- WE BELIEVE the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God; that men are made a living soul, created in the image of God, and subject to the original jurisdiction of Genesis 1:26-28.
- WE BELIEVE there is only one God, the God of Creation, the God of the Bible, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; and that there is only one true religion which is rooted and grounded in Christ and the cross of Calvary (Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 Timothy 1:5).
- WE BELIEVE that men are born sinners and need a Savior (Psalms 58:3; Romans 3:23; 6:23).
- WE BELIEVE the Ten Commandments and relevant case law is the absolute, objective standard of right and wrong because it is an indirect reflection of the character of God. God’s law is not only good for Christians, it is good for all men and their institutions; and, while the law cannot save men or regenerate society, it can, when properly applied be an instrument to purge society of evil (Exodus 20:1ff; Deuteronomy 6:1-6; 17:11; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119:142-144; Romans 13:8; 1 John 5:1-3.
- WE BELIEVE that God’s laws and the Holy Bible are a direct expression of the character and nature of God, who is described as “the word”. James 1:1. Hence, the study of law is the pursuit of discovering and understanding the nature and will of God. Anyone who does not want to study or obey God’s laws does not seek to know the true and living and eternal God.
- WE BELIEVE that both the Old and New Testaments are law for the modern believer, and that any attempt to nullify, repeal, or render ineffectual any portion of the Old or New Testaments (except for the cultic and ritual laws) in the life of the modern believer is an act of anarchy and mutiny against God. Click here for details.
- WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is the direct, subjective reflection of the character of God. He is the living Torah, the Son of God, the Logos made flesh, who was sent into the world “to save his people from their sins.” The main message of Christ was the kingdom of God and the arrival of its powers to defeat man’s enemies. The Savior died for sinners, was buried, and literally, tangibly, visibly rose from the dead providing proof of claim that He was the Son of God. Ascended into heaven and installed as the Messianic King, His reign is now in session at the right hand of God as Lord and Christ (Matthew 1:21; John 1:1-18; Romans 15:1-12; Acts 2:36-37; Revelation 1:5ff).
- WE BELIEVE that all who hear the gospel and accept the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved from their sins; that Christ is the only Savior (John 14:6; Romans 5:1-10; 10:9, 10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-12).
- WE BELIEVE that faith in the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ has created a fellowship of men who share together in the spiritual blessings of the kingdom of God. Those who share a common relationship to Christ and the benefits of His accomplishments at Calvary are called the Church, the Chosen People of God, a New Creation, a New Race, a New Israel, a New Temple, and Royal Priesthood. Wherever God’s people gather to worship Christ, the Spirit of God inhabits their praises. The true church is a living organism, the “corpus of Christ,” with Christ as its Head. It is composed of the church militant on earth, and the church triumphant in heaven. It is not a dead, fictional incorporated organization subject to alien law under an agency of U.S.A., Inc. (Matthew 16:15-18; Acts 2:42; Ephesians 1:22; 2:15-21; 3:1-10; Revelation 7).
- WE BELIEVE Christ is coming again to save His people and to judge the wicked; therefore, we believe Christians should be holy and live out Theo-centric love in conformity to God’s law now (Roman 2:16; 13:8; 14:10; 1 Thessalonians 1:4-10; 2 Peter 3:14).
- WE BELIEVE that God is our only King, Savior, and the Lawgiver of all legitimate man-made law. Click here for details.
- WE BELIEVE that the source of law in any society is the god of that society. See The Biblical Institutes of Law by Rousas John Rushdoony. Click here for details.
- WE BELIEVE that Christianity as we understand it is a relationship with Jesus Christ, a law system, a governmental system, and a way of life, and not merely or ONLY a “religion”. We are commanded to be IN the world but not OF the world. John 15:19-21, 1 John 2:15. This means in legal terms that we cannot have a civil domicile within Caesar’s jurisdiction. Any attempt to undermine or interfere with this aspect of our religious practice is a direct violation of the First Amendment. Choosing a civil domicile is how we nominate a KING to be ABOVE us rather than BELOW us, and the Bible forbids secular kings from CIVILLY ruling over (above) Christians. They can serve from BELOW, but not rule from ABOVE. Matt. 20:20-28. Hence, being subject to the civil statutory law as a SERVANT of a ruler or king is a violation of God’s delegation of authority order, the Bible.
- WE BELIEVE that any attempt to replace God’s law with man-made law always leads to injustice (Form #05.050), usury, corruption, and injury to all those who are the subject of it. In legal terms, that replacement is called replacing PRIVATE rights with PUBLIC rights/franchises. Click here for details.
- WE BELIEVE that any attempt to abuse man’s law to compel Christians to disobey what God commands or do what God forbids is a violation of the First Amendment which Christians must not consent to, disobey, protest, and resist. Acts 5:29.
- WE BELIEVE that it is the duty of all Christians to learn and obey God’s law, and especially in regards to how they interact with the secular world in everyday life and as jurists and voters. This is the means of sanctification, which determines our reward IN Heaven but is not the source of our salvation. Click here for details.
