What is a Slave?
SOURCE: How to Keep Your Property Private, Form #09.085, Section 3

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.”
[Hosea 4:6, Bible, NKJV]
“That it does not conflict with the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, is too clear for argument. Slavery implies involuntary servitude—a state of bondage; the ownership of mankind as a chattel, or at least the control of the labor and services of one man for the benefit of another, and the absence of a legal right to the disposal of his own person, property, and services [in their entirety]. This amendment was said in the Slaughter House Cases, 16 Wall, 36, to have been intended primarily to abolish slavery, as it had been previously known in this country, and that it equally forbade Mexican peonage or the Chinese coolie trade, when they amounted to slavery or involuntary servitude and that the use of the word ‘servitude’ was intended to prohibit the use of all forms of involuntary slavery, of whatever class or name.”
- Who can be connected with any statutory status in civil franchises or civil law (Form #05.037) to which public rights attach without their EXPRESS consent. This is a Fifth Amendment taking without compensation, a violation of the right to contract and associate, and a conversion of PRIVATE property to PUBLIC property.
- Who can’t ABSOLUTELY own PRIVATE PROPERTY. Instead, ownership is either exclusively with the government or is QUALIFIED ownership in which the REAL owner is the government and the party holding title has merely equitable interest or “qualified ownership” in the fruits.
- Who is SOMEONE ELSE’S PROPERTY. That property is called a STATUTORY “person”, “taxpayer” (under the tax code), “driver”, “spouse” (under the family code) and you volunteered to become someone else’s property by invoking these statuses, which are government property. All such “persons” are public officers in the government. Form #05.042.
- Who is compelled to economic or contractual servitude to anyone else, including a government. All franchises are contracts. Form #05.030.
- Who is compelled to share any aspect of ownership or control of any property with the government. In other words, is compelled to engage in a “moiety” and surrender PRIVATE rights illegally and unconstitutionally.
- Whose ownership of property was converted from ABSOLUTE to QUALIFIED without their EXPRESS written and informed consent.
- Who is not allowed to EXCLUDE government from benefitting from or taxing property held as ABSOLUTE title.
- Who is EXCLUDED from holding Title to property as ABSOLUTE or outside the “State”, where “State” means the GOVERNMENT (meaning a CORPORATION FRANCHISE, Form #05.024) and not a geographic place.
- Who the government REFUSES its constitutional duty to protect the PRIVATE rights or property of (Form #12.038) or undermines or interferes with REMEDIES that protect them from involuntary conversion of ownership from ABSOLUTE to QUALIFIED.
- Who is compelled to associate PUBLIC property with PRIVATE property, namely Social Security Numbers or Taxpayer Identification Numbers and thereby accomplish a conversion of ownership. SSNs and TINs are what the FTC calls a “franchise mark” (Form #05.012).
- Whose reservation of rights under U.C.C. 1-308 or 1-207 is interfered with or ignored and thereby is compelled to contract with and become an agent or officer of a government (Form #05.042) using a government application form (Form #12.023).
- Who isn’t absolutely equal (Form #05.033) to any and every government or who is compelled to become unequal or a franchisee (Form #05.030). The basis of ALL your freedom is EQUALITY of rights, as held by the U.S. Supreme Court. See Form #12.021, Video 1.
- Is there any difference between BEING someone else’s property and BEING COMPELLED TO HOLD A PUBLIC OFFICE (a franchise, Form #05.030) that is someone else’s property 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
ANSWER: NO! - If government will not issue ID to NONRESIDENTS or EXCLUSIVELY PRIVATE PEOPLE not engaged in franchises and who don’t have an SSN or TIN, haven’t they effectively outlawed private property?
ANSWER: YES! - If you can only own property as a public officer in the government engaged in a franchise, and all public officers represent the government, then can you as a PRIVATE human being realistically own ANYTHING?
ANSWER: NO! - If the Declaration of Independence and the Courts universally agree that PRIVATE rights protected by the Constitution are “unalienable”, which means they cannot lawfully be sold or bargained away, then how could you lawfully contract them away to procure the “benefits” of a government franchise?
More on this subject at:
- Are You a Zebra or a Horse?, SEDM Blog
https://sedm.org/are-you-a-zebra-or-a-horse/ - The Slave Mentality (OFFSITE LINKS) -Pastor John Weaver
Expressions of a Slave Mentality
The Effects of a Slave Mentality
- Hot Topics: Laws of Property-SEDM
https://sedm.org/laws-of-property/ - Sovereignty and Freedom Topic (OFFSITE LINK) -Family Guardian Fellowship
https://famguardian.org/Subjects/Freedom/Freedom.htm - Foundations of Freedom Course, Form #12.021
Video 1: Introduction
Video 2: Freedom, Sovereignty, and Justice
Video 3: Status, Rights, and Privileges
Video 4: Willful Government Deception and Propaganda - Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/Franchises.pdf - Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/GovernmentIdentityTheft.pdf - Getting Out (OFFSITE LINK) -The spiritual aspects of how we liberate people from government slavery to Christian liberty. This is a sermon by Pastor Tim Keller. It explains the biblical aspects of our Path to Freedom, Form #09.015, Section 2 process.

The slaves of today are educated in everything BUT law, critical thinking, fact checking skills, and how to discover truth.
The Public Fool, I mean “School” System is doing what it was designed to do.