Why don’t you have statutes or court cases to back a specific aspect of your position?

QUESTION:  Why don’t you have statutes or court cases to back a specific aspect of your position?


1. You want me to find a provision in the code that admits or acknowledges the existence of people who are NOT subject to it?

2. You want me to find a case where a judge admitted that there is a group of people who don’t have to pay that would lower his paycheck or his retirement check?

Third rail issues are NEVER found in the code or court cases. Its suicidal for those in the government to even talk about them. Your best successes were always a checkmate where you got what you wanted but mainly through OMISSION, not COMMISSION.


OMISSION is never found in the code or the court cases. Crickets is what you always get when you find the real heart of any matter. That’s how Third Rail Issues ALWAYS work.  The closer you get to the truth of any situation, the QUIETER things get and the less your opponent will argue.  When you are dead on target and directly above ready to open the bomb bay doors, the clouds open, all of the air flack ceases, and your enemy is defenseless at that point.

That’s why I always say its like trying to detect a BLACK HOLE. There is nothing you can measure it with except that which people refuse to talk about or write about. In courts, that is done by making cases unpublished or sealing the record.


In the code, they just don’t write about it because they don’t want anyone finding the exit door.  The only way you can find such things in the CODE is to apply the rules of statutory construction and interpretation to identify what is NOT “included”:

Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014

Look how hard it has been, for instance, to find ANYONE who would admit DIRECTLY that citizen or resident are voluntary? You think they would do that as a judge if they ever expected to get promoted to the Supreme Court?  See:

How American Nationals Volunteer to Pay Income Tax, Form #08.024

The fact that no one wants to talk about something doesn’t make it untrue. Look at what happened to Trump after focusing MAINLY on corruption in the government/swamp that no insider wanted to talk about. He became a lightening rod who when he leaves the presidency and loses his sovereign immunity will probably be criminally convicted by the NY Attorney General in a special case of “selective enforcement”.

Jesus Christ also comes to mind. He too was persecuted for telling an obvious Truth that no one else had enough BALLS to say for fear of finding the SAME fate as Him as a “political dissident”, if nothing else.

So, you operate essentially on a logical fallacy, which is that the WHOLE truth will be found SOMEWHERE in the law or court cases. Things could not have gotten anywhere near as bad as they are NOW and since our country’s founding if that PRESUMPTION/FALLACY were actually TRUE.

Most of the corruption in the Supreme Court is about things the U.S. Supreme Court WON’T hear or talk about. That scam STARTED with the Certiorari Act in 1925, which was written by no less than the FOUNDER of the modern income tax: William Howard Taft, who was ALSO the Chief Justice at the time. The main purpose of that act was to delay or deny justice to those who are the victim of the very crimes I just mentioned by essentially looking the other way and saying

“We won’t talk about that, its too dangerous”.

So essentially, Taft INSTITUTIONALIZED doing the very thing that I am talking about here.  More about the Certiorari Act of 1925 at:

Great IRS Hoax, Form #11.301, Section 6.7.1: 1925:  William H. Taft’s Certiorari Act of 1925

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