REBUTTAL: Dr. Todd Grande: Sovereign Citizen Movement Mental Health Analysis
1. Introduction
This is our rebuttal to a “pseudo-intellectual” analysis of the “sovereign citizen movement” by Dr. Todd Grande. Dr. Grande is a government psychopath from what we can tell. You can read our other article about his sensational but fact deficient Youtube channel at:
Rebuttal: How NOT to Handle a Traffic Stop According to a Government PSYCHOPATH, SEDM
We are NOT “sovereign citizens” per his own definition, which in no way is objective or even provable in court. Ironically, he criticizes the same approach by sovereign citizens to be evidence deficient in this video. Hypocrite. More on this at:
Rebutted False Arguments About Sovereignty, Form #08.018, Sections 1.7 and 5.9
The central tennets of this ministry are the OPPOSITE to those he imputes against the so-called “sovereign citizen movement” he discusses, which are:
- Religious faith.
- Personal responsibility. True liberty is only possible with personal responsibility. This means:
2.1 Accepting no government handouts or benefits.
2.2 Strong and stable families so that government benefits are not needed. See:
Family Constitution, Form #13.003
2.3 Avoiding the privileges and “benefits” of the civil statutory codes, which are patronage designed to limit personal responsibility and transfer that responsibility to the state. See:
Why Statutory Civil Laws are Laws for Government and Not Private People, Form #05.037
2.4 Not joining any political party or associating with any group that advocates abusing the government’s taxing power to transfer wealth from the have’s to the have nots. This is unconstitutional and corrupts the jury and voter pools with conflicts of interest.. - Obeying all criminal and common laws. The criminal and common law do NOT require consent to enforce.
3.1 Not injuring or defrauding anyone.
3.2 Not using ministry services or information to injure or defraud anyone. This is a requirement of our Member Agreement, Form #01.001
3.3 Anyone who advocates otherwise is an anarchist who is a member in bad standing and should be avoided. See:
Problems with Atheistic Anarchism, Form #08.020
Video - Fact-based decision-making through personal legal research.
4.1 No presumptions about ANYTHING are permitted. See:
Presumption: Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Federal Jurisdiction, Form #05.017
4.2 Members are forbidden by the Member Agreement, Form #01.001 to advocate any position publicly that they cannot prove in court with evidence. - Advocating EQUAL government accountability and responsibility. This includes:
5.1 No entitlements. This prevents corrupting the jury and voter pools with conflict of interest.
5.2 No administrative state.
5.3 Natural law that makes the administrative state and administrative enforcement impossible. See:
SEDM Disclaimer, Section 4.31 - Small and limited government:
6.1 Separation of powers to keep the government in check and from growing too large. See:
Government Conspiracy to Destroy the Separation of Powers, Form #05.023
6.2 Natural law which requires all government “civil services” to be volunteered for IN WRITING and no administrative state or litigation to enforce paying for them. This ensures that government HAS to offer something people want and it will die on the vine if it doesn’t by having its funding removed by customers instead of unilateral legislation. See:
SEDM Disclaimer, Section 4.31
6.3 Elimination of the fiat debt-based money system which permits the government to in essence COUNTEFEIT and thus STEAL from those who have money. See:
The Money Scam Form #05.041
6.4 Economic power in the hands of the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE mainly through treating ALL property as ABSOLUTELY OWNED PRIVATE property. Not using any government civil privileged to surreptitiously convert that ownership into qualified or shared. See:
Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025 - Anti-corruption wherever it is found, including churches, people, and government. In religious terms, this is called sin. Jesus said that he who commits sin is a slave of sin. John 8:34. Thus, if we are going to promote liberty and self-ownership, we must be against slavery and therefore sin. See
Government Corruption, Form #11.401
You can find a description of our Mission at:
- The opening page of this site:
- SEDM Articles of Mission, Form #01.004
- About Us Page, section 2
- SEDM Ministry Introduction Course, Form #12.014
2. Itemized rebuttal to all the false statements by Dr. Grande
We will now itemize every mostly FALSE accusation he makes about sovereignty generally and then comment on each one by providing a reference on this site to information DISPROVING his assertion:
