The Biggest Lie You’ve Ever Been Sold
“A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.”
This video is a commentary on the movie entitled “The Jones Plantation” by Larken Rose. Excellent movie. It demonstrates how we have all become slaves by enslaving our mind. The enslavement of our mind occurs by filtering information we can learn, and especially information found on this website.
We highly recommend the movie. If you would like to view the movie, see:
- The Jones Plantation, Larken Rose - The Jones Plantation Website, Larken Rose - The Jones Plantation– Movie
For a FULL Description of the UNJUST “contract” offered to the slaves by Mr. Smith in the movie, see:
The REAL Social Compact, Form #08.030
For legal proof that involuntary income taxes on your labor are slavery as indicated above, see:
Proof that Involuntary Income Taxes on Your Labor Are Slavery, Form #05.056
Lastly, Larken Rose, who is the author of the book The Jones Plantation and directed the movie, is an atheist. Thus, he likes to trash religion by falsely claiming that ALL religions are essentially what Karl Marx called “the opiate of the masses” to make them feel better about being enslaved. Although this website is a Christian ministry, we employ religion to accomplish the OPPOSITE goal: To use the Bible to show people that they should NOT be comfortable with being enslaved and that God commands them to FIGHT the enslavement. Obviously then, we are not the proper target of the criticisms leveled in the movie against religion.

More at:
- How to Avoid Getting Fooled in 2024: Jones Plantation Movie w/ Larken Rose - “Jones Plantation” Feature Adaptation Pitch Podcast -Larken Rose, Amanda Rose and Andrew Treglia - The Jones Plantation-IMDB