Frivolous subject: It’s a waste of time to file criminal complaints about government crime
All these threats of criminal action would literally give the opposition a good laugh. There is ZERO CHANCE of anyone being criminally indicted. An example of this phenomenon is found at:
Identity Theft Affidavit, Form #14.020
It’s a supreme waste of time to post documents like the above on the site or to even discuss the subject on the site.
What you propose essentially is PROTECTING crime, which then makes you an ACCESSORY to said crime and guilty of Misprision of Felony under 18 U.S.C. §4 and Accessory after the Fact under 18 U.S.C. §3. That’s a HORRIBLE position to take.
There are good reasons to call something a crime and report it as a crime even if it’s never prosecuted. Some include:
- The Fruit of a Poisonous Tree Doctrine of the U.S. Supreme Court forbids evidence from being admissible that was used in the commission of a crime. An example of such evidence is:
1.1. Social Security Numbers if you don’t want to participate. See:
About SSNs and TINs on Government Forms and Correspondence, Form #05.012
1.2. Information returns that are false, which you identified as false to the reporter, and therefore are fraudulent as far as they are concerned. See:
Correcting Erroneous Information Returns, Form #04.001 - You can use the report of criminal activity it as a reliance defense to explain why you refused to accept the duties of the straw man by filing a return, or doing other things.
- By reporting the crime, you put them in a tactical vice because they become an accessory to a crime by perpetuating the crime during their enforcement against you.
- It looks horrible in front of juries if you are being prosecuted by the government for a crime.
- It gives you bargaining leverage, because their silence and inaction on the matter becomes an Admission under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 8(b)(6).
There are probably a lot more reasons that belong in the above list that we don’t list here.