Video Minute | Statement | Comments | Place on site DISPROVING we advocate this |
0:26 | Anti-government ideology | We are not anti-government in any way. We WANT a government that has a strong military, criminal and common law courts, and people who obey the criminal and common law ONLY. However, we are against corruption wherever it is found, including government. | Form #01.001; Form #11.401 |
0:35 | Think they are exempt from laws | The GOVERNMENT itself RECOGNIZES in THEIR OWN STATUTES AND REGULATIONS ALL the “exclusions” and not “exemptions” we lawfully claim. We are just implementing what the government has recognized in its OWN laws and publications. Is that wrong? | Form #14.019 |
0:43 | No individual can be governed without explicit consent | Grande equivocates the CIVIL and CRIMINAL law to make the listener believe they are the SAME. They are not the same and he DECEIVES you. CIVIL law requires consent. CRIMINAL and COMMON law does NOT. | Form #05.014; Citizenship and Sovereignty Course, Form #12.001 Slides Video |
0:54 | Don’t accept authority of the government to tell them what to do | We DO accept the authority of the government to enforce the criminal and the common law and anything we have agreed to in writing by contract. | How This Website Protects LAWFUL Exercises of Governmental Power at No Charge to the Government |
0:59 | Every person is a nation unto themselves | FALSE. Every HUMAN is equal and the government can exercise no more delegated powers than a single individual. To suggest otherwise is the advocate GOVERNMENT SUPREMACY and make the government into an unconstitutional civil religion. By criticizing us for insisting on equality with the government, indirectly he is revealing his position as a “government supremacist” and an idolater intent advocating the state as an unconstitutional civil religion. That civil religion is described in Form #05.016 | Form #05.033; Form #05.016 |
1.07 | Don’t pay taxes | Paying taxes is UNAVOIDABLE. Everyone pays gas taxes and sales taxes as a bare minimum whether they want to or not. We actually have several resources on the site on how to FILE and PAY income tax, but as a nonresident alien using the 1040NR instead of the WRONG form that most Americans ignorantly, mistakenly, and ILLEGALLY use. | Hot Issues: Filing Returns**; Form #08.021; Form #08.024 |
1:11 | Don’t buy automobile insurance | Many WANT to but are FORBIDDEN by insurance companies from doing so. Insurance companies won’t insure UNLICENSED vehicle operators, even if they pass the driver test and have no accidents. Their policies are cancelled if they have no active license because there is no way to get an MVR or use company driving records as a substitute. | Form #06.010 |
1:14 | Will not vote | We want to vote, but they won’t LET us vote without a domicile. Its “pay to play” so we are disenfranchised by DISCRIMINATION by the government. | Form #05.002; The “Pay to Play” Social Compact |
1:22 | They don’t get along with the police | We don’t get along with anyone who tries to FORCE us to become enfranchised or licensed and thus surrender UNALIENABLE constitutional rights. This is a criminal tort on the part of police. It is a criminal rico enterprise for the government to make a profitable business and franchise out of alienating rights that are unalienable per the Declaration of Independence. Forcing the surrender of constitutional rights when there is no crime at the point of a gun is nothing short of a stickup. Police CANNOT lawfully be used as revenue collectors of civil collection agents. See Form #09.083. | Form #12.038; Form #05.030; Form #09.083 |
1:28 | Won’t identify themselves | Government ID is UNAVAILABLE to those who do not want to use a Social Security Number, select a domicile or legal “residence”. Government FORBIDS the issuance of “nonresident ID”, and thus DISCRIMINATES. So they are FORBIDDEN by the government from even HAVING government ID. This constitutes for all intents and purposes ECONOMIC sanctions to forfeit constitutional rights, which no constitution authorizes and is thus UNCONSTITUTIONAL. | Hot Issues: Identification and Identity Theft* |
1:33 | Don’t help in criminal investigations, even if they are not the target | It is a REQUIREMENT of becoming a compliant member to FILE a criminal complaint for government identity theft. This is clearly UNTRUE. | Form #01.001; Form #06.002; Form #14.020 |
2:26 | Labeled as domestic terrorists | Terrorists kidnap people and hold them ransom. So does the government with their institutionalized GOVERNMENT IDENTITY THEFT, Form #05.046. Why isn’t the government EQUALLY accused of domestic terrorists? | Form #05.046; Daniel 1 |
