We Must Leave the World to Save the World (Sanctification)
This excellent sermon by John Macarthur talks about Christian sanctification. John says that Christians must LEAVE the world to reach and save the world. He says that is the ONLY way we can fulfill God’s calling while we are here as His ambassadors.
What his sermon describes is a “stranger” in biblical terms. He doesn’t put his discussion in a legal context, because he doesn’t seem to have legal training. That’s the job of this ministry. To translate his sermon into PRACTICAL legal terms, sanctification in Christian terms means being legislatively “foreign” and a “non-resident non-person” in legal terms. It means NOT being a STATUTORY “citizen” or STATUTORY “resident” like the rest of our deluded compadres in society filing the WRONG tax form, the 1040, as we describe in:
- Nonresident Alien Position Course, Form #12.045
https://sedm.org/LibertyU/NRA.pdf - Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/NonresidentNonPersonPosition.pdf - Foreign Tax Status Information Group (FTSIG) Website
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. . .we say the following, which is in complete agreement with and part of John’s sermon:
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.“
[Romans 12:1, Bible, NKJV]
Note also that Christian worship as he describes it BEGINS with giving yourself away to God as his vessel and for his purposes. This is EXACTLY what the government wants us to do in worshipping them as a pagan idol: Take on the persona of a statutory “citizen”, “resident”, “person” , or franchisee public officer who works full time for Uncle without any commitment on the government’s part to pay compensation.
John says that worshipping God implies “living entirely within the framework of divine command”. In other words, fulfilling your delegation of authority order as His Trustees over His property while we are here. That delegation order is described and codified below and derives directly from the word of God:
Delegation of Authority Order From God to Christians, Form #13.007
Like us, he says at 12:00 that we are “the temple of the living God”. What does that mean in the context of separation of church and state? It means we can’t join the state as public officer franchisees because we would be serving two masters, in violation of Jesus’ commands in Matt. 6:24 and Luke 16:13.
When he says at 12:25 that “God takes up residence in us”, he is talking about becoming a public officer for God within the Kingdom of Heaven corporation, just like the office of civil statutory “person” in legal terms “takes residence in us” when we pursue government franchises as government corporate officers. He is putting in spiritual terms what happens in legal terms within franchises.
From this, we can see that the secular franchise system is a cheap imitation of God’s plan. Satan is an imitator of God and wants to supplant and replace God. The original and the imitation must look as nearly identical as possible to accomplish Satan’s intended coup, so that people will not be aware that they have been deceived or “kidnapped” into the Kingdom of Satan.
At 16:00, he cites the same scripture, John 15:19-21 that we do at the beginning of the following form:
Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002
When John says at 20:15 that “you live in the kingdom of heaven”, what he is saying in legal terms if that your CIVIL DOMICILE is in the Kingdom of Heaven corporation INSTEAD of in Caesar’s pagan kingdom. You have a DIFFERENT King, just like this preacher says:
Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear at the Boston Tea Party 2008
At 20:15 he equates being “in Christ” with being a “citizen of Heaven”. In legal terms, he means that you are in the Kingdom of Heaven corporation as a citizen of Heaven, just like a STATUTORY citizen of the world is in the GOVERNMENT corporation as a public officer. He even refers to “gospel privilege” at 21:45, so he is obviously referring to the concept of a franchise in spiritual terms.
“Is it a franchise? A franchise is said to be a right reserved to the people by the constitution, as the elective franchise. Again, it is said to be a privilege conferred by grant from government, and vested in one or more individuals, as a public office. Corporations, or bodies politic are the most usual franchises known to our laws.”
[People v. Ridgley, 21 Ill. 65, 1859 WL 6687, 11 Peck 65 (Ill., 1859)]
He says we have entered into a new kingdom as Christians. But you can only have ONE king without serving two masters. This means we must LEAVE the civil kingdom of this world by legally changing our domicile to the Kingdom of Heaven. He doesn’t say this because he doesn’t want to delve in the political area and get himself in trouble with the government or have his 501c3 exemption pulled.
