Senator John Kennedy Explains How Judges Become Corrupted

Senator John Kennedy is on the Senate Judiciary Committee and is from Louisiana. He is responsible for picking the best judges and interviewing and screening them. He should know what a good judge is!
Kennedy says the problem with liberal judges is that they add things to the constitution that aren’t there and act as a perpetual constitutional convention every time they have a political agenda and want to do something that the liberal congress can’t get past the voters.
By the way, NONE of the issues that Chuck Schumer identifies as “what america stands for” has anything to do with what America REALLY stands for, according to the Bible. All the issues he identifies are for narcissistic sociopaths, not those who are obeying or learning God’s law or honoring God. And by the way, the “Heaven” Schumer is referring to is Washington D.C. Statists and democrats like him think the GOVERNMENT is God, not the God of the Bible. So D.C. is “heaven” for him, because that’s where the government lives. The statist and socialist and collectivist religion Schumer and his democratic idolater colleagues subscribe to is exhaustively described in:
Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016
For more on judicial corruption that Senator Kennedy describes, see:
How Judges Unconstitutionally Make Law, Litigation Tool #01.009
For more on the “administrative state” that Senator Kennedy talked about in the above video, see:
Administrative State: Tactics and Defenses, Form #12.041
For a similar but much more elaborate explanation of the same source of judicial corruption from a different Senator, see the following. We really like Ben Sasse from Nebraska. He hit the nail on the head: