REBUTTAL: How NOT to Handle a Traffic Stop According to a Government PSYCHOPATH
This article examines the content of a video commentary on a recent violent traffic stop between police in Utah and a so-called “sovereign citizen”. The narrator is Dr. Todd Grande, who produces lots of videos about highly dysfunctional people and even celebrities. The commentary is what we call “pseudo-scientific” because although he does provide links to his references, all the references are sensational media sources that are completely untrustworthy. There is no law, science, or statistics behind any of his commentary so although he claims to be a doctor, he certainly isn’t exercising any degree of the scientific method and really only seems to be interested in producing “click bait” to satisfy and attract a disinformed and misinformed audience that he can earn Youtube advertising revenue from. You can contact him at:
Below is the video, followed by our commentary on the commentary of the narrator.
Dr. Grande does bring up just a few good points that everyone on this site should heed about how to handle a traffic stop:
- Don’t put provocative license plates on your car that attract attention. This was the reason for the stop initially, in fact.
- If you present ID, DO NOT say “that is not me” like the driver did. The driver handed the police a passport and said “that’s not me”. Our approach instead is to hand them PRIVATE ID that acts as a franchise against the police preventing them from using it for commercial purposes. See:
Private Identification Card, Form #06.034 - Don’t carry a gun in your car that is visible to the police. The driver had a holster on his right hip next to the seat belt release, which was REALLY stupid.
- Announce to the police at the start of the confrontation whether there IS or is NOT a weapon in the vehicle. This will put them much more at ease.
- Don’t threaten the police. You put them on a defensive posture that makes them much more likely to be violent if they think you are unpredictable or antagonistic.
- He talked to the police. That’s a horrible idea. We don’t even think it’s necessary to talk to them if you hand them the following free form on our site. See:
Police/Terry Stop Handout, Form #09.078 - Demand proof of probable cause or “reasonable articulable suspicion” BEFORE the conversation proceeds further. Without probable cause, the stop has to end. Don’t merely say as he did: You don’t have any authority. That’s merely a presumption you have an obligation to prove to the jury later by asking them their probable cause.
- Don’t draw attention to yourself in court. This sovereignty advocate had appeared in traffic court five months earlier to help a friend, and thus drew attention to himself that probably later lead to this traffic altercation.
- When the officer asks you to do something, ask them again: What is your probable cause? Don’t just say NO as this neophyte and unfortunate fatality did.
- The driver was agitated and argumentative. BE CALM and rational and talk slowly. Agitation can be a sign of irrationality and even mental illness.
On the OTHER hand, Dr. Grande destroyed his credibility by:
- Not identifying up front whether his commentary on this situation was subsidized by any government to skew its content. That’s essential.
- Not identifying his credentials to even discuss the subject in order to ascertain his degree of objectivity. That made him just another idiot talking head to be ignored.
- Saying the driver resisted lawful commands. He never actually established they were lawful. He PRESUMED they were lawful, but if there was no probable cause, they were UNLAWFUL.
- Talking about LAW while appearing to know nothing about it. The basis for sovereignty advocacy is CIVICS and the study of law, both of which involve a great degree of legal knowledge and even EMPATHY for our fellow man. He demonstrated NO EMPATHY toward why people might be offended by a government for VIOLATION of law. He couldn’t go there because legally speaking, he was what the soviets called a “useful government idiot” who never learned law in the public fool/school academy.
- Using the term “sovereign citizen” without even defining what it means. That made him a SLANDERER and a purveyor of disinformation. If he was a REAL “doctor” and “scientist” and not simply a sophist, he would have STARTED his discussion with an ACTIONABLE definition. Just so you know, we have never actually seen an accurate or complete definition of a “sovereign citizen” that could be used in court. The closest thing we have seen to this is the case of Walby v. United States, 144 Fed.Cl. 1 (2019) and they did a HORRIBLE job. See:
Court DEFINES what a “sovereign citizen” is and PROVES that SEDM Does not Advocate that Status, SEDM - At 7:00, essentially creating his OWN definition of “sovereign citizen” that is not universally or even scientifically defined by characterizing them as:
6.1 Anti government instead of simply being against UNLAWFUL government actions. There is a BIG difference between these two. He never even addressed any aspect of why contemporary governments are breaking laws. We have gigabytes of proof on this site that they ARE.