At 22:35 he says the fallen worship the false god of “their appetite”. This is exactly what people who pursue secular franchises do: Seek “benefits” to satisfy their property or subsistence needs, rather than working for a living to earn their own keep. He says that this tendency is why they are “headed for destruction”. That destruction is described is described in Deut. 28:43-51 and the following article:
How Scoundrels Corrupted Our Republican Form of Government, Family Guardian Fellowship
John talks about the power of God to “subject all things unto Himself”. In legal terms, that means that he owns all property, including the Heaven and the Earth, and He therefore has the power to “make all needful rules” to regulate the entirety of creation and all physical property that He created. Franchises are based on grants or loans of property with conditions. A franchise after all is legally defined as “a privileged [property] in the HANDS of a subject”, meaning the possession or USE of a subject. Putting God’s property in your hands makes you a subject under the Kingdom of Heaven franchise.
At 25:12 he says “beyond all things put on love”. In legal terms, biblical “love” equates with secular “allegiance”. God and His Laws, which are synonymous by the way according to John 1:1, protect us because we have allegiance and obedience to Him.
“Allegiance and protection are, in this connection, reciprocal obligations. The one is a compensation for the other; allegiance for protection and protection for allegiance.“
[Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. 162 (1874)]
When he says at 25:30 “do all in the name of Jesus”, he means in legal terms that you must at all times act as a trustee and public officer operating on behalf of the Kingdom of Heaven corporation, rather than acting in the flesh in your own name. In other words, you are a “straw man” for God, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This implies indirectly that we can NEVER act as Caesar’s straw man because there is no time left to devote to him as a pagan object of idolatry.
He says at 25:50 that following God in the name of Jesus is a “lifelong pursuit”. In legal terms, it means our office within the Kingdom of Heaven corporation is FULL time and life long. Thus, we can never act as agents of Satan by leaving our office and operating in the flesh by, for instance, adopting a secular franchise office in the government controlled by Satan.
When John says at 26:40 that seeking God makes the Bible believable, in legal terms this means that acting as Caesar’s officers and straw man makes “government” believable. Government is not a physical thing. It is an abstraction and a fiction of law that only really exists as long as there are physical people consensually animating its offices.
Even if Macarthur knew the law and could put his biblical exegesis in legal terms, he probably wouldn’t. That’s because , as Justice Scalia puts it ON THE OPENING PAGE OF OUR WEBISITE, “when the law enters churches or families, it destroys them”.
So, he puts it in nebulous spiritual terms and never draws legal parallels. This is unfortunate, because it deprives Christians from really APPLYING what they learn from the bible to the legal affairs of life. This might explain why most Christians we have ever met never really learn law. Quite unfortunate, but that’s why we exist as a ministry: To do that which John Macarthur and virtually every other pastor we have met refuses to do.
John is correct if he would make applications in morals, dress, and speech. If John means what he says, he needs to challenge the women in the church to wear head covering (1 Cor 11) and to dress modestly; and, the men to cull vulgar words from their daily conversations; for all to acknowledge Christ as Lord and to stop paying taxes to this corrupt government; to encourage all to stop wearing masks; and, to get his “church” to separate from 501 c 3 orgs which contain the likes of gay and Mormon organizations. When the Lord’s white sheep become dirty grey, the black sheep become more comfortable.
For a similar sermon that touches this subject from John, see:
Do Not Love the World, Grace to You
Amazingly, at 10:20 in the above sermon, Macarthur even says there are two “persons”: one in the world and one in heaven. What he means in legal terms is franchise “persons” or “subjects. Heaven has its own franchise and privileges in which there is a PRIVATE “person”, and Caesar has his own secular franchises and PUBLIC “persons”:
“Quando duo juro concurrunt in und person, aequum est ac si essent in diversis. When two rights concur in one person, it is the same as if they were in two separate persons. 4 Co. 118.”
[Bouvier’s Maxims of Law, 1856; SOURCE: https://famguardian.org/Publications/BouvierMaximsOfLaw/BouviersMaxims.htm
In the above sermon, he mentions hate a lot. Family Guardian also covers that subject in the following sermon:
What Does the Bible Say About Hate?
Lastly, John subsequently did an excellent sermon on Sanctification which you can watch below:
Sanctification: The Honorable Obsession