Self, Family, Church, Local Self Governance, and Private Membership Associations (PMAs)


  1. Personal Resources
  2. Private Membership Associations (PMAs)
    2.1. Legal principles behind why you have a right to join or form a PMA
    2.2. Proof that the Modern Secular State is a Private Membership Association (PMA)
    2.3. How to LEAVE and WHY you should leave the modern secular state as a PMA and what to replace it with
    2.4. Legal status and characteristics of people who have left the Modern Secular State as a PMA
    2.5. How to Implement a PMA
    2.6. Organizations that are implemented as a PMA
  3. Offsite Resources
  4. Third Party Measures of Individual Freedom
  5. Why Society is Not Able to Govern Itself and Therefore Falling Apart

1. Personal Resources

  1. Self
    1.1 Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians, Form #13.007
    1.2. Laws of the Bible, Form #13.001
    1.3 The Laws of God
    1.4 The Pursuit of Piety, Form #17.061
    1.5 Your Exclusive Right to Declare or Establish Your Civil Status, Form #13.008
    1.6 Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025
  2. Family
    2.1 Sovereign Christian Marriage, Form #13.009
    2.2 Sovereign Marriage Course, Form #12.016**
    2.3 Family Constitution, Form #13.003
    2.4 A Family Under God, Form #13.018
    2.5 Marriage Counseling Manual, Form #17.063
    2.6 Disaster Preparedness Plan, Form #13.015**
    2.7 Family Articles of Private Incorporation, Form #13.011
  3. Church
    3.1 Declaration of the Establishment of a Free Church, Form #13.004**
    3.2 Religious Order Private Articles of Organization, Form #13.012
    3.3 The Crisis of Church Incorporation, Form #13.017
    3.4 Church Excommunication Response Letter, Form #13.006
    3.5 The Art of Conflict Management, Form #17.081
  4. Local Self-Governance
    4.1 Self Government Federation: Articles of Confederation, Form #13.002
    4.2 Testament of Sovereignty, Form #13.010
    4.3 Activism Map*-use this to find people in your area to organize law study and political action groups.
    4.4 Members*-use this to find people in your area to organize law study and political action groups.
    4.5 Member Groups* –use this to find people in your area to organize law study and political action groups.
    4.6 SEDM Activism Leader Guide, Form #16.001
    4.7 SEDM Activism Resources, Forms/Pubs Page Section 1.16
    4.8 Secession is here: States, cities and the wealthy are already withdrawing from America

2. Private Membership Associations (PMAs)

2.1. Legal principles behind why you have a right to join or form a PMA

  1. First Amendment Annotated-forming a PMA is based on your First Amendment right of freedom to associate, to disassociate, and to not be compelled to associate.
  2. Thirteenth Amendment Annotated-You own yourself as absolutely owned private property.
  3. Absolute ownership is based on the “right to exclude”:
    Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004, Cites by Topic: ownership
  4. The OWNER of property is the only one who can write CIVIL rules that affect the use, enjoyment, or control of the thing owned. This right is the ORIGIN of the right to contract itself. There is one exception to this, which is that if the property is used to injure someone, the state may control the use so as to provide reparations for the injury AFTER it occurs. We cover this in:
    Laws of Property, Form #14.018, Section 13: Ownership as the Origin of the Right to Define
  5. The government, as your EQUAL (Form #05.033), has a similar right to regulate, control, and tax ONLY its OWN absolutely owned property and not other peoples property. That right ORIGINATES in Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution.
  6. 5 U.S.C. 301 is the origin of the right of heads of government departments to write “rules” that regulate or tax PUBLIC PROPERTY and personnel ONLY within their department and CERTAINLY not private property or property or offices OUTSIDE their department. Thus, you have to VOLUNTEER to JOIN the IRS as its agent called a “taxpayer” in order to be regulated or taxed by the IRS. Below is the proof:
    How American Nationals Volunteer to Pay Income Tax, Form #08.024
  7. Definitions within rules or contracts written by the OWNER are the place where RIGHTS are CREATED against the property that is the subject of the rules, and against those who intend to use or enjoy any aspect of the property.
  8. Anyone who CLAIMS the right to write definitions that affect the use, control, or enjoyment of your property is proceeding with a PRESUMPTION that they have an OWNERSHIP interest in the property. Make them PROVE IT!
  9. A PMA is just a contract that regulates the use of property owned by parties to the agreement.
  10. You also have a right to contract or not contract. See Constitution Article 1, Section 10. No state or government can INTERFERE with that right by:
    10.1 Forcing you to allow or not allow specific members into the group and contract.
    10.2 Interfere with the use or enjoyment or control of the absolutely owned private property that is the subject of the contract.
    10.3 FORCING you to include requirements of the civil code in the contract.
    10.4 Interfering with your right to EXCLUDE the GOVERNMENT OUT of the contract.
    10.5 Interfering with the right of parties to the contract to dictate the choice of law within the contract, or to EXCLUDE the civil statutory code from affecting disputes under the contract.

The above rules and more relating to property are more completely documented in:

Laws of Property, Form #14.018

The following case recognizes these principles:

“If we are right in the assumption that the citizen stands before the law in a dual character, both as an individual and a member of society; that in the former status he has certain natural rights not surrendered to society, but reserved to himself and necessary to his pursuit of happiness, and which the law cannot take away; that his right to manufacture any article of food or drink or apparel, provided the process of manufacturing does not endanger the lives or property of others, is one of these reserved or natural rights, then the statute of Kansas now in question is not “due process of law.” As to what is “due process of law” see Cooley’s Constitutional Limitations, 356; Wynehamer v. People, 13 N.Y. 378; State v. Allen, 2 McCord, Law, 55; Sears v. Cottrell, 5 Mich. 251; Taylor v. Porter, 4 Hill, 140; S.C. 11 Am. Dec. 274; Hoke v. Henderson, 4 Dev. 1; S.C. 25 Am. Dec. 677; Janes v. Reynolds, 2 Tex. 251;
[Mugler V Kansas 123 U.S. 623 (1887)]

PUBLIC=membership and civil statutory protection franchise.
PRIVATE=constitutional rights.

And since POLITICAL membership, also called “citizenship” is benign, CIVIL and LEGAL membership created by CIVIL domicile is the MAIN origin of loss of private rights. Domicile is how you join the PMA club called “The State” and become party to the “CIVIL SOCIAL COMPACT”. More on domicile at:

Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Consent, Form #05.002

Membership of ANY kind, and especially CIVIL and LEGAL membership, is the ORIGIN of collectivism, which is EVIL:

Collectivism and How to Resist It Course, Form #12.024

2.2. Proof that the Modern Secular State is a Private Membership Association (PMA)

  1. Government Corruption as a Cause for Diaspora and Political Fragmentation of Communities into Private Membership Associations (PMAs)-Explanation how all societies are based on the civil statutory law as a PMA and what causes them to break apart
  2. Membership in a Specific Class, Status, or Group as a cause for Loss of Rights, (IMPORTANT!), SEDM-The MAIN method that you VOLUNTARILY SURRENDER constitutional protections for your natural rights. Membership is IMPLICIT in all the following civil STATUTORY statuses:
    2.1. “Citizen”
    2.2. “Resident”
    2.3. “Person”
    2.4. “Taxpayer”
    2.5. “Individual”
  3. Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002-the civil secular club that God forbids you from joining or consenting to. That CONSENT is called an “election” by the IRS.
  4. Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037-The civil statutory code is the “membership agreement” for those who consent to join the body politic as a member.
  5. Proof that there is a “Straw Man”, Form #05.042-the legal entity and fiction of law that is created BY consenting or electing to join the “social compact”.
  6. Microsoft copilot: The Effect of Having No Domicile
  7. ChatGPT: Are Income Taxes club dues for a Private Membership Association called “the State”?-A debate with the ChatGPT -3.5 AI chatbot about whether “income taxes” are really just “club dues” for a Private Membership Association called “the State”.

2.3. How to LEAVE and WHY you should leave the modern secular state as a PMA and what to replace it with

  1. Path to Freedom, Form #09.015-our process to leave the modern secular civil state. Mandatory for compliant members.
  2. Hot Issues: Identification and Identity Theft*, SEDM-identification is the method of FORCING you to remain a secular civil social club member. Private identification is evidence you AREN’T a member
  3. Government Corruption, Form #11.401-exhaustive evidence of why and how the modern secular state has become corrupted and must be abandoned
  4. Your Irresponsible, Lawless, and Anarchist Beast Government, Form #05.054-they don’t follow any real laws. They are completely unaccountable. The statutes they do enact only protect PUBLIC property and PUBLIC rights. You must “rent an identity” called a civil statutory “person” and pay your dues, and only then do they actually protect the OFFICE you volunteered for but never you directly. Income tax is the RENT on this civil statutory status, office, and identity
  5. The Problem in Modern Day America-the origin of MOST the problems and corruption in America: consenting to join the civil secular “club” called the “social compact” and thereby be SUBJECT to the rules of that club called the CIVIL STATUTORY LAW.
  6. The REAL Social Compact, Form #08.030-The DEFAULT CIVIL club you are a member of unless you opt out.
  7. Self Government Federation: Articles of Confederation, Form #13.002 -our plan for how to form your own PMA that is based on the organic and existing laws of this country but fixes all the problems we are aware of

2.4. Legal status and characteristics of people who have left the Modern Secular State as a PMA

  1. Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025-legal characteristics of COMPLETE and PERFECT separation of you from the civil secular state
  2. Are You an “Idiot”?, SEDM-what to call yourself if you DIDN’T make an “election” that gave the IRS an “ERECTION”
  3. Non-Resident Non-Person Position, Form #05.020-detailed description of a NON-MEMBER of the civil social compact
  4. “Freedom Paradise”-An example of a modern group that is ENTIRELY a PMA and does not consent to the civil secular social compact. This is also the SEDM theme song and theme video.
  5. Delegation of Authority Order from God to Christians, Form #13.007-the “club rules” and membership club that you join by LEAVING the civil secular social club if you are a believer.
  6. Bible Book of Nehemiah-story of the Israelites, who legally separated from modern secular society to form their own theocracy

2.5 . How to Implement a PMA

  1. Authorities on Membership (IMPORTANT!), SEDM. Index of resources on this site dealing with membership. CIVIL STATUTORY “citizens”, for instance, are members.
  2. Your Exclusive Right to Declare or Establish Your Civil Status, Form #13.008-A description of the origin of the right to form a PMA
  3. SEDM Member Agreement, Form #01.001-our PRIVATE Membership Association (PMA) agreement.
  4. An answer to a question by a member on how to form your own PMA
  5. PMAs and the Social Compact, Form #03.031-an explanation by the ChatGPT-4 Ai Chatbot how to implement a PMA that removes the government CIVILLY from your life and why the Social Compact they implement is in fact a PMA.

2.6. Organizations that are implemented as a PMA

  1. GoldCare (OFFSITE LINK) -Founded by Dr. Simone Gold, who is an MD and a JD. She is also founder of America’s Frontline Doctors. Provides cost effective UNREGULATED healthcare to those who can’t afford conventional healthcare. Below are links you can watch where she appeared on Youtube:
    1.1. Joni Table talk Show 6/25/23
    1.2. Infowars Appearance

3. Offsite Resources

  1. Self
    1.1 Health, Safety, and Emergency Preparedness, Family Guardian Fellowship
    1.2 Media and Intelligence, Family Guardian Fellowship
  2. Family
    2.1 Family Law, Dating, Marriage, and Divorce, Family Guardian Fellowship
    2.2 Family Issues, Family Guardian Fellowship
    2.3 Parenting Topic, Family Guardian Fellowship
  3. Church
    3.1 Spirituality Topic, Family Guardian Fellowship
  4. Local Self-Governance
    4.1 Law and Government Topic, Family Guardian Fellowship
    4.2 Politics Topic, Family Guardian Fellowship
    4.3 Activism Topic, Family Guardian Fellowship

4. Third Party Measures of Individual Freedom

The following resources compare personal freedom between various political entities