- WE BELIEVE that one is ONLY free when they are EQUAL in the eyes of God’s law to anyone and everyone else. God is no respecter of persons. Click here for details.
- WE BELIEVE that any attempt to make any person, race, or group of people superior to any other in the eyes of the civil, constitutional, or common law will inevitably and needlessly lead to sin, strife, corruption, wars, and violence of the kind that started with Cain and Able (Gen. 4) and recurred with Joseph and his brothers (Gen. 37) and in many other places in the Bible. Government franchises are the main method of CREATING and ENFORCING such inequality under the law, and therefore, are a violation of God’s law for a real de jure government. Click here for details.
- WE BELIEVE that the only kind of hate that is Biblically justified is hate of sin and crime, not hate of sinners. In legal parlance, this kind of hate is called “justice” and it is what the criminal law and the police do. Click here for details. Click here to listen to Sermon 8542a by Ben Williams about when it is permissible to hate.
- WE BELIEVE that all collectivist ideologies, including but not limited to socialism and communism, are evil and even satanic because they implement idolatry, usurp God’s authority, and replace God with Caesar as the lawgiver. Click here for Biblically based materials on the subject.
Our Lord and ONLY civil Lawgiver defined the type of man to which He looks to do His work on Earth, and we seek to become like that man:
Isaiah 66:1-2 To This Man Will I Look
We are not associated with any one or more of any of the following groups or ideologies:
- Groups:
- Anti-semites
- Black lives matter
- Christian identity
- Communists
- Democratic party
- Militia
- Montana Freemen
- Nazis
- Patriots
- Skinheads
- Socialist party
- Sovereign citizens
- Stormfront
- Super-patriots
- White supremacists
- Republicans
- Tax protesters
- Tax deniers
- Tax defiers
- UCC Remption
- Idealogies:
- Affirmative action
- Racism
- Liberalism
- Sovereign Citizen movement
- Common law court movement
- Anti-government
- White supremacists
Paul Harvey did the best job of explaining WHY God thinks that partisanship such as the above list of groups and ideologies is bad:
A Letter From God (OFFSITE LINK) -Paul Harvey
If I Were the Devil (OFFSITE LINK) -Paul Harvey
We object to any and ALL labeling, stereotyping, name-calling or civil (Form #05.002) or political status (Form #13.008) association, assignment, or enforcement against us or anyone in our ministry because all such activities are designed to:
- Disrespect, denigrate, or oppress others.
- Convert constitutionally protected, absolutely owned PRIVATE property and PRIVATE rights into PUBLIC property or rights subject to governmental control, taxation, and regulation using civil statutes. See Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025 and Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037.
- Compel people to abandon their individual rights in exchange for collective rights. See Enumeration of Inalienable Rights, Form #10.002.
- Promote or protect COLLECTIVISM, which is among the greatest evils of all. See Collectivism and How to Resist It Course, Form #12.024.
- Effect criminal identity theft against those who want to exercise their First Amendment right of political and/or civil (legal) disassociation. See Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046.
- Cause the courts to criminally “simulate legal process” by enforcing statutes and franchises extraterritorially, and often without demonstrated proof of consent on the record of the proceeding. See Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, form #05.030.
- Create a criminal financial conflict of interest in judges and prosecutors in violation of 18 U.S.C. §208, 28 U.S.C. §144, and 28 U.S.C. §455.
- Convert a de jure government into a de facto government. See De Facto Government SCAM, Form #05.043.
Membership in ANY and ALL classes, statuses, groups, and by implication privileges, can do nothing but DILUTE and DESTROY constitutional and natural rights as described in:
Membership in a Specific Class, Status, or Group As a Cause for Loss of Rights, SEDM Blog
ALL are equal under REAL law (Form #05.048) and should be treated with respect, dignity, equality, and have their own individuality and uniqueness recognized and CONSTITUTIONALLY protected in a court of law WITHOUT needing a civil status, class, or membership under any statutory civil code. Their rights attach to LAND, not to the CIVIL STATUS of people ON that land.
“You shall have the same law for the stranger and for one from your own country; for I am the Lord your God.’”
[Lev. 24:22, Bible, NKJV]
For an explanation of what the above scripture implies, see:
Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002, Section 10.3
FORMS PAGE: https://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm
DIRECT LINK: https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/Domicile.pdf
The equality of treatment of all under REAL law (Form #05.048) is the FOUNDATION of ALL of your freedom and freedom is a PRIMARY goal of this website. By “equality of treatment”, we mean equality of OPPORTUNITY, not equality of RESULT, as we describe in What is “Justice”?, Form #05.050. We would be the same kind of hypocrites as the Pharisees who Jesus criticized (Form #05.047) to advocate the hypocrisy that any race or group of people are unequal, above the law, sinister, or inferior in the eyes of any REAL law (Form #05.048). Furthermore, any kind of so-called “law” that creates inequality or “class legislation” is NOT de jure or REAL law, but a usurpation that is private and non-governmental and commercial in nature and ought to be treated as such by all courts. On this subject, Jesus said the following:
“For whoever does the will of God [described in God’s Laws] is My brother and My sister and mother.”
[Jesus, in Mark 3:35, NKJV]
Based on the above, anyone and everyone who adopts Jesus as their King and Lawgiver is, by definition, grafted into God’s family, regardless of their race, nationality, political affiliation, or sexual orientation. For background on the equality of all races and peoples under REAL law as mandated by the Constitution, see:
- Foundations of Freedom, Form #12,021, Video 1: Introduction (OFFSITE LINK)
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikf7CcT2I8I
SLIDES: http://sedm.org/LibertyU/FoundOfFreedom-Slides.pdf - Requirement for Equal Protection and Equal Treatment, Form #05.033 (OFFSITE LINK)
- Discrimination and Racism Topic (OFFSITE LINK) Family Guardian Fellowship
- Sovereignty and Freedom Page, Section 4: Equality and Equal Protection: The Foundation of All Your Freedom (OFFSITE LINK)
The ABUSE of law to CREATE INEQUALITY between any people, ethnicities, or groups is the main source of MOST of the injustice in this world. The main vehicle for creating INEQUALITY under the law is franchises, privileges, and “benefits”. For further details on franchises, see:
- Government Franchises Course, Form #12.012
VIDEO: http://youtu.be/vnDcauqlbTQ
SLIDES: https://sedm.org/LibertyU/GovFranchises.pdf - Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030
- Social Security: Mark of the Beast, Form #11.407
- U.S. Citizens and the New World Order (OFFSITE LINK)
- Devil’s Advocate: Lawyers- What We Are up Against (OFFSITE LINK)
- The Government “Benefits” Scam, Form #05.040-Member Subscription form.
About the dignity and equality of all, the Bible says:
“Honor ALL people [regardless of race or circumstance]. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.”
[1 Peter 2:7, Bible, NKJV]“Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.”
[Romans 12:9, Bible, NKJV]“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.”
[James 3:17, Bible, NKJV]
If our detractors simply can’t resist either inventing labels or stereotypes to characterize us or redefining our own labels and then using those labels to SLANDER us or associate us with the disabilities of a civil or legal status (Form #13.008) we are not allowed by God’s law to consent to under His delegation of authority order (Form #13.007), then they should be taking anger management courses and be prosecuted for hate crimes. Labels and stereotypes are for LITTLE minds that are closed, ignorant, and presumptuous. Open minds respect and protect the equality, dignity, and uniqueness of any and every human, faith, race, and belief of others. Minds are like parachutes. They only work when they are open. Labels and stereotypes are engineered to: 1. CLOSE minds; 2. Enjoin original thought and progress and the education, intelligence, ingenuity, and creativity needed to produce it.
Although these are OUR beliefs, we accept people of nearly all faiths so long as they satisfy the criteria found in:
- About Us Page, Section 9: About Religious Tolerance and This Ministry
http://sedm.org/Ministry/AboutUs.htm#9.__About_religious_tolerance_and_this_ministry - Account Signup
https://sedm.org/participate/membership-signup/ - Important Notice to All who Communicate with SEDM Via Phone, Chat, Email, or This Page, Section 1.2
All readers to this site who locate any document, sermon, or teaching in conflict with the above are obligated under our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 to promptly submit an errata to the above through the SEDM Forums, Forum #9.4. Membership is free and you must be logged in to post. It is a mandatory obligation of membership that all those who discover inaccuracies on this site must bring them to our attention promptly, and ESPECIALLY before they criticize us in front of anyone OTHER than members.
Below is a summary of the corruption we are fighting and the paradise we seek in Heaven for all those that join the fight with us.
The Character of Those Who May Dwell with the Lord
Lord, who may abide in [domicile] Your tabernacle?
Who may dwell [domicile] in Your holy hill [political kingdom]?
He who walks uprightly,
And works righteousness,
And speaks the truth in his heart;
He who does not backbite with his tongue,
Nor does evil to his neighbor [Form #11.401],
Nor does he take up a reproach [slander based on legal deception, Form #05.014] against his friend;
In whose eyes a vile person is despised,
But he honors those who fear the Lord;
He who swears to his own hurt and does not change;
He who does not put out his money at usury,
Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent.
He who does these things shall never be moved.
[Psalm 15, Bible, NKJV]____________________________
The Way of the Righteous and the End of the Ungodly
Blessed is the man [Deut. 28]
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly [pagan, statist, money loving attorneys],
Nor stands in the path of sinners [Form #11.401],
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful [Form #05.014];
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper [Deut. 11, Deut. 28].The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.For the Lord knows the way of the righteous [Form #13.001],
But the way of the ungodly [Form #11.401] shall perish.
[Psalm 1:1-6, Bible, NKJV; Click here for an analysis of this verse]______________________________
“The law of Your [God’s] mouth is better to me Than thousands of coins of gold and silver.”
[Psalm 119:72, Bible, NKJV]