Joseph Mengele Legalized
By: Gino Casterovia
From self-mutilation to mass shootings, from live birth abortion to mercy killings, (Grandma would be better off dead.) it’s just a matter of degree.
The Elites infect popular culture with an idea, “Gender Re-assignment,” and get the unthinking to do the Trans Humanist Experiments, “Proof of Concept.” They even offer to pay for it as “Health Care,” Joseph Mengele reincarnated, and experiments on humans Legalized.
They could not isolate the “Weed People,” (that’s what Margret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, called the brown and black people.) The Eugenicists could not wipe them out with Gas, so they encouraged them to self-destruction through the Barbarism of Abortion, and called it, “Health Care.” The Eugenicists placed abortion clinics in Black and minority neighborhoods, and succeeded in cutting the Black population growth by half. Margret Sanger would be pleased.
A return to the Pagan Rituals of “Child Sacrifice,” a means of Self-Gratification. “The Fetus is a Parasite!!!” They shout.
They could not keep Women in her place, so they propagandized her out of existence. “What is a Woman?” A question no longer answerable.
They have gotten her to wear her genitals on her head and become a laughing stock, not to be taken seriously.
They have gotten males to Trans-vest, furthering the debasement.
“We don’t have to take them seriously. Just look!!!”
Womanhood rendered into a cartoon.