2:28 | Violence | Violence and criminal activity are not encouraged or endorse and members may not hurt anyone. Government, however, engages in violence, kidnapping, and holding people hostage all the time for actions committed extraterritorially that government has no jurisdiction over. | Form #01.001 |
2:31 | Engage in a lot of fraud | Fraud is not permitted by our Member Agreement, but we were established to oppose GOVERNMENT fraud and crime. | Form #05.014; Government Corruption, Form #11.401 |
2:40 | Selling false ID | If the government won’t issue ID to people who refuse a domicile or legal residence and refuse to have or use an SSN, what else are they supposed to use? Not having ID is LIFE THREATENING! Making your own ID is not FALSE, so long as it isn’t intended to look like or replace government ID. See: United States v. Fox, 766 F. Supp. 569 (N.D. Tex. 1991) | |
3:25 | Government interfering with disseminating knowledge about sovereignty | The government tried to enjoin us for something we weren’t even doing that a third party was doing so they could censor our site. This happened in 2006. CONSTANT ILLEGAL Denial of Service (DOS) attacks are launched by the government from the Amazon data center in Ashburn, VA right outside of Washington, DC, which we call “The District of Criminals”. This functions as the electronic equivalent of a loud heckler in the room designed to prevent our audience from accessing our vast research. Google censored our books from publication on their Kindle platform without explanation. These are not suspicions, these are FACTS verified by personal experience of this ministry. | About->Website Security* Page; Censorship |
3;39 | Government is illegitimate | It IS! See the THOUSANDS of pages of detailed facts and law proving this to be the case in Government Corruption, Form #11.401 | Hot Issues: Fake/De Facto Government; Form #05.043; Government Corruption, Form #11.401 |
3:53 | Bound by God’s law or common law | True. We go even beyond this to say that all Christians are divine agents of God so long as they live within the boundaries of the biblical Trust indenture as described in Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians, Form #13.007. THIS status the ONLY thing that allows them to have any sovereignty as His representatives on Earth. They have NONE when acting entirely alone or outside of that delegation of authority order. This is EXACTLY how the de facto government itself works, by the way. To say this is WRONG is to call the GOVERNMENT wrong. | Form #08.025; The Laws of God |
4:00 | Birth Certificates are securities | We don’t believe this. However, we do believe that STATUTORY “citizens” are public officers who are VOLUNTARY surety for public debt. See Form #08.024 | Form #08.002, Section 4.4.1 |
4:50 | Bonds traded on open exchange | All court judgements get a CUSIP number, which is IN FACT securitized and which judges use to enrich themselves. | |
5:04 | Straw man is name in all capitals | We don’t take this position. It is a STATUTORY “civil status” legislatively created by and therefore PROPERTY of the legislature that is LOANED to you when you invoke it. | Form #05.042 |
5:19 | Redemption can be used to separate the HUMAN from the STRAW MAN | Separating the PUBLIC you from the PRIVATE you is a valid process, so long as it isn’t used to make free money or evade personal responsibility and is only used to DEFEND against government identity theft. There IS a type of “redemption” we wholeheartedly endorse, but it is BIBLICAL redemption, not COMMERCIAL redemption. THAT “redemption” is described in: Getting Out | Form #08.002; Form #12.025; Form #05.046; Getting Out |
5:35 | Believe government owes them money | Government doesn’t owe you anything UNLESS they try to use, control, or “benefit” from your private property or worst yet STEAL your property after targeting you with CRIMINAL identity theft, Form #05.046 as an excuse to PROTECT their right to STEAL. When they steal or try to use or control your private property, there is an EQUITABLE obligation to reimburse the owner for the beneficial use. Otherwise, government is STEALING. That equitable obligation is the SAME basis they use to collect income taxes to begin with and the courts call it a “quasi-contract”. | How to: The BEST Way to LAWFULLY Reject ANY and ALL Benefits in Court that is Unassailable |
6:09 | Paranoia and believe being persecuted by government | Police target those without license plates for DISCRIMINATION and selective enforcement. This can make people paranoid. Economic sanctions against people instituted because they want NONRESIDENT ID and can’t get it is a form of persecution. | Hot Issues: Identification and Identity Theft* |
6:18 | Quasi-legal speech | The public schools are to blame for this. They don’t teach law. A priesthood of lawyers and judges are the only ones who are allowed to learn about law. | Devil’s Advocate: Lawyers. What We are Up Against |
6:26 | Use quasi-legal terminology to avoid prosecution | We don’t seek to avoid criminal or common law prosecution for crimes or injuries ACTUALLY committed or to discharge financial obligations. That would be irresponsible. Our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 confirms this. | Form #01.001 |
6:34 | Poor understanding of the law | This entire site has almost nothing but law documented using the government’s own publications. The Member Agreement says members are not allowed to take any position they can’t prove with the written law themselves in court. | Form #01.001 |
7:00 | Special ability to see what is really going on | In a world with such widespread media propaganda and where over 70% of people do not trust the media or the government, only those who go out of their way to discover the whole truth with evidence can know it. | |
7:09 | Escape liability using lower case letters | We don’t believe this. Everyone is subject to the criminal law and the common law, whether they consent or not. | |
8:26 | Use money in trust account to fulfill financial obligations | There is no trust account. | Form #08.002 |
8:31 | Engage in paper terrorism such as liens | We don’t do this, but the administrative state engages in it to enforce tax obligations ILLEGALLY in the legislatively foreign states of the Union. IRS ILLEGALLY files liens in violation of 26 USC 6331. | Form #14.020 |
9:14 | Expressing beliefs transmits misinformation | The MEDIA transmits propaganda and misinformation that is one sided. The main purpose of our internal communication is to BALANCE the coverage to cover BOTH sides so that we don’t get BRAINWASHED. | Media and Intelligence, Family Guardian |
9:35 | Sense of entitlement | Our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 forbids use of ministry services or information to enforce any government entitlement. That would be irresponsible. | |
9:39 | Overconfidence and arrogance | We promote HUMILITY, not arrogance. it is a CHIEF Christian virtue. | Secular Praise for the Main Virtue of Christianity: Humility |
10:08 | No one profile for members | How the HELL can you even NAME a group that has no definable profile that can be proved in court with evidence. Anything you say about such a group beyond that point can be nothing but SLANDER, which his video seems intended to effect. | Form #08.018 |
10:30 | Conspiratorial thinking | There is a large body of things the government REFUSES to talk about to protect their own crimes. We call these “Third Rail Issues”. The fact that the issues are so universally and consistently sensored to protect a CRIMINAL activities by the Executive branch and the courts is proof that there IS in fact a conspiracy. A RESPONSIBLE american should care about things that judges and lawyers try to hide or avoid, because they are evidence that government has become a criminal “protection racket” that only protects itself. | Form #08.032 |
11:00 | Delusional thinking | The evidence supporting our beliefs is MONUMENTAL. There is more law and evidence on this site about government corruption than anywhere else. We’re not delusional. If you believe we ARE, you have the burden of proving the evidence we present is FALSE. Our ministry seeks to either CONFIRM that such evidence is false or prosecute the government wrongdoers as the law demands. | Form #11.401 |
11:14 | Inadequate “evidence integration” | YOU have “inconsistent evidence integration”. Prove our exhaustive evidence is wrong. There is NO ONE who has done more to research the legal and factual validity of our beliefs. There is more law and evidence on our site about the subjects we cover than anywhere else on the internet. Look at the HUGE library of legal research on our Forms and Pubs page section 1.08 rebutting ALL false and mistaken beliefs, for instance: Forms/Pubs Page, Section 1.08 Liberty University, Sections 8 and 9 The ONLY person mistaken about what we believe is YOU, because you refuse to look at the evidence and are probably PAID by the government to ignore it as a Third Rail Issue (Form #08.032). You narcissistically don’t even give a damn about government corruption (Form #11.401) or prosecuting it making you a psychopath and an IRRESPONSIBLE citizen. GOOD and RESPONSIBLE citizens care about these issues. You only care about yourself, Dr. Grande. In not reading or rebutting our evidence, you are committing the same error you accuse us of: “not considering the REST of the evidence available” and only listening to the government side of things. | Form #11.401; Form #08.032; Forms/Pubs Page, Section 1.08; Liberty University, Sections 8 and 9 |
11:24 | Lack of critical thinking skills | There s NOTHING but critical thinking skills on this site that examines both sides of the evidence presented and the pros and cons. | Form #12.013 |
11:45 | Make up things to enrich themselves | There is almost nothing but downside in this life for the position we take of fighting government corruption and being personally responsible. Jesus promised this kind of persecution. This is the most UNSELFISH undertaking there is if it is done in fulfillment of the Biblical Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians, Form #13.007. | John 15:19-21; Form #13.007 |
12:13 | Movement provides a BAD way to escape legal responsibility | We don’t advocate irresponsibility under the criminal or common law or even biblical law. Avoiding the obligations of ONLY the CIVIL STATUTORY law also has large downsides as evidenced by the consequences described above. But it is what GOD requires. Are you questioning God’s command to be IN the world but not OF the world CIVILLY but still in the world CRIMINALLY in the Bible? | Form #05.002 |
At the end of the video, Grande talks about “alien lizard people”. Well, to anyone who is legally ignorant like him, everything legal looks alien and people familiar with the law are often hated and scorned. That is why there are so many lawyer jokes. We love lawyer jokes, by the way!
QUESTION: How do you know when a lawyer is lying?
ANSWER: His lips are moving.
Grande himself does seem to have the same mental illness as most Americans on the subjects we cover. That illness is described in:
Secular Praise of the Main Virtue of Christianity: HUMILITY-why your mind is closed and how to open it.
3. Our Central theme is personal responsibility. You can’t be “sovereign” without it
The central theme of this website is, in fact PERSONAL RESPONSIBLITY. The MOST MISTAKEN and even FRAUDULENT statement he can make about us of all is to say that we advocate lawlessness or anarchism or irresponsibility:
Policy Document: Problems with Atheistic Anarchism, Form #08.020
INSTEAD, we oppose GOVERNMENT ANARCHISM AND LAWLESSNESS that Dr. Grande ironically appears to endorse and promote by his notable silence and passivity on the subject as described in:
You Irresponsible, Lawless, Anarchist Beast Government, Form #05.054
Could it be that he is funded to slander us by the very people described in the above? This should be disclosed on his website so that people may assess his credibility on the subject. The bottom of our opening page says it all on this subject:
People of all races, genders, political beliefs, sexual orientations, and nearly all religions are welcome here. All are treated equally under REAL “law”. The only way to remain truly free and equal under the civil law is to avoid seeking government civil services, benefits, property, special or civil status, exemptions, privileges, or special treatment. All such pursuits of government services or property require individual and lawful consent to a franchise and the surrender of inalienable constitutional rights AND EQUALITY in the process, and should therefore be AVOIDED. The rights and equality given up are the “cost” of procuring the “benefit” or property from the government, in fact. Nothing in life is truly “free”. Anyone who claims that such “benefits” or property should be free and cost them nothing is a thief who wants to use the government as a means to STEAL on his or her behalf. All just rights spring from responsibilities/obligations under the laws of a higher power. If that higher power is God, you can be truly and objectively free. If it is government, you are guaranteed to be a slave because they can lawfully set the cost of their property as high as they want as a Merchant under the U.C.C. If you want it really bad from people with a monopoly, then you will get it REALLY bad. Bend over. There are NO constitutional limits on the price government can charge for their monopoly services or property. Those who want no responsibilities can have no real/PRIVATE rights, but only privileges dispensed to wards of the state which are disguised to LOOK like unalienable rights. Obligations and rights are two sides of the same coin, just like self-ownership and personal responsibility. For the biblical version of this paragraph, read 1 Sam. 8:10-22. For the reason God answered Samuel by telling him to allow the people to have a king, read Deut. 28:43-51, which is God’s curse upon those who allow a king above them. Click Here for a detailed description of the legal, moral, and spiritual consequences of violating this paragraph.
