Why the CONstitution Was Advocated

The whole purpose of the CONstitution was to relegate the Declaration of Independence (DOI) to mere history and to reduce from consideration the freedom gains in that document, from the people. Washington secretly funded the newspapers of the day calling for a strong federal govt and spreading the propaganda that the AOC needed replacement.

There could be no reason for destroying the notes of the CONstitutional convention as they did for those 34 lawyers that met in secret OTHER than to create a LEGALESE document of deception.

They needed 2 things in the CONstitution:

  1. It had to APPEAR to restart history from a LAW perspective to the BEGINNING being the constitution. In other words bury that there are 3 law documents ahead of it.
  2. IMPORTANTLY, it had to provide a way out if caught. It had to show in actuality a continuity from the 3 preceding law documents (Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, Northwest Ordinance) and in actuality be simply a further distillation of govt powers. Not an origination of new powers and certainly not a grant of “Supreme law of the land” between the Atlantic and pacific oceans bordered by Canada and Mexico.

Unless the legalese writers of the document provided themselves a way out to the truth (hidden in plain view), a fraud could be declared. In case they were caught, they would say this:

“Oh, you read it as that? Oh no, we meant it as this. For example.. Didn’t you notice references to “this” vs “the” constitution? Oh tsk tsk . One refers to the piece of paper and the other is used in the CONSTITUENT parts sense of federated states of territory we own. Why else would a president take an oath to protect and defend “the” _? LOL There’s no sense to protecting and defending paper…just get another copy. But as an officer he must protect our territory.. “

But we know that all of these things are just excuses. In fact:

  1. The Articles of Confederation, Article XIII identify themselves as PERPETUAL, meaning that they DO NOT expire.
  2. Article 6, Section 1 of the Constitution incorporates by reference all prior engagements, meaning the Declaration of Independence, and the Articles of Confederation.

You can read the debates of the federal convention below:

Elliot’s Debates

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