Frivolous Subject: You ought to censor information on your site that has even the POTENTIAL to hurt someone if misused, rather than merely just correct or improve it
This interchange was between us and someone who had been sent a link to our content to correct for inaccuracies. The document was about how to file income tax returns, and the person who was sent the information claims to be an expert in how to do it. We asked them for a list of Form #, Page #, Line # errata, what the error was, and how to fix it to remove their objection.
They refused the invitation to correct or even reference specific information in the document that they thought might potentially be inaccurate or harmful if used. Their identity shall remain anonymous.
We remind our readers that:
- It is an obligation of membership to locate inaccuracies in any of our documents they are reading or using and to bring those inaccuracies to our attention promptly.
- A main purpose of this site to begin with is to allow information published here to be widely peer reviewed and corrected. Censorship interferes with that goal.
This person, although a member receiving the “benefits” and protections of membership, not only refused that mandatory obligation to bring inaccuracies to our attention, but violated the moral obligation to help and protect other members by not accepting this responsibility. He then blamed us for not taking that the SAME responsibility seriously by correcting errors he thought were there that he wouldn’t specifically elaborate on. Quite ironic and hypocritical.
This person has a commercial motive to create a monopoly on his part in offering Nonresident Alien Tax filings, because they offer it as a service and do not allow clients to see the output of their work product. Thus, they will quite expectedly try to:
- Scare people about doing it themselves.
- Attack anyone who offers documentation about HOW to do it and get your money back.
- Not contribute to and even criticize efforts to document the value they add to the process.
- Beat their chest about how they are the only ones who KNOW how to do it.
- Refuse to answer questions about the value they add to the process of filing correctly.
- Do everything in their power to CENSOR documentation about the value that they add to the process in order to protect their monopoly on the value they add.
- Try to justify themselves in doing the above by at least APPEAR to be taking the moral high ground by trying to “protect” their clients. Ultimately, however, keeping them IGNORANT about any aspect of how to deliver tax preparation services INJURES them.
- Become VERY angry and cuss at us when the above are pointed out, as they have done with us on repeated occasions.
By doing they above, they are, in effect, holding the truth hostage for 20 pieces of silver, just like Judas did in the Bible while trying to LOOK like they are actually trying to help others. Such behaviors make them appear to be government moles or “pay-triot-for-profit” types. Isn’t this the SAME tactic the corrupt government does to enslave us all to THEIR monopoly on “protection”?

This is just a sophisticated version of many other pay-triot-for-profit schemes.
How to Spot a “Pay-Triot For Profit” Con Man
Nevertheless, this person has indirectly added a lot of value to the content of the site which we appreciate and wish to thank him for on this occasion. Fact checking our materials or even improving them, however, is not a skill he seems to have any interest in.
I have tried to help you clear up your misperceptions about how the income tax works. I really don’t have time to be one of your “fact checkers” so to speak. I strongly object to your use of our conversations as material with which you instruct people how to file returns or give other legal advice and pretend you are not doing that because of your disclaimer. I am disgusted with your “it’s not my problem” attitude re: people getting themselves into trouble following your advice.
You are completely unrepentant about that, so there is nothing more to say on that topic.
- Thank you for sharing your candid position, which I respect your equal right to have.
- Our disclaimer states that nothing on this site may be interpreted as legal advice or even factual or actionable speech. If you perceive it otherwise, that’s a personal problem, not our problem: - The IRS does provide detailed instructions on how to do things in a way that we both agree is knowingly WRONG and harmful to most Americans. And they disclaim any and all liability for doing so in the IRM - The IRS like us says they are not responsible for the accuracy of their MISLEADING publications filled with equivocation and deception.
- If we are both going to fight the deception of an enemy like that, the only way we can win is to emulate their basic approach, while removing the deceptive and harmful portions thereof. That is EXACTLY what we do. And this is an implementation of the Sun Tzu Art of war proverb, that says the only way you can win against an enemy is to emulate their greatest strength. In this case, that greatest strength is limited liability, or sovereign immunity, whichever you want to call it.
- If you don’t like the fact that “its not my problem” attitude, then your main displeasure should be directed at the IRS, who we are merely emulating.
- The average Joe Sixpack is risk averse. A confused or ignorant mind always says no. Most of them will never be able to think legally or critically and like the cows on the government farm we are trying to leave, will only leave if there is some semblance of instructions for how to leave, even if it is only published as an example of another cow who escaped and comes with no guarantees.
- If you show them nothing specific about how to leave the government farm, they will stay there. All the legal theory in the world published in thousands of telegram messages won’t and don’t answer that question because of your own risk aversion just like theirs. You are therefore not addressing their main phobia, which is exactly what works and how to escape consistent with what law allows so they will take the lowest risk approach, which is to remain prisoners and peons on the farm.