  1. Freedom in the 50 States (OFFSITE LINK) -Cato Institute. This study is skewed, because it places SINFUL behaviors in the FREEDOM category. This includes
    1.1. Tobacco Freedom (smoking)
    1.2. Gambling Freedom (sinful and addictive)
    1.3. Marriage Freedom (gay marriage)
    1.4. Cannabis and Salvia Freedom (drug use)
    1.5. Alcohol Freedom (drinking)
    The above are why Texas is listed almost last in freedom, even though if you remove the sinful behaviors above, they would probably be fires. A liberal probably runs the above website and wants to slander free states. They ought to provide a tool on their site to filter out sinful or harmful activities from the freedom calculations.
  2. Free Speech Index (OFFSITE LINK)-Institute for Free Speech
  3. Freedom in the World (OFFSITE LINK) -Freedom House
  4. Index of Economic Freedom (OFFSITE LINK) -Heritage Foundation
  5. Economic Freedom of the World (OFFSITE LINK) -Fraser Institute
  6. Economic Freedom of the World (OFFSITE LINK)-Cato Institute

5. Why Society is Not Able to Govern Itself and Therefore Falling Apart

The approaches on this page are designed to fight all of the following phenomenon:

  1. Low birth rate is creating labor shortages in the job market.
  2. Premarital sex is producing children out of wedlock.
  3. Abortion necessitated by fornication and premarital sex is killing the next generation. This is causing labor shortages in low end jobs.
  4. Homosexuality is removing people from the heterosexual child producing pool, lowering birth rates yet more.
  5. Open borders:
    5.1 Immigrants depress wages for low earners because of more competition with illegals.
    5.2 Strain city budgets to provide services.
  6. The job market is shifting. College degrees are no longer as useful as they used to be.
  7. There is a MASSIVE rate of retirement for baby boomers. When they leave the workforce, they stop paying into the system and start receiving government benefits. This puts DOUBLE pressure on government spending and revenue and massively increases deficits. 10K baby boomers PER DAY are now leaving the workforce and retiring.
  8. Massive federal deficits are contributing to high inflation and ever increasing tax rates.
  9. Marriage rate is going down among young people because student loan defaults destroy credit rating to buy a house or start a family or even get your first job.
  10. Divorce rate is skyrocketing.
    10.1 People over 50 are getting divorced at a MUCH higher rate, thus increasing the demand on housing when there is already a shortage.
    10.2 Because of this, the majority of children are now raised in single parent homes with inadequate role models, that then makes them less able to form their own stable family.
  11. High tax rates have made the single breadwinner family with a stay at home mom virtually impossible, thus causing children to lack adult supervision because both of their parents are at work. This causes them to be raised by TV and social media and get poor role models.
  12. Social media is polarizing America so that the spirit of compromise that makes politics possible is eliminated. This causes gridlock in the government so nothing can get done.
  13. Political parties, Democrat and Republican, no longer serve the mainstream. There are more independents than both Democrats and Republicans combined, and reaching a consensus among Independents is especially difficult. We need a third mainstream political party so that Independents will have a voice.
  14. Mainstream media has lost its roots in journalism and become an advocate for specific political causes. This causes Americans to tune them out, and thus make voters LESS informed when they go to the polls.
  15. Corporations are outsourcing low end jobs overseas, making work more difficult to find.
  16. Artificial Intelligence is replacing some knowledge workers.
  17. Fast food outlets are replacing their staff with automation to increase their profits.
  18. Too many tatoos or piercing make people unemployable.

Within science, there is a law of thermodynamics called “The law entropy”, which says that in any created system, disorder and decay will always increase. The above list constitute indisputable examples of this law playing out within civil society. The above symptoms of entropy can only get worst when God is removed from any society and animal instincts (works of the flesh) replace Him.

The above list also describes a horrible world. Hardly one worth bringing children into. Unless, of course, they have a way to LEAVE it civilly.

Hence: Non-Resident Non-Person (Form #05.020) all the way!

If you the reader have children, we hope you will take your children down the Non-Resident road, or they are doomed to a life of servitude and slavery to legal ignorance. The Declaration of Independence makes it your DUTY to do so, by the way.


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