Why Being Intelligent Is Hated by Society | Schopenhauer
This video helps explain why freedom lovers who learn and love the law are rejected by the rest of society.
You can read Schopenhauer’s research on the above phenomenon in:
Counsels and Maxims, Chapter 34
This subject is very relevant to the freedom community generally, because freedom lovers are much better informed about law and life generally, more curious, and more provocative about challenging authority that is clearly outside of its legal bounds. Most of the people around them often think they are freaks or even crazy. But WE as freedom lovers KNOW who has the problem: The ignorant and presumptuous people around them who are prisoners of their own ignorance and apathy. This sort of ignorance and apathy is the main enemy on this site, in fact:
I gnorance
R elated
S lavery
The dawn of the Internet since the early 1990s and smartphones later in the 2000s has changed this equation for the better. It has democratized knowledge and circumvented censorship. The media, the public schools, and the government no longer control what we can see and learn. We can search and find just about anything for free. Sources of truth are now prolific and growing. Censorship is subsiding. This is all GOOD and will make America much better. But this will take time.
Intelligence is certainly not the ONLY reason people become a magnet for hate by most of people around them. Other reasons include:
- They might be especially curious about everything around them and are incessantly interested in reasons that explain why things are the way they are. In other words, they question EVERYTHING. This approach is the basis for the scientific field and engineering. This is how children start out, but this curiosity is literally PUNISHED out of them. See:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fG00P02yJEE - They might promote unconventional ideas which leads to the Dunning-Kruger Effect, in which people around are resistant to new ideas that people falsely believe threaten their revenue or security or survival.
https://sedm.org/secular-praise-of-the-main-virtue-of-christianity-humility/ - They might have a strong work ethic while working in a socialist or government workplace where work is not rewarded or recognized. They make their coworkers look like they are “Retired On Duty (ROD)”. Thus, their government coworkers are jealous because they might get passed up for promotion by doing little to deserve it.
- They might be a Christian hated by liberals, who don’t like Christian views on sexual immorality and morality generally.
Going through significant trauma and adversity in life can also MAGNIFY the above sources of hate. This is the scenario that most of our members are in, in fact. They have been through a trauma because of government abuse, divorce, or persecution by the corrupt legal profession. When you go through a trauma, you become more inquisitive, informed, studious, and opinionated than people around you because you want to restore security and stability to your life that was destroyed by the trauma. People who have been through trauma, whether self-inflicted by their own ignorance, or undeserved, are often viewed as “crusaders” and outsiders even within their own family. Jesus fell in this category: He didn’t do anything wrong but had to go through trauma anyway because of his very different views on the world. And He invited us to become a partner in His trauma when He said:
“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”
[Matt. 15:24, Bible, NKJV]
“The cross” in the Bible is synonymous with the trauma most of us will face because of hate of people around us of what is good, true, and just. Jesus even warned us of this hate of what is “different”:
“If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of [domiciled within] the world, but I [Jesus] chose you [believers] out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A [public] servant is not greater than his [Sovereign] master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also [as trustees of the public trust]. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him [God] who sent Me.”
[Jesus in John 15:19-21, Bible, NKJV]
In our case throughout life and growing up, we suffered from ALL FIVE of the sources of dislike mentioned in this article. We felt like an outsider and almost an “alien” everywhere we went. And we had no facts or law or even moral reasons to change to be more like people around us. There had to be a moral and rational reason to change beyond seeking the approval of people with inferior or uninformed views. Thus, we had to learn to function with the disapproval of nearly all of the people around us and thrive in almost complete solitude. This scenario is what lead to the development of the following document:
Murphy’s 13 Unlucky Laws for Federal Employees-Put these up in your work cubicle as a government employee if you want to be portrayed as a malcontent because you dare to tell the truth.
BUT, on the other hand, growing up like this and being like this our whole life, and having an abusive parent also perfectly prepared us for the role we presently have in confronting and stopping ignorance, passivity, and evil in society.
For YOU our readers, its MORE than OK to be not only different, but COMPLETELY different from everyone else around you in a very substantial way. Vive la difference!