REBUTTAL: A Message for Those Who Think SEDM Has Too Many Hyperlinks and is TOO Distracting
A frequent objection people have to SEDM is the following:
- There are too many hyperlinks.
- When I click on a hyperlink, then it has hyperlinks, and I end up three or four links away from where I started and can’t even remember where I started.
- Its VERY distracting and frustrating. It makes it almost impossible for me to concentrate on the original book I started reading!
- There is too much repetition. Its a waste of my time to reread the same thing multiple times because your materials are too voluminous already.
The following video explains that THE BIBLE ITSELF is the MOST hyperlinked book of all, and our MINISTRY is based on the bible.
In response to this objection we therefore would like to make the following observations about this situation on our credibility and utility to our targeted audience:
- THE BIBLE ITSELF is the most hyperlinked book of all and this ministry is BASED on the bible. Why shouldn’t we emulate the characteristics of the Bible as a religious ministry?
- The BIBLE was the FIRST printed book after printing was invented in the 1500s and we focus on publishing in physical book form as well.
- Humility is a foundational aspect of Christianity. People who are overwhelmed have no choice but to be HUMBLE. We therefore WANT people to feel “overwhelmed” when they first arrive on our site. HUMBLE people are the only ones who ultimately will stick around our site long enough to dig deeper. You will NEVER understand the WHOLE truth much less even stick around to fully understand it WITHOUT the distinctly CHRISTIAN virtue of HUMILITY. Matt. 7:13 does say that the path to Heaven is NARROW, and this is our way of reminding people that the path is narrow, in fact. See the following video on this subject that is linked to on our opening page:
Secular Praise of the Main Virtue of Christianity: HUMILITY - By showing how interrelated everything on our site is by hyperlinking to all its facets, this PROVES that what we are describing literally IS “THE MATRIX” in a diabolically DEEP and PROFOUND sense.
- By digging very deeply into every subject and providing hyperlinks to subjects that people want to dig deeper on, we vastly broaden our audience. Anyone from the grade school child all the way up to PhD’s in law will find something useful and interesting that applies to their situation.
- The fact that our explanation of all of these interrelated things are in complete harmony with the Bible and with each other and therefore work TOGETHER in a unified whole that is COHERENT and CONSISTENT with itself and the central theme of our website also serves to PROVE that what we are presenting is the ABSOLUTE, UNDENIABLE, PROFOUND truth. The “law of non-contradiction” states that if any aspect of a thing conflicts with itself, then it CANNOT be the TRUTH. This law is often the MAIN or even the FIRST method that people use to gauge whether what they are being told is TRUE. And we NEVER violate that law on this site. See:
The Law of Non-Contradiction, Nike Insights - As far as repetition, there is a method to our madness. Repetition is useful to emphasize important points and as a way to overcome brainwashing from the media you have experienced for most of your life. The media uses repetition to brainwash people and we use it to UN-brainwash them. Fight fire with fire!
- We want you to be a “good defender of the faith”, of your political party (whatever that is), and the best possible apologist for those who would try to attack you or what you believe. That can only come from a deep and profound study of the truth and all the evidence needed to defend it.
- We want to eliminate legal ignorance, which is the main thing we fight on this site. Legal ignorance and apathy is the main thing that allows evil to thrive and grow in our culture and we seek to eliminate evil.
- We want you to develop mental discipline and the ability to focus on one thing at a time without getting distracted. You can’t read our materials WITHOUT that skill because they are so deep.
- The people whose evil deeds are exposed on this website have made a full time profession out of criticizing, discrediting, and finding errors on this website. Making all topics on this website so hyperlinked that it is impossible to take them out of context or engage in sophistry (Form #12.042) to discredit us has the practical effect of silencing ALL of our detractors. It also makes our materials VERY HIGH MAINTENANCE to try to criticize or discredit. Very few people are willing to undertake the level of effort that we have in order to discredit us or our information, so we effectively filter out all of our detractors. This is EXACTLY the same approach that corrupt and covetous governments use to protect THEIR mafia activities, and we are just emulating their approach. As a result, there are no government sources remaining that we are aware of who have identified anything on this site as inaccurate. To even visit us and find such information makes them perpetual members who then have a mandatory obligation to bring the errors to our attention BEFORE they raise them with anyone else. The penalties are SEVERE for not doing so. And we ALWAYS rapidly fix anything that has evidence to prove inaccuracies. There have been VERY few such contacts, however.
You might therefore say that the practical effect of the massive amount of hyperlinking that appears on this site is to filter out all but the most humble, the most motivated, and the most committed seekers of truth and to provide content deep and profound enough to make it appealing to anyone at any walk of life, including full time legal professionals. It only therefore filters out the lukewarm Christians, the money lovers (1 Tim. 6:10), the shallow or vain, or the unbelievers, so we don’t have to waste time on them, just like Jesus did in the Book of Revelation. Those described by Jesus in the following passage who “have an ear” are the truly humble and curious and motivated people with a pure heart:
The Lukewarm Church
14 “And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write,
‘These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: 15 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. 16 So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. 17 Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— 18 I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see. 19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. 21 To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.
22 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” ’ ”
[Revelation 3:14-22, Bible, NKJV]

Here is a similar video by Peterson like the first one about the Bible being THE FIRST hyperlinked book:
Lastly, we suggest the following tactic to AVOID being distracted with clicking on links from reading the ELECTRONIC version of our documents:
- PAPER BOOK: Buy the PAPER version of our books available on the following page and use a highlighter, so you aren’t tempted to click on links.
- ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT: DO NOT click on any links on the first or second time reading our document. Instead, AFTER you have read it fully, go back to the sections you would like to dig deeper on and THEN click on links only for areas that interest you or which you are confused about. This is the tactic we suggest in the following document introducing our site:
Path to Freedom, Form #09.015