Category: Spirituality
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Spirituality Topic Page, Family Guardian Fellowship
Jordan Peterson REVEALS Why EVERYONE Must Follow God..
Here is an Open Letter DIRECT from God Himself about why you should believe in Him: And here is another letter from God, and perhaps…
Happiness According to the Secular World
This is what a secular world without God promises. Do you think this is what “pursuit of happiness” means in the Declaration of Independence? If…
When Does Secular Law Become Hate Speech?
SOURCE: What is “law”?, Form #05.048, Section 16; “If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are…
God and Government-John Macarthur
John Macarthur explains why America is in decline and literally “burning”: We have abandoned God so he has abandoned us. He has not only abandoned…
Is God’s Love Unconditional?
ANSWER: NO! 1 John 4:8 says “god is love”. But what kind of God is He? If we don’t understand the LIMITS of HIS love,…
Noncompliant Movie by Krisanne Hall
This lady sound just like us and she is quite passionate about the subject of rights and constitutional law. This is especially rare, given the…
Jordan Peterson Commencement Speech at Hillsdale College
Fantastic and inspiring, Jordan. The most inspiring commencement speech we have ever heard. It has moral and spiritual overtones but is done rationally and scientifically.…