6.2 Subject to magical thinking.
6.3 People who think they cannot be “governed”. He conflates governing CIVILLY with governing CRIMINALLY as being the same. They absolutely are NOT. The only thing police can do is CRIMINALLY govern and never get involved with ANY degree of CIVIL government because it then violates the police powers delegated to the government and they are acting outside their authority.
6.4 Equivocating about when consent is required. It is required for CIVIL matters but not CRIMINAL matters. By conflating these two contexts, he becomes a SOPHIST trying to unfairly advantage the GOVERNMENT at the expense of those who simply want to NOT be governed by the CIVIL statutory law by avoiding domicile as a national and not an alien. See:
Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002
6.5 Having a belief there is no legitimate government. In fact, there IS to the extent that they stay within the confines of “natural law”, only enforce the criminal law and common law, and offer people an INFORMED choice about whether they want a domicile and the rights they give up by PROCURING one with their consent. See:
SEDM Disclaimer, Section 4.31: Natural Law
Self Government Federation: Articles of Confederation, Form #13.002
6.6 Anarchists who believe they can do anything they want. That’s garbage. We believe that everyone is subject to the criminal law and the common law whether they want to or not, that there is NOT moral justification for injuring others under ANY circumstance, civilly or criminally. However, it is not up to the state to administratively or civilly enforce where there is no injured party or where they do not even have to PROVE an injury in court BEFORE they enforce. That is a usurpation.
6.7 People who think no one has no authority over them. We believe GOD and His Law has authority over us, whether we consent or not. See:
The Laws of God, SEDM
6.8 People who engage in fraud and don’t pay their taxes. In fact, its fraudulent to claim to be a “U.S. citizen” as the Internal Revenue Code defines it and to misrepresent your civil status on a tax return in doing so. See:
Why It’s a Crime for a Private American National to File a 1040 Income Tax Return, Form #08.021
Proof that American Nationals are Nonresident Aliens, Form #09.081
6.9 Don’t purchase automobile insurance. We would LOVE to be able to purchase it. Insurance companies won’t offer it to those who are unlicensed.
6.10 Don’t want driver licenses. We don’t object to “driver licenses” so long as no biometric information is collected, not data is shared outside the DMV, and nothing is “bundled” with the license like DOMICLE, registering to vote, military draft, Social Security, Child support enforcement, etc. All such bundling we call “weaponization of government”. See:
SEDM Disclaimer, Section 4.30: Weaponization of Government
6.11 Frequently breaking the law. That’s equivocation. The civil statutory law is a compact or contract and a franchise. Franchise require consent and that consent comes with a voluntary domicile. Breaking the CIVIL franchise provisions is not “breaking the law” because anything that acquires the “force of law” by our consent is NOT “law” as legally defined. See:
What is “law”?, Form #05.048
6.12 Suffer from delusions. Dr. Grande has such delusions to think that CIVIL STATUTORY authority can exist WITHOUT consent in some form. The fact that he appears not to have studied law makes him “gullible” as he calls it, to this delusion. See:
Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003
Hot Issues: Invisible Consent*, SEDM
6.13 Suffer from schizophrenia. Those who are punished and abused by the COLLECTIVE for refusing to JOIN the collective as a statutory citizen, resident, or person in exercise of their First Amendment right might at first glance appear to be anti-social and withdraw from society. However, in doing so, they are exercising their right to CIVILLLY disassociate and to be entitled to “justice” as legally defined, which means the right to simply be LEFT alone from a CIVIL STATUTORY perspective. James Madison in the Federalist Papers said the MAIN purpose of government is JUSTICE, and justice is legally defined as the right to be left alone. Anyone such as Dr. Grande who appears NOT to support the idea of being able to CIVILLY disassociate and receive justice is DEFINITELY “mentally ill”. See:
What is “justice”?, Form #05.050
6.14 Have “elevated gullibility”. Dr. Grande has that, because he obviously either hasn’t studied law or at least isn’t interested in applying it to this analysis. He just PRESUMES that everything the government does is “lawful”. That’s what he calls “magical thinking” in the video.
