Divine Election/Choice
This Southern Baptist preacher, Robert Breaker, describes choice/election and free will in the context of the Bible. The term “election” is an interesting term, because it is frequently used throughout the Internal Revenue Code to document a choice. This video describes it from a theological or ecclesiastical perspective, but the concepts also apply to secular law as well.
This website is based on Reformed Theology. Reformed Theology in turn is based on Calvinism. Calvinism is not perfect, as this gentleman points out.
Baptists are typically Arminian and like all Baptist this Baptist preacher who doesn’t read Calvinistic works misinterprets what Calvinists preach. I am non-plused by a man who says
“I only preach the Bible and am only going to tell you what the Bible says.” (sounds Arminian to me)
All Calvinist Presbyterians are Biblical and do their very best to interpret “election” texts with integrity the best they can. But, like all flawed men, Calvinists sometimes draw conclusions that are not in the text while trying to answer questions by men trapped in space and time. This preacher likewise is doing the best he can to move through the texts, but he will not be able to fully resolve 400 years of theological investigation into this subject to the satisfaction of both sides. Very few men have been able to add clarity to this subject since the Synod of Dort (1619).
More on Arminianism at:
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