[SEDM Opening Page;]
4. Hasty Generalizations by Dr. Grand
We would agree that many of the personality characteristics he criticizes constitute mental illnesses or immorality. However, they are found in virtually EVERY community of people as a MINORITY of the participants. The fact that INDIVIDUAL members choose to adopt these immoral, defective, irrational behaviors does not, by implication, make EVERY group they are a MINORITY member of BAD. To conclude otherwise is SLANDER and defamation and abusive stereotyping. This logical fallacy is called “hasty generalization”.
The worse form of this stereotyping is to label a group, refuse to define the group characteristics, and to lump every characteristic and behavior you don’t like as being associated with this fictitious UNDEFINED group as Grande does. How can people wrongfully associated with this group or status have ANY way WHATSOEVER to defend themself? How can you prove you are NOT associated with this group if there is no actionable legal definition? That’s like trying to prove a NEGATIVE, which is most cases is IMPOSSIBLE without any evidence to even prove what a thing IS. So what Grande is practicing is gaslighting and crazymaking, which ironically creates more patients for therapy to needlessly elevate his unrealistic illusions of importance and grandeur.
As an example, the MAIN purveyors of the avoidance of personal irresponsibility that Dr. Grande criticizes are the democrats. Their entire political platform is based on stealing from the 1% and giving to the 99% and turning the government into a free money printing ATM machine (Form #05.041). But of course Dr. Grande doesn’t criticize Democrats in this video or that SUBSET of the movement he can’t even legally define as the source of the problems he criticizes. This is likely the case because he himself is a Democrat.
“Sovereign citizen” seems to be merely a convenient “straw man” to lump every aspect of human nature he doesn’t like into a single phrase, and use it SLANDER and violently radicalize police against the mostly innocent people in that group who really want nothing but JUSTICE as legally defined in our Form #05.050. Democrats want the OPPOSITE of legal justice, by the way: Social Justice. Innocent people are killed by the use of that tactic by Dr. Grande. STOP the slander, you psychopathic IDIOT. Getting people killed because of the desire to sell Youtube advertising using sensational but nonfactual content that pads your pocket is despicable. We don’t allow advertising on this site or participate in affiliate programs precisely BECAUSE of this despicable tactic.
5. About being “anti-government”
Grande accuses us of being anti-government. The best government teaches us to govern ourselves so they are unnecessary. And if we govern ourselves, how is it even POSSIBLE to be anti-government in such a scenario?

6. Questions for Dr. Grande (and others)
We now have some questions for Dr. Grande to publicly answer which will PROVE that no matter what he responds with, he is clearly being illogical and irrational in all the false inferences he makes in the above video:
Questions To Ask Those Criticizing Sovereignty Advocates, SEDM
7. Invitation to rebut by Dr. Grande
After publishing this article, we also sent the following email to Dr. Grande on 2/11/23:
Dr. Grande,
We posted the following rebuttal to your video on Sovereign Citizen Mental Health at:
Dr. Todd Grande: Sovereign Citizen Movement Mental Health Rebuttal would appreciate commentary on your site about the above article.
The SEDM Ministry Team