6.15 Don’t have an appreciation for sarcasm, wit, or any type of humor. This site is FILLED with humor.
6.16 Exhibiting narcissistic behavior, thinking they are a “nation unto themselves”. We don’t believe that at all. They expect only justice and the right to CIVILLY disassociate while at the same time being subject to the common law and criminal law just like everyone else.
6.17 Inventing legal terminology that allows them to escape responsibility for criminal behavior. But all the scenarios he uses are CIVIL and not CRIMINAL. What an IDIOT!
6.18 Trying to escape responsibility using lower case letters. We don’t advocate avoiding responsibility for supporting oneself. Only to avoid the civil statutory legal obligations attached to the VOLUNTARY civil offices of “person”, “citizen”, and “resident”, which is our RIGHT. See:
Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037
Proof That There is a “Straw man”, Form #05.042
6.19 Believing in “conspiracy theories”. We don’t believe in any of these. Members are REQUIRED to not believe anything they haven’t verified for themselves with evidence.
6.20 Believing that the present government is de facto. It is at least from a CIVIL perspective and here is the proof:
De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.024 - He says the police should have approached this traffic stop as a mental health crisis. In fact, it was probably a case of stalking that began when he had appeared in traffic court five months earlier to draw attention to himself in the law enforcement community. We call this “selective enforcement”. How do you react to stalkers when the government is the stalker? Doesn’t this violate the notion of legal “Justice” (Form #05.050), which is the right to simply be left alone?
- He says the “sovereign citizen” community doesn’t like anyone. That’s ridiculous. This website is based on God and His Laws, and he loves EVERYONE. To attack us for exercising our First Amendment right of association and right to practice our religion by saying we hate everyone is SLANDER! See:
Problems with Atheistic Anarchism, Form #08.020
Video - He says we are very difficult to communicate with. We WELCOME factual feedback commentary on the accuracy of all of our materials. As a matter of fact, our Member Agreement, Form #01.001 requires such feedback as an OBLIGATION of membership in our site. Further, we ONLY have over 12K active members and many more daily visitors. Do you think that is even realistically possible among those who are “difficult to communicate with”? Get a life, dude.
In short, it appears that he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself and his own convenience. All the narcissistic personalities he describes in his sensational Youtube content have narcissism and no empathy in common. The least he could have done in this video is show more empathy for the “sovereign citizens” by trying to understand WHY they might act and feel the way they do, whether there really is a scientific explanation for their approach, and whether the government really does deserve NOT to be trusted. Because he didn’t, we have a narcissist who has made an immoral living out of describing other people who are ALSO narcissists, but even more so than HIMSELF.
You, Mr. Grande, attack mere infants as far as their progress in learning the field of law. They use self-invented illogical vocabulary mainly because of the legal VACUUM of law education in the public schools. Whose fault is it that NO ONE in grammar school, high school, and even college is ALLOWED to learn real law, which is founded on biblical law we might add, if only licensed attorneys and legal professions who are part of a literal legal priesthood are allowed to know ANYTHING about it anymore? This legal vacuum is no accident. Its a third rail issue designed to protect criminal activity of a legal cartel. Below is what the head of that illegal cartel has to say about his plans, Mr. Grande.
Devil’s Advocate: What We Are Up Against, SEDM
Do you as a psychologist call babies crazy for using their own language or for lacking your or the legal profession’s legal skills? NO! You talk in “age appropriate” sentences using empathy, and take into account their cognitive progress. Why do you apply different standards to adults learning a completely censored subject who are early in their cognitive development in learning legal skills? The reason you don’t is because if you really had any psychological skills, you would have a real clinical practice and a real job instead making click bait that slanders others for at least trying to take the “social responsibility” that you yourself avoid and even criticize them for not having. If you’d stop accepting government subsidies to skillfully avoid discussing the following issues, then you’d really be of service to the public instead of merely pretending to be:
Third Rail Government Issues, Form #08.032
Where is YOUR sense of “social responsibility” that you falsely accuse “sovereign citizens” of NOT having, Mr. Grande? We REMIND you that a HUGE focus of this website is CIVICS, which is the study of the very social responsibility that you yourself do not appear to have towards ALL people and only have towards what appear to be your government benefactors. You don’t even appear to realize that you ARE in fact “privileged” as a participant in their franchises in a way that clouds your judgment and produces the mental illness called the “Dunning-Kruger Effect”. See:
Secular Praise of the Main Virtue of Christianity: HUMILITY, SEDM
Blind leading the blind is what we have here. You need a REAL shrink, which is God (the ONLY true “sovereign”) and His LAW AND WORD, which is how He talks to you. Solving moral problems within society in a spiritual, secular legal, and even theological vacuum like you are trying to do has to be the very definition of insanity in OUR book, which is the Bible.
