Why You Must Learn the Law Instead of Relying on or Even Trusting a Freedom Guru or Expert
The ONLY thing we teach on this site is to learn the law for yourself and handle your own case as much as possible. We consistently tell our members and require in our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 that you can’t be a member unless you use ONLY law and facts and never opinions or beliefs or what someone else says or advises. We even put OURSELF on the list of people you shouldn’t trust.
This video explains why we do this, from a victim of someone who didn’t follow this requirement and believed in and trusted a guru. That guru, in this case, was David Straight. We get a lot of questions about him from our Members. Here is a first hand account from a close friend of his who got themselves INTO trouble by listening to him and out of trouble by NOT listening to him.
Lastly, once you realize that the only thing you can use are law and facts, and that we can’t supply facts for you, you will also realize that there is more REAL LAW on this site than ANY OTHER PLACE on the internet! The only weapon you really have is law, and the best place to find it is RIGHT HERE. You don’t need to go ANYWHERE else to have everything you need except possibly a paid subscription to a case law research site.

This site, by the way, puts EVERY GOVERNMENT, EVERY JUDGE, and EVERY ATTORNEY into the SAME category as the “expert” in the above image. Why? Because none of these groups are legally accountable for the accuracy of ANYTHING they say or write. See:
Legal Deception Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014
“ex”=Has been
“spert”=drip under pressure.
Our mantra is:
“Listen to EVERYONE. Trust NO ONE.”