This is why we are unrepentant and will continue to be, until you offer a way that solves their phobias, empowers them with knowledge, and fights the IRS on their own turf with the same limited liability tactics. You haven’t done so yet. Because of your own risk aversion, you too remain immobilized about how to educate the cows to leave the farm. So you can see this is problem that even in your own case you have not transcended.
So far, your approach has been just like the liberals, who stifle ALL discussion about selected subjects, and especially on college campuses, based on the fallacy that they don’t want to be uncomfortable or face any risk or criticism. What you are insisting on effectively is a “safe zone” in the tax arena that allows people to continue to be ignorant prisoners of some malicious authority figure who thinks they know what is good for others better than they know. Your approach to this subject causes YOU to be that authority figure. I have no tolerance for that sanctimonious approach that elevates you as an expert with secret knowledge who knows better than anyone else what is good for them. Why? Because that is the government’s approach in a nutshell and two wrongs don’t make a right.
There ARE NO SAFE SPACES or SAFE SUBJECTS on sedm. We will vociferously oppose any attempt to establish them. If you fight or disagree with the liberals for their safe spaces on college campuses free of First Amendment free speech, you better make sure you have none of your own. Trying to compartmentalize this issue to say that its not the same is just a cop out and nothing but hypocrisy, my friend.
At this point, your approach to this very subject and your unwillingness to point at specific portions of documents on our site makes you look like a mole. Only government moles face adverse consequences for doing so and only IF they are government moles, per our member agreement. The fact that your two apparent main motivations seem to be risk avoidance and censorship of information that might harm the government at this point, I am forced to believe you might be a mole, because that is what a mole would want. “by their fruits ye shall know them” is what my Carpenter boss said on this subject. I sincerely hope I am wrong on this subject.
Where there is no debate or discussion on any subject, there can be no learning. Debate and discussion on ANY topic is an educational tool. Take it away and the people are helpless ignorant slaves ripe for exploitation.
“In the case of Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v. Cuomo, the Supreme Court granted an application for injunctive relief, enjoining New York from enforcing fixed numerical restrictions on occupancy against the applicants. In its per curiam opinion, the Court held that the applicants met all of the requirements for a preliminary injunction. The Court noted that “the loss of First Amendment freedoms, for even minimal periods of time, unquestionably constitutes irreparable injury”
[Bing Chat GPT]
On the one hand, you think we should be repentant about the moral but not legal responsibility to prevent hurting others by not distributing allegedly incorrect information. On the other hand, when you are invited to correct those materials and refuse to take responsibility when offered is completely hypocritical.
If you really think this alleged moral responsibility is important, it ought to apply to EVERYONE’S harmful information, not just ours. We go out of our way not only to report things that we think OTHER PEOPLE are doing are wrong, but to document what OTHERS are doing wrong and even how to fix it with the vast resources of rebutted government and private sector false statements. See:
Have you done that? You do it with the IRS only because you can gain money from it, but what about the MORAL responsibility to rebut things of others you can’t gain money on like what we rebut?
None of the rebutted false arguments above are ours, but those of the government and the freedom community. Not only do we take moral responsibility to correct our inaccurate information, but EVERYONE’s. When are YOU going to do that by starting with OUR materials, instead of running from that MORAL RESPONSIBILTY as you call it towards us? Until you set the example of helping others correct their inaccurate information as we have, why would we censor our materials for lack of the very feedback FROM YOU that could allow it to be corrected by being posted for comment on the site to begin with?
You’re a walking contradiction, my friend.
The reason we asked you to review the document you don’t want to review is because you are litigating that earnings from labor are not taxable. The section we pointed you to and asked you to review explains that your litigation will fail if you don’t bring up the fact that if there was a W-2 filed, the W-4 was submitted under duress. 26 CFR §31.3402(p)-1 states that everything covered by a W-4 is donated to “gross income”, and thus is TAXABLE and is NOT a mere Tax Class 5 GIFT. You contradict yourself to argue otherwise unless you provide an affidavit of duress about the W-4 and criminal complaint on the W-2 using our W-2CC, Form #04.304.
You have missed this, but since you refuse to review our work or provide specific feedback we invite you to provide, you have no way of learning anything from us. You suffer for this and even complain because we don’t want you to suffer by asking him to review specific things we think your approach could benefit from.
Running open loop with people who could help you is dangerous and slows down the growth and learning process. This could help your case and approach, and you doesn’t even realize this because you’re prideful and refuse to listen or investigate anything other than your approach. This is the Dunning-Kruger effect in action. That inevitable result of this effect is self-inflicted stupidity.
Minds are like parachutes: They only work and save you from calamity when they are OPEN. We INVITE your critique and fix our materials accordingly. You never invite ours so you are shooting at a target blindfolded by your own self-inflicted stupidity.
We’re not trying to create needless work for you. We are trying to keep you out of harm’s way. Trying to rescue you is about a futile as a lifeguard trying to rescue a drowning swimmer who resists help and drowns the lifeguard.
If you persist in trying to make inaccuracies in our materials into a LEGAL rather than merely a MORAL issue, the SEDM Disclaimer warns of the following inevitable consequences:
SEDM Disclaimer
Any attempt by any court or any executive branch employee or any government to treat us differently than the government, the Founding Fathers, or the IRS in the context of speech which identifies ITSELF as non-factual beliefs and opinions that are not actionable or admissible as evidence is hereby stipulated by all users of this website and the materials posted on it as:
- FRAUD by the judge and the court.
- A denial of equal protection and equal treatment. Click here for details.
- A violation of the First Amendment right of Free Speech.
- A malicious abuse of legal process to institute SLAVERY in criminal violation of 18 U.S.C. §1589(a)(3).
- A waiver of official, judicial, and sovereign immunity by all those who commercially benefit from such abuse.
- Consent to pay 10 million dollars in damages to this ministry by EACH individual or government benefitting from doing so and to be liable for all the income tax liabilities of EVERY member or officer of this ministry for the past, present, and future. If they are individual employees of said government, they also agree to not accept reimbursement for such liabilities from any government.
You’re just as bad as us. You put the materials relating to how to file tax returns behind a paywall you call “Member Subscriptions”. Therefore, you are holding the information hostage as just like us.
Our issue with your approach is NOT whether the materials are offered for an amount of money or a suggested donation. The issue is whether we deliberately withhold ANY specific information that is unavailable at ANY price in order to create or protect or expand an artificial monopoly on the information in order that the information scarcity this creates can be used as a way to exploit, unduly control, injure others, or make them economic slaves of the customer. NO AMOUNT of truth should be concealed or abused as a way to create a monopoly on ANYTHING. Monopolies on information are the enemy, not being economically and justly rewarded for one’s time and services.
You don’t allow your clients to examine your work product (what you file with the IRS) EVER, because if they did, they could file on their own with the proper amount of training and information. When you file under power of attorney on behalf of your clients, they are not allowed to have a sample of everything you filed so that they will never know exactly how to file correctly. You appear to do this in order to ensure that they will always need your services and will not be able to survive or govern their own lives without you. Thus, FEAR created by ignorance on their part that you engineered and created is being used to control them and milk them like cows on a farm.
HOWEVER, in our case, we NEVER withhold ANY ASPECT of what we know about how we file or would file or anything that we know on ANY subject. NOTHING we know is ever withheld because we want to free people from slavery to ANYYONE or ANYTHING, including us, not just to the government. Ignorance is the sin we are fighting, and the only way to fight that sin is to educate and empower people with the WHOLE truth, not just the part of the truth you don’t make money from.
There is no practical difference between being a slave to the IRS and being a slave to YOU because there are things you won’t allow people to learn or know. We want to free people of ALL forms of slavery, not just slavery to the GOVERNMENT. That is the goal of our mission statement, in fact:
“Is this not the fast [act of faith, worship, and OBEDIENCE] that I [God] have chosen [for believers]:
To loose the bonds of wickedness,
To undo the heavy burdens,
To let the oppressed go free,
And that you break every yoke [franchise, contract, tie, dependency, or “benefit” with the government]?”
[Isaiah 58:6, Bible, NKJV]“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
Because the Lord has anointed Me
To preach good tidings to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the [government] captives
And the opening of the prison [government FARM, Form #12.020] to those who are bound;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
And the day of vengeance of our God;”
[Isaiah 61:1-2, Bible, NKJV]
Yes, we do copyright our work product so that it is not literally STOLEN. This is only to make sure that people who want to make money on our ideas and work must add REAL and LEGITIMATE value, rather than just STEALING our property and reselling it. There is nothing wrong with that approach of preventing THEFT of intellectual property.
If you have a problem with our approach as described here, then to avoid being a hypocrite, you better:
- Stop charging your clients for anything.
- Not copyright anything.
- Not steal other people’s copyrighted work and not resell it or give it away for free to clients.
- Not withhold ANYTHING that you know about anything in your field of specialty, but share EVERYTHING you know FOR FREE so that people don’t become economic slaves of ignorance you created in them by not allowing them to see your work product.
- Identify SPECIFIC inaccuracies you find on this site with the Form #, Page #, and Line # so that they correctly represent the whole truth on any subject as required by our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 that all members, including you, have to follow.
- Not advocate censorship of materials that may be inaccurate because you refuse to help MAKE them accurate because of selfish commercial goals.