Tax Collector’s office of Matthew, where the sinners he came to call to repentance could be found. See Eccl. 2:26, which indicates that those who “gather and collect” are sinners. It shouldn’t therefore surprise us that one of the charges levied against Jesus was that he was a “tax protester” in Luke 23:2 and that his advocacy was “perverting a nation”. See the following:
Jesus of Nazareth: Illegal Tax Protester, Ned Netterville; Link1, Link 2 (Form #11.306)
REAL de jure Judges cannot serve two masters, Justice and Money/Mammon, without having a criminal conflict of interest and converting the Public Trust into a Sham Trust. Anyone who therefore claims the authority to use franchises to entice me to surrender or destroy the INALIENABLE private rights which all just governments were established ONLY to protect, cannot lawfully or truthfully claim to be a “government” and is simply a de facto private corporation, a usurper, and a tyrant pretending to be a government.