Sometimes People Won’t Name Things Just So They Don’t Become Real

The above video by a famous PhD psychologist who studies human and government corruption, Jordan Peterson, explains a very important concept of law, which is:

  1. When you don’t want something to happen, you don’t give it a name in the statutes!
  2. If you have to give it a name, then make the name something that no one will think they are, such as “nonresident alien”. No one wants to be perceived as a non-conformist “nonresident alien”.
  3. Make the USE of the name so exasperatingly complicated or painful that people will avoid invoking it. Make all the forms that invoke it 10 times more complicated to deal with so people will avoid using it. People always take the path of least resistance.
  4. Make the definition a non-definition. Define what the thing ISN’T rather than what it IS so you can never really know for sure that’s what you are. This is what they did with “nonresident alien” in 26 U.S.C. §7701(b)(1)(B).
  5. Do not describe or define ALL the contexts that the term is used in so that equivocation can be exploited to deceive you into believing that all contexts are equivalent. For instance, the Internal Revenue Code does not completely define all the two OR MORE mutually exclusive contexts in which the term “United States” is used in the title. It is defined in its “geographical” context only in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(9) and (a)(10) (District of Columbia) but NEVER in the MAIN context in which it is used, which is the “United States” as a legal fiction and a corporation. Those who are neither physically within the “geographical” United States nor a “citizen” nor “resident” of this geography (called a STATUTORY citizen or resident), if they claim to be STATUTORY “citizens” or “residents” or within the “United States” are making an INVISIBLE ELECTION to “be treated AS IF” they are a public officer of the United States federal corporation. In that capacity they are a “source WITHIN the United States” in a LEGAL sense but not a GEOGRAPHICAL sense. Thus, consent to the income tax is for those EXTRATERRITORIALLY situated, for the most part, procured through deception and mistake and SELDOM through choice. Click here for details.

All the above concepts are used to prevent people from declaring their true tax status (Form #10.011) and being truly free. More on this subject of games with definitions relating to tax status at:

Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020

The following article gives “nontaxpayer” a name, explains why the IRS does not want to name it, shows why everyone should want to HAVE this name, and explains exactly HOW to ADOPT this name and identity from a legal perspective. It does so under the presumed authority of the party who DOES WANT the name to be known as a Trojan Horse to get people interested in reading it:

Your Rights as a “Nontaxpayer”, Publication 1a, Form #08.008

More on deception with all legal definitions and their context is available at:

Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014


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