We conclude our analysis with the same language Mr. Grande used used at the end of his video:
“Even a law hating alien in relation to God (Eph. 4:17-24) who refuses to even apply secular or theological legal or moral principles to GOVERNMENT MADNESS and dysfunction (and therefore appears to be from the Kingdom of Hell) possessing the clear intent of sending a bill for producing their slanderous videos to the government corporation (Form #05.024) yet pretends to be operating independently would probably not be accepted into the domicile of the Kingdom of Heaven or EVER accept Jesus as their only King. Anarchists are not welcome in The Sovereign Kingdom Heaven ruled by King Jesus, who rules BOTH the Heavens AND this Earth right here and right now. Rev. 2:12-17“
For the legal basis for the above, see:
Authorities on why we must PERSONALLY learn, follow, and enforce man’s law and God’s law
He talks about “sovereign citizens” believing in “alien lizard people”. Well, there is absolutely no difference between that alleged unrealistic belief and his apparent belief that the we have a righteous, lawful government that is entirely beyond reproach and could not possibly be “de facto” as many freedom lovers believe. The evidence to the contrary is absolutely overwhelming and ultimately proves that our present government is completely anarchistic and lawless just like he falsely alleges that freedom lovers are lawless:
- Government Corruption, Form #11.401
- Your Irresponsible, Lawless, and Anarchist Beast Government, Form #05.054
- De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.043
We posted a link to this article under the above video. He also PROVED he is a government mole by censoring it.
If you the reader would like to look at more evidence that the only goal of this JACKASS government propagandist is lying to you about what sovereignty means, see:
- Policy Document: Rebutted False Arguments About Sovereignty, Form #08.018
- Rebutted False Arguments About Sovereignty in the News, Form #08.027
- Policy Document: Answers to Press Questions About Sovereignty Advocacy, Form #08.019
- Proof that American Nationals are Nonresident Aliens, Form #09.081
- Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030
- Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent, Form #05.002
- Government Corruption, Form #11.401
For information useful in AVOIDING the violent confrontation described in this video, see:
- Handling a Police Traffic Stop, Form #09.083
- Sovereignty for Police Officers, Form #12.022
Video - Defending Your Right to Travel, Form #06.010
- Police/Terry Stop Handout, Form #09.078
A psychiatrist has the following to say about Dr. Grande:
On 1/12/23, we sent Mr. Todd Grande the following email:
Dear sir, We recently viewed the following video on your Youtube channel: Were Police Justified in Killing Sovereign Citizen During Traffic Stop? | Chase Allen Case Analysis We are not “sovereign citizens” and we don’t even know what that means, quite frankly. We don’t approve of what Chase Allen did and he handled it poorly. After viewing the above video, we did our own analysis of your commentary and the video you provided and submitted a link to it under the comments section of the above video, which was unsurprisingly censored from publication. We are therefore sending you a link so you can view our article on your commentary: How NOT to Handle a Traffic Stop According to a Government PSYCHOPATH, SEDM If you have any decency, we’d appreciate uncensoring our submission of a link to the above article under the comments section of your video. If you would like to discuss our commentary, we would be happy to discuss this with you on a web conference, provided that you agree not to publish any portion of it on your site. Let us know. Further, we just published our approved version of how to do a much better, non-violent job at a traffic stop than Chase Allen seemed capable. Handling a Police Traffic Stop Course, Form #09.083 We welcome any constructive commentary on the content of the above. We further wish you will stop NEEDLESSLY slandering our community with one-sided, nonfactual sensational click bait you can earn money on. This communication is privileged. Disclosure to any government entity is protected by the following franchise agreement: Blessings, SEDM |
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