How to: How to Recognize Evil
In this video, JP identifies “evil” as literally “the desire to control others” in a way that is NOT in their best interests and usually in someone ELSE’S best interest. Since “control”, is synonymous with ownership, essentially he identifies evil as “human ownership” to any degree whatsoever.
The willful deception he describes that evil always comes packaged in is described in:
JP is correct, but we wish he would dig deeper on this issue to identify the legal mechanisms by which people are “controlled” and therefore “owned”. That mechanism is franchises and privileges, and the straw man that is used to:
- Hide or conceal the foundation and purpose of government, which is the protection of PRIVATE property and the separation between PUBLIC and Private.
- Confuse the natural man or woman with a fiction.
- Deceive the hearer into volunteering for the fiction.
- Hide or conceal the mechanism of consent, and thus make consent “invisible”.
Thus, without realizing it, he is essentially complaining about franchises, privileges, and the straw man that implements them. The MOST EXTREME version of the evil he speaks of is found below:
More on the subject of this article and what “controlling other people” REALLY means in a legal context is available below:
- Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025-government has to destroy this separation through sophistry by concealing the laws of property and avoiding discussing how consent was obtained to do the conversion.
- Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030
- Proof That There is a “Straw man”, Form #05.042
- Hot Issues: Invisible Consent*
- Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003
- Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government, Form #05.037