Who Is the Biblical “Neighbor” the Bible Says You are Supposed to Love?
The misinterpretation of this Biblical parable is the foundation of social justice warriors and socialism proponents. Do YOU understand it correctly? Those who misunderstand the significance of this parable unwittingly become proponents of SOCIALISM.
He also talks about “hate” as the opposite of “love”. More on the biblical significance of “hate” in:
What Does the Bible Say About Hate? (OFFSITE LINK)-bible study Family Guardian Fellowship
Macarthur says the bible defines “stranger” as being in the category of “neighbor”, and that the Old Testament COMMANDS believers to LOVE strangers. Exodus 22:21, Lev. 19:33-34. In modern terms, “stranger” means “nonresident” or “nonresident alien”. By “nonresident alien” we mean:
Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020
Those who therefore want to BE LOVED, might prayerfully consider BECOMING such “strangers” and “nonresidents”, no? Doesn’t EVERYONE want to be LOVED? If the essence of God is “love” (1 John 4:8), and we are to be like God, should we not seek to be like those who God says are the OBJECT of love, meaning “NONRESIDENTS” and “NONRESIDENT ALIENS”?
This website is AGAINST socialism, as documented in:
Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016