The ORIGINAL “Sovereigns”: American Indians!

American Indians were the FIRST “sovereigns”. To wit:

The bill set forth the complainants to be ‘the Cherokee nation of Indians, a foreign state, not owing allegiance to the United States, nor to any state of this union, nor to any prince, potentate or state, other than their own.’

‘That from time immemorial the Cherokee nation have composed a sovereign and independent state, and in this character have been repeatedly recognized, and still stand recognized by the United States, in the various treaties subsisting between their nation and the United States.’

That the Cherokees were the occupants and owners of the territory in which they now reside, before the first approach of the white men of Europe to the western continent; ‘deriving their title from the Great Spirit, who is the common father of the human family, and to whom the whole earth belongs.’ Composing the Cherokee nation, they and their ancestors have been and are the sole and exclusive masters of this territory, governed by their own laws, usages, and customs.

[CHEROKEE NATION v. STATE OF GA. , 30 U.S. 1 (1831)]

We guess the “great spirit” gave them allodial title.

There’s nothing new under the sun. The only thing new is the history you never learned in the “public fool”, I mean “school”, system.

Now you know where we got my focus on private property and absolute ownership.

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