What Is an American State National?
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EDITORIAL: ALL the case cites in the above source are FALSE as is information about the Fourteenth Amendment. This false information has been removed from this version. We think the person who posted the above article was a government shill, because not a SINGLE case cite they provided said what they indicated. Don’t trust ANYONE on case cites. LOOK THEM ALL UP or you will be quickly discredited if you try to use them in court.
The above article appears to be a repost of something that came off the statenationals.us site run by Anna Von Reitz and David Straight. Obviously, these two are putting out BAD information. This article is intended to REBUT that bad information. You can find out what we think of Anna Von Reitz by examining the following:
Who’s Who in the Freedom Community, Form #08.009, Section 3.65
1. Introduction
If you happen not to know, there are three (3) citizenry that live here in this country – The united States of America:
- STATUTORY Municipal Citizens (gov. public officers)
- STATUTORY US Citizens (gov. public officers)
- State Nationals (Americans).
An American State National is the original form of citizenship granted to individuals through the Naturalization Act of 1779 when America was founded.
The intent of this article is to provide a brief overview for People, public servants, and other agents of government to aid in their interaction with the rising number of Americans correcting their lawful status in this country.
According to FOIA requests performed in 2018 there were approximately 45,000 American State Nationals (ASNs) in the united States, as of the beginning of May 2022 the Department of State reported just over 2.5 million. As of the beginning start of January 2023, we are likely approaching 5 million before this year is over. This movement is rapidly growing because it is inherently a peaceful, grassroots way to restore our Republic lawfully, in the court rooms, without violence using the foundation laid down by our Founding Fathers and the weight of U.S. Code.
We are NOT as most confuse us as the derogatory, oxymoron term “sovereign citizens” which does not even exist. You can’t be “independent (free) and a servant” at the same time. So we are not to be confused with the so called “sovereign citizen movement”.
The vast majority of American State Nationals despise violence, we live according to God’s Laws, love thy neighbor, and do no harm. This movement shall not be construed as anti-government, We the People believe in our founding papers and the rule of law, we are however, vehemently against corrupt government. We the People are NOT US Citizens, and we absolutely are NOT sovereign citizens. We the People have never renounced our lawful, De jure U.S. Citizenship, we have however, repudiated and corrected our status.
To truly understand what an American State National is we must first go back to the founding of The united States for America. In the beginning each of the colonies entered the union as sovereign and independent Nation States. To further understand what an ASN is we must examine the diction at the time of the founding of the nation. History books, especially those written around the 1850’s and prior refer to the people living in this country as inhabitants (not residents) and statesmen (not citizens). The founding fathers are referred to as Pennsylvanians, Virginians, New Yorkers, Ohioans, or more specifically, as American State Nationals.
That is why, to this day “American State National” remains a lawful status identified in 8 USC Section 1101 (a) (21)(23). Further evidence of the Lawful nature of this status is evidenced by the State Department issuing passports which reflect this status. When passports belonging to ASNs are run by law enforcement the Lexus Nexus system indicates “Do not detain, Do not Interrogate, 50 state concealed carry for life”, this is due to the fact that ASNs have limited diplomatic immunity. Limited diplomatic immunity dictates that unless there is an injured party, no crime has been committed, ASNs operate under Constitutional and Common Law. As American State Nationals, We the People are the creators of government; Maxim of Law: That which one creates, one controls. We the People are restoring our status, standing, and jurisdiction.
2. Application of Law
To further understand the implications and scope of Limited Diplomatic Immunity we can establish how the government currently utilizes the law through a series of questions.
What is the origin of LAW and how is it that someone can write something down on a piece of paper and hold me, a man (mankind) accountable?
Natural law comes from Genesis Chapter 1 verses 26-28; where God created the Land, the Air, and the Water and this is LAW. There exists a hierarchy of Law, as in nature, the Air is above the Land, which is above the Water, these are the juris of law.
3. So, then what does jurisdiction really mean?
Since juris means “jury” and diction means “speak” it is deduced that the words we use to describe ourself convey the PRIVILEGE for a jury to speak about our affairs or our property in a court.
If we don’t use any words in civil statutes to describe ourself, then we do not convey to the jury the authority to speak about us or our property in court and “justice” itself therefore DEMANDS that they must “leave us alone”:
“The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man’s spiritual nature, of his feelings and of his intellect. They knew that only a part of the pain, pleasure and satisfactions of life are to be found in material things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They conferred, as against the Government, the right to be let alone – the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men.“
[Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 478 (1928) (Brandeis, J., dissenting); see also Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210 (1990)]“Do not strive with [or try to regulate or control or enslave] a man without cause, if he has done you no harm.”
[Prov. 3:30, Bible, NKJV]“With all [our] blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow citizens–a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.“
[Thomas Jefferson: 1st Inaugural, 1801. ME 3:320]
As far as localities, laws are divided as follows:
- LAND: The law of the Land is common law, common to all mankind, it pertains to all property, equity, superior title, and Rights. This juris denotes supreme law laid down by We the People in the form of Organic Laws which are identified in the Front Matter of the United States Code as The Declaration of Independence (1776), the Articles of Confederation (1777), the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, and the Constitution for the united States.
- AIR: The law of the Air is ecclesiastical, or cannon law, also described as Trust Law. This juris denotes superior law, the highest form of law, that which is held in trust is held for the benefit of another. All governments are established and held in trust. The Bible is a trust indenture.
- WATER: The law of the Water is Admiralty, or commercial law, also described as Contract Law. This juris denotes the lowest form of law, it only applies to that which is incorporated.
4. What is the difference between legal and lawful?
Lawful is of the Land, while Legal is of the Water and the Air. The constitution identifies itself as “the law of the LAND” and that IT recognizes but does not CREATE our right of private property. “THE CREATOR” mentioned in the Declaration of Independence created/granted the right of private property, not Congress. Legal does not apply to a man or woman but to a fiction of law legislatively created by the government that is PUBLIC property rather than PRIVATE property. See:
Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025
5. The Unlawful Conversions
For the first unlawful conversion, American State Nationals have a saying, “The 13th Amendment freed the black slaves, and STATUTORY citizenship made us all slaves”. There is nothing sinister about the Fourteenth Amendment as many mistakenly argue. See:
Why the Fourteenth Amendment is Not A Threat to Your Freedom, Form #08.015
Only by equivocating the STATUTORY and CONSTITUTIONAL contexts for the phrase “U.S. citizen” or “citizen of the United States” did the national government deceive ASNs into believing that they are STATUTORY “U.S. citizens” subject to the legislation of the national government. The root definition of a citi-zen: citi means municipal while zen means servant; thus, a citizen is a municipal servant, or an employee of government. The STATUTORY “US Citizen” status was legislatively created by government, enter the maxim of law: that which one creates one controls. The second unlawful conversion began with equivocating the term “United States” in its STATUTORY sense with the term “United States” in its CONSTITUTIOANAL sense. These two contexts are geographically foreign and mutually exclusive with respect to each other. See:
Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004, Cites by Topic: “United States”
Many misguided patriots falsely believe that the District of Columbia Organic Act made the “United States” a corporation, but this is not true. Instead:
- It made the District of Columbia a corporation instead.
- The Internal Revenue Code section 7701 (a)(9) and (a)(10) defined “United States” as THAT corporation to make them synonymous.
- They deceived everyone into misrepresenting their physical location AS the “District of Columbia” by telling them they have to file the 1040 instead of the more correct 1040NR. See How to File Returns, Form #09.074.
- They defined “nonresident alien” to include state nationals, in the hopes that ASNs would cringle at being called “alien” in their own country, even though not all “nonresident aliens” are privileged aliens. See Form #05.020.
The confluence of the above factors has the practical effect of causing Americans to MISREPRESENT their geographical location and VOLUNTEER to pay to both represent a public office and pay an income that tax that wouldn’t otherwise apply, as described below:
How American Nationals VOLUNTEER to Pay Income Tax, Form #08.024
Today nearly all entities acting as government (under color of law) are registered as private for-profit service corporations (like Walmart) with a Dun & Brad Street (dnb.com) number. See Corporatization and Privatization of the Government, Form #05.024. The combined effect of these unlawful conversions and misrepresentations results in a constructive fraud converting We the People into employees of a corporate system of government, beholden to its corporate bylaws, in the form of Rules, Codes, and Statutes. Reference Supreme Court decisions (De jure; Constitutional Article 3 Court):
“Under basic rules of construction, statutory laws enacted by legislative bodies cannot impair rights given under a constitution. 194 B.R. at 925. ”
[In re Young, 235 B.R. 666 (Bankr.M.D.Fla., 1999)]
The presumption established is that those who quote or enforce CIVIL STATUTES against you are PRESUMING you work for the government and that you volunteered to do so, because:
- The Thirteenth Amendment outlawed slavery EVERYWHERE in the COUNTRY, not just in states of the Union.
- The government can only control what they create and own and they don’t own and didn’t create YOU.
- The definition of a “public officer” is someone who owes a DUTY or CIVIL OBLIGATION to a government or who has custody or stewardship over public property.
- The civil status of “person”, “citizen”, and “resident” are legislatively created PROPERTY of the government and thus, those who INVOKE the “benefits” and “privileges” of these civil statuses are subject to legislative supervision by the OWNER and CREATOR of these statuses.
The above are confirmed by the following:
“The term office’ has no legal or technical meaning attached to it, distinct from its ordinary acceptations. An office is a public charge or employment; but, as every employment is not an office, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between employments which are and those which are not offices…. A public officer is one who has some duty to perform concerning the public; and he is not the less a public officer when his duty is confined to narrow limits, because it is the duty, and the nature of that duty, which makes him a public officer, and not the extent of his authority.’ 7 Bac. Abr. 280; Carth. 479…. Where an employment or duty is a continuing [***65] one, which is defined by rules prescribed by law and not by contract, such a charge or employment is an office, and the person who performs it is an officer….
Civil statutes are for public officers, not private humans, as is proven below:
Proof That There Is a “Straw Man”, Form #05.042
By “statute”, we mean:
STATUTE. [Blacks law 4th edition] The written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms prescribed in the constitution; an act of the legislature.
Since American State Nationals are the rightful creators of government through the Constitution, not employees or public officers under legislative supervision of Congress as trustees over public property, we are not beholden to the corporate CIVIL bylaws (hence the source of the limited diplomatic immunity), although we ARE subject to the criminal laws, just like everyone else. We the People through our cornerstone right of self-determination are electing to restore our lawful birthright status as American State Nationals by the thousands. We recognize that the U.S. Citizen status was applied to us without full and honest disclosure.
This overview also exposes the truth of “sovereign citizens”, since one cannot be sovereign (as a king) and a citizen (slave to the corporate structure), the phrase in and of itself is an oxymoron. American State Nationals view sovereign citizens as fools with no proper understanding of our De jure government and the De facto corporate system (Form #05.047) that has systematically taken its place. Sovereign citizens cannot lawfully obtain a Passport from the U.S. State Department that reflects their status because they do not hold a LAWFUL status. They have renounced their STATUTORY citizenship and effectively divorced themselves from BOTH the De jure and De facto systems of government.
6. Some essential sources and references:
- Why You are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Form #05.006
- Citizenship Status v. Tax Status, Form #10.011
- SEDM Disclaimer, Section 4.24: State National
- King James Bible 1611 Edition
- GPO Style Manual 2016 Edition (pg. 95)
- Organic Laws
- US Code
- The Federalist & Anti-Federalist Papers
- The Magna Carta
- American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster 1828
- Black’s Law Dictionary
- Bouvier Law Dictionary
- Supreme Court Decisions (i.e. the only case law that matters)
- This site: http://sedm.org
- Family Guardian: http://famguardian.org
- “Treason by Lies, Deceit and Fraud” by Mike Blackwell
- Sergeant Robert Horton – War Castles (Presentation, rumble.com)
7. Rebuttal to False Arguments in the Original Article
- FALSE/UNSUPPORTED STATEMENT: “Fourteenth Amendment made us all slaves”. Proven false in:
Why the Fourteenth Amendment is Not A Threat to Your Freedom, Form #08.015
https://sedm.org/Forms/08-PolicyDocs/FourteenthAmendNotProb.pdf - FALSE/UNSUPPORTED STATEMENT: “District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 made the U.S. government into a corporation”. All governments have ALWAYS BEEN corporations. See:
Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004, Cites by Topic: “corporation”
https://famguardian.org/TaxFreedom/CitesByTopic/corporation.htm - FALSE/UNSUPPORTED STATEMENT: “Birth Certificates make us slaves”. We have NEVER seen any proof of this. Please present the evidence backing this up.
- FALSE STATEMENT: “American State Nationals are not subject to EITHER CIVIL or CRIMINAL statutes”. Civil statutes require consent in terms of selecting a domicile while CRIMINAL statutes can be enforced WITHOUT your consent, no matter WHAT your CIVIL status is. See:
Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/Domicile.pdf - FALSE STATEMENT: “That I can be FREE and OWN myself WITHOUT being RESPONSIBLE in any way for myself under ANY law or STATUTE, whether CIVIL or CRIMINAL”. SELF OWNERSHIP and PERSONAL RESPONSIBLITY ALWAYS go together and are inseparable. When you try to separate them, you end up with theological idolatry and turn people literally into UNACCOUNTABLE and therefore SOVEREIGN competitors for GODHOOD. See:
Problems with Atheistic Anarchism, Form #08.020
SLIDES: https://sedm.org/Forms/08-PolicyDocs/ProbsWithAtheistAnarchism.pdf
VIDEO: http://youtu.be/n883Ce1lML0
Most of the above false arguments all stem from
- A FUNDAMENTAL misunderstanding about the differences in meaning of the word “United States” and “State” between the CONSTITUTIONAL context and the STATUTORY context. These two contexts are mutually exclusive and non-overlapping in most cases, and this is because of the separation of powers doctrine mainly. We cover this in:
Ministry Introduction Course, Form #12.014
https://sedm.org/Ministry/MinistryIntro.pdf - Trying to separate SELF-OWNERSHIP from PERSONAL responsibility, and thus to promote ANARCHY. This is the MAIN problem the de facto government has, and we SHOULDN’T be emulating it! See:
Your Irresponsible, Lawless, and Anarchist Beast Government, Form #05.054
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/YourIrresponsibleLawlessGov.pdf - CONFUSING two contexts for a word and lumping them together. For instance, the STATUTORY and the CONSTITUTIONAL context but the above arguments FALSELY PRESUME they are the same. This tactic of legal deception only works against a legally ignorant, naive audience. It can’t happen with our members. For proof, see:
Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014, Sections 13.6 and 16.1
https://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/LegalDecPropFraud.pdf - The LEGAL ignorance of the speaker. This is because Anna Von Reitz doesn’t teach law. 99.9% of her diatribes are her OPINION on political history, rather than useful facts and law that people can take into court to defend themselves. POLITICAL OPINIONS and BELIEVES are NOT admissible as evidence in a court of law, per Federal Rule of Evidence 610. This serves to make her students SITTING DUCKS if they have legal problems and also causes them to spread DISINFORMATION like the article this post references. Looking up legal authorities and court rulings on every subject she talks about would help this, and we have encouraged her to do so, but she REFUSES, even though she identifies herself IRONICALLY as a “judge”!
More on the MANY OTHER patriot false statements at:
SEDM Liberty University, Section 9
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