Sorry, access to this content is restricted to LOGGED in members with the appropriate membership level.
- You must be logged in to view either Basic Member or Member Subscriber or Compliant Member Only content.
- You can check your Membership Level from the Participate->My Active Memberships* menu.
- The area on the upper right of the menus shows your login status. If there is a “Sign In” button listed there, then you are not logged in.
- If you are not yet registered as a Basic Member, then you can do so for free by either selecting “Participate->Account Signup (free)” in the menu above or CLICKING HERE.
- Even as a Member Subscriber, you do not have access to Bookstore or Compliant Member Only content without additional measures. Please watch our training video so you know how to access protected content:
Site Support Page, Section 2.3: Video Tutorial: Using the Forms/Publications Page
2. Browser Incompatibility Can Cause This Notice Even if You have the Right Permissions
If you are a Member Subscriber trying to access protected content and get this notice in error, then be advised that:
- This message is often caused by an incompatible browser.
1.1. Safari on the Mac doesn’t consistently work.
1.2. The Brave Browser is the worse on a PC.
1.3. Microsoft Edge Mobile also frequently has trouble with protected content.
1.4. Mobile browsers are less tested and compatible than desktop browsers. - To work around this problem, try a different browser or a different device. This usually fixes the problem.
The preferred browser and the one the reliably works for us is Vivaldi, but Chrome and Edge on Desktop also consistently work.
If you can access the site after trying the above, then your browser is the problem. Please from that point DO NOT use the incompatible browser or contact us for support trying to make an incompatible browser work on our site. We don’t support that.
We also have NO CONTROL over which browsers that our site doesn’t support and no way to improve the compatibility of our site with your favorite browser. Its a take it or leave it proposition not only for you, but for us as well. Our Membership software is provided by a large and mainstream provider who we have no direct control over. They are the ones who control what browsers they support and which ones the don’t. If you want to complain about that your specific browser is not compatible with our membership software, then complain to Wishlist Member and never us.
3. Problems caused by browser settings or network on compatible browsers:
Some browsers have trouble with our control controls even for those who are logged in and have the appropriate permissions because the settings on the browser are incorrect. If you are logged in and have the appropriate membership levels and are not using the incompatible Brave or Safari browser but still can’t access specific content at your level, it is usually because your specific browser settings are incompatible with our site. To verify this is the case please try the following approaches in the order presented.
- Disable ad blocking and do not track in the browser. Here is Vivaldi settings for that.

2. If you have an adblocker extension as well, please disable it for our site. Specifically, please DISABLE:
2.1. Tracking protection.
2.2. Ad blocking protection.
Below are the settings for Ghostery Adblocker Extension, for instance.

3. Check that you can access sites OTHER than us, meaning that your internet connection is still working. You might have poor coverage or you may be in airplane mode on a mobile device and may be looking at a cached page.
4. Check that you do not have cookies turned off. Disabling cookies causes our security system and access controls to fail. The settings vary depending on your browser.
5. Check that you are not accessing the site through a VPN. Some VPNs filter access to our site or specific pages on our site.
4. How to Check the Access Requirement of a Link Before You Click It:
- For menu items in the top menu or anywhere that words are followed by asterisks:
1.1 A single asterisk (*) at the end of menu items or links indicates content available only to either Basic Members or Member Subscribers.
1.2 A double asterisk (**) indicates content available ONLY to Member Subscribers and not to Basic Members. You must be logged into view either type of content. - For Forms and Litigation Tools, the “Source” column on the Forms/Pubs page and the Litigation Tools page identify the TYPE of content you are trying to access before you click on it. There are three types of content identified in the “Source” column of these pages:
2.1 Unrestricted: Column is blank.
2.2 Compliant Member Only.
2.3 Member Subscriptions.
5. How to Check What Membership Levels You Currently Have Access To:
To see what membership levels you have access to, click on the Participate->My Active Memberships in the above menu.
6. How to Join a Particular Level:
To details on a particular membership level and how to join, click on the following links:
7. Compliant Member Only Level Requires Re-Registration:
We upgraded our site theme and membership system on 4/4/2021. We did not transfer over those who were Compliant Members, for two reasons:
- The membership level requirements changed.
- People were ignoring the requirements the membership level when signing up and knowingly LYING about their level of compliance.
Thus, all those who were formerly Compliant Members will have to re-register again beyond that date and ENSURE they read the qualifications and that they meet them.
People who lie, cheat, or steal are the reason we need a huge nanny government instead of governing ourselves. If you don’t like living under a nanny government, then don’t do these things.
Video Training:
Finally, for a video showing how to Register, Login, and Signup for Member Subscriptions, see Support Page, section 2.1.