On Claiming Belief In God: Discussion with Dennis Prager and Jordan Peterson

Prager says that he sees Peterson as a truly good man. Peterson says he doesn’t think so, and instead thinks he is just basically extremely afraid of being a bad man after spending 40 years studying the worst evil man is capable of and wanting to prevent it. The biblical version of that approach is in Proverbs 1:7, which says:

” The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction. “

[Prov. 1:7, Bible, NKJV]

Jordan Peterson says it’s VERY important to be THANKFUL for how much good there is in the world, because of just how dark people can become based on his extensive historial studies of evil and its effects. This is also the theme of Prager, who has done several videos on the importance of thankfulness. Here is a favorite video he did on the subject:

The Key to Unhappiness

Jordan says what is wrong with the left is that they attack the very core of Western Civilization, which is the dignity and sovereignty of the individual, and try to replace it with collectivism and group identity. That is the area we focus all of our energies on as well, and we started doing it DECADES before Peterson made it mainstream and popular.

He says that if you take out the STEM fields, modern education does more harm than good. He says this as an academic who spent more than 30 years in the liberal education field. Dennis Prager also taught at universities as well and agrees with him.

Peterson also says the reason the world is so screwed up is YOUR fault. Its not the patriarchy, its not a group, and its not someone else’s fault. This points out one of the major themes of this website, which is that you can’t be sovereign without taking PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to a higher power and that YOU are the only thing in life that you can truly control when you serve that higher power.

Peterson also says that one person who stops lying can bring down a tyranny. This is a call to everyone to get to work learning and telling the truths found on this site.

Peterson closes by saying that having people congratulate him constantly for the good he is doing in their lives is “as good as it gets”. We feel exactly the same about this ministry and what we are doing for others. The big difference between Peterson and us, however, is that no one really knows who we are, so that if they encountered us on the street, they would never know. The only way you can therefore know you are talking to us and thanking us personally is by communicating with us through this site.

For more on collectivism, see:

Collectivism and How to Resist It Course, Form #12.024

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