Metaphor of The Wizard of Oz: The Emerald City NOW LOCATED IN SEATTLE
Seattle is popularly known as “The Emerald City”.
Wikipedia: Emerald City
Seattle started that name in 1982, when the IBM PC and Microsoft first began. The IBM PC was first launched in 1981. Microsoft was founded in 1975 in Albuquerque, NM by Bill Gates and Paul Allen and they got their FIRST big break after the IBM PC was announced writing MS-DOS operating system for it. Seattle was suddenly and newly called “The Emerald City” for the first time.
Microsoft went public and became a corporation on March 13, 1986, only two years after the year upon which the book “1984” by George Orwell was based. That book also documents the methods used by the Wizard to deceive and enslave people, but in the book, the wizard is a totalitarian government in effect.
Microsoft moved their headquarters from Albuquerque, NM to Bellevue Washington in January 1985, only one year after the setting of “1984”.
Other major companies, like Microsoft, began in Seattle as well, including:
- Amazon. Founded in 1994 in Belleview, Seattle where Microsoft is.
- Starbucks. Founded in 1971 by Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, adn Gordon Bowker in Pike Place Market in Seattle.
- Costco. Founded in 1983 in Seattle by Jeffrey H. Brotman.
- Expedia. Founded in 1996 in Seattle. They do travel and booking services. They track the cattle on the government farm as they move around the world farm as documented in:
How to Leave the Government Farm, Form #12.020
The software (Microsoft) and computing (Amazon AWS) emanating out of Seattle as the software and cloud computing capital of the world seem to be the origin of the spell of porn and internet addiction that has distracted and captivated the populace since then, just like the spell the Wizard of Oz put over the people in the Wizard of Oz Story. See:
The Wizard of Oz, Family Guardian
So SEATTLE is the EMERALD CITY controlled by the Wizard of Oz where the wizard works his mysterious “magic” and distraction. But the question then becomes where is the Wizard who directs the city? We think that wizard is what Mark Twain called “The District of Criminals”. The curtain he is hiding behind is the CIVIL LAW itself to make people falsely believe that he is in charge. See:
Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037
The CIVIL STATUTORY “person”, “citizen”, “resident” straw man fictions created and regulated in the civil statutory code are symbolized in the Wizard of Oz movie as the “TIN man”. By that we mean “Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)”. See:
Proof that There is a “Straw man”, Form #05.042
The main goal of deception of the Wizard is to fool everyone from behind the curtain of the CIVIL STATUTORY franchise code into believing that:
- You can be a member of the body politic and the “social compact” (contract) without your consent, and thereby surrender your private constitutional rights without even knowing it simply by never explicitly asking you to consent in writing, but PRESUMING consent based on your actions alone. This is called “implied consent”.
- The STRAW MAN fictional office and the HUMAN BEING VOLUNTARILY FILLING said office are synonymous. This is done through equivocation. See:
Policy Document: IRS Fraud and Deception Using the Statutory Word “Person”, Form #08.023 - You don’t have to VOLUNTEER to represent the straw man because they can FORCE you to do so. By that we mean that they try to make your CONSENT to do so INVISIBLE. See:
Hot Issues: Invisible Consent**, SEDM - PRIVATE PROPERTY doesn’t exist as an abstraction, because it is never explicitly mentioned in the constitution but is in fact embodied in the Bill of Rights, mainly in the First and Fifth Amendments.
- ALL PROPERTY belongs to them, which indirectly implies that there is no private property and that they can regulate and tax ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. In that sense, they are imitating and usurping the REAL God by claiming ownership over EVERYTHING.
Once they have done these things, the Wizard can fool you into doing anything they want you to do and paying any amount of money to do it. The result of this deception is the SCAM documented in the presentation below:
Property View of Income Taxation, Form #12.046
Our own experiences confirm this. For instance, our website server is constantly and continuously bombarded with Denial of Service (DOS) attacks by virtual machines rented from Amazon Web Services by anonymous third parties mainly from the Amazon Web Services data center in Ashburn Virginia, just outside of Washington, DC. The purpose of these attacks is to accomplish the same effect as a loud heckler in a crowded room where we would otherwise be speaking: Shut up or drown out the speaker. If we didn’t filter out these attacks, our website would perform so poorly that no one would want to use it. At present, our server firewall has over 1,000 server IP addresses entered to filter these hecklers out to even make our website reachable. You can learn about this at:
About->Website Security* menu
The Freemason Headquarters is also located in Washington, D.C. See:
And in 2018, Amazon announced is second headquarters called HQ2 in Arlington, Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C. See:
Amazon Debuts its headquarters complex in Virginia as it brings workers back to the office, AP, June 15,2023
The USA Capitol building is modeled after The Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria. The Temple of Baal and Baal Worship in the bible is described as evil and satanic. See:
- Jonathan Cahn: The Arch Of Baal In Washington D.C. - Temple of Baal Reconstructed
The national Freemason headquarters is also located in Washington, D.C. See:
Wikipedia: Freemasonry in the United States
We have visited the LARGEST and most IMPRESSIVE freemason statue at the center of Alexandria, VA just outside of Washington, D.C. George Washington who the city is named after was a Freemason. See:
George Washington Masonic National Monument, National Park Service (NPS)
William Howard Taft was also a freemason. He was the man who FRAUDULENTLY ratified the Sixteenth Amendment as President of the United States in 1913, and also later served as as a Chief justice and wrote the famous Cook v. Tait supreme court opinion making the U.S. income tax WORLD WIDE! See:
- Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library Blog, National Heritage Museum - Great IRS Hoax, Form #11.302, Section 6.7.1: 1925: William H. Taft’s Certiori Act of 1925. President Taft’s SCAM to make the income tax INTERNATIONAL in scope by DENYING all appeals relating to it so the Supreme Court wouldn’t have to rule on the illegal enforcement of the income tax. - The Law that Never Was, William Benson. Book about the FRAUDULENT ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment.
Do you detect a GRAND conspiracy afoot?