Frivolous Subject: My Lawyer Says IRS Does Not Recognize Common Law Trusts
My lawyer says common law trusts are not recognized by the IRS as legal and should not be pursued. Here is a quote from the IRS web page which the IRS informs the public:
Abusive Trust Tax Evasion Schemes – Special Types of Trusts
Common Law Trust
Contrary to the claims of promoters, “common law trusts” no longer exist since all states now have statutes relating to the creation and operation of trusts.
[Abusive Trust Tax Evasion Schemes – Special Types of Trusts, IRS;]
1. The issue is not the name or type of the trust, it’s whether:
1.1. The PRIVATE right to contract under Article 1, Section 10 of the constitution still exists. A trust, after all is a contract.
1.2. Private rights and private property protected by the Bill of Rights still exist. See:
Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025
1.3. It’s unlawful for the government to interfere with your right to privately contract with people in a nonprivileged status thus to exercise your right of absolute property ownership to EXCLUDE them from using, regulating, or benefitting from your property.
2. If the answer to all the above is YES, then whatever you want to call the trust is unimportant and irrelevant because the trust:
2.1 Will be FOREIGN as recognized in 26 C.F.R. §301.7701-7.
2.2 Will NOT be subject to the jurisdiction of the IRS.
2.3. Will manage nothing but absolutely owned, constitutionally protected PRIVATE property.
2.4 Will not have taxable income because all earnings will be lawfully “excluded” rather than “exempt”. See:
Excluded Income and People, Form #14.019
Saying they are not recognized as LEGAL is PROOF in fact, that they will be FOREIGN BECAUSE they are PRIVATE.
3. For details on foreign trusts, see:
3.1 Nonresident Alien Position Course, Form #12.045
3.2 Proof that American Nationals are Nonresident Aliens, Form #09.081
3.3 Rebutted False Arguments About the Nonresident Alien Position When Used by American Nationals, Form #08.031
4. The fact that something isn’t LEGAL doesn’t make it UNLAWFUL. It just means it is not subject to civil statutory laws. See:
Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private People, Form #05.037
5. In fact, EVERY human being who pays income taxation is a volunteer, as proven by the following:
5.1 How American Nationals Volunteer to Pay Income Tax, Form #08.024
5.2 Challenging Jurisdiction Worksheet, Form #09.082
The above is exhaustive, court admissible proof that we are correct. Your lawyer has the burden of proof that it is INCORRECT, and to produce evidence equally probative that it is inaccurate. If he doesn’t, then pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(b)(6), a failure to deny constitutes an admission that all the above is true.
Lastly, IRS publications and statements from IRS employees are BOTH NOT admissible as evidence and unreliable, according to the IRS itself and the courts, so don’t quote IRS publications or an IRS employee or even a lawyer without at least a penalty of perjury statement so that the evidence is admissible in court and trustworthy, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6065. See and rebut the following evidence if you disagree:
Reasonable Belief About Income Tax Liability, Form #05.007
We eagerly await your lawyer’s rebuttal with court admissible evidence NOT originating from the untrustworthy IRS or any of its deceptive publications, which are sophistry crafted to deceive and defraud everyone, as documented in:
Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014
When is that lawyer of yours going to use that wonderful legal education and resume he claims to have to really THINK and challenge assumptions rather than merely bend over for thieves and liars who will pull his license if he doesn’t bend over?