Republicans Unite to Defund a Specific Type of Police

As a preface to this video:

  1. We ARE NOT “Republicans” and do not endorse any specific political party.  This is clarified in our Statement of Faith, which you should read in the About->Statement of Faith menu.
  2. We do not endorse defunding of any type of LEGITIMATE police.
  3. Real/legitimate “police” ONLY enforce the CRIMINAL laws under the “police powers” granted by the Constitution.  What the IRS enforces is MOSTLY CIVIL (Form #05.002), which means that the IRS cannot be classified as “police” of any kind.  Real police are FORBIDDEN from getting involved in civil matters.
  4. The REAL/Legitimate police are supposed to prosecute the CRIMES committed by the IRS enforcing against “persons” outside the government, but because states are in debt and need the money, they look the other way and in effect, become “money launders” (Form #05.044) for STOLEN money.  This is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE WORST than the effects of “defunding REAL police”.
  5. Yes, the Internal Revenue Code does have PENAL provisions, but these are not CRIMINAL provisions.  If they were, they would be in Title 18 rather than Title 26.  Instead, all such PENAL provisions require ALL participants to have a PREDICATE civil status (Form #13.008) of “person” and “taxpayer”, which is voluntary.  If it wasn’t voluntary, then the Thirteenth Amendment prohibition against involuntary servitude would be violated.  NOTHING about REAL criminal enforcement is, in fact VOLUNTARY, so the Internal Revenue franchise statutes have NO criminal provisions.
  6. The word “Internal” within the phrase “Internal Revenue Service” means INTERNAL to the U.S. government, not internal to the geographical “United States**” as defined in 26 U.S.C. 7701(a)(9) and (a)(10).  We prove this in:
    Origins and Authority of the INTERNAL Revenue Service, Form #05.005.
  7. Based on the previous step, IRS is a “bureau”, not an agency, and “bureaus” only “serve” public officers within other agencies and don’t interact directly with the public.
  8. IRS has no legislative authority to EVEN EXIST in ANY act of Congress and CERTAINLY not within Title 31 of the U.S. Code.  Congress never created them. They appear to be in effect a “straw man” (Form #05.042) within the Federal Reserve Counterfeiting Franchise (Form #05.041), which ALSO is not part of the government.  They were created after the fraudulent ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment in 1913 MAINLY to regulate the supply of FIAT currency, not to collect revenues to fund the government.  Illegal counterfeiting of fiat currency is what presently REALLY funds the government, as concluded by President Reagan’s Grace Commission report.
  9. What the IRS collects in fact is a SCAM, and not a legitimate constitutional “tax”.  See:
    The “Trade or Business” Scam, Form #05.001

Thus, the speaker in this video is very ill informed about law and reaches completely unsupportable conclusions based on the above.  This makes him what the Soviets called “useful idiots” to propagate socialism and even communism in a country that was against socialism since its founding.

To “defund” the IRS, which ITSELF is illegal and has no authority to even exist therefore doesn’t constitute “defunding” of police.  It constitutes DISESTABLISHING a criminal enterprise which institutes illegal duress upon the populace as documented in:

  1. Affidavit of Duress:  Illegal Tax Enforcement by De Facto Officers, Form #02.005
  2. Great IRS Hoax, Form #11.302

Thus, to defund THIS type of criminal activity actually constitutes “justice” as it is legally defined, not OBSTRUCTION of justice.  See:

What is “Justice”?, Form #05.050

So RATHER than believing this USEFUL IDIOT, check the facts listed above for yourself, give him a call, and tell him to shut his JACKASS mouth so he doesn’t embarrass himself further with his abhorrent and deceptive legal ignorance.

At your next IRS Audit, ask the IRS:

  1. The last word in your name is “service”.  Who are you here to SERVE today?
  2. Where is the law that authorizes the IRS to legally exist within Title 31?  Until you demonstrate legal authority to even EXIST, you shall be presumed to be a straw man and a private collection agency for the Federal Reserve, which is also not a governmental agency.  Click here (Form #05.005) for details.
  3. Do you allege that I work for an office INTERNAL to the United States Government?
  4. If so, where is my desk, phone, insurance plan, and appointment document?
  5. Do you claim that I live or work within the STATUTORY and not CONSTITUTIONAL geographical “United States” as defined in 26 U.S.C. 7701(a)(9) and (a)(10)?
  6. If you don’t, aren’t my earnings from sources WITHOUT the “United States” not subject to tax to me as a nonresident?   Why are you bothering someone with no earnings from WITHIN the STATUTORY geographical “United States** or the “United States federal corporation” under 28 U.S.C. 3001(15)(A) whose earnings are “excluded” but not “exempt” from taxation under 26 U.S.C. 872?
  7. Which publication is the “NONtaxpayer Bill of Rights”.  You only have a “Taxpayer Bill of Rights” and the only thing “taxpayers” have are taxable PRIVILEGES/public rights (franchises, Form #05.030), not constitutional rights or PRIVATE property (Form #12.025).  Is it THIS one?
  8. When and how was my absolutely owned PRIVATE property (Form #12.025) lawfully converted to PUBLIC property without my consent to make